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‘tere Pang ‘THE IMAGE OF THE CITY Kevin Lynch ‘What does the elt’ form actually mean to the people who live thee? ‘what can the city planner do to make the city image more vivid and memorable to the cty dwelle? To answer these question, Me. Lynch, Supported by studies of Los Anges, Boston, and Jersey City, formu: Inte anew exterion — inceabilty and shows 8 potential vale 2 uide for the building snd ronaling af ton ‘The wide scope of this study leads to 29 orignal and vital method forthe evaluation of ety fonn. The architect, the planter, and certainly the ety dweller will all wan to read this book What the reviewers have said: «Kava Lynch ba cr up with» rnb, tly ogni Suihaate vlone tut my plone pont icy bald ws Bins Stew Tae ato Bosng Eien’ archer orem” ‘hy lamers td wien desir, ver wil be ting sont oF is en Eyes co The epee of bi he Rennteat baie ich. we fave ucea't ey of he Se el pret ted on cc tera, For snes teen inthe pod Gning rm te tte ty Canty Carma SPLacne red ehh fare” re wet no aapinensts the at How Sey pie: a eu an $e pa or the ferunpcn’a sine of Woeeh The input af ts lo sou Feat ta kell, Pours Meher “This small and readable book makes one ofthe most important moder contributions to urgeseale design theory - To understand Lynch's ‘tudaety, one must go. Bock to. 1955, the year when he began his Stuies in perception with 2 travel period in tly. This was several years before all the urbun design conferences, before the clning ofthe phrase, ind at a tne when respectable planners were conceraed with anything but the esportion af urban frm. I took a rebels young teacher « Reed by the inspiration af F.L- Weight (his sometime mentor), to tar the tables on thirty yeurs of planvers' neglect” — David A. Crane, Ioural ofthe American Insitute of Plennars Auli) THE, Met press Kevin Lynch The Image of the City The M.LT, Press Mattachurett mainte 0} Tecbnlony Cambridge, Mattchasett, and London. England PunLicaTion oF tus Jour Cenren For Unsan Sruniss This book icone of eis pulibed under the auspice of the Joint Center for Uren Stadies, « cooperative ventare of the Maacbuveis Inaitne af Technology and Barvard Uniersy. The Joint Center wai founded in 1939 10 0 anize and enconrage research an utban and region prob lems. Petcpants hare inaded sbolrt from the fds of ‘aubropaogy,arcbterure, business, ct planing, ene lex education, eninering, try lev, pooophy, police ince ad Yolo. he findings end concasions ofthis book are az with all Teint Center publications, solely the respanibiity of the ‘aitor, oprtight © 1960 by the Manchu Litt of Techlogy tnd ike Pride nd aloes of Haeed Callene Fee rie. 190 1saR 0 262 12008 6 (harderer) ISBN 2 242 620014 (pape) Livary of Congress Catalog Card No: 607362 Printed inthe United States of Amtrice PREFACE Te tok is bu he kof ci ad wer it Lok i of sy import ned techs Ke be hanged The tba nde, among ioy ae, sl something be {een be ememtceds and deigh in. Civng vin! for © She chy bs spec undo dgnplem ands er ew on new, In he couse of eamiing hs sew problem, he ook ks 1 thee Arner ee Bot, Jerzy Ci, ad La Angles imap e tated whey we nigh begin dod with ta focm a she oun ale ad oes se ft picpe of ny dian, “The work tat let behind sis dy war done wader he ivecion of Prfor Gyorgy Kepes ant mys whe Cnet for Utun and Regional Sais of he Manche Iie fof Technolgy. evan secu spy te see yes by fade tm he Rocketeer Founda, The Wk ial ting pale oes i of volun Joe Cater for Urban Sais of she Matas Inuit of Techy sl Haren Use an ageey hich as gro of ht ‘an satu sais of tae two isin ‘Asia any elec wah he omen tives (om many soares diel fo ae. Sever tesech siento ‘frealy wo the developmen ofthis ay: Darl ene, Berard Frieden, William Alonso, Faak Hoxihisg, Ricard Dobe, Masy lea Pees (oow Mis. Alonso). am very gael to them all (One same shold be on these page with ry om if only he would thereby aot be made responsible for whe shoncamings of the book. ‘Thar name is Gyorgy Kepex. The deal develop- mene and concrete scadies are my ova, buc the eodeying co eps were generated in many exchanges with Professor Kepes Trond beat is 10 diene my ideas fom his Fore these Have been good yeus of asacaon. Keun Lywen mar. Dect, 1989 ‘CONTENTS 1 The Image of the Environment a Tepbtit, 2 Buliig the Image, 6; Sewcure and Adee, image, 9 ML Theee Cites, 4 Bon, Jee Cie 28: las Angee 52: Common ‘Tene, {ML The Cicy tage and fs Elements 4 Pah 19, ees 2; Diet 6; Node, 72; and faut, 96; Boesor Ineraaions 8 The Slo Sage, #9; lage eal. 87 IV. Cy Form, an ‘Basing the Pus 9; Design of Orher Blenens, 99. Form Qualia, 103; The Sense of the Whale, 10s: Neopian orm, 112, The Proce of Deon, us VA New Scale ne ‘Appendices A Some References o Orientation 123 "Types of Relerece Senn 128) Formation of ce Inuge. 131 The Rae of Form 13; Dinars 140 "The Method a th Bae for Dog, 193: Dien {er Pate Ree 136 Two Examples of Analyst 160 ‘eacan Hl 6b Sens Suze, 173, Bibliography 182 Index 187 ‘THE IMAGE OF THE ENVIRONMENT Loring ies an pve pclae, bowever conmanple the sgh my be Lite ape of scicn he Gay in + conarcion in spc, bee on of a ae, + ing perceived only in the costo ong spurs of inet design {Fierce temporal a bt ie can vl se be cond td lated ‘equnce of ter tempocd ar ike misc. On Serene oxen and for diferente Sequence fevete, inept, abndoned x scm. eis sen nll gh ad all wets 'A vey inant, there i more shan the ey can ae, more than he en can ea ing et view wag be explore ovbing experienced y il, Bat aly inten 1 sxtrancngh be means vents nding op 10 the ee oxy of ar epee, Watlagn Sete ts la fame’ Seld igh ook ke the Hopping seein the ben of Bono, and yer wold semen eileen Every cen at had eng soca wih some art of is iy, and Bi image feced la emotes wl netag, Legibitiry Moving clement in sci, snd in paras the people and thei aevites, ae as ingot a the seainary phys pas ‘We ate noe simply observers of this specace, but are cures 2 par off onthe sage mith che ker pacipanes.” Mont oem, fou percepion ofthe iy is oor swtaned, but rather pat, Feapnenary, mized with other oncerae Neatly every sensei Jn option, and the image isthe composite of them a. ‘Nor ony is he cyan obieet whichis perceived (and pechapt enjoyed) by milion of people of widely vee dass and ch ‘ter, but tthe produc of many builders who ave coasaly ‘modiying the arate for reasons ofthis own. While ie may te sable in generat outlines foe sometime es ever changing in derail Only pial covtol can be exercised over i owe tnd fore. Thee is 20 fal res, oly 2 continuous sucesion fof pater. No wander, the, thatthe a of shaping cir for dennious enjtyci two nt ute spate fon secieear OF ‘use or lerture Te may lara gest del From hee her sr, ba it canno® imitate them "A benutfl ued delight cy environment ison ody, sme ‘would soy an imposing, Nocone Americen city larger ehan Some plese Fragen Is huey suprising, chen, sae mst “Americans have ie en of wha ican tan lie ia such an fenvizonment ‘They ae cleat enough abou the vines of the Srerld they live i, and hey aze quite veal sbout the diy the spoke, te bea, and dhe congestion, the das ad yet te mona: ny of ie Bue they are arly aware ofthe poses valve of Jemenious suroundingy, 2 world which they may have brielly limped oniy 1s ours or as exaped vacationers. They cat Ive Hide sense of what a sing can mean in eens of daily elit, ora cocinuos anchot for thee ley, of 38 a8 exe Sion of the meaninglulaes and richness ofthe wold, ‘This book will consider the vse quality of the American «iy by saying the mena image of tha city which shelby is ize “Dewi connate expecially on 066 paris vit- tal paliy: the aparenr city or egal” of the ciscpe (By th we ene the ease with which i pare can be econ’ and cam beau ie coer paren, Jip ose iC eg, can be vil ppd a a eed ‘SLcognale symbols legibly would bone hose ‘Sin orhodnuts pathway ar nly eae sad ae ‘ail poped noon overall pacer “Ts ook wil oer Dat legibly is eri ia he cy seting, wil agape ia sme del and wl ty © Sow tow ‘hisconcee igh be wed oy imei ree As will Guhl become appuren othe render, dt wy it» pen Tee taponsions far werd noes lt word, an atempe 0 copter aod fo egg hom they igh be developed and tered Teste wil be spec and petaps a ile pon ‘ble: aconcetestaive an premprost Thi rt chapel develop some of he bs ie te apes wl pp chem oo meal Amerian ce and dics tele meqoecs for ‘ban deign ‘Alogi lepiliy iby oo mens ee oni ape sso propery of bewil i, i of spec importance when Coaaerogeovioamens afte ban bale of az, ime, and Compe. To unerand hi, we must conser no ua he hy a hing in lh, he iy Ding perecned By aa Srocaing ad iden he eavicomen: s+ a sbitiy ang all mode animal. Mery Kins of cues we wd he inal ess of ls, sape, rosin or plano of 1 well yer Snitch a8 al ound oc, Hines dear of gray, and perp of erie ot maga. Sele “Thee wchniqes of cient, fm the poe High of x tothe pthnding of liner over te mieroopopaphy Of + ‘eck af decibel sed their Inporaneeodeored ian xe Sie Teraee! 219 Paehlgin have ali sid his Abily in man, although thr seco ude ied abr tory conditions SE 128.768" Depts + few remaining pe nom seems ely eat here ay my “inti Steyning, Rarer her icone tnd pion Cd lake ety co foe te ered event, This ‘rsninuion fundamen othe eine td the vey ‘ntval of fee moving le LLL 4 “To become comply lost i perhaps a ether eae experience foc met people inthe oder Ci, "We ae sopoced bythe prccce Of ethers and By special way fading device: eps, ‘eet numbers, rove sgn, bes pleads. Bur ec the mishap of Aieienaron once oct, andthe senae of ankeny and eve: roe tha arompen it feels rot how cacy it linked to tur sear of balance and wellbeing. ‘The very word “Ios” in ‘ur linguge means nach mace dan simple geographic unce- ‘ain, i eses overtones of wer disse. Te the process of way fining, he sae tink is he environ mec imge, he generazed mena pice ofthe exe py Fel wold tae sid by a individ. This image he peo ‘uct both of immediate sension and of the memory of pest ‘experience and cis used to lnverpet infomation and © guide feton. ‘The need recognize and pattern at suttoandngs i ‘0 era, and has sch lang foes fm ehe past, ha chi image has wide praca and emerionalimporance eo the indivi ‘Obviously a cleat image enables one ro move about easly and sucky fod Fiend house o policeman o + baton wore But an ordered envicnment ean do mare rhan tis; it may serve au bond frame of tfeene, an oxgaier of activity or ble! © browledge. On the bass of + stuctrl undesanding of [Nachaca, for example, one can order» substantial quantity of fect aod oie sour chesnut of the word ele i. Like ny good famewod, such a sacrre gives the individ 4 pow [Stiliy of doce nd a serting poi forthe acqiion of fx ther infooation. A cent image ofthe szeundings is thos a ‘ef bass for individ growth 'A vivid and integrated pyial zing, apeble of prodcing 1 sharp image, pay soil flea well Tecan fuenith che am ‘mae fr the symbols and coleive memories of group cm ‘munication A skin landscape isthe skeleton upon which ‘many primitive aces etc hie ncilly ingot yt, Com. ‘mon memati of she “home towa” were offen che Bet and ‘sit poine of cont Berne lonely soles during the wat ‘A god envioamenal image gives ls poses an impor sere’ of emoconl seu. He can esublsh an hncmenous felvionhip berweenhiasell and te ouside work. Thi isthe obverse ofthe fest nat comes with dsointon eee hat ‘he sweet tense of home stengest when home i not only families bor dinctive x8 well, Tadeed,s dtncive and legible enviznmen! not only oers security but abo heightens che pres depeh and istensiy of moma experince Although life far fom imposible ie he ‘ial char of the modern cy, hese diy actin could tke fn new meaning if cried out ina more vivid eng. Poss ‘ly, the iy Hin Gulf the pone symbol of + complex Soci. IE wily wel sec fed ean alo have song expt sive messing "ay be arged aginst the imporance of physica egbily fat the human bin is mareloutly dapable, eat with some ‘iptiece one ean leta e pick onc way though the cae isordered fentureless suttoundngs. ‘There ate sbund feramples of precie navigation over the “racken” wanes of Seas ore, or trough + tangled maze of nge Yer even the sca has the sun and srs, he wind, eaten, beds and secoloe without which unaided eavigaon woul be Impossible, Te fac hat only skied professionals could vir {ae among the Polyesian Islands and his oly afer extensive taining, indices the difluies imposed by his parce fenvioamens. Sala and axe accompanied even ibe best peepee expeditions Tn our own werd, we migh say chat amos eveyone can if aventive. enn 10 eavgae in Jersey Cty, bot only atthe cost of Some efx sed uncertain. Moreover, the postive values of legible standings ae mising: the emotional