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Return to Camp Death

Written by James Gabrielsen
Edited by Steve Segedy
Cover art by James Gabrielsen

This playset is an accessory for the Fiasco role-playing game by Bully
Pulpit Games.
This playset is copyright 2013 by James Gabrielsen. Fiasco is
copyright 2009 by Jason Morningstar. All rights are reserved.
For more information about Fiasco or to download other playsets and
materials, visit
If youd like to create your own playset or other Fiasco-related content,
wed like to help. Write us at

When you play, play hard. Theodore Roosevelt

Never assume the killer is dead...
Last summers massacre at Camp Clearwater rocked Barrow Pines,
casting a pall over our sleepy town. Only when the inconclusive
police investigation and media circus died down and we tried to put
our lives back together did we realize our nightmare had just begun.
Barrow Pines is full of secrets, and the deeper we dig into the
mystery, the more questions we unearth. Those of us who have dared
look have come to one inescapable conclusion: whatever killed all
those people last year is still out there, and it will kill again.
To stop the horror once and for all, we must return to where it all
started. We must return to Camp Death.

Friday the 13th, parts II and III; Scream 2; The Ring; The Blair Witch Project;
Cabin in the Woods

Trainwreck Mode
Return to Camp Death works well as a standalone playset, but its
best when used as a follow-up to the original Camp Death playset
using Trainwreck Mode from Bully Pulpit Games American Disasters.

Stunt dice
Gather the dice for the game as usual, and then replace two white and
two black dice with four stunt dice of a different color. Then roll them
all into a central pile and proceed with the Setup. As usual, only the
numbers matter, so the stunt dice dont change anything yet.
Whenever a player chooses to use a stunt die to resolve a scene during
play, the killer murders a character. NPCs are the easiest to kill this
way, but dont shy away from killing PCs; a murdered PC could
still participate in flashback scenes or turn out to have miraculously
survived after all. Just narrate the killings off camera so neither the
identity of the killer nor the exact fate of the victim is clear.
Stunt dice are counted as neither white nor black and should not be
rolled when calculating the Tilt or the Aftermath.

1 Camp Clearwater
1 Survivors from last summer
2 Haunted survivors from the massacre 20 years ago
3 Hermit and townsfolk
4 Aspiring camp counselor and concerned friend
5 Two who should have been there last year, but somehow werent
6 Investor and former camp administrator

2 Friends
1 Inseparable BFFs
2 Unlikely friends
3 Social rivals
4 Trust-fund wealth and kiss-ass
5 Hipsters
6 Bound by a dark secret

3 Family
1 Deadbeat parent and grown child
2 Identical twins
3 Bitter exes
4 Foster siblings
5 Relatives of the victims
6 Recently discharged war vets

4 Work
1 Police detective and murder suspect
2 Doctor and patient
3 Forest ranger and camper
4 Teacher and student
5 Journalist and anonymous, eye-witness source
6 Private investigator and unwitting subject of investigation

5 Romance
1 Secret lovers
2 Once, while drunk, at a party
3 Admiring from afar
4 Fuck buddies
5 Once mutual lust, now mutual disgust
6 Easy lay and desperate virgin

6 Townsfolk
1 Nosy kids
2 Elderly person and young hooligan
3 Opposing town council members
4 Regulars at the Woodshed Bar
5 Rail yard worker and rail rider
6 Not who they appear to be

...Near Camp Clearwater

1 To kill
1 the monster who started this nightmare
2 those who made you suffer
3 somebodys hope
4 a few brain cells with some backwoods hooch
5 yourself in a way that everyone will remember
6 it at your new job

2 To destroy
1 somebodys reputation; possibly your own
2 Camp Clearwater, by burning it to the ground
3 yourself, with alcohol or anything else that will dull the pain
4 somebodys chances
5 the thing in the police station evidence lockup
6 everything they ever cared about

3 To get revenge
1 on the killer
2 on the one who shot you down in front of everyone
3 on anothers behalf
4 on the one who ripped you off
5 on this entire shithole town
6 by living well despite everything that has happened

4 To escape
1 with the money before anyone realizes its gone
2 before your lies are uncovered
3 your addictions before they destroy you
4 the downward spiral your life has been in
5 civilization and into nature for a while
6 this town before it all starts again, with anyone who will listen

5 To find
1 some friends in this new town
2 a way to convince the town council to let you reopen Camp Clearwater
3 out what is on those medical records
4 your place in history and be remembered forever
5 the source of the evil
6 someone who will believe your story

6 To fuck
1 in the Camp Clearwater lodge
2 to make them jealous
3 anything that moves
4 up someone who desperately deserves it
5 to win a bet
6 over your rival

...Near Camp Clearwater

1 Camp Clearwater
1 Abandoned lodge, still bearing remnants of police investigation
2 Camp administration office
3 Supply shed, secured by a big iron padlock
4 Cabins, rundown from neglect
5 Boathouse and docks
6 Central fire pit

2 Wilderness
1 Lost
2 Rope bridge
3 Small island in the middle of the lake
4 Secluded cave with walls covered in pictograms
5 Hidden, seemingly abandoned shack
6 Small clearing with the remnants of several campfires

