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(Indias only Academy run by an IAS Officer)

1.India got reniassance in 19th century, whereas and other major powers got the same during 14th
century. Comment.
-Modernisation delayed in India.
-Trade decline during medieval time than in ancient time in India.
-Later impact of globalisation
-Presence of Social evils like Sati, Child marriage, polygamy and etc.,
-Revolutionary and reformist movement emerged in mid of 19th century only.
2.The Ottoman turks, a major power in Asia established a huge empire and had a control with the
borders of major sea route. How did Europeans manifest the trade into the Indian political scene?
-The Muslim Ottoman Empire of Turkey ruled the Middle East, they caused lots of problems to European
Christian merchants who tried to pass through their land.
-Therefore the Europeans tried to find other routes to reach India.
-These Europeans at first requested from the local rulers permission to trade in their entities. Later on they
requested from the local rulers permission to build factories.
-After they built factories they requested to build forts around these factories to defend them from pirates
and other dangers.
-Then they requested to recruit local Indians to serve as guards and soldiers in these forts and so on they
slowly created their own armies.
- And so one of the European power's representative, the British East India Company, became the ruler of
-International conference on preservation of spice.
-Large voyages started in 15th century.
-Marine compass one of the important invention.
-Idea of spread of Christianity.
-Large voyages started in Portugal ,Spain, Iberia in 15th century.


Plot No: 1940, 18 Main Road, Anna Nagar, Chennai-40

Ph: 044-65666222,9677120226,9677174226


(Indias only Academy run by an IAS Officer)
3. Trace the origin and causes of first Carnatic war.
-The First Carnatic War was the extension of the Anglo- French War in Europe. The Austrian Wars of
Succession broke out in 1740 as a result hostilities also broke out in India in 1746.The English navy under
Barnett took the offensive when it captured some French ships.Dupleix the French Governor General of
Pondicherry sent an urgent appeal for help to La Bourdonnais the French governor of Mauritus.The result
was that La Bourdonnais hastened to India with a fleet and reached the Coromondal Coast in 1746.The
French and British squadrons faced each other for some time but the English squadrons left for Ceylon
after some time. Dupleix asked La Bourdonnais to siege Madras.
In the ensuing battle the English fleet was defeated and Madras was captured by the French. The First
Carnatic War is memorable for the battle of St Thome fought between the French and the Indian forces of
Anwaruddin and the Nawab of Carnatic.The French won the battle with their superior general ship of
Dupleix. The First Carnatic War came to an end with the end of hostilities in Europe.
The treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle brought the Austrian war of succession to an end. Under the terms of the
treaty Madras was handed back to the English. Dupleix had proved his superiority in skill and diplomacy.
The English had failed to defend Madras and unsuccessfully conducted the land cum sea operations
against Pondicherry. This war had adequately brought out the importance of naval power as an important
factor in Anglo-French conflict in the Deccan.
4. In many ways, Lord Dalhousie was the founder of modern India. Elaborate.
Administrative Reforms:
Dalhousies chief aim was the consolidation of British rule in India. So he adopted the principle of
centralization. For the newly acquired territories he devised the Non-Regulation System under which
commissioners were appointed to deal with the administrative problems.
They were made responsible to the Governor-General in the Council. He handed over all other powers
relating to justice, police, and land revenue to the District Magistrates. Dalhousie also made provision for
the appointment of a Lieutenant Governor of Bengal. By the Parliamentary Act of 1853, the GovernorGeneral was relieved of his functions as the governor of Bengal.
Military Reforms:
After the conquest of Punjab, Sindh and Avadh, the frontiers of the company were extended and the
military interest of India was transferred to the North. Thus Dalhousie shifted the headquarters of the
Bengal Artillery from Calcutta to Meerut. The army head-quarter was also transferred to Shimla so that
the army could remain is touch with Governor-General who resided is Shimla.
Railway Reforms:


Plot No: 1940, 18 Main Road, Anna Nagar, Chennai-40

Ph: 044-65666222,9677120226,9677174226


(Indias only Academy run by an IAS Officer)
Dalhousie introduced a new system of internal communication in India. He was the father of Indian
Railways. Dalhousies famous Railway Minute of 1853 convinced the home authorities of the need of the
railways and laid down the main lines of their development.
The Electric Telegraph:
In 1852 Dalhousie introduced the Electric Telegraph System in India. The first telegraph line from
Calcutta to Agra was opened in 1854, covering a distance of 800 miles. By 1857, it was extended to
Lahore and Peshawar. In Burma a line was laid down from Rangoon to Mandalay. People could send
message from one place to another place very easily by this telegraph system.
Postal Reforms:
The credit of establishing Postal Department also goes to Lord Dalhousie. In 1854 a new Post Office Act
was passed. Under this system, a Director-General was appointed to supervise the work of Post Offices in
all the Presidencies; a uniform rate of half-anna per letter was introduced and for the first time postage
stamps were issued.
Public Works Department:
Before Lord Dalhousie, military boards were in charge of the construction of Public Works. Hence
Civilian works were completely neglected by the military board. A separate Public Works Department
was established by Lord Dalhousie. The Chief Works of this department was to construct roads, bridges
and government buildings. The chief Engineer, other highly trained engineers were brought from England
to supervise the work of construction. Irrigational works were undertaken on an extensive scale.
Social Reforms:
Dalhousie abolished female infanticide which was prevalent among the Rajputs of higher castes. He also
abolished the practice of human sacrifice practiced by the khonds of Orissa, Madras and Central
Provinces who had blind belief that the fertility of the soil would be increased by sacrificing human
beings. By that time it was in practice that if any person became a convert, he was deprived of his
ancestral property.
Educational Reforms:
Lord Dalhousie had introduced a number of reforms in the field of education. The Government did not
take any step for the promotion of vernacular education. In 1854 Sir Charles Wood, the President of the
Board of Control sent his recommendations known as Woods Despatch of 1854 to India reorganizing
the whole structure of education.
5. The policy of Subsidiary alliance and Doctrine of Lapse acted as the major political causes for
the revolt of 1857. Analyse.
-Subsidiary Alliance restricted the power of the rulers.


Plot No: 1940, 18 Main Road, Anna Nagar, Chennai-40

Ph: 044-65666222,9677120226,9677174226


(Indias only Academy run by an IAS Officer)
-Subsidiary Alliance exploited the Economy of native rulers.
-Annexation of Awadh under maladministration.
-Annexation of Jhansi, Satara and etc.,
-The succession of adopted child is recognised by British.
-Right of succession denied to Hindu princes.
-The house of Mughals was humbled when on Prince Faqiruddins death in 1856, whose succession had
been recognised conditionally by Lord Dalhousie.
-Lord Canning announced that the next Prince on succession would have to renounce the regal title and
the ancestral Mughal palaces, in addition to renunciations agreed upon by Prince Faqirudd


Plot No: 1940, 18 Main Road, Anna Nagar, Chennai-40

Ph: 044-65666222,9677120226,9677174226

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