isfaction, the {ramewoek for communication oe conceptva organisation, che few deps tat iv may brig 00 everyy experience. Thee the pleset we ach even if br present cy enviconeet i not to dindered sto impote a incleable sin onthe who Familias with Te muse be gramed sha there i rome w Inbyinth or urpie in the environment the Howe of Mitrs, and there its cermin chat athe ccd streets of Boston. This iss, however, enly under wo cod ins. Fe, ese must be no danget of lesing basi fem ot Se Atpends & deoey a te “thom poms fr cvicorton of never coming ox The stpive muse acer in an ‘overall famewock; the consions muse be small tegions ia a isbie whole.” Furhermore, the labrador mystery masta Tell have soe fou dat ca be explored and ie ine be ape ended.” Complete chaos without Hit of conection is never pleasure Bas hese second thoughts pint ro a8 ipostane qualia. “The observer himself should play an active ole in perceiving the world and have 2 crave part in developing his image. He shold have the power 1 change that image cf changing feeds. An enviomene which i oedered in precise tnd Bal eri may inhibit new patens of seeity. A andsape whose vey rock tells 2 sory may ake dlical ehe creation of fresh Sones. Although ths may noe seem 0 be acta iste in ove sent wean chs, yer indicts tha what we sok isnot 3 fal bur an openended orlet, capable of concious frthee Building the Image Environmental images are che rele of = ewo-ay proces ecween the obzerer and hi enlroment. The envifonment sugges daiotons tnd rion and the ebsrver—with great Adapabiliy end inte light of his own purposes—selecs, ora ing, and endows with meaning what he ses. The image 20 veloped now Limits and emplaies what is seen, whit the Tesage el is being teed gains she Berd perepeal inp {in conan inercing process Thus ehe image of « given reaiy may vary sigs berween diferent observers ‘The eakerence ofthe image mayan in several ways There aay be line in the rel objec that is ordered remarkable, tnd yr ies mental pice bas aed dency and organization ‘hough long faaiaiy. One man may fod objects ens on ‘vine seems t anyone else © be atoll diapered work mabe. ‘Aetnaively an objet sen for the Bt ke may be idee reed not Because ie inivkanlly fale bu because it Conforms toa sereoupe already cnscted by che Observer An “Amen can alway spe the comet dugrore, however indi: tingisable Le might Beto 2 Bushman. Apso, 2 new object my sem 9 bave sg scat iden becuse fs Pascal foues which gg or impose hove per {Ts the es or ex moun can river the atenion of one ong los he 0 pins ofthe inca even Be i Young tte phil ao fave no mame forthe ges phenome. ‘As anipavers of the psa ervonmen cy planet) asc pratiy irene in the extra gene ne fotencon Thich pode th environmenal image Dire onto then reas or fine the pes of imagesuting Any {ren fora,» Be wase or a ump of cy, wil have a Might tow padi of evoking «song ge aong wasous der 25 Pesurabl his probably ean be sted wih gett and (reve: pecion eee ae grouped se snd ore Homogeneous Cases of ge, sex clue, ection temper tent fiay. Tach individual ewe and bes i Own image bot thee seems co be sobania agreement among mer tea ofthe sine pup. I thes group maps exibing cn. sexs among sigan nantes tat las cx) pane ‘ho wpite 0 adel an environment ha willbe wed By ny people “Pcie ei dy wil endo pat ve individ! dite coca inereing they might be 0» paylogi. The at vier of busines will be what ight be caled the "pole finger the comin menal pecs cid by ge bes f+ cays intabianer reas of aye which igh be cya appt i hnncemon «ingle physi sai {common clr, and bt pyslogi aor “The ens of renadon which hve been aed vs widely uoughou he wo changing rom care oes rm nape wo lng. Appeadie A gives trample many of thet te sbwac and Brel deena spent the manag ten and cose hat ae dite the person the ome 9 $e The world maybe argued around 4st of fea in, tr be broken int numed eons or be Baked by seer tower Vated tee metus ne and fncauabe ob een {0 be te prec cos which + man may pick ut dieren: ine iso ey airings ip onthe mas at twee day co lect ou aout Ov Gy word Fo he moet par these examples seem :0 ech, catautly enough, che Fema pps of ing slecats ino which we cat conwenitty livid th cey image: path, lndare, eg, node, and dict. “Thee clement wil be defined and dicated in Chapeet 3. Structure and Identity ‘An environmen image may be analyed ino de compor ens identity, sture nd reaming. Tis wll wo abst ‘hese for anal, if es rererbeced that in welity dey always appear copeher A workable image requis ia he ieticn ton of an objec, which impli cincion Fam ter ching, is recogtion as separable enti. Thi is aed deny, ot in dhe see of equality with something ele, bu with dhe mean ing of individaly or oneness. Secoad, ce image mst ncade the spt or pacezn elcon of ve objet tthe observer and 0 fer objec" Fly his object mus ave sre mening fo (he cbserver, wheter practi or emotional Meaning i aso 2 ‘elton, but quit» diferent one Frm pail o pte aon. ‘Thor an image seal for making an ext requite he reagan tion of + door as dice ent fie spor relion wo eke bere, and its meaning as + hale for geing out. These a nov tly separable. The visual recognition of doo i mated together with es messing at doce” ei pstble, however, 0 stay the dont inter of is ienty of form and eli of aston, conidered af thy were pear to fe meaning Such an analy eat ight be pines inthe dy doe, ‘br noe ince sy ofthe urban environment To bein with, {he question of meaning inthe ce ita complicated one. Group Imager of meaning ae les lely to be consent st tis level than ate the perceptions of entity and seanahip.| Mesing moreover, ists easily ifluenced by physical raniplaion 3 tue thee other two components. MF iis oUF purpose wo bul Cie for the enjoyment of vase number of people of widely diverse background—and cides which wil alo be adapable to fue purposes—we ay even be wise to concent on the Dysial clarity of dhe image and «0 allow meaning o develop trite our direc guidance The image of the Manhacan sky ine may send for vty, per, decadence, mystery, cong: tion, grevioes, oF what you wl, But in each eae that sharp Petre eyalies and reinforer the messing. So varias ate fhe individusl meanings of cy, even while its form may be ‘ely communicable ht i appears pie to seperate meaning ror fo, a east inthe easly sages of alysis This study mill telore concert ca the identiy and revcrate of iy ages. an image iso bave vale for venation in the living space, cust have sever quater. Neos be sucies, woe in 2 rapmacc sense, allowing the individal o operate mithin is fnvronment 19 the exe dered, ‘The map, wheter exact ot ‘mx, nat be god enough co get one hone It mast bes Ce clear and well imegiated co be economical of rental ‘efor! the map mast be readable. Isheuld be se, with su ‘sof cle 4 tat aleraive ater ae posible snd she sk fale snot ao high Ifa baking igh is he cy sige foe 2 cri urn « power failure may cause diser. The image ‘hou preterly be open-ended, adaptable 9 change allowing the individual ro continue eo inesigate and organize realy ‘eze shold be blank spaces where he cn extend the drawing Tor hina! Fray, ie should in some menure be communicable to ocerindivdile) The relative inperane of thee cekeria for’ “god” image will vary wth dierent persons in diferent sition: ose wll prize an sennmial and slllene sytem, nother an open-ended and communicable one Since the emphasis Here wll be onthe physic envionment asthe independent varele, cis sealy will eae Tor physical ‘gle which elace tothe ances Of Meniy and strecrure Inthe menal image. Ths fends othe defition of wha ight be eatledimageabiay: cha qutliy in 8 physical object which ‘Boer ie high pebsbley of evoking strong image in tny igven obsever Ie cat shape, colt of arangement which facies the enking of vividly Wend, powesflywracurd, highly wif mena images of the envionment. 1¢ might aso be called epi, or perhaps vib in heighvened sense, Imageability 0 shore objec are soe only able 10 be seen, bur are presened Sharply ad iesely co the see. all «centr ago Stem dcused this aibue of an asic object ad ale ie appreney?* While ari 9 ied to this tinge end, be Fle ther ne of kt two bese Fncions wes 0 reste images which by clark and burnoay of foe Fall the eed fot vivid compiehensible appearance” Ia is end, this ‘as an esata sep rowed he expresin of inner meaning ' bighiyimageble (apparent leper vise) cy in his peculiar sense would seem well formed, dint, rehab; it ‘ould invite he eye sd the eat 10 gests sention and pati ‘ton. ‘The sensuous grasp upon such surroundings would not merely be simpiied, but also extended and deepened. Such a ‘ky would be one shat could be apprehended ove ime a pt tern of high coatinity with many diincive parc ay ier Conneced. The perepive 0d familiar observer coud sbsots ‘ew sensuous impacts wither ditopion of his basi image, sed each new impact would ouch pon mary previo element. He ‘ould be wel oriented, and he could mowe easly He woud be Fighly aware of hit envroamens. The cy of Venice might be fn example of ach » highly imageatle eavicrment. In che nied Sates, one it tempred 10 ke part of Masbate, San Feancio, Beato, of pethips the Ike froe of Chicago “Thee are chaacrinations chat Gow fom out defnivons. The concept of imagery does noe neceriy connote comething Bee, lime, pein, wife, or repully ordered hough may sonetimes have these quali Nor doce t mean apparent ac gnc, cbviow, pute or pin, The coal envionment co bbe paered is highly complex, wile ve obvious iage is soon boring, and can point co only Few feaues ofthe living wor. "The mgesbdiy of cy form wil beth crocs of the swt <0 follow There 4ecter basic properties in ben envi ronmeat” meaning ot expresivnes, sensuous delight, 2a, ‘mul, ice. Our concemration on iageabilky doer not deny hee imporance. Out purpose is simply to consider te eed for ideniy and sucrte in ou peeps wed, and 10 Higa the special relewnce ofthis Qalty #0 the particule fase of the complex, thiing inn cairn Since image development is 4 twomy proces berween observer and observed, i & posible wo strengthen the image ‘ter by rbot devices, bythe recsining ofthe perceiver, oF by eeshaping one's roendings. You can provide the viewer sens sjmtlic diagram of How she wodd er roger: 3 map fra aecof srivensnamvetions As long athe can Bi rely 2 the diagram, be has ele eo the telednes of things You an ven inwall » ruchise for giving directions, as has rcendly ben done ia New Yorks? While sch devices ae exemely voefl fo providing condensed date om interconnections, shay read precarious, tne anenation fil ifthe device i lt a0 the device ie muse cnsanly be teerzed and Bed to eel ‘The eases of bran injury noted in Appendix A illsente he ties and effort that teed complete clare on sch mens. Moreover, she comple experience of inecoaneton, ie fll dep of + wid ge, ncking "You ay 230 tin ihe observer. Heowe semarhs tat» maze \twough which subjcs were asked to move Dldlded seed to them a stro be one unbroien problem. On repeien, pars ofthe pattern, pac the beginning and end, became familia aed asured the characerof hci" Fally, when ‘ey could ead the maze witht eto, the whole system seemed to tave bectee one lncliy”DeSiva describes the case of 2 oy who Semel o have "atomssc” drial evietation, bo ‘rowed 10 fave bee trsined from iaancy (by 3 meter wo ‘knoe ditngish eight fom lef) 20 cespond 00 he eet Side af the pores othe south ed ofthe dese! ‘Shipons acount of che ecomaisance forthe acen of Eve st offers» deamatc ease of sch lenin Approsching Everest ftom 4 new direction, Shipton immedinlyeeognied the rain peaks and adder that he knew from the orth side, But the ‘Sherpa guide scompsnying him, r0 nom Bah ides wer long familia, had never teed tat shoe were the same fares, sand be preced the revelation with arpa and delighs?° ‘Kilpuick describes the process of perp learing forced conan observer by new simul hat 90 Tonge tino previous Tapes! Tc begins with hypothe for shat expla she ae stimu concepeully, ne the ilaion of te fore persion. u ‘The personal experience of most of us wil eesify to his pe sence ofan illusory image long afer is inadequacy i concep- ‘ually rain. We sare ine the jngle and see oly the sun Tig on she green lesex, bot 2 narning noe elt oe hat an snimal hidden tere ‘The oberver then lars oiterpet the ‘cane by singling out “giveaway cues ad by reweighing pe vious sigals. The camouthged animal may now be picked up bythe reecron of i ees Finally by eepnted experience the sie paern of percep it changed, andthe bse need no lenges consiuly search for giveaway of ad new taf 28 tld fremewodk. He has achieed sn irmge which will opeave ‘eccesflly in the new station, seeming natural and igh Quite sen the hidden animal appents among the leaves,“ po on dey” Tn he sme way, we mies sce he iden foe in she vast spay of out cies. We we not acomed to orgaiing td imaging an acl envionment om such 4 lege see, yet ‘ur aciices ae pushing ws toward that nd, Can Sach gives an example of» flue 10 make connections beyond « cetain level ‘The voice and drumbent ofthe Nort American Indian Faiow enciely diferent cempes ibe co being perceived inde pendently. Searching for 2 wusical analogy of ovr ova, he mes- Tons out church series, where we do a0 hin of cornaing the choi Inside withthe bells above. ns cu vst meviopolian areas we donot connec: hecho and ‘he bell Tite the Serpe we ee only the sides of Everest and not the maunain. To extend and detpen or perception ofthe fitonment would be © coninse 3 long bilopal snd cara Aeveloprent whic Bl poe fom the entct senses 10 the die ‘ane senaes ad from the dsane sass to symbolic commie: Vion Our thesis isha we ae pow abe co develop on image ofthe envizonmene by operation an she exernal pia shape vel as by an ine leening procs Indeed, she comple iy of oo savtonment mow compas os do a Chaps wll lacs how cis igh be done ‘Peintive can was forced eo iprove bis environmental inage by adapting his perception co the given landkape. He could fle minor change fe his environmen with cain, beacons, ‘oc creblaes, but substan) madicwtins for visa clay et visa imterconsecion were confined 10 hous site of eligies ncleenes Only powerful ivilisavone can begin co 2 on thet foal eovronment ae ignfcen cle. The conaiou ri Iagof the largescale psa eniznmene has beet possible oly rece, and 20 the problem of environmen imagebiliy 2 new one, Techncly, we con sow make compe new led ‘apts in «rie tine, a8 inthe Durch pers Hore the d- Aigees se sed at eps withthe qutin of tow 10 om the tal scene 50 at itis easy far the human observer 1 ely it parts ad to sure the whole!” ‘We ae spidy building » new Function! eit the meopai- ‘an region, bu w= have yet grup tha chi ui, vo, souk have is coresponding image. Suzie Langer ss the problen i her capoledetsitin of aebitectre es the tol envionent made visible “ Il. ‘THREE CITIES To andreand she cle of covcnment images fa os own ran ee wa cesar fr 0 lek cay 3¢ Some cy set and ocak with inabans We needed 0 dcop td es thee of image, nd abo by 3 compe ton af image mich viral ein 10 ler what fms make for ‘ong images and vhs © uggs some pincples for whan chia. Toc wok ont doe nthe cocoon Gr eas of citing fom td ar efecson te chen a ne of he Sin es af cy design, snd in he hope chat se wel ch ties Tor Bel ecnniauce aed chen ince might Be derlped ot bpp. A in ey nell er ty de or fuer row devlop lew and echod eer Gna 2 rove fits ins naan donee oy. "since wee therefore made af te cent acs of her ‘Amen es: Baron Names Joey Ch, New Jy dnd TenAngsen Calon Bonn be cy dc i tad, iP sogue ln cancer among Americas cen beg both vid infor and fal ofa alin Jeney Cy was en for its appecentfoemlssess for what seemed, on fest obser tion, so bet exterely low order of imagsbliy Las Angeles, fn che othe hand, anew cg, of an ately diferent vale snd sri a griion plan in scent aren In every ene» cena sea of approniewely 2% by 14 miles was taken for std Tn cach fees ce, wo bt anlaes were nce ou 1. A symemacic fold reconsanance ofthe area war made 09 {oor by tned cbaerver, who mapped the presence of vaio cemens, tele vsbiliy, tee image szengeh of wens, 0d their connections, diconnetions, and eter ncetreations, and Inho noted any spel suceses ce difelies in the porencal, Tage strcture. "These were subjective jodgmens based on che lemedite appearance of thee element in he fed 2. A lenginyioverview wis Hed with + seall simple of iy residens «0 evoke thei om ages of the physi environ ‘ment. ‘The interview included requests foe desiptics, loc tins, and sketches and forthe performance of imaginary eis ‘The pesonsimerviewed were people who weee long resident ot employed in the ares, and what ridenes ce work paces were prehensive view of tbe cky ia which Hey had Ived for any Yara The maps mer often fragmented, with large Blak sex, oncensaing mos afen 09 smal home terres The tver ‘uf veered 10 be a atong isolating elemene and val aap Showed either the cp as stong and the lowland as weak o, vie ‘er, the ro being connected by one oo pel concept paths The lover ae, in pica, seemed diel wrete "When aed fora general chrscrration of the city, 008 of hemos common ents wat tat was ra whole, hat it had fo cere, bo wis uber 4 eolection of many hamlet The ‘qenion: “Whar fra comes to mind with the words Jery Gay2e 2 ey to anor for Bosna, proved to be a dita fone. Again and agin subjects repel har "ating special ‘ame o ied thatthe cry was har ro symbol, tat had 90 dsictne scons. Ove women pet “Thi i ely oe ofthe me ial hing aout Jey Cy “Tete ont anyng hat if someone cme hee from fa lc, (hat cold say "Oh, wat yout thi Bea “The mon common retpote tothe quesion of symbolism was othiog ithe cy aca, bu eather the sight ofthe New York Cie skyline scrote river Much of the charac Feeling foe lersey Ci seemed co be that it wat» place onthe edge of societies. One pers pi hat his two symbols vere the flyliaecf New York, onthe onesie, and the Pula Skyway, sanding for Newark on te oer, Another emphasized the seas of enclosing bies: dat get ou of Jersey Cy one muse titer go under che Hoton, oF strong the confusing Toone teal Gc, ‘One could hardy ask for + more drama. more imageabe, basic Icon and pice of wpgrapy dan Jersey Ci if one we able wo bull completely anem, Do ee peter environ Irene was perssvenly refewed 0 with the words “ol” "iy “Gab” The sce were pene decid a "cu vp" ‘The interiors woe eatc fr eat pancty of idvoreton wt he envzonmen, and foe te tances ster than percepsly ‘ence, quality ofthe chy image. Most aking wat the 008 tendency to describe, aot by visual image, But by sce: ares td he eyes of wae Take the flowing pat of ip dexcrip Son in familar ate, 8 an example Aber you cou the Rghway, e's + goingup bride, and sire you come under the Bite fe oret You pt here’ { annry packing compny, he tcnd core al going hs ext cote tear oe nd a hardware sae Fee coe ‘operon your His. Oe your bet befor you Gs the see, snd ov Suce 2 tle facing yu on he hla ome, veeable marae on the rightvel —s liquor sone On the ‘owt sets 50k On fur th soon er + se Ing wai som the wee on your righ, te Is 2 ml on the lle ih Sece—when you come to hon he sghhand eevee wont ene tht vaca let loc 08 ‘he ightand tle fing you 3 mex whole place and on E'Sud-youfome upto Bed and aes druatoe o yur eat, tskcy toe sou fom yu om the sa on the es rocery tore sds aoon on yor Ico rom he grocery ore. The ‘ow is Dad an eres a rocery are he fea 2 loos 98 the lee acess from Om our tie belts you coe the tes thev' 4 pe whee toy sell Roald apap, and tel scr fen es 0 rath thats ied for pring Ke, (yout gia ching sre and can ore he a tnd s0 on. In al this esrpion we have ely ane or emo vin Iroagen + “poingup” beige, and perhaps the rallood under ‘at Thissbjer Bust seme so ae er evironmee when 2he {esthes Haileon Park, and shen though ber eyes ne sully eces «glimpse ofthe fenced open square, with ound, er fel andiena andthe surrounding bance, Many rorals cae ovt about the idtingishabilty of dhe pty sere ea mach che sme all oer 8 ore oF et comme {eo Avenue T tan, otis You on deige whi Sense Jou wane go on, brewse they mete oF Test te me ‘eres noting eo iret them. How wold I recogni Favew Avenue when cae 1 ie? Los Angeles By the weet Signe the only way you can copie sap wet i thn cay There's sohig dnmetv, hue anther Spuerethous ha al the een 1 chink we sal fd or way sound. Where the’ ‘sere fod pe, Oat J eink evenly You ee where Io his elaivlyundierenined covicoment there is» eel ce pron on teats ut egy on gradient fe, cof che enive se of rep of soces ‘The suet signs, ‘he big advertising igs of JouralSquae athe fais are ‘he lnndmasks Any landscaped open space, such as Haron or Van Vorx Pats oF especialy she iige Wes Sle Path are Sherished. On two occasions, peop se ny gras angles a feria nee inersetion at fndmark Another woman spoke of dving over toa ama pack on» Sunday. dha she cold sit in the eat and lok at The face tae the Medial Comer has 2 small lndicaped plo ia one of ise 0 be a important tn denying characters as ies great blk and skyline shou ‘The evden low leagesbiey of is envkonmene was refered inthe image held even by its loogtne seen ad tras maalfeed in dstsfaion, poor osenaion apd a0 law Biy to dexribe oF ference ks pars Yer even sh seemingly cao eof seroundings dows in fac have seep tera, and people seize upon and elaborate his paeen by cneen- tration on miner es, a well a by sifting tee senion fom pial appearance w ether specs ‘The Los Angeles are, he hear of grt metropolien region pretent# diferene pcre sd one qite diferent fom Baton fu well The ae, while comparable in ster she Bonen and Jey Cry sos inlaes lle mate th the ceca business dint and ke finger The abject were familar with the fea, ot tough eesdence, Ba by reasons of work place in One of he coulis or ores Figate I preset the eld recon: aisnce ite il manne, As the core of + meipolis, cent Los Angeles is hearty arged with mening and acoiy, with large and prety dative buldingy and with» baie pacers alo regs pid of weeere Yer # numberof Incr operat 0 en int {Ue and les sharp, image shan thar of Boon. irs is Aecenraation of the meopoltan repion, whereby she crea seus sl by counesy “dowerowe,” Bae there ae Seve othe bic care which people ae oriented, ‘The cenital aes ha intensive shopping, bir ki a0 longer the bew shopping. sd fst camber of cknens never ever the downcowa arn fom foe year tothe next Second, te ged paera ill an unl Teceaaced ats, within mbich elemens canoe always be located wis confidence, Third he cel aces ar speilly fended and shing, fet which nes eee impact Fee i MA The snl Jr of Lar dtl a tm the Bd 33 iene rebuilding prevents the iensieation hae bulls up by ‘sora process. The demens themselves, dsp (and some ties becnse of) frequen arenes ot Bamboyonc, are oen inal faceless Nevers, we ate 000 tow lekiog a nate chase Jey Cy, ut rhe the active and clog Caly ordered cenzer of 3 gre mecopels. ‘The accompanying aerial phoograph gives an impression of his scene. Excep by minute action © plan ype 1 the scan background, woul be had 10 diingish this from the cece of oany ULS. cides There isthe same piogup of blank ffceracrures the sme Ubguty of tale was and han those of Jersey Ci “The ene mrocre of cis image is he nal poe of Pe shing Squire, which Hes inthe crook ofthe L formed by o¥0 ‘topping acer Broadeay and Tih Sere All hii in the geo fea matte of» pid of paths Ate fat end of Broadnay isthe Give Cemer are, and Beyond tat che sencmenally portant ode of the PltsOhers Suter Alongide Beoiday the Siring Sct Soa dss ad neat ove i Skid Row (sia Sheep. Tee Hatywond aod Hho Ereways may bec. SiS ts boing Une ero open sacs ele Lee grea Ages sock for secs ca of Manor Ln Ange te See sd sont of ih Se excep forthe ten of he feposing gi. Tie conn tt vets rice, Ths opal cence is iberlyspnkiel wich cramer Une tract chit of hea ing the Ser and Baore Hotel, wd tram unong ors the Rchéeld Belding. she Pubie Libery, Hebe Sed Bulls depute seh the Federal Savings Budding te Pbmrmonic Teor Ci Hal sad te Une epee Dux cly reo andourla were dated inary cnce devs uly, bck wed geld Rcheld Bung sd be py tied tp ofthe Cy Hal 35 Fe 17. Penne Sere 36 (Other shen the Cive Caves ae ceogazble dis se sibs smal and lent, conic the borders of pte achat the Ms Suter shoping, tbe Broadwry sopping, Teanspration ow on Gh Sunt, the Speing See Snel die, snd Skid Row on Main Sacer), or lave weak: Banker Hil, Lie Tolyo.”‘The Civic Center it songe, becuse of it obvi function, site spar openes ew buldings, and dee elges ew falco coma i Bokar Hil ia noe tong an age, ‘ees"motin the downaown ae” Indeed es surpising how the (ore, beeing "road tis major opographi fexe,bas ‘ede in vnaly beryng Pershing Squne is consent he srongesclemen of ak an ‘xray anicaped open spice in he hea of dowaionn, ei foxed by is wseas am outdone poiteal forum, cap eeting, and old people's tex. Along withthe Pls-Osver Seer nde (ovals antes open sae), Peshing Squte was tbe es. staply dered element, with Hs imme Cet s, ng fs by banana ren, then by 3 sng of ld people sng {in li akon hese wall hen by Busy ner aod aly bythe lon ls of downtown bulings Aug rash, ‘vas noraways fe to be pssinSonetines subjects showed fear of the ed and eceni people who wei, are often the serprse wat oe of pth highend by the way in which tae peoples conned to be fngng wal, and ge if econ {rl gre. Unfors comparzot weve drew witch en, UF dees, asee ofthe Sane: grove of een with xacered benches and ws. The cet ges was esened ot only be impede co ce aca the pace at 3 pedetian wold soem dn Nevers, is 5 highiy enable iage, sueng ted by the presence of 4 domiaene adnate el own Imnsof the Biunore Hote which efiyana the ton Of she Sg. alts ingorarce ia the cy image, Pering Square ems (o How ele Teis one Bode away foe the evo ey se, Tih ad Broudway and say wee vce of specie lee tion altough tte of x gencal one Subjects on th ps teadel i ede ds v0 pot oweys Foe sy ped ca ‘nine nrc ‘Tit seme bound up wih ks off cme location, ad ko with che sobjeed tendency 10 confoud various sree, ceed below Seow ws prs the ety pels wich wes erimnsble forall Arte orginal mia weet and wil the hege oping cecestaton inthe doworown ata, i maked by the crwdt fonts sidewall, by the lng and contin of ks hopping by ‘he marc of movie Roses, nd by the wee eas (bere ‘er aves earty only bute)” ABNough enceded 0 be the ore if anything ec Broadway was 0:3 shopping atea fo toot of dae riddled persons. is ws ar crowded wit te eticie minorkes and! lower-income gros howe Living qamest dng che eourl ooen, The sdece) becvicr ‘pared chi liner core a8 allen on, king ai wah vey 37 a8 ing deeesof avoidance, cuvosy, fet They were quick © describe the sae dfeencesSecueen the Bessy crow, 294 ‘one to be seen on 7h Sect, which if ao ite at let 4 Ta genera ie dick to diferente the munbered cross acetone from ote, except for th, 7 and er Sere ‘This cofesion of pus was apparent in the ktervews. To 4 leser extent the sumed longa! wrens vere so iter Chngene. Severe f thee ‘erdreoudr ese, prelry Flower, Hope, Grad, and Ove all of wich run ico Basket Hil tended a rinay, ce che numbered sees, 0 be clued one for acter “Attongh one dowaxown weet may be confound for rte, few sabe a die ia msicining decioe on the pri, End vars toch at he Sore Heed on Tih Set, (he Litesey en Hope Ser, Boker lon Grand Suet and Along Bronay, seem fequent enough 10 provide fiereciaion le fc all rene we wal doted. despre Tena gil th cre, wheter by topography the Heer, Acioithe Holy wod Feevay eon of we aronges element of eal cenver ofthe Plas. Olvre Suet. “Pit wat very Sharlydeerbed shape, ees beaches, people; te Sen he eobbled” (acl ric poved reer the pe sac, he goat for tle, valuing dhe anels of canes an cay.” Nov oxy isha pe ial very latin, bor Hehe ely tat Bi torical anchorpot inthe ciy aed ems co generate Bere Tawrgh hs cae pom aren bowers beeen te Wain Depo and the Givi Came, sje had pres dey Ia ck ing the way. They fee ha the ged bad desned ther ad they were nse where the own aces ue a this aoe pc nrc Almeds cet eds reaches ey the lef Einad of polling the conirenuderencr The hegescle i and soba ele new The feewy ita sae trie {ther i of wang trom Union Dept othe Seder he teief with which mos subjecs greed the appa of 1st Siteet wat simon sui ‘When aed eo describe o symbole the cy 282 wha, te sabjecs ied ceria sanded word) “preadouc” apes ormless" "witout centers” Lat Angees sexed coe hard vo eavson or concepuale a4 whole. AD ends pren, Ings or ovrones of weasness and doremacon was the com 0 eta if you wore anne mmeohere fo Lng shen rou ante Yu deserted te ting tte a scale mar aor on icle The appar of repo orem Gin nceded the cron the mourns and ile forte eer tetdema dhe vay regions wh a San Feta and ee ge developmen: daurcs ih ar Dever Hil, the majo freeway ed bound sem, ad, aly» cena gradient of ag over (he whole meopol evidenced inthe condom, send ype cf avomcsappropcine ro each ee ia the sctstne sings of ows ‘Bele his grand sale, however, srutre and ident see to be gute dif. ‘There were m0 meunsbed diti,and Puhs were conse. Pople spoke of being os when off hab Sal ous of depending hei on suet signs. AC ehesmabest Sle dhere were excanal poets of high ent and eae ng’ ours ables, back hoses or ees plone wih highly ‘Steed wepentom, Bin 1 wear niet td an tate ids bef the sree ngeay of dain ite medi le teaded wo be eee Iw alot all the inerviews, whevesubjecs were describing sb pag te fs bee we eas ogee “eres the ive oF impress they apron dove tow New the hit re vos ech del Chow be apes duns, te vegeaor andthe people there was evidence of Chip were and plain the serne Nevring he ce, his “The donmown ae, a i Joey Ci ws bse» ealiecson of named arr and wore fone. Undoubey ti war fn pare ‘eco the increasing ain of ing om che malo rads ve Ie acd co pert even ater leaving the car Evenly the ial eed iil of pote walt Peaps the incensng Sg lo as ies fe Sg std hare, mcdemlly wer requemly memioned ache tocmen of she cy duller. ‘They semed dal eevionmeteal Calor thas the overall tone war repated to be wih el Taw orgy Several dvr no the cy cnr repo chat they regu enedeed on arog eondons each mong, by Pare 2, met 2 soting the walty of suck dnt tomer Beco athe Rich field Bung or Chy Mal ‘Aomobi wrale and he Kighay aysem were dominant shomes inthe ierviews. This mas the daly experience, the Aniy batie—sometines exciing. oly test and exhasing “ip deals were fll of refereces co sgl sand si Inueseces ad utning problems On te aways, decisons ad to be made for aead of time; dete were const lane smanewvers. Ie wa ike shoving pds in» boa, with he sme ‘comers and tension the sme consars orto "Lep ones ead” Many sbjec noted ther fes on diving 4 sew rote forthe fa tine There were equ slecces the Oe asten ef ofthe ig ierhungen the ieee sere doping raring climbing. Fo ame peso diving wat + ctalenging Ngbspeed game "On these fat stad re can have sone tent of the wa repography One sin ee nat coming over pet hl ech Imoring marked the midpo f ber ney ard ave shape ro if Rather aed be een of the cys Kale due 0 he few ronda, which ave chnged Her wine conception of he fi of denen, There ete recast te plete of momentary exter views frm seated pons of the fee ty, vers the coeained monotnou senaon of the embinks Imenc in cat On te other hada a Boston, dese vers Seemed hve dite in long the zeny, in ng #0 the vet ofthe chy arate. There wat a common experince ffs momenary las of wriemation when coming of + Ivenay vamp “Antics Frequest dene wis tht of elie age. Peropt lcs av ach of the ernment i ecw or canping, thet ‘ser evidece of widespread amor atoll rach 10 nyhing tac bad said the opel Thr he sey Pl (hve Set nade even the deep hare of Bunker Hil, ined the ation of many sabes There wasn impression from thee few ierviews tht Gre isan even gree se smenal aeachmeat 1 what i od han exit i comer Bonen, In Los Angels as wll as in Jerey Ci people wok great igh Bowes and vegeta, which indeed ace the ty of many ofthe reside ctios ofthe cy. The ety poront of bmeso-work ripe were fal of wd picures ofthe Sowers nd wes. Even car divers moving 0 highspeed seemed 8 wee fa enoy och wae deca ‘ur hese reas did nt apply co be ave direc unes sea. Cee Ls Angles is a rr the val aos af Jersey (Cy, aed i ab 2 ater eral earber of sng Belding lac Imai Ye cccep for 3 concep and ater sellers ‘ie as aii organ oF compretend asa whale Ie ido song green sybols The sang inge. Bray nd eehing Se, wee, this mile cs grovp of ube es, aber alien or even menscing, Not one dexibed hem 1 lestne of Beall ‘The Ue, selec Pisa, ad een fhe topping be eaeraiamens fastions Spmlnd by te Tanda inh epper Te Sree ates wer the cl lames 9° ‘hich any wc wat bexowed.” One sibjen’ pa he by Saying hat ce od Pa. ae ed, 8 the new Wale Bow leva on he her wer the ot things with that they summed up Los Angeles. —The image sexed 0 ck mach ofthe recognizable are, ably, and lesa meaing of ‘cen Boron Common Themes We fd in comparing ese hee ees (if we can Bod ay ‘hing i such smal sampigs) hata mighc be expected. peo plead tee sutoundingsand entrar sucue apd ieniy ur of she materi at Iam Te ype of elmer sed ince Sy image, st he gases me them tang or mesh ser tte compaabic eres the tre, hong the poparion of Smee ops mur voy val dw eid foo, Veer tbe come tine, here ae mated diereacesbemeen te eves of oe ‘on and ato in these ferent pial emronmen ‘Among other thing ee tess made cet the signance of spice and break of view. The dominance af Bowes Cares River eg ised on the wide visa weep i alors on enter ing the cy from oh ide” A lege amber of iy elements ‘an be seen a once i thee relations. on pon fle 0 fhe whale 6 abundanly cleat Las Angeles ive Center was ‘ocd for is spa opeomes. Jey ly subjecs sponded ewe 5 ate 0 a “ the view blo therm sey devcended the Pade owned te Masher syle, “There wat sm emeconl dlghyatsng fom + bead view, ‘which wa refered ro many tines Wocld ibe pose, a ost ‘ries, make tht ponoramic experience » more common en, forthe thousneds who pass every da? A brad view wl se: ties expos chaos, o expres charceress belies Ea 1 wel ‘nunaged panorama seems be ape of bas enoymene Evens oe saps pace seems 0 be remathaeaagh ‘pehaps no: please Many people cles the erence and fessnicn at Dewey Sqnte in Benn at » sring. igh Undosiey shila by conrar 0 the otherwise ght aeban spices But whee the pie fa ome form, a ie dot ang he Gare: River or on Commoamear Avena, in Petting Squnte ‘er Lovibarg Squnve ort some exten in Copley Square, th sega in cc nronges the Karr botnet memonsbe. It Bowon's Scoay Squce or Jersey Ce’ Joural Square hd sp tal durcier commensue wnt tie hon importance they would erly be ey feaees neice. “Toe nce fetes ol hey: the wepeaton a he wae ‘were often sored wath cate and with pear The Jersey Cy [Moje weve sasply aware ofthe few green oates i he ‘oandiags these of Los Angles often spp descbe the roi varicy af local vege. Sever of thm pred daily rout which enihened thi wip co work but slowed ther 6 [by sme pale plasing, at, or by of water ere recused encerpeloe Lat Anges tipe ‘You co oe Sune at Ee pst —I do’ ow what fe aime of ks I sey ae and —oh— Be prs te cnirg nto oom. One ae seus Hock shove a hems (On Sowa Canyon and al eds of pum wee het! he ih [les aod he low pl: nd non down pe Las Angels, gered © he motor a, abo Funsbes he ost iv eames the tespane othe path stem: to eke map fis tal xpiie, wo Hs tein wih eer cy elemento Es own intemal acer of sac, view, and mation. But the inal dmionc of the pts and hel hey inuence as tee eck frm which om pope expeieae thei rounding a ‘oampiy ante inte Bose and Jersey Cy suena. ‘Que ab appeen i he consare rerencet scnecienme clase he avtcnce of Tower dat” Broun in ae Angler fe recoginon of the “appar cnt” Bergen Seon in Jey Cin. o he uamislable dvsion of Boaoxs Beacon Hill xo (vo lander "Te incerviews Beough out another general espns: 1 the sayin which the piyacl seme sybase page of sine “Thc Bowen iacricr vere fll o eres to opr cree the “new” Aner cing Ueough he “ali” maker dase, the few Cubale chapel among the ancient aldings om Arch Stee be old (dst oemamend low rity Crech show ‘eed pans the new (bight sath al) Jobo Hancock Bul ing and 0 on Inded, etcrpons were often ae si hey teete x tepone ro cotam in he erban see: spre cote Sats const ate comma, rev age or compres ef cles: lines oof nicsping ements and series became rer: Te Los Angeles tere is a mpeson tht che Bidty of che ovine aod ihe absence of physi eesens which sechor (othe ps ate excing and distubiog, Many deepuons of the scene by emis resides, young of old, weve ace fied bythe ans of wae wed vo be thre. Change sth 32 thane mzbgh by he Fenay sytem have lel Sas on he mem laliage. ‘The iervewer teal: “Ther stb Srna tgs mang se ch oui Ysa 3 many ge of ea re tee far ene to deep up eit hem Cert conmens such as dee quickly become appateaton tealing the ietevew uci ks psi, however 10 7 eh imerviews oe des roe Spatial, ad ofa tre mare shout he character act aca of te aban age, ‘Thi willbe he burden ofthe Felling cope 4“ 46 Ill. ‘THE CITY IMAGE AND ITS ELEMENTS Trae sons 0 be + pubic nage of any given ey sich isthe over of many Indaba ages" Or pert Theres seri of pble imagen each hel by some ian ‘nimber of einen. "Sach poup tages te etsy i ind Cid is operaeomceny wn as envrnrere ahd tt (Cope with it fees Esch dl pice nue ‘eh some eotet ha ey ov neve command yt {proximate he pb rag, whch indent enwitnnene, i nore or er comping ore ole embracing "Tsay irs fe he ec py percep object "Tore ae ter tens on iagesy, ch se {et meaning of a ate faci ity, ree tame. "Ts wil be pon oer since the objective here errr treo fs ae Wi es fr pu ee ‘ral dein for soul be wed wo calor coin. am ct Snort “The one of he cy ingen 0 fa td, wich ace ee: shie wo py frms, in ene be ced ito fe typename patel dies, me ard nda Indeed neseclement maybe of more gene sppicston since they ee appear in any eyes ewer mages 35 rma be sen by reference ro Appendix A Thee ements may We deed as flows Pat Put ae he channels slang whieh che obsereer cuscmary, octal or potency ves They may be Sees, wakways sans lines canals, alouds, For many peo: omen pie, he ate the predominant eemens ia toe image. Pepe Soe the sky while moving trough and long dee ps {he other enone cement are arnged and ated 12 Ripe Edges ae the liner shinee no we of con vedas pth by the cere They ae the bodies between fro pitt, inte rena i cany shen, ele cut, ges of development wal They ae lel referees rather be butt, move a est they may Teteams, ne along which rwo regione are rated sd fined opener These edge ements ough pbibiy so dow Ian a paths. ace for many people mopar ogaixing fe tures, parccotcy in the tle of olay coger generlaed tessa in ee oun of cy by wie or wh 1X Diurks, Diss are the medion scons of ee iy, concived of a ving two daneniona exten, Mac he ‘erver mentally ences side of” and which ve scogpizabe ts having se commen, ientying huaer. Alay ent Sale foe che side hey ate ao vd for exer etree nble ram the onde Mo: pope sure tt cy 1 am ‘et in hs way with advil dileences avo whether pas tr dicts ae the domioae ements Ke acs to depend ot ‘ly upon the indivi! bux lo pon the gen iy 1 Node Nodes te pins, the sei psi 9c ico wlth os alec om wor, and Gh ve ets Ba wo {nd from which he eivlg. "They ay Be primaly ene tons. ples ofa beak in watsporaton a osing OF enw: gence of paths momen of st fran one seucare © anathet (rahe raies maybe spl concentacns, whch ai i porace fr bung he condensation of soe ot or psi Shara, ab 3 eeecornerhangow ora enced square Same a 48 of these concecron ses ate the frat and epitome of (ieee coe With hein ries sed which they sand 54 seb They maybe called cones May res of urs, pra ofthe nse of fh jecons ard cone: ons The concep of rave i elated 10 the conepe of a Sine jasions ae epily ee canergece a ph, eves en ‘he purest Snaaty eed so te concept ea, Sine coves ne spel he env fx of dts cee pla [ng cet In any event, some nda pin are robe fund in snot every image, and in cen cae ey may be ie dom. eee Lindner, Landa ae acer yp of praneefeence, tue in thi cae the chrrvar doe nt enter within therm, thy re exert Tey ae uly «rater senplydefoed poysic fc beldg. sgn see, oF moana Tht we invaves the singling oo of one eemen from 3 bow of poxibes, ‘Some anak are disap ee rom many anges and dsancs, ove the op of Smale elemees and sed 35 ‘al elrences They maybe wii heey ota such +s ‘ance that for all praca puposs they sla 2 cost leer Sach af iced rowers, golden domes, fe ls [ven ble pin, like the sun, whose moon & slicemly slow and repair may be employed Other landmacs ate p ‘mui Toca being visible oly insti fais nd Co evan approaches Test ate tw inounerble igs, sore frome, wes doorknobs and ter wan deta, which A i he inage of mos observers. ‘They re Fequeny used ot fides thy sd even farce, and sem wo beats led pen 1 journey becomes more and mare Fara “Tne image of + given physical rally may ocasionaly eit ix gpe nih difcen Croumaanes of vewiag, This 45 expenay maybe ap fr te diver, ad ede forthe pede tran Oe cena es maybe snr when ey i orgie ‘a medium sends nde when the emie meropolian ae 18 considered. Bor dhe cxegres seem to hve suai for # _iven cbc when hei opraing a given lee. "None ofthe mee eet led above eis lion in the teal ese” Dass tre scared with ode, deed by aps, peoneted by path and epikled wih landmarks Hl pens pally oveiap and piece one anne this analysis ep wine diferenaon ofthe asim eerie mutt fxd with tr reiegratin tn he whole mage Ont sie: ave fented ch information sv he win ehareciet Of fe eemenr ypex This wil be dscssed bdbw. Only © 2 leer exten, forum, dd the work make reestan about eins wen dar time me cot the development of the image. These ater ‘apes il be wemed oe he ead of hs caper, For ma: people eviews, pus were te peedomian: cy lemons athaugh thee inpriance vated acordng 10 the ‘Ee of fairey men the cky People wih eax knowlege (Donon ended to wik of he cy items of tompenhy large ceplony peeled charcteriicy ad ead deco Fehon Sats wi knew the cy bewer had analy onseved par of the pth sre; shee people hough meri Terms of speck pacts an thee frelon A eendency tls sppeted forth pope bo koe the cy bet al ey Fate pen mal andar and et wp ether regio or puch "The pecal drama ard ec in he iphny sen ‘sould nor be pderenimated One Jeey Cy abece ho ean fnd tise worth describing in he sartoodins suddenly Kite ‘hen se dete the olin Tue Anater econ ee ‘ese: on sas Baldwin Aver, you se allo New York in fone sf you you a de were dope and (he Palsndes) and se hope parr af wer Jy Cy in fet you ‘i yore gong iw bil andere Jou Kaw! thew he tanoa, tees te Hine River ad eeing "=. Tee Teek othe igo wefan me he. Sate of Uke. ‘Thee auns bk op tse the mp Sn Bling we hws tte wesher i. I hae ellen af hates beese Tm pe sep Toe 1 9 pee Pardee ps ay bene imporan: fences in 8 sumer of ways Cutty ave wl of couse be oe ofthe serge Pests ” 30 inbuences 50 tae major scenes such a4 Boylston See, Stow Drive, or Taman Suet in Bourn, Hon Boulevard in eer iy othe Ireewag in Lot Angee ae al bey image eatree Obnacer to ere, which often comple the sve sare ay in cde ees ly by ancetaing eros How n> fewer chanael, whieh this become concepeliy dominant Bescon Hil acting of» gan roar, rer te importance of Cambrsge and Chaves Stee she Pale Garden arenghent ‘Deacon See The Chars River, by coining wale 14 few Fiphiy vile bedpes 3Fof india! shape, rooted et fies te path sure. Quite simisly, he Palides in Jersey Cy foci senon on te dee auees tht sucess ‘Conerraion of pci to avi along se oy give ix prominence ia he minds of obeeers Washington Sees the oustanding Bowon example: subjeesconsienly motel lew shopping and thenree. Some peopl entendd tech seria topos of Washington Suet that are gute ferent (eg, near Sate Suet); many people seemed nat 0 kaow that ‘Washington extends beyond the eneratnene sept, and ‘hough tended ner Baer of Ser Sceers Los Angas bat ‘many exampler—Droadway, Spring Se, Sk Row, 7 Sect, Tithe thease concen’ et prominent enough Wo emake Uetr dau People ecmed vo be snotive co vaio i the smoue of aciviy they encountered sometimes gael ‘herseives egy by following thers seen of ei Lot ‘Angled Erndway wat copied by itz coos ands eet, ‘sem, Wathingion Suet in Boron wis make by » tren of ‘lenin "Oter Kad of city aground lev! ao seed fe make pees memorable sac a Consrtion wok nest Seth Stim rth bre of he food martes ‘Characerisicspual qualies were able co stengihen the nage pra put he Spl Sens, sees ha S38 (gt comerne of cir wid ir ereowaesatcted seein Gambeige Stee, Commonweskh Avenue, and Aranie Avenue tue all wed Kaowa la Bowon and all wee singed out fo hit rest widen Spat quay of with and mrrownes derive Dar of eh inporance from de common aaron of rain fees with wilh and sie arees with nurowocss Looking for and taming to the “sin” (se. wie) rest became st taste. and in fhoxon the nal perm vsily support et ASsumpin. Natow Washington Se is the exceptan 0 this fale ad tere the comes soni te her Section, 3 ‘arownes is enforced by tll bulings and ge crowds, at ‘he very vera became the Mcaeying mark Some othe fearon dies Bovtons Eran dito the anonyety [SF te Los Ange gid maybe doe vo eis Bch of spi So Sprcal fade characte were ai imporant for path Menciy Beacon Sect and Commonweakh Avenve were di fine ply becuse of the building Faas tha Hine Ge avensot texture sere 0 bef important exept in pil es sach a8 Over Sues in Los Angeen Dea of plating ‘eee oo be elively eimporae, bur» gest dea of [hming, like thst on Commonwesh Avenue, could reinlrce 2 pth image very afeciney Protimcy «0 spec Fesures of the city could alo endow 2 ch with creed inporunce. In his cate the path wood be Teiag scondurily at anceps, Atane Avene derived sch impecice fom iaelon ache wharves and de abot, Sie rom Deve omit loan slong the Chaes River Arnon snd Tremont Sets were divincivebeeuse on ide an slg {put and Cambridge See acquired cary from ix bore fetnionasp to Beacon Mill Other ques har gave impor: fare eo sng path wee the vital enpsre o the path ell {he vs expire rm the path of ther pas ofthe ey. ‘The Ceneal Avery was noble purty for is vl promivence ss lesweeps rough the cy onan eeated course. ‘The bridges over the Charen were ao sparen fr long dances But the Vos Angeles teeway a che edges of che downtown are are ‘aly enceed y cts or pled embankment "& oumbet Of cored mbjexs spoke ab if those feeays were not (here On the other hind divers ined ha tir aenson Iarpeod a fcewny came oot of cur and aeaned + wide (tersionaly, puts were import brgely for sacral rex sea Monachusrs Avenue mas alow pute srcate for cx tabjecs, who were anble wo desc h Yer 4a slalom 14 Fleet 211080 38 I sn nro of many contig eee ade i» majo Bonn Seren Mon ofthe Joey Cay pata vend 0 hve ht Phere major paths lacked identity, or were easily confused cae forte eer the ete cy nage wasn iy. The Tren Soe to Shawne Aveat nih be ieercongaie in Boos or Ove, Hope MG Sef ex Angle Bor tote Langfetow Beige vo or tnguedlycoafred sith he Cvs Wier Dr ely sae BON ey on et sd temas in tee ‘Tut nad fo el ies Ia he Sip to inthe rods bey aye May of he pa in Jetey Ch were ico Sd toh vse td tn ete “Ts the prt rte Mena, re cominnny a wel = ovis fc! cei. Peope reply depend pon hn gay, The dane sogcen 6 ter the she “tds orbed of he paveens go hoop te cocina eer hanes le Erprnt Dah wich Sly bie ns tory ee of acm wer sce he pend We actin au evroomet Hee eney Cy. They can be felowed by Ge arene eve ¥ we deny, People on fenrated dat ote i of Canes dg 2 coats nk were so concn depen hag, Biorb of anit ad import swe. When the mel with changes Cambri Ses doer st Bowdon Sure or ‘when the spl conuiny wat lee ar i i wastage Seve ot Dock Square ope tad cay ia feaing » cminion ofthe same path Atte ther ead of ‘Wann Sct en cnge i he ef bg ay party expnin my people fied to extend Washington See rd Race Set no the South Bad Towle of Garces ig cocky 10 pth wee blaming ad fuer song Cmmennenh Aven, te bul Tiecrps sod mite slong Hutson Breed. Noes ten tebe pled 2 rest Sree pray la he Bick Bay tar seer vo Beacon Hl by Hs sane The Colt of che tm of Washing See pve pepe 4 Ce #10 Ro to pro (aol amngh Soh Ba ven ay ese nat os trea "Tet peor fing of réxioaip tobe guoe sioply from tandog on» set which by came conines to he Tet of he ci, bowever fe” A eevee example i the atention siventa che nondesiptbegionngr of Wistite and Suse Bo Jerands ia she cena area of Lop Angels, beee of tee spe character later ou. The path border the Boston Incbor, fon the other hand, was tines fagented simply beaut of ee Cangng tines ie bens: Causenny See, Commerc Stee, tea aie Avene 33 PO 54 Paths may not only be ientifabe and coninous, but have steel quay a wel: one diction alan te ne cn esly be dningusned fom the reverse. This canbe dane by + grad eat, regular change in sme quality Which cumulative in one Siren. Mow Fequetyseted vere the ropopapie ral en: im Boson, pucculary oa Cambridge Sure, Beacon See, sd Beacon Hall ”A grade of use iense, auch a on the Eppeoach «© Washington Set, as aso nae, oom 3 eon Sle, tbe gradient of lncenng age on approaching the canes (of Los Anges on 3 Keeway. Interline gray envionment of Jersey Cry, thete were two examples of pads based on the relive sae of sep of tenement "A prolonged curve i ali «grade, sendy change ia dee tin of movement. Thar wis a6 afen seed Hoesbecly the ony ckaons of a boll sense of caving motion were In the Boston subway, or on poons ofthe Las Angeles Freeways ‘When sect carves ate menned in ge iocsiews, they seem 19 rete prariy 10 visual cues The warning in Charles Seee {cBeacon Hil was sense, for example, becuse the close bul ing wall belghened the vital perception of cave, People ened 0 think of path desinasone and origin pont: they Tike wo koow wher paths came fom and where they led Pata wih cer un webteown tigi sod deseo hed stronger Hens, helped tie the city roger and gave the ‘haces sense of his Beseings whenever he esd them Some ‘bjs though of general dexinaons for path 1 son of the ey, for empl, while oder though of specie places ‘One peron, who male rather hgh demande for iveligibiy ‘pon techy envionment, was oabled Because he wast of ‘road wack and didnot know the desintion of eine wing Sem ‘Cambie Set in Boston at ches, stg terminal poe: he Outen Serer rotary and Scola Square Other ares may ave only one sharp terminal Commonweskh Aven at the Public Garden, or Feder Set at Pox Offer Sqinre On the ‘er tand the indefinite Gale of WathingtonSret—varoaiy though ofa going 0 Sate Seren, 9 Dock Sse 0 Hoya. ‘Square, or even North Seon Cactaly te formal rne 10 ‘he Qalezown bridge) mean lH we moe common wad in he paper of Ls Angeles Mos often, pevtap. ualng was accomplished by 3 sequence cf known landmarks or males ang the path. The marking of ‘enable regions 83 path enters snd eves them 0 co tuted a power means of giving dein al sealing to 3 path (Chaves Set eeing Henson HIN from the Connon, sad Soe ine Sect entering the shoe and ther diet om he may 10 Sout Sason, ate caumples ofthis fle ‘Given + dectonsl quality in 3 pth we may sex ing ies algre, tae is as deewon is relent 0 some beg 38 Pare 7 poe 36 56 fywem. Jn Boman, thee were many examples of analigeed patie” One commen case sar the sub, miseading core Mow people mis’ the carve io Masachuses Avene st Fat mouth Set, and eonfsed thei eal map of Boon 2 ee, ‘They coir Manchats Avene oe sng, aed it fighangle nesecions with 2 lege munber of ses, 20d seamed these eres fo be pats Boylan and. Tremoat Stes were dieu beau, bya number f seal changes bey ‘ut over rom almon paseo amos perpendicular. Adame ‘Avenue wt eotive cae a compound of two long caret and schearadsragie ener, e prh whch comely everest dietion but issih inks most hare ‘A the ame tine mote abeupe dtecina shifts may enbance ‘inal icy by iting he spaial cocina by providing prominen ste for daiacive srvcures That the Washington ‘Steet core wat defined; Hanover Steet wat crowned by at 0d Chueh a€ the apparent ends apd the South End crosses ted lzinncy a they sed couse tre the mar fae (Gite simry one was preveced from sensing the wacom ia which cel ow Angele! placed by the gid ls which close Of ene outmard ww The second common cas of mislgameat 10 the fs ofthe cigy waste tarp sxpeatan of path frm rrrosnding ee: men Pathe in the Boston Comeon, for example, eaured mich fenfation people weve uncerain which walkwsye 19 ie in der to artive at parc desiions cutie the Common. “Thee view af that ouside desinaons was bloke, ad ite pens of the Connon fied vo to ouside puns The Cee ‘Artery wat il betes example, fo i more detached fom is surrounding. Ics elevated and does aot allow a cer view (of adjtcent sree, bur permits 3 Kind of fst and ditrbed ‘movement tol issng ia the cy. Iisa speci Kad of Stromal nd uber tan aoc cy weet. Many abject ad gees dfs aligning the Artery co srrouding elemen aléough ic was knows ro cnnect Noh ad Sauh Sons Toy Angees at well the freeways wee 20 fe 10 be "a" che ‘ese of the iy, and coming of an ek amp was (pial & ‘moment of severe daointion. ‘Recent research onthe problems of eectag ection! sges onthe new fceways hs stowa tat ths dissociation 0m the surroundings cars exch corning decision ro be made wnier pressure and withoe adequate prepatson. Even falar din- {showed a furpisng nck of koowledge ofthe freeway yen ‘nd ie conecions." General tention (9 the (al anlcape fas the premen cecd of these avo? “The slkoed lines and she subway ate otter examples of echineneThe bared pats of the Boson subway coal 2 be retard vo he rex of he enviroment exept where they Cre Sp fora an roig the rner The face corner ofthe ‘sins eny be seategc odes in the cy, bu they we eae ‘long iavisblecooceposllekages The subway is discon ere nether word and ii nigung to speculate what menos ‘might be sed wm mesh iro the srcture a the wile ‘The wer neroundeg the Boson pein it asc lemene to which parts may be aligned. The Back Bay ri wis teed fo the Chas River, Alacc Avense was liked o he harbor Cambridge Steet led en 10 the tives fom Seoly Square Hilson Boulevard in Jersey Ci, despite itFequene evs, was sligond with de log peiazlsbeween the Hacenack and the Hon. The Los Aagees gra of curse, provided stonstic Alignment berveen dowatows ances It wet ext © pot down fee base pen in deh np, even if che ladda nto tree ant deiapudableTeoctind of te abe deew hit fas, before adding sy eter elements Howeve, the fac dt ‘his gid is rrned hrough some angule distance, both foe he ‘can cut line an the cardinal dtecions, gave » mber of ‘bjt ame satin ‘When we concer more than one path, ten ohe path inter: section becomes vi sce i the pout of econ. ‘The tn ple perpenicle reinehip memed. stew 10. Mande, ‘ips the shape ofthe intersection was winforced by oer eres The bevenowa ‘nertection in Bowon, cording to ‘ur iveviews, was that of Commmanweakh Avence abl Adin fon Ser ira vital obvious ce, soppored bythe spice, the planing, che tet, and the importance of the cements Jina "The couing of Crsles and Bescon Sets wir ao ‘ell inom: the ones are made vibe ad reinforced by the me ” 8 boners of tbe Gammon and the Pblie Ganka, erections ols number of see wit Masscucets Avenve were ey ede. probably becte the righ-angleceltoncips cod Tavs Gentes ts foveal he meaty Indeed for sever sibjerconued ineriections wit ret coving frm many anges were ene of thee pia! Dawe Characerisics Crasing fe than fou pins tos aba pee coble, An eopeicced iat digas, Si wer Plex grarp a te ey pets sacar, cones tat the ve oined roming ot Oarch Green on Sommer Set wat one of ‘Rerwo ings ithe cy that wobled Nn Egul serving svat eae ele wih many emering pate occuring 3 pe eer srand tn waders te acd rber of evtance ton the whole wary Ben onperpencelt, five poined casing may be made cles fas been done in Boston's Copley Square ‘The conrad space tinged eaonsip beween Huncingon Aen snd Boitoe Street Pak Sque onthe ober hands «Simple perpenduat jie i i shpeesenes fas wo conmamte fis sre ‘Acmany Bown rss oo ly at the mabe of pat Aipled, butte coninty of the spol cour is eomplely Vint wten site he chao ens Os oar ‘Nor ae such chaos resins simply eh prac of pas Bs ‘oval weedeat The conemporar highway ttcang® is even ‘more onfsing partis sac mas be eae at ger ‘pete Several Jersey Cay nbjecn, for example, wake wh [arf se shape ofthe Tonele Avenue Gucle 'A percep prblem on hrge sce i raised whee pth ances sighly fo make alternate pas bok of tlie im perance. A cae isthe branching of Sorvom Drive (afer fame conaion with Cher Sret) imo cw path the der NNushor Seer, lang 10 Caviewsy-Comercal Alan and there Cel Ay, ‘These wo pat were oo ilreoenly anlied aith one another, prong major enwslaon in the image. All sbjecsseered unable to cnceive both at ce Dover” Que sniiy, bm he sdbwny tem the tcc ‘eet ae my ema oe «ie ec can me oth Bn 1 See Er hs id oe tae ey syne erro ‘allel nes might be confused ane with ihe ache, pacularly so oo Angeles sem tobe imaged sts compete arc, a¢ dd the Jersey Gay rye of Hodson Bovlewsdinereened by eee ut stich go down over the Pande, or the tnd of West Sie, Hudson, and Bergen Bowlevars, with che repulse ros tees berween ‘Where ssc was accustomed to vel by somo ne way remisons wee difclecompliction inthe smage of 2 path ratte. The eae patches second meal ack was {oe t9 jum sich an ireversily in the ayatem For eters, ‘Washington Suet was noc acablacros Dock Square bese Ici ner erering on bot des. A nrg ougher of paths my be seen a toa newark, when repeating elaionsipe are sufety tendar and pedicabe ‘The Los Angele gra ea good example. Almont every subject, ‘coud easly put down some cweny moe pate in cores rel tia exch eer. Ar these, te ery egy made ied for thers ditingish on path from aot ‘Bones Beck Boy is vo eeening pth nework. it mg niky relate a Coma che et of eu omer ego ‘fect that would noc ota in ose American cies Bue th tors fends sogaity, The longhinal eres wee Sherply Alferenined frm he cos ates in everyones ind och at they ste in Manhattan. ‘The long ses all bave india darscet—Bescon Se, Marboro Sete, Commonweakth Ave tue Newbury Street ech one diferente the coss ees eras meaning devs. The restive mith ofthe trees the ‘ck lng the buldingftomages che naming sytem, the felative length 204 womber ofthe emo kinds of sree, thet fens import all ead 0 zafrce this dilereation ‘Thos a reps paern i give form and earcer Thesis te formals For ming the cose ares wae frequen rd at ‘locion device muchas he umber ce wed in os Angeles. “The Sout End on the cer tand, while having che sme vopolgi form of long parael car sents xercomnced by epurgrid is each les sccenflfa ty patern Major tnd sisor seas seal dierensaed by wicth and ui, and many fof the minor wrens tave mace carer than the ofthe Back Bay. Bor tre fa lack of diferente charac in the mar sees: Columbus Avene i ard co dixingi fam Teemane ‘Steger leon Shen Avene. "This inrchangrbiy was {neque in se inersiews. "The Fequet eed ofthe South End to» geome sy tem war ypkal ofthe conranerendecy of the sib (0 Tapes repdatny on their soundings Une chine ev dere refed iy they ied co organize ph ino geomecical fsetorks, dategrdng curves and noerpenicae ieee Vion. ‘The lowe aren of Jersey Ci wat Frequemy dwn a8 # Id, eventhough i is one onl in pt. Subjects asad all Of cena Los Angles ito» repeating nerwork, mithow being Aine by she dioron athe eanerm edge, Several subject 61 Edges cen ised on reducing the sve mate of Bosons franc init to's checkerboard ‘The sudden, and parclcy the ‘atherindacernbve, silt of one gid sytem eo anatber gd sysem, oF 10 3 nor-pi, was very confusing. Subject in Los ‘Angees vere often quite dseened ia the aren eos of Fst Suet oes of San Pe. ges he nea lames oe coniered a pi: dy ae seunly bt at que toys the bounare between re Hinde of avens. They cto ltr references "They are soog in ‘Boren sed Jersey Cy bur weaker ia Los Angles Tose edges seem suongest which re ox only vn, prominent, but a0 Ceovauoas inform and inpeseable ro cross movement. Tae Gases River is Boron the bes example and bas all of these guar ‘The impornece of te prsiamlar defikion of Boon hes steady brn mentioned. Te mate have Been much move impor tania the 8th eenay, wlan the chy war ate ad very ee ing penne. Srce then the shorelines have been ented of changed but she plete persis One change, st let, bas frenghened the nage: the Cals River edge, Soe = #2077 racket now well defined and deveinged ie wt Frequently usrbed, and sameines deawe ia great deal Everyone remembered he wide open spice, te curving line, the bordering ‘ghar the Boas, the Esplanade he Shel "The water edge onthe eter ide, the heraeone wa an gee erally Known, and emembered frit specal activity. Bute tesa of wnt wt en Cea, nce wat buctd by many sec. tures and since he fe has gone out ofthe olé harbor actives. “Most abject were sable 0 intercon the Chale River and Boson Harbor in any cenrece wy. Par his st be due 10 ‘the aceetng ofthe wae sete 1p ofthe peninaiabytaoad yards aad bung, putly co whe cone sapee of the wae, ‘wt Hs mynd bdges ad docks a he meeting f the Chas iver, the Mysie River, aed the se. The lak of Frequereed ‘wnerside pu, as well ashe drop ia wae level tthe Dum, ‘Ss bens the cocina. Fucber wes, few were avate of aay nse in she South Bay, nor cold ey imagine any 20 co devel price in chor dtecion Thir lack of penne. conae Aeprived the chien of a snfing sense of competion and ‘coal in hit iy. ‘The Cenal Avery I lsecenible to pedeians, at some pointe impatble, nd it sptly prominent. Bari i ony einai exponed to view. Ie wa a cae of wat mighe be Called sfengmeny edge fo the sbxnes contin, bo oly isalied at discrete points The aural lies were acthet frample The Arey, in pris, war ike 2 rae Iyng ove ‘he cy image Held down athe end and tone two era po ie eliewhete wished aod twined from one poston ¢o fees. The eof relation fet whe devieg the Arey wat ‘meee i is ambiguous lotion forthe pedeian ‘Storow Dive. on te ote hard, wile as et be “out side by he diver, was clay foraed en he map, beose of is ‘Nigemen tothe Chaves River le wa the Chas River, despite lise asthe bas edge in the Boson image, which was cat ly ied from the dealed aructre ofthe adlang Back Bag. People were alos a 10 bow to move fom one the aber We can specu da 5 was oor ue before SOO Deive ct of pede acces 2 the Foor of exch er set. Simialy, the iatetetion of de Chas River and Beicon Hill was tard 10 gasp. Although the poskon of he bis pocntlyexplnsony of che praig bead in che coe, 20d ‘iough te hil Omeby ais a comming eblade view of the ever ee, the Charles See cary seme for eos people to be he ony em connection between the two. Ifthe los Sharply and immediacy ove ofthe wate, ntead of bead ‘making foreore covered by uses which are en doubly Ssvodsed wit Beacon Hil, ad if 1: were ore cosy ted ‘0 the path sytem slong the river, chen he telion would Have teen sch dene Janey Cay, he maetone was soo + nzoeg cs, but © tater foregone. "Ie was + o-man's land «region beyond ‘he buted. wie Edges whether of lkeady topography, throughways or ince Boundstin are «very ty! fete ots coveonment and tend 1 Ingen ie Some of the ox 6 4 eM. The left of Chat anplenan edges sich see bank of he Hacensck River with ‘a buering damp ates seemed 0 be moe ese ‘The dsupivepover of an edge must be reckoned wih. The flan of the Norn End ia Bon by he Cena Arey ma ‘ling, inte eyes of reiers end noo resides ake Hd it brea pst, or example preserve te connection af Hanover See et Scolay Square te effect might have been minimized, ‘The widening of Cambridge Suet, in ats da, mus have dove the ume 10 the Wen Ed Beacon Hil