3 Barrow Pines High School

1 Administration Office
2 Locker rooms
3 Chemistry lab
4 Sidelines of Budge Memorial Football Field
5 Locked, unmarked door at the end of a dark hallway
6 Secluded corner outside where the stoners hang out

4 BPPD Police Station

1 Jail cells
2 Evidence lockup
3 Detectives Office
4 Secure transport vehicle in the rear parking lot
5 Locked drawer in the police chiefs desk
6 Bail bond office across the street

5 Regional Community Hospital

1 Surgical wing
2 Records room
3 Morgue
4 Room 229
5 Air ambulance helipad on the roof
6 Reception area

6 Around Town
1 Cunningham Food and Drug, the only grocery store in town
2 Rail yard
3 Municipal Library
4 The Woodshed, a dive bar on the edge of town
5 Vickys Diner
6 Kitschy tourist trap

...Near Camp Clearwater

1 Useful
1 Swiss Army pocket knife
2 Key ring with several marked and unmarked keys
3 Foxhole shovel
4 The perfect alibi
5 5-gallon red plastic gasoline canister, freshly topped off
6 Someones secret stash by the camp welcome sign

2 Weapons
1 Well-used wood ax
2 Revolver with the serial number filed off
3 Jug of acrid, backwoods moonshine
4 SLR camera with telephoto lens
5 Secret youre not supposed to know
6 Bouts of violent, blackout rage

3 Embarrassing
1 Failing business
2 Uncontrollable, intermittent sleep walking
3 Economy-size box of condoms
4 Anxiety medication
5 Virginity (and everyone knows it)
6 Unsavory reputation

4 Ominous
1 Crazy drunks incoherent warning
2 Corpses of tortured animals
3 Old, creepy journal
4 Roughly carved occult symbols
5 20-year-old projector reel, found in an unexpected place
6 Rash of unexplained disappearances around town

5 Information
1 Police report from last years massacre
2 Stolen medical case file
3 Rumors among the town youth
4 Scrap of paper with a locker number and combination
5 Anonymous phone call with specific instructions
6 Map of the area with several locations marked

6 Weather
1 Thunderstorm
2 Thick fog
3 Moonless night
4 Heat wave
5 Cold snap
6 Wind storm

...Near Camp Clearwater

A bloody sequel

Relationships near Camp Clearwater
For three players

**Family: Relatives of the victims

**Work: Police detective and murder suspect
**Townsfolk: Regulars at the Woodshed Bar
For four players, add

**Friends: Unlikely friends

For five players, add

**Camp Clearwater: Survivors from last summer

Needs near Camp Clearwater
For three players

**To kill the monster who started this nightmare

For four or five players, add

**To find a way to convince the town council to let you reopen
Camp Clearwater

LOCATIONS near Camp Clearwater

For three or four players

**BPPD Police Station: Locked drawer in the police chiefs desk

For five players, add

**Wilderness: Hidden, seemingly abandoned shack

Stuff near Camp Clearwater
For three, four or five players

**Ominous: Old, creepy journal

Special Rules
Who is the killer?
As your session winds down, the identity of the killer will likely
arise organically through play. After the final scene but before the
Aftermath, conclusively decide who the killer is (if you havent
already) and collectively narrate a final reveal.
In this reveal, explain how the killer youve settled on was behind
all of the murders, tying in or retconning any foreshadowing that
occurred during play (think of the final reveals from the Saw movies).
If you decide one of the PCs was the killer, then that characters
player gets the final say on exactly what happened and why.
Trainwreck Mode
If Return to Camp Death was played as a follow up to Camp
Death using Trainwreck Mode, consider the connection of this
sessions killer with the killer from the previous session. Vengeful
family? Possessed by the previous killers soul? They were the same
person in disguise all along? Go with whatever makes the most sense
or is the most interesting for your game (and its perfectly acceptable
for the answer to be unclear).

Alternate Endings
1. The Killer Is Among Us
Use this option if you want the killer to be one of the PCs, but you dont want
anyone to know who it is until the final reveal.
Immediately before rolling the Aftermath, each player with stunt
dice should roll them. Whichever player has the highest stunt dice
total is the killer. If anyone ties, then they were both killers and were
working together. The killer then narrates a final reveal scene,
explaining how he or she was behind all of the killings, tying in or
retconning any foreshadowing.
Once the identity of the killer has been defined, roll the Aftermath.

2. Old Man Withers

Use this option if you want the killer to be someone connected to the PCs, and
you dont want anyone to know who it is until the final reveal.
Immediately before rolling the Aftermath, roll all the stunt dice. Use
these dice to create two new relationships, connecting two of the
characters to a newly revealed NPC. This NPC is the killer. Everyone
should pitch in ideas for the relationships and identity, but players
who ended up with stunt dice get final say on how they assign their
dice to the relationship details. If any players did not end up with
stunt dice, they get the final say on which PCs those relationships
connect with.
Then, narrate a final reveal scene explaining how this character was
behind all of the murders, tying in (or retconning, if necessary) any
3. Directors Cut
Use this option if you want to see a few different endings.
Use the default, organic rules for determining the killer, and then
roll the Aftermath. This is the Theatrical Cut of your horror film.
Then select one of the other options, determine the killer anew, and
roll the Aftermath again. This is the Directors Cut.

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