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The Intelligent


Keeping Your Cool in the Hot

Bob DuBois, MA, CPC, SPHR
Remedy Intelligent Staffing

Sunrise Solutions, Inc.

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Among the conversations you are likely to have across your lifetime, the interview stands out as
one of the most important. Your career and dream job with a target employer often depends
upon your performance during this conversation.
Your resume is often the ticket to winning an opportunity to have this conversation. The target
employer invites you to have this conversation because they saw something in your resume that
interested them. Now, its your turn to step beyond the paper and show them your strengths.
However, not unlike the feelings you might experience after your dream person accepts an
invitation for a date, you are nervous and edgy. You ask yourself:

What should I wear?

What are they going to ask me?
What will I say?
How should I act?

The best way to overcome these fears is to prepare. You can control some aspects of an
interview. This booklet focuses on strategies and helpful tips that will enable you to interview
with confidence.

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Before the Interview

From the moment your target employer invites you to interview to the moment you walk in the
target employers door, you have many important tasks to complete. The manner and degree to
which you complete these tasks are directly related to how well you will perform in the
interview. These critical tasks include:
Get the Facts of the Interview Up Front
When the invitation to interview comes, ask for the specific details up front, including:

Where the interview will occur and at what time

Where should you park
Who will interview you (name, job title correct spelling and pronunciation)
What is the interview format
How long is the interview expected to last
If travelling, what are the arrangements

Research the Organization

Hopefully, your research on the organization is not just beginning. However, now that you have
an interview, it is key that you review and extend your earlier research so that you feel
comfortable sharing your knowledge of the target employer.
Key things to learn include:

What are the employers mission, values and key objectives?

What are its products?
Who are its customers?
How are they unique in the industry?
What key initiatives are underway?
How is the employer structured?
Where are they located?
Who is the CEO?
Are they public or private?
If public, hows the stock doing?
What do they look for in good employees?

Thankfully, the Internet is an excellent source for the answers to many of these questions. At a
minimum, you should review the employers web site (if they have one), their last annual report,
and recent financial analyst research reports (for public firms). You may also contact the local
Chamber of Commerce or check out relevant trade journals, magazines (e.g., Business Week)
and business indexes (e.g., Hoovers Business Index, Dun and Bradstreet).

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Other key tasks include:

9 If possible, check out the companys products and services.
9 Check your network to see if you can learn anything from company insiders.
Research Your Job Fit
Review all of the information you have about the target employer and job, including the original
job postings, prior written communications, and the results of your research. Carefully match
your qualifications to the job.
A good idea is to make a table with two columns: (1) what the job requires and (2) what I offer.
For each requirement, try to identify as many accomplishments as you can that demonstrate your
If the job posting or advertisement provides hints about some of the key position objectives,
particularly near-term projects, now is the time to plan how you might accomplish these goals.
You could really impress an employer if you can detail the steps you would take right away to
meet their needs.
Your research should help you prepare to answer these questions:
9 What are your transferable skills and abilities and how can these skills meet the employers
needs? What problems can you solve for the employer?
9 What personal traits and experiences distinguish you from other job candidates?
9 What accomplishments show that you are not just an average worker and that you possess eht
key skills and other characteristics that are key to the target job and the companys mission?
9 In what areas is your match to the job weak (or less than that of potential competitor
candidates)? How can you offset these weaknesses and turn them into strengths?
9 How will you approach and complete key projects that encompass this job?
Anticipate and Review Possible Questions
Using the results of your research in steps 3 and 4, anticipate questions that the employer may
ask during the interview. Typically, you will be asked the following types of questions:
9 Resume Walk-Through Questions
Using your resume as a guide, the employer will ask you to review your work history one
job-at-a-time. During this review, the employer will ask specific questions about your
responsibilities and accomplishments at each job. You will also likely be asked why you left
each firm. The employer may also ask about your job-related education and other sections of
your resume.

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9 Behavioral or Work Sample Questions

Using the job requirements as a guide, the employer will ask behavioral questions to demand
that you prove that you possess critical skills and traits necessary for effective job
performance and organizational fit (in their opinion). You will likely be asked specific
questions that require you to reflect on situations you will likely face on the target job. You
will need to be ready to share specific situations from your past and reflect on hypothetical
situations you may encounter on the job.
Sample Behavioral Questions
9 Describe a situation in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince
someone to see things your way.
9 Describe a time when you were faced with a stressful situation that demonstrated your coping
9 Give me a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a
9 Give me an example of a time when you set a goal and were able to meet or achieve it.
9 Tell me about a time when you had to use your presentation skills to influence someone's
9 Give me a specific example of a time when you had to conform to a policy with which you
did not agree.
9 Please discuss an important written document you were required to complete.
9 Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get a
job done.
9 Tell me about a time when you had too many things to do and you were required to prioritize
your tasks.
9 Give me an example of a time when you had to make a split second decision.
9 What is your typical way of dealing with conflict? Give me an example.
9 Tell me about a time you were able to successfully deal with another person even when that
individual may not have personally liked you (or vice versa).
9 Tell me about a difficult decision you've made in the last year.
9 Give me an example of a time when something you tried to accomplish and failed.
9 Give me an example of when you showed initiative and took the lead.
9 Tell me about a recent situation in which you had to deal with a very upset customer or coworker.
9 Give me an example of a time when you motivated others.
9 Tell me about a time when you delegated a project effectively.
9 Give me an example of a time when you used your fact-finding skills to solve a problem.
9 Tell me about a time when you missed an obvious solution to a problem.
9 Describe a time when you anticipated potential problems and developed preventative
9 Tell me about a time when you were forced to make an unpopular decision.
9 Please tell me about a time you had to fire a friend.
9 Describe a time when you set your sights too high (or too low).

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Behavior-based interviewing is built on the premise that past behavior predicts future behavior.
To be successful using a behavior-based approach, you must have analyzed your experiences and
know how to relate them to the current position the company is seeking to fill. Use the S.T.A.R.
approach to answer questions.
The S.T.A.R. Answer
The S.T.A.R. answer states a Situation or Task you were given describes the Action you took
and explains the Results of that action.
Situation or Task: Describe the situation that you were in or the task that you needed to
accomplish. You must describe a specific event or situation, not a generalized description of
what you have done in the past. Be sure to give enough detail for the interviewer to understand.
This situation can be from a previous job, from a volunteer experience, or any relevant event.
Action: Describe the action you took and be sure to keep the focus on you. Even if you are
discussing a group project or effort, describe what you did -- not the efforts of the team. Don't
tell what you might do, tell what you did.
Results: What happened? How did the event end? What did you accomplish? What did you
9 Weakness Questions
Using your resume as a guide, some employers will key in on areas where your skills may be
less than others (or the posted job requirements) and try to test your proficiency and see if
they can scare you off the job. Be prepared to counter likely weaknesses with illustrations
that show you have the core skills and personal characteristics that are critical to effective job
performance. If you were fired from a job, be prepared to discuss what you learned from the
situation without giving excuses or badmouthing a prior employer.
9 Traditional Questions
Using their own instinct as a guide, the employer representatives will ask broad open-ended
questions that require you to think on your feet and sell yourself. For example, most
employers will want to know why you want the job and why you want to work for them.
9 Stress and Problem Solving Questions
Some employers are now testing the waters by asking more difficult problem solving
questions or questions that place the candidate under stress. It is even possible that events
could be staged during the interview to see how you would react. For example, two
interviewers could pretend to argue on an issue and look to see how you react. An interview
could even attempt to start an argument or irritate you. Some ask riddles that appear
unrelated to the job just to see how you think on the spot.

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Sample Traditional Questions

9 What are your long range and short range goals and objectives?
9 What specific goals other than those related to your occupation, have you established for
yourself for the next ten years?
9 What do you see yourself doing five years from now? Ten years from now?
9 What do you really want to do in life?
9 What are your long-range career objectives?
9 How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
9 What are the most important rewards you expect in your business career? What do you
expect to be earning in five years?
9 Which is more important to you, the money or the type of job?
9 What do you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
9 How would you describe yourself?
9 How do you think a friend or colleague who knows you well would describe you?
9 What motivates you to put forth you greatest effort?
9 Why should I hire you?
9 What qualifications do you have that make you think that you will be successful in business?
How do you determine or evaluate success?
9 What do you think it takes to be successful in a company like ours?
9 In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our company?
9 What qualities should a successful manager possess?
9 Describe the relationship that should exist between the supervisor and those reporting to him
or her?
9 What two or three accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction? Why?
9 Why did you select your college or university?
9 What led you to choose you field or major study? What college subject did you like best?
Why? Do you have plans for continued study? An advanced degree?
9 Do you think that your grades are an indication of your academic achievement?
9 Why did you decide to seek a position in this company?
9 What do you know about our company?
9 What two or three things are most important to you in your job?
9 Are you seeking employment in a company of a certain size? Why?
9 What criteria are you using to evaluate the company for which you hope to work?
9 Do you have a geographic preference? Why?
9 Will you relocate? Does relocation bother you?
9 Are you willing to travel? Are you willing to spend at least six months as a trainee? W
9 Why do you think you might like to live in the community in which our company is located?
9 What major problem have you encountered and how did you deal with it?
9 What have you learned from your mistakes?
Each question you may be asked gives you an opportunity to illustrate your favorable
characteristics. When responding, focus on subjects related to the job. For example, if asked to
describe yourself, talk about your professional characteristics and background, not your personal

