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Religion- 54% Muslim,

40% Christian, 6% Druze

Infant mortality rate-The

infant mortality rate is
7.53 deaths/1,000 live
births in Lebanon

Population- Lebanons
population is currently at
about 4.5 million.

Government- system of
government with a
President, a Prime
Minister, and a cabinet
chosen through an
electoral process

Houston will see large
increase in mosques due
to the 27% increase in
Muslims & 21% increase
in Christians.

1.10% LDS(Mormon),
2.90% Islam, 1% eastern
religion, 50% Christian,
45% no religion

The infant mortality rate

will drop due to the
Lebanese having more
jobs and health care

Houstons infant mortality

rate is 6.1 infant deaths
per 1,000 live births

The overall population of

Houston will increase by
48% (almost 3.1 million)
while the Lebanese
population will decrease
by 22% (about 3.5
million) due to the
Lebanese refugees.

The form of government

will become socialist
because as the refugees
live in Houston they will
learn to adapt an in area
with different laws

The overall population of

Houston is currently at
2.1 million.

Houston falls under the

jurisdiction of Texas then
the US making it a

Government-They were
rules by parliament, with
a limited monarchy

They adapted by
eventually creating a
democratic form of
government mixing
parliament( different
branches) and chief

Trade: They had weapons,

food, and jewelry.

Population: the Europeans

continued to reproduce
and expand into native

Native America
The natives just had chief
of village. Complete
control of the area.

The natives originally had

things like fur.
The natives and the
Europeans started to
trade things like fur or

When the European show

up on Native lands the
European brought along
diseases that started to
kill them off

Religion: The Europeans

were catholic a strict
version of Christianity

90% of the Native

population dies off.

Animism. The natives

worshiped nature and

The European started

converting the Natives to

The infant mortality rate, form of government, population, and religion of Houston
where all affected by the one million refugees. The Native Americans land was also
affect by all the factors that the Europeans brought along with them like diseases.

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