conan. The bread fh of Bowens cand eacts seemed 10 dismember te ce, Id wo isle the forgoen ingle” becween the Bock Bay and the South End While cooinuty and visbiiy ae cru, suong edges ae x secesavily inpenerable. Many edges ating Sean ‘er than lig Laver, and it's intreing v0 see the feyemes ia eect. oun Cental Artery seems eo divide aba Jove so ible Wide Cambridge Sustedivies evo selon sharply bec keeps sem in some wal relation. Beacon Sree, the vibe boundary of Bescon Hil slong the Corner ace ssa lure bu ata seam along which the rev iajr areas ae ‘et jenedrpeter Charles Sec a the Fut of Berna Ht bass Gives and wie leasing the lower ares in wrcerain cel sion tthe MM sores hues Seee cares hey elie bt to coming eh eal sevice ores and speci civ sa ted withthe Hie pols the resides ogetber by atracting ‘hemo well Ice ambiguous eer oben node se, Pah oe vais people a vou snes Eiger are often puts ot well Whee shit was 20, and whee the tory abserer was sx sit of from maving on te pat (ashe om ehe Cena Arery, For example, then she cul tin image seemed wo be the dominant one. "The element wit ‘sully pleured a» path, rdnfred by boundy carers Figur and Saat Sec and co leer eet Los Angeles snd Olympic Sree, were aly thought ofa the edges oft os Angees cena! busines tice Ieretingly enous, thy ‘were swonger inthis revpes than the Hollywood and. Hare Freep shi alo ca be though ass mst Bounds, 20d are bath’ mach mate important as pact and physically move mpoing The Fer eae Figueroa andthe chet nce sees se conceal pte f the gerral rid and ae be fae orsome tine ot well asthe teitive iby ofthe dots of lnncxaped Ieemaye all compte 10 eate that teens tom the irage Many bets hd dey in making’ met tl connecion berwen the fo Nghwoy acd de remade the cesar, as a8 i the Boor ase. They wi larson even wal serous he Hallpwend Freeway a8 td ot exit A highspeed arery may nr neces be te bet sony of vial dling» cone] dice. ‘The elevated enays of Jersey Cay and Boson are examples cof what might be cll overhead gen The leved long cre 24 pte 64 Dintries ges nays, he ps ove decioet que, Tae ‘hats Rin eg or ear tee dee enh andi in vied by Ben Hl” Mor lg ad tees sy psn Smiter 1 die inka Cig wo icing ake Mi gn, leweld beanie ney Caspn ead fof w dw» map of os coy by pig dove metre ster sent ete ke nts Het it mops trample of ae igs sg ale a exes ene sepa view.” Groat blag pts tye ‘ical one down he wets lp veh eae i fis gh mcs sd view a Te oma, ‘Se erent of wo slg tee nde ers ea ‘al vr wong The et ciel tye coment OF pnd secs ang tone "The a pena ‘rw urge ad couse a rack pe pce bes ‘epee ytd ware Lop Yet ae st Cuago on he Lak on elrgtale i Dias are he clave age cr areas which de obsever «an meal go ins of, tnd which have ome common ha soee. They can be reopened erly, sod ocr 8 be wsed as exernl reference a pecon ors by of ovat em Maoy persons ieviewed ook fre vo pact xt tee Boson, wile confusing in kx path pattern even tte experienced fabian, he, nthe number and vividness of es iferenied camey Cac oite makes wp for AS one petson ich prof Honan is iret fom thr, You ca ai ey ech wht te youre i Jeep Cry has dries 00, be they ae primatily enc ‘or das discs wih lie phys disieion. "Los Anges ‘marke lacking i rong regions except fr the Civic Cenet fea Thebes ho canbe found ate the lines, sett ai {eke f Skid Row o he Sonn aten Many Los Angele au Fees eleced with soe regi 10 the pleasure of living in ‘ice tht has wrongly chrscerni seas Said one ike Teaeporaon How, euciesalehre gabe Thats ‘he main sing all hate oir tings we nosy Tevet in eammon working there its very nee. Subj, nnn asked which cy they fel co be 2 were oe, menared sve, bot New York (eesting Maaeas) ‘rs uminimoutly ced And heciy was cited not mich fe be eid which oy Angeles tas aswell bot bees i as 3 Bute of welled thraeriie dst sect a8 ‘cedered {tame of eves and atecs “Two Los Angses sie even ‘efered co Masharan a5 being "small" in compatian w wee ena area! Cones of Se tay depeed in pre on Bow wed ‘mace can be gasped Tn some Boze lnerviews te diss were he basic elemenss fof he cy age. One subject for expe, when ke fra Pani Hala Syephooy Hall reed once by labeleg ‘he ip a going rom Nowh Eo ro Back Bay. Dut evea where they nee ox ately sed for osetadon dis were sh at inpocoor and sising part ofthe experience of ving inthe cy. Recognkon of dant dis in Donon steed vay Somewhat 8 acqulace with he cy incesed People mat familar wih Boson tended to recog reins but wr sere lnaviy for orguaiaon and esctenion en onal eee few people extremely faiar with Boxon were unable 0 (eset deted perepoa io dinsice cnato of nr ‘Sterenes inal para ofthe ey, they sid efor reac emp of deen "The psa carscresics ac determine dacs te erase contindies which may eons of a8 endless vatey of com [onena: texture, sue, frm dei synbo bulding 6 1, vy, aha, degree of maierance, opogaphy Ins ‘dey "built ciey sch a8 Beston, borogeneten of apt or te 3 poe 187 ‘mei, ling ramen, cbt. skyline, especialy ferec oo —were al base cues ia idendlying mje divi Beacon il and Commonmealt Avenir are barn examples ‘The cer were not ony wail ones oie was Hnporanc a8 well At ines inet conson fel might be sca, as ie was fr the ‘woman who emake ct he knows sein the North End at soon a She els hei eng os. Usa, he cypcl feares wee inaged and recogniaed in a character caer he thematic. The Bescon Hil image, for example, cde steep ratrow sues ld brick row houses of iva scale ies, highly salnained, white: door ‘ack im, coblenones and bik walk, que, and vpperciatt pedensians The ening thematic ui was dincve by com {east the rex ofthe cy and coud be ecogniedicedaely In acer puts of cena Baxon, there wat Sone thematic com fesion. Tt was nor uncometon to group dhe Buck Bay With he South Eo espte tee very diferent, sas and paceen ‘This was eobablythe tesco cen architectural homogene. hs some siecky of iaorealbackgroed Sich Eeensot {end 0 ble the iy image "A ceraineiefocement of cha is nected to prodice» ong image. All oo often, shete are afew dsintive sign, bor at ‘rough for «fll thera nie Then de eeion maybe sop fnble eo smeone familar with the iy, bri ace any vis Surngth oF inpacSuth for example is Like Tole in Las ‘Angeles, recognisable by is population and ee lewerng om signs ba otherwise indiningushable fom he general matrix ‘Abhough ie is tong ee concerzation, probably known 0 ‘many people it appeated at only a ubsidary orion of the cy ‘nage * "Yess connotaone are git significa ia biling regione ‘A test of szet leew indeed che that vencect tt ‘many people sscte wth diferene diatom ofthe Jey Cy reios see ator ene aren, discernible ony with i ely forthe oder. Both Jerey Ci and Boson have shown the exagerted sention paid © uppers dts, and she reruking magrifeaion of the imporance of cements in hore ‘rest. "Disece names al help give ent ro dacs even renthe emae nitdes r ahah a ekg cone i TRE PLE Tae Sp and etna exis com pla © era irement has been sacsfied, and a thematic ann em th eso ec a ee eed, TOUT ema borage 5 es sine omc PAE mms a ot pobeble pee Sl Ses cnr esa ayn om Bescon Hl Lifer ccd op of Ne nage Tes rs v0 SSE tr nooner rage f Bo Hal bo eft. Stn roe ing soi TTL Segre vn ens fereo» "oc ave eto hs buries See ek deena Sah is the body of he Back Boy ao GSS Hier erate PoblicGoden Al agsed ons eee ‘eaten ter todas ay be ae ere ch 8 Arta terme downtown shopping and he oer ii, ose tan an aprile wos TRG." one per ave so Donde a al wd be Sout End for many ou sabes Fig 15 Sane ese Vetere oh Banton Int “ eens of boomy ea Sten yea, athe eof Basan, by ou ining bth easier yds we ed evo emt agement “These ees en olny» ancy le: hey my iis 103 dint and may rere tec, bs fey en Kat dw coaing i age ea ape tren of nn we opm eating way tng he cy ins Spin way 4 few pane sel darprin ot Oe re umber of eutabe int ia Boson Sera nleting ans rome dnt me ey ‘he impresioa of dentition “That ope of da ie 2 sro coe mound by 3 Shenae Gadi which gradoly dwince sean ne ee conmon. Sommines idee, 4 song cole may ie ts of Sev ede tamogeont Se, Spy ye iby these pony to enol pine The 4: rimaty reece wean ihe prepa a Some welhioown Bowen die were woresuted in ee pubic inage. ‘The Weat End aod North End were ern tecilfererdted for many people who recognted these regis see seemed confusing shops, bh exer and str ‘The poy snsaons ofthe masks scvty ae vforgerae ir ehpeles and spnting,dvded by the Comal Avery, ad tampered by te two ats cenuere which ve for domane: Faneuil Hal and Haymaker Square. Dock Square spat inmosrimages_Ingend of fling he poenisl rl ar + mote link athe hed ofthe Beton penn, ax does hg Commee fer dove, the ie, whie dunce, aed on 8 dh tic tersier sone. Deacon HA, onthe ee bach wet voy phy swocneed oth eral sabvegiom svc ot mig Sune, varous hndmaey and a catiaraon of pth "Agta cone pit circ reed pn ret with rterence vo the chy ouside ther auch at Bowe Now End or Chnsowe, Oes may be extovers cerned au ward and coaneced to ntrouding elements "The Commaen ‘inly routes neighbaring rego, despite a inner path com Fusions Bonker Hil in Lar Angeles ian neering mame fof sit of fly song carat and hora scsi, ‘on + very satp topographic enue jag ren closet wo the ‘iys be tan det Bescon HAL Yet te chy lows azote (element, bus ks opogphic edges te oBce bugs, breaks of pat connecions, and efetely cass face or even dinner frm he chy image Here 3 king Opp ‘cy for change ia the bus nde Some dntioe ae single oven og slne in ee mo, “The Jersey Cry ands Angels cegions ate pesca all of this Kd, tod the South End t= Dosen erp Other say te linked agen, cha Line 'Tobyo wad de Cire Comer {ae Angeles or Wes Endtecon Hil a Boar. le on pat af cour Bown incate ofthe Bac Bey the Concons Beatin: Hil, he dowmown shopping diy, and the Sania tnd mit ” “es Nodes 2 es ara, the tegont ate coe enmigh gether and sii wel joel co make a coninwot momsie of dice diets rizable are The cones abd proof exch ae, moceove. eigen he cheat eng of ech The quality af Beacon Hil fr example i sarpeed by ks eens © Say See, sale tx demwore upping dani [ile are he suntegic fac ine which ne aberver an ee, opi iter ncions of put oe concesons of me Geesoncece eruknoogh Gewepreaty Gey are sea pois in he cy image, they ay in resey be pe sine, o me Wha extended’ Ine shapes, ot ever etre cena ss vehen the cy i being condered sts lege enough level Is dee, wen conceiving the enezonment 32 acolo i tadoeal level hee the whole cy elf my becone a roe “The jncion, o place of a bea in tanspraion bs coe pling imporance for he cy ober, Besse deci hes and perceive nearby elements wih mote chan soem ‘lary. Tir endncy wat Cond epee tha elements feoed at joncions ap auromatiey be ase’ 0 derive sce prominence frm thew locaoe, "The percep ne Fescnce of woth lone shows in neti soy sewed Wi jc were ase ere on + bial wip they fst fek a ent of sia in downtown Bison,» lege suber of people Sigil ot beak ps of anspraion atthe key pce 18 {Tnamber of case the poh wat he wars fom 3 high tty (Staton Deve or the Cena Arey) o cy sce, front cas he pone was atthe fe aand sp in Boson (ac Bay Son) even tiowgh che subj did no ge of the, Inhabit of Jeney Gey fk the a lft cy hen they tad pased dough Oe Toncelle Avenue Cle The B 7 jessie meen ce bod ore he Swine pei wit toe Manks te abaace of Beacon Hil. "he rary isl is oe handsome place, bat it cary expres the wafer Berwees fre, bge, Stow Dive, Chules Se, and Cambridge Sexe. Moreen, te open ive pce, te elevated son, the tla poping fo and ve ofthe hl, che ary el. ll thn be conty vnmlteh The sobs ex be impeec Shea the ply oom is auger and appa a8 Io Jooral Square in Jey Ca. ‘The sway sadons, tran along tei ievisle ph spre, Steet, Cope. oad Sook, Gatlon ove sein fener a dot Bonn ap, sod fw ase wou eae the vet oF the iy send them Mom of thse hey sions were seed Ser ont ooninans This wey be becomes ai peer ea fer wae rely ued by hese parila abject or Bec tf wefan psa cecaraance: the lick of vite, Inc: some are en 0 rcopne, like Chace Ste, thet cil, ke Mechanics. ‘Mow of em are td oct scuty {2 Ge pound above then, bur some ae puiculy confuses tech atthe weer Cictonesmes of the upper! sation 3 adingson Suee. A deed acass of the iaugebley of tcbeay onsen oof tan apm in genera weed be bo wal on naioning Major alcond wats at ska snaps engortane cy ne, nly inpresive for is bale Trocng onthe open space of Dewey Square, The te igh hve been ead foraicprt hd our say ae intel dam on re ate node, bot genera thy ate 0% of ved at ove te the cde cooing of promincace robe PrP image enon ony eo wong mp, ng pa he us fm of MS ‘en ie da a i The Jrdelene oer ‘onmatod quite number fev Flew crc ad ous Saar Te RESET tale ssocared with sobeny op, br Be sgn ay being he ry ee tte cee ews 60 od 61 76 ofthe cy Ie the "200 