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(i mie AUBATTLE WITH AN ARMY.O€ INTERDIMENSIONAL ELECTROS, BILLY BRADDOCK (SPIDER? (OF CARTH-833) AND MAYDAY PARKER (SPIDER-WOMAN OF EARTH:989) BECAMESTRANDED AND SEPARATED FROM THE REST OF THE WEB-WUARRIORS. IN THEIR EFFORTS TO RESCUE THEM, THE REST OF THE TEAM ACCIDENTALLY TANGLED THE STRANDS OF THE NEB OF LIFE AND DESTINY, BLURRING THE BOUNDARIES BETWEEN REALITIES AND MAKING THEIR INTERDIMENSIONAL COMMUNICATORS AND TELEPORTERS UNRELIABLE. TOMARE MATTERS WORSE, THEY ALSO ACCIDENTALLY RELEASED THE PREVIOUSLY VANQUISHED ARMY OF ELECTROS. GOOD THING THE SPIDERS HAVE AN ARMY OF THEIR OWN. TANGLED STATES PART FIVE: DEMOCRACY MIRE DAVID WALDEN WONG, SCOTT HANNA, JOHN DELL, COSTA BALDEON LORENZO RUGGIERO G TERRY PALLOT MATT YACKEY, ANDRES MOSSA, _ UCs JOE "A TOTINO ALLISON G RACHELLE ROSENBERG CARAMAGNA oa wo, DEVIN “Ch AKEL We Leuls lie ALONSO — QUESADA BUCHLEY ein ECUTIVE EDITOR EDITOR IN CHIEF CHIEF CREATIVE OFFICER PUBLISHER —ENECUTIVE PRODUCER SPIDER-MAN CREATED BY STAN LEE AND STEVE DITKO a ee a ne ae at iu eee rcs ed ise ian a a similarity inttutions in this ma indicia are trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc. No: any ofthe names, characters Theo a eny tin af eed porn orton isnt ey sul ry which my att pry coeoal MMVIMARVELCOM, PT SER THINGS ARE GETTING PRETTY INTENSE Over HERE: WELL, T1L DESTROY EVERY STRAND! eiais MAKE MESO | VS PROUD. T DONT HAVE 10 Teach you aBour POWER AND RESPONSIBILITY. 7 WEARING? ELECTROS! CEASE THIS ‘SENSELESS DESTRUCTION! WEB. Cran J WARRIORS EMERGENCY, ane oF ‘i ¥ & a ae Ne - at - ek fa ] ROCK ANTHEM (BEAST MODE V TO ‘SHAKE UP THE WHOLE WEB? IT WORKED. WE SAVED ALL ‘ARE YOU IN THERE? WE NEED. 10.6eT THE ELECTROS BACK ‘TO THEIR REALITIES. a AND sethue: Fiease! Vi es 7 WE mL Si RELEASE OUR : AEB Sn He ves, 26N ecectie BOvEMom is WHERE we eaves us Haan thee AN INFECTION. THE BATTERY IS COOPERATING. T GUESS BEN REALLY 1B IN THERE, SOMEWHERE, “AFTER ALL. THIS USED JOBE sucH A VE i. RESPECTABLE q | “LsTEN uP. WEB-HEADS!" NEIGHBORHOOD., Ta YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW IF YOU WANT TO Stay Here: Jl IF YOU DON'T WANT YOUR LEFTOVERS: EATEN, WRITE YOUR NAME ‘ON THEM! THAT RULE DOESN'T WORK. THERE IS NO HOPE FOR YOUR LEFTOVERS. RECRUITS ARE KING PaviTe HOOKED UP A TWTO KARN'S Wes AND THERE'S 30. THAT'S A MAIOR PERI TM THINKING MAYBE WE CUT AN ALBUM, DisTRIBUTE IT UNBERGROUNL THESE NEW DESIGNS ARE 50 ELEGANT, OCTAVIA. ‘CONSIDERABLY Less DISRUPTIVE TO THE FABRIC OF THE WEB. AT'S, our \ BANG OK is coo, PUNK BUT YOUR SINGING y _ Me, Ham W, “ASKING iF WE COULD UP THE BANDWIDTH AND GET HIM A FEW MILLION MORE CHANNELS OF "TELEVISION. DP yournow Twat We WERE THE ONES WHO Dat © ‘Wie wee, giant? Mei Tee _ THIS TEAM. 4. PROBLEM: TOS WE WERE ALSO.THE ONES We LEARN FROM OUR STAKES, PETER. BUT CHALLENGES WILL ARISE. AND WHEN THEY DO, AT! Hello, Web-Warriors! Editor Devin Lewis reporting to you live and in-print directly from Marvel Comics HQ in the heart of New York. It’s always bittersweet when a series comes to an end, but it can be especially rough when a book has developed such a loyal following like this one has. From the get-go, you fans out there in ‘the mighty Marvel fantheon have been hugely supportive of this series and ‘our ragtag team of interdimensional arachnids, and we couldn't be more thrilled oF proud of these past 11 issues and the epic adventure we've crafted in them, But don’t take it from me ~ let's see what series writer Mike Costa and artist David Baldeon have to