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Some questions, such as those about hobbies or interests, may seem irrelevant. Interviewers ask
these questions to learn more about your personality and interpersonal skills. Use these
questions to further highlight your strengths. Participating in a sport may demonstrate
teamwork; doing needlepoint may highlight your attention to detail; playing chess may illustrate
your critical thinking skills.
Your goal is not to memorize answers to possible questions. Instead, your goal is to become
comfortable speaking about yourself, particularly your job-related experiences,
accomplishments, training and personal characteristics.
Develop Questions to Ask the Employer
Think ahead and identify the key questions you want to ask the employer. Keep in mind, the
interview is a two-way conversation. Like a first date, both parties (the employer and you) are
evaluating your fit. An employer anticipates that you will have questions. In addition, your
questions can help to further sell your job-related skills. Come up with interesting, thoughtprovoking questions that will make the interviewer(s) believe that you are sincerely interested in
the organizations future and your work there.
Ideally it is best to have the interviewer initiate discussion on salary range and benefits. Before
the interview you will want to research salary and benefits for the position you are interviewing
so you can have a range in mind if the interviewer asks. Otherwise, wait for a firm offer to begin
discussion about exact salary and the benefits package. If salary and benefits are brought up, you
want to convey flexibility. The best time to discuss salary is after you have been offered the job.
Questions you should not ask include:

What can you do for me?

Questions that reveal insecurities, such as questions phrased in terms of job security.
Questions that reveal weaknesses. (Will I have to meet a lot of deadlines?)
Questions asked in a confrontational tone.
Questions demonstrating you failed to listen to earlier information.

Questions you may ask include:


Can you describe a typical day for someone in this position?

What is the top priority of the person who accepts this job?
What are the day-to-day expectations and responsibilities of this job?
How will my leadership responsibilities and performance be measured? And by whom? How
Can you describe the companys management style?
Can you discuss your take on the companys corporate culture?
What are the companys values?
How would you characterize the management philosophy of this organization? Of your

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What is the organizations policy on transfers to other divisions or other offices?

Who would supervise me?
Are lateral or rotational job moves available?
Does the organization support ongoing training and education for employees to stay current
in their fields?
What do you think is the greatest opportunity facing the organization in the near future? The
biggest threat?
Why did you come to work here? What keeps you here?
How is this department perceived within the organization?
Is there a formal process for advancement within the organization?
What are the traits and skills of people who are the most successful within the organization?
What do you like most about working for this company?

Practice the Interview

Take time before the interview to practice responding to possible interview questions. Ask
friends and relatives to serve as interviewers.
Prepare for Success
Failure is near certain if you dress inappropriately, arrive late, or arrive unprepared. Before the
interview it is imperative that you:
1. Identify and prepare what you will wear. Be sure your clothes are clean and pressed and
that your shoes are polished. If you smoke, do everything possible to keep your clothes from
smelling like smoke.
2. Prepare high-quality laser prints of your resume on 100% cotton, white or ivory, 20-24
pound paper. Be sure to have plenty of copies so that every interviewer can have a copy.
Keep the resumes in a clean, professional folder.
3. Prepare a high-quality and job-related reference document. Make copies to share if
asked about references or when the time is right.
4. Identify relevant work samples to share during the interview. Include them in a clean,
professional binder or portfolio.
5. Conduct a test drive. Travel to the employer to verify the time needed to make the drive
and to be comfortable with directions.
6. Clean your car. Be sure your car is clean and waxed. Vacuum and clean the inside. Add a
pleasant fragrance (particularly if you smoke). Empty and clean the ash tray. Remove any
bumper stickers, flags, or other items that may offend some employers.
7. Clean up yourself. Get a haircut. Shave. Trim and clean your nails. Clean your ears.

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8. Have a professional pen and pocket planner or Palm Pilot (or similar device) ready. Do
not bring your cellular phone or pager into the interview.
9. Eat a light, safe meal the night before. Get a good nights sleep the day before the
interview. Avoid drinking coffee or other drinks or eating food that may stain your teeth or
cause bad breath before the interview. Brush your teeth just before you leave for the
interview. Use mouthwash and wash your face and hands.
10. Be sure you have everything with you at the interview that you may need to complete an
employment application. You may be asked to do so before or after the interview.
Dressing for Success Guidelines
In one major survey 95% of the employers interviewed said a job seeker's personal appearance
affected the employer's opinion of that applicant's suitability for a job.


Solid color, conservative suit (pressed)

Coordinated blouse (pressed)
Moderate (polished) shoes
Limited jewelry
Neat, professional hairstyle
Tan or light hosiery
Sparse make-up & perfume
Manicured nails
Portfolio or briefcase

Solid color, conservative suit (pressed)

White long sleeve shirt (pressed)
Conservative tie
Dark socks, professional (polished) shoes
Very limited jewelry
Neat, professional hairstyle
Go easy on the after shave
Neatly trimmed, clean nails
Portfolio or briefcase

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The Interview
The day has finally arrived. This is your chance to shine. You are prepared and raring to go.
Personal Interviews
Be sure to arrive at least 10 (preferably 15) minutes before your interview. On your way to the
interview, call to mind some of your happiest memories or proudest moments and listen to
uplifting music. This is not the time to cram for the interview.
Just before you walk in the employers door, check your attire and grooming. Comb your hair.
Check your teeth. Be sure there is no lint on your clothes. Be sure you have your portfolio,
briefcase, or folder. Wipe your shoes on the entry mat.
Walk upright at a professional pace through the door, smile and cheerfully greet the receptionist.
As a gatekeeper, the receptionist is important to you. Be sure to develop a positive rapport with
the receptionist.
Assuming you are asked to wait for the interviewer to come to the lobby and get you, do not get
too comfortable. Carefully look at things in the lobby awards, plaques, product samples you
may learn some last minute information about the company that could help you. If you do sit
down, be sure you are ready to get up and shake the interviewers hand as soon as he or she
Once you arrive at the interview setting, wait until the interviewer directs you to take a seat. Be
sure when you do sit that you use good posture. A typical interview will usually begin with a
firm handshake and a few minutes of "small talk". At this juncture the employer is attempting to
put you at ease and to establish rapport. The employer may also take some time up front to
explain the job in more detail, discuss the company, or initiate friendly conversation.
Even in small talk, you can put your foot in your mouth if you are not careful. If the interviewer
asks, for example, Did you have any trouble finding us? dont rush to tell him that you got
lost or were nearly late, etc. Keep things positive.
Whether it is a screening, phone or selection interview, now the questions will begin. Keep in
mind, the employer has to be on his/her toes. The interviewer has to make you feel comfortable
so they can elicit the best responses from you, ask intelligent questions, remember your answers
and think of the next question. The sooner you seem comfortable and turn the interview into a
conversation, the better it will be for everyone.
While you can't be prepared for every question and every contingency, you have done your
homework and you are ready. Here are a few tips to guide you through the interview:
9 Don't be afraid to be yourself, to let your enthusiasm show. While you want to be your
"Sunday best" self, you don't want to be somebody you are not because they won't be hiring
the person they thought they were. You wouldn't want the organization to misrepresent itself.
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9 Be prepared to answer many of the same questions over and over since you will be meeting
many different people.
9 Avoid words like just and only. Don't minimize what you have done. You didn't just lead a
student group through the rewriting of their constitution; you carefully guided the group.
9 Dont take the interview over. Let the employer guide the interview. Try to speak about
50% of the time. Listen attentively and be sure to answer the question that is asked.
9 Avoid vague answers such as, Im a people person. Instead, describe the specific ways you
demonstrate day-to-day that you are a people person.
9 Don't hang out your dirty laundry. That is, don't volunteer negative information that was not
asked for. For example, you don't need to say you are not familiar with PCs if you are not
asked. If asked, respond honestly but put a positive spin on your response by letting the
interviewer know that you are very comfortable with computers and you are confident that
you will be able to learn their system easily.
9 Dont bad mouth prior employers or anyone for that matter.
9 The corollary is, volunteer positive, relevant information that the interviewer may not have
asked for.
9 There will be tough questions that you didn't expect. If you need a moment to think about
how to respond, take it. You are better off taking 30 seconds, breaking eye contact and
developing a well thought-out response rather than starting, getting to the middle of an
answer and realizing you are giving a poor answer. If you don't respond to a question as well
as you would have liked let it go and move on. Don't keep dwelling on it in your head or else
it will affect the rest of your interview.
9 Avoid using words like um, uh, like, and you know.
9 At meals, avoid ordering messy or expensive foods. Eat a light meal. Do not order alcohol
with your lunch or dinner.
9 Don't smoke (before or during the interview).
9 Sit up, maintain comfortable eye contact (you don't need to stare them down), and above all,
smile and try to be at ease.
9 Watch for behavioral (body language) clues from the interviewer. Beware of giving lengthy
answers and watch for the gotcha look that shows youve answered the question or absent
looks that show you are off track.
9 Relax and connect with the interviewer. The interview is a conversation.

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9 If a question is confusing, ask for clarification.

9 Focus on your strengths, but dont lie.
Finally, the interviewer will pause, take a deep breath, and say, "Do you have any questions for
me?" But you will not be caught off guard because you are well prepared. During the course of
the interview you might also have thought of additional questions to ask besides the ones you
prepared in advance.
Use this portion of the interview to ask open-ended, neutrally phrased questions. Make you
questions relevant to the position for which you are interviewing and specific to the employer's
needs. This is not the time for asking "yes" or "no" questions. Asking about something positive
you've recently learned about the employer is a good way to end this portion of the interview. If
you interview with several different people from the same organization there is nothing wrong
with asking each of them the same or similar questions; it might be interesting to hear the
At the end of the interview, if the interviewer does not give you a sense of when you might be
hearing from him/her, don't hesitate to ask what the next step might be. If you are juggling
interviews and potential offers, it is helpful to know what will be happening next.
Finally, thank the interviewer(s) and if you are interested in the job, let them know.
Bad Habits to Avoid During the Interview
Speaking too softly
Fading out at end of response
Touching face, mouth, scratching head
Chewing gum
Twiddling thumbs
Tapping a pencil or fork
Nose picking
Stretching parts of the body
Cleaning or biting finger nails
Using slang or profanity
Calling the interviewer by his or her first name (unless asked)
Touching things on the interviewer's desk
Twirling in chair
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Phone Interviews
Prepare a quiet, comfortable place for your telephone interview. Be sure to have your resume and
the results of your research in front of you for quick referral.
Answer the phone with a professional greeting. Speak with a smile on your face. Be sure to
speak clearly and at a pace that is easy to listen to.
Be assertive. Ask for a face-to-face interview so you can share samples of your work and meet
the hiring manager(s).
Disable the call waiting feature prior to the call. You do not want to put the interviewer on hold
or hear persistent beeps during your call.

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After the Interview

Interviews themselves can be a stressful and draining process. But, there are some important
things you must do following the interview. Besides saying, "Phew, it's over", here are just a few
things you need to do after the interview.
Write A Thank You Letter
This is a necessary and effective way to thank the employer for their time and consideration.
This may be your last chance to demonstrate to the employer how your skills fit with their
needs. If there were key questions during the interview that you wished you had answered
with additional information, now is the time to do so. If you want the job, ask for it. This
letter should be eMailed (if possible and if there has been prior eMail exchanges before the
interview) and followed up with a card in the mail the same day as the interview (or no later
than the next morning). A separate letter should go to each interviewer.
Key guidelines for a thank you letter include:
9 The letter should be no more than one page. It may be handwritten on a card or word
processed using the same paper and format as your cover letter and resume.
9 Address the letter to the interviewer and be sure to spell the name and title correctly.
9 Paragraph One: Thank the interviewer and express enthusiasm for the job by title. (You
may refresh the interviewers memory by mentioning the date of the interview).
9 Paragraph Two: Briefly sell your skills and qualifications particularly the key areas
that make you a best fit for the job. Address any questions from the interview where you
left out important information.
9 Paragraph Three: Thank the interviewer again. Share your contact information and state
you look forward to hearing from him or her.
9 Be sure you meticulously proof your letter so that it is error free.
9 Mail the letter in a nine by twelve inch white envelope so that it remains flat and wrinkle
Evaluate the Interview
By evaluating the interview, you give yourself the opportunity to learn from your mistakes
and strengths. This is a time to reflect on your interview experience. It is important to ask
yourself how you did. What were some of the strong points of the interview? In what way
could your performance be improved? Feel free to set up a time with the director of career
services to go over the interview and do some additional role-playing.

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Think About Fit

Is this still a place where you would like to work? Were their values in synch with yours?
Did people seem to be enjoying working there? Do not be afraid to take stock of the
organization. You can bet that they are evaluating your performance, so do not be afraid to
do the same with the organization or person who interviewed you. Remember that it is a twoway street.
Do Something Nice for Yourself
The interview itself requires much preparation and work. Winds down by taking some time
to do something you enjoy (reading, exercise, movies, or food). It is a great way to relax after
a hard day's work. You deserve it.

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