percent commercial corner, ep tine wo degice ratty seen ins ge America cx, ur fully very familiar to Americans ei coe the facut aod Tenisurg Squire secer temacc concen, «well ‘hemes Of the Hil, wih »Mghy ecogiable fenced park. I isn purer example of sconcentaden tha i he Jordae-Fene corner, since i no taser pone aa and was oly emer tered a: beng “somewhere lade” Beacon Hills iapexance 4 node wat ot of ll popertion vo fonction. Nodes may be both fnctions and concenadns af Jey cays Journal Sqr, which an imporane bor tnd asromobie teaser an i a + concen of shopping, Thema con: ‘euros ey be the focus Os exion, at the JrdnoFlene Conve, aed perhaps Louisburg Square Otbets a6 ot Tac but tre loned Special concertos, uch at Olvera Stee in Las Angeles "Aang pha form i oor sboktely eter othe ec kon of a ode winess Jourel Sgete and Scolay Squat Bue where the spece fas sot fom the inpac is much og ‘The wade becomes memorable. If Scoly Sqoate bat 2 pal shape commensnne with ks funcional kporaace, it woul Sndoubealy be one of he key feszes of Boxon In ks pres fer form i could nr be remembered ia any concrete way I ot mcr pies a4 txrdowe, or dnepuble Seven cue of ‘hig suberemerbered thai ada sobway mato; saciog tio told be agreed cpon Evidently cade oo vival ir [preion, ad che coonerons of vaio! path which is he Tits of ks funcional imporace, wee very pool werd 'A noe Uke Copley Square, on he conaey, which sof less fancies imporance and hat badle the angled inerection of Huncington Avene, ws very sharply aged, andthe con tacts of vations pes woe cnieaty Ge wet ely ened, principal io eee f is unique individual bul lege the Puli bray, Tiny Char, be Copley Pasa Hoel the phe ofthe jn Hancock Bung Ke wat les of + spa triae dan « conceuseion of scivty and of some utiety Covering building. Nodes sch at Copley Square, Louaburg Square, or Olvers Sure, bad sharp bowed, HdemiSable within. + few fe: (these ste Jot Ewe comes wee only se highest pes of some charset tht iad 0 sharp begining, Ie any rem che cer sucesil ndesemed both ob unique i te sme cme 10 huey some veroundng ca wor and x Nodes, ike dining, may be orovee of extrovert Soliy Square it ieowered, ie giver decceal see when coe Lendoearks 7 isin oe ts ements. The peinpal ection a es saround ngs seater amy from he pina loan seraton on atid simply “bere Iam” outs Dewey Squire, on ‘he ais tad cmomrentd Conte devon oe explana, fad connections ae et vo he fcr ini, the shopping die Sat ood te wonton: fur oes peom Soon bot Dewey Sqate wat «huge arrow pining rote heat of dow town Approtch to ach noe eer tome Frm 4 pate hae ste, Porting Square bas» simar dren! galt, primarily because of he presence of he Bierce Hor In ‘Many of shee esis may be summed up bythe example of famous Hala aole: the Parma San Mateo in Venice. Highy diereniated, sch onl ite sands ia sharp coe 0 he gener charac fee ky sade he ncron wise ing spices of ts imneneappoaces. Ye i es Gel the ijt fenute of tei, he Gnd Canal, ad has a elie ‘Bape ta cies the dvecton rom which one extern. Ie within el bighly difcemined nd acer ore ates (Pam and Paste) and wih many dasoctive landmass (Duom, Palse Duel, Campane, Libre) Iai, one Fels toys in cee telson eh peecelymictooetd, a strc. So disticve ie chi space ae many people who have never been Vesice will engine its phoogesph immediately. Lamar, he poine ferences costed wo be enteral co the cer espe pal elements which ay vy wily In vale. There eed wo be a sendeny for hore moe fast si cy wey increnigiy om ye flaca for eet (ile eney igen tl Spent, in poe of Siac th oof amends frais the singing ou of one de men rr + hom of pbs, te hy phys! chaste Of hi cui singular, some spat tat i wigue or mero- fable i eh corse. Landrk btone ore ely Heel, ‘oe lly to be coun a inca, if ny He sear For easiest pest ta, Respond eset sen mel nx be bel ys sere te pao ee Fer ae ten eee Hous or the ea ofthe Los Angele Cy Fen ae we pine ae pond eine ese, bjt ight single oman fr tee i as ts cry (he ape se a er ater tu grt The ll Halo ee Tape Cc Cone ne mean yo Agito 2 ” » fue, se at a angle © te oveeon of alte eter civic Duldings, and wih a eizelydiferene scale of fenesznon tnd enil. "Despite it minor oneal or eybolieiporance, hit tonwax of sing, age, and sole makes in 4 teavely wel ened image, sometimes plex, sometimes iain. was several snes poe 0 be pie shaped” alough Is pee Teaiy remngane “This eviindy ov Uhsion of te angie sing Spal prominence can exalt clement at landmacks io citer of to ways by making the elemeaevinble fom many Teetions (the Joho Hancock Building in Bono, she Richeld it Balding in Loe Angeles), o by sting p «lal contest ‘vith nearby emer ey + vain in vetbsck sd beige la Tae Angels on 7th Suec a he corner of Flower Sue i Fr 0 old, wosory gry wonde building tt back sone te fet fran ‘he bling ee, cnaining afew mine ope Ths cok he seni ad fancy of» nepraing suber of people. One een Scheopmorpicl itu he “Til go iy” The peal Sick and he ivimee sae ig + very seizable and delighted ent, nt fhe great mae he oopy theta be fronage ues a jnein invaving pth decors szenghen & landmast, ‘The Telephone Bung w Bore's Bowdon Sune fo ed fr el hep pop we sar on Cuntnige ic aaron ual cae of de waste Segtony Hall a Ls Angecn Ths wot bs tc voy weenie Of il imagenblity used in ceed guaes in poop bul ing, whose sige simply ays "Dept Temple i comply feoeigantl i Ge anaes is aonp Ss kale tener derive from the contrat a lation fle Bawee ky citar! sara and ie physi! lovisbilly Minor a0. inlonn oe ecber meanings, ae powell reinforcement they tory spn ot mening seacherw a9 objet wave at + ‘Dina nda rominee pot vtble fom may p- were afen wellknown, but Only people sofa mth Bowon sere st them Yo ay ret extent In ogni he iy aad ein routes Tor pk I is the nove who gies Dias by reference eo the John Hancock Buling and he Coro, Hose Few people had an sccurte see of where ses das ad muti wo ond how 00 make ends wy 00 te bos of eter Buding Mou of Boxers drat lands, in fc, were “bacomles’ they had « pear fosting gual The Joma Hncrk Baking, the Castrn Howse andthe Court Howse a A domioase ae te geen skyline, bat te on ad en iy of thir base iby no ment a giana hat of ele wp. "The gol done of Bono's Save House ee be eof te few exceptions this ehirenn. Ke uigue tape od foe do, Ycata atthe hl creat and ie expose the Com 2 ‘on the wibiley from long dances of ts bright gd dome, flake 2 key sgn for ener Boson. cas che sing Guates of tcopiabilty st many lees of efeence, and of Clieideace of symbol with vial inporance. Prope wh wed ta andar i 0 only fr very ger Seton ovenacion, oF, are frequen, in symbole ways For one person the Canon Howe lem wiky co Aan Avene tecotc can be soon fen abt ny ptt ow thats For anata, he Cam House ot up 2 Fyn in he Baan Si for ie cam be seen lnerricemly at many places in tee are “The Duome of Florence it 2 prime eximpe of « dian and rma: visible Fom neat and fat by ay of hgh unital, Alominat by sine and comer: closely reed f he ees ta hms colniene wih the saligiue and cana center ped teh ier campanie in eich 2 way th the dean f view on Se paeged rom + dinance Ie i dieses conceive ofthe iy veut haven ts gre dice come co mind ‘Bor lel dma, wile oni in reared locale, were mach moe frequently employe in the ee ies odie" They fan the fll ange of cjg avalible, The munber of oa themes dat bee hrdias appees to depend omc tpn how ford tne observer is wEk is rouge opm the sknens themeles. Uatanias spe ually enone ya fw andar in ofc erie, gh hey managed {0 find any mere when ehey were on Bild ips Sounds ae Sls somerinestelfoced vital ania, lnoagh they dd ot em co const lamar by theme. landmarks may belted, spe evens witoot reiforce- met. Exe fr ge o very singular mack these ae weak refeceacey, soe they are ey co ais and require susained searching. The singe tai lp of sees mame demands con eatin (0 fd Mote offen local pois were remeeed 9 hues in Which dey reinforced eachother by Fepetion and ‘nee scape ply by comet 1 sega series of linda, in which one deel vp ciation of the nex and key deta gg pee moves of (he obverer,appeced ob a sandard way in which ere people teaeled trough the cy. In such Sequrney here wre Bee fe whenever tuning decane mst be made and resenng tush Cofored dt cher in dein gone by Acie Seagotenbsied gives sene of nea 0 eal dein tion ar ltemedite goals For emeconal sei a well 8 Fencing eiclncy, it iypoant ent sch sequences be fity ominous, with nolo gps seough there my be 3 hice Ing of derail ones "The sequence ache eognaion sd tmemaciaton. Familiar obverers can wore op 4 va quay pote ines aii segues although eagaon may break down ten she sequence is evened or sable, Element Interreletiont “These elements ae simply the raw material ofthe envio mena image athe cy sale Tey ens be paterned ogetbe fo provide ising form. The preceding darens hive one a far as poups of siiar ements (aes of put users Of lndrusks, moss of repos). ‘The rex lope ep is © sie deiner of pas of wae dees ‘Sich pars may renee One atthe, rome 30 da they cobance eich chars ower, of they may con amd Sextoy ss 8s themacives A grove oda may dune and chow ou of ‘ele small region at Buse Prope lest anther ae mack may fc and arengihen 3 cove peed of eee may ny ead. as does te John Hancock Balding in eaten Dogars Copley Squire A hrge sues, weh is ambiguus chara of book euge and ph, nay peat and thus expose 1 resi 0 view, whie st he sine ne roping tA he tek eae maybe 20 aen wo che character of» Grit 28 9 {soe the regional continuity, oF ie may, om te eet band, sand ie js the conta eae inenses that coment insisin perdene,which edo be of large tw shan ‘he other den, conain sihia hemes, and ate that ce led wo, varoor pub nodes and Indah” Thee ode ele mens not ony scare the ron intial thy a nay ‘he ideeey ofthe whale by emiching and deepening a ha. tc. Bescon Hil in Boon tne orample of tis fet ta {are che cropeened of tune ned Mon witch oe pare of the image in which wea nerened) seem 1 eapi0g 18 the eben moves up [om level to level The dente of ‘wadow may be secured ino pater of windows, which thecie forthe densi of» being, The blag chem tshes ace lvrreied 30 10 orm an enable space, and Paths, which sre dominan:ia many individ! images sod sich may be» praia resource in eration athe mar pola sce, have ititeimereaos with over emer (ype Funcom codes cca sromaly at major inet rd termini, and by thet form should reinforce thas ees Imomeat in journey. These aodeh a etn, ae 0 oa Seengened by the preenceof nda ss Copley Sue) ber provide teing which alma gunrames seni fe say tuchcam. ‘The pt sino gen Seay nd cong ot nly by this owe frm, or by che ada uacony, br by the tegion the pass deouph, the elgs hey move slong ad the Iihdmasts dribced slong thie lenge "AL rise cers pose geen, com ke wonll be ineesing 0 sy he racers of various pong: Braoarkegien, rodepath et Eventi, one shuld ty 10 0 beyond 4h pings to consider toa! pater Mot abserves see gtoup tet slemeats ino ieernaine cxgininssont, which igh be clled complser The bien Sener che comple ara whole won par af inerdependen nd ae velavely feed It eaon wo ech che. Ts may Bouonans wos! be able wo dt mot of the minor cements of the Beck Bay, ehe Common, Beacon Hill andthe cael shop Ping imo ingle complex” Tht whole ae, inte ems ed by Browa" ia his experinents fefeued wo ia Caper as come one Icy. For other the ste oth sly ay be much smal he cena shopping and the near edge of he Common soe, or enmpe Oude ofthis complex there te of ident the observer mast ran bind the eat whole, fren ifenly moment. Alhough they ae dove oper in papal ray, mos people seem fel ery» wage ak be feces Bono fie ad foci dtc and tbe come shop ping die on Washingon Sree. This peclr remceenea™ Sa alo exemple in the punning gap beeen Scola Sqaee rd Dock Square which ate only 2 Beck apur. THe psyche logical dance between eo aalies may be mich gene moe difcit0 sermauny han mere Phys! sparaton seems ‘Our preocuption hee with pars mer than whoks ib 2 seceanry fue of 38 invetigaion sn x primitive sage. Aer ‘ecru ciferenration and uncesrandig of pare, 3 ady an ‘move on co consideration of ol sje There wete iden ans cat the image may be conaious fel the duebace of ov cement inne way acting al eters Eve he ido ofan objec sar such dependent on coments he fee of ee objet ise. Ove aor doron, such as rise ing ofthe shape of he Common, sere vo be teed hugh oot the image of Boon. The caarbnce of lrgesale con cian afeced move shan its inunedne evieoe But ch {eld eBec have burly ben said ere a @ The Shifting Image ater dun single compebensine lage foe the ete en viene there ered to be es of kage which ee ore oveapped and irene They were typical wranged in 2 ®

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