say! What makes comics great is that sometimes you read them you feel like a socially ostracized kid, just trying to balance your responsibilities and do the right thing, and sometimes you feel like a giant indestructible robot with a head made out of lightening and the brains of thousands of electricity- powered sociopaths working in ‘concert to create one massive criminal superintelligence. In-between those two poles lay all of human experience, and | will forever be proud that WEB-WARRIORS allowed me to explore that entire spectrum, illuminating profound truths about what it is to patrol the nexus of all Teality and save it from marauding cartoon ducks, But future academics framing WEB-WARRIORS as the Great Russian Novel of the early 21st Century may be surprised to discover that, first and foremost, it was a labor of love, David Baldeon, assisted by our inkers (Walden, Rick, many others) and our colorists (Jason, Matt, and also many others) could not have crammed more ludicrous, delightful ideas onto these pages. Their work made this book the thing I hoped it could be: the most fun comic I've ever worked on, So to them, to Devin and Nick, to the thousands of creators who built the universes | played around in, the thousands more readers, and ‘the millions of future people who will undoubtedly build a utopian society around this work: Thank you. You are What makes comics great Mike Costa August 2016 ®OO® Remember the old timey movies, like Cleopatra? “A cast of thousands!" “The spectacle of spectacles!” This book always felt a bit Ike Cleopatra to me: the biggest, zaniest summer- ‘entpole blockbuster possible. Opening with a visit to an Egypt-themed alternate Earth helped, too. But, man, did | have high expectations for this cone. And it sure paid off, and then some. What a ride, Thank you, first of al, to Nick Lowe and Devin Lewis (and the latter adition of Allison Stock) for giving me the chance to join the trip. This was a crazy book, and crazy is (contrary to what You might expect) hard to do. You need ‘o trust your team to pull it off, and be forever grateful for them trusting me to be up to the task. The bonkers, crowded, universe-hopping task. ‘A very, very big thank you to Mike Costa. Again, crazy is hard. It's even harder to write it than it is to draw, and he has kept the best possible kind of fun unexpected crazy as high as possible. Not only that, he has managed to make me look forward to draw crowds. Believe you me, when a writer makes an artist look forward to crowds, of all things, it: because they're doing something right. But beyond the crazy, he managed to manage a huge cast and made me care and love drawing every single one of them. Here's one vote for a Mike Costa-written Octavia Otto book, by the way, AA big, big thank you and Kudos to Scott Hanna, who started the inks on the series, and the magnificent Walden Wong, who came aboard after our first are. I've said it before and I'l say it again: inkers are the unsung heroes of comic books, and these two particular inkers are titans (along with the rest of the guys that have come in to give a hand every now and then). The Colorists and lettering team that have Completed the awesome looks of this book cannot get enough praise either. But most of al, thanks to you guys. The ones that have come along for the Tide, that have enjoyed the universe- hopping madness, and the little silly moments with kids and tupperwares and the electric giants and the futuristic anthropomorphic. duck technotyrants. Thank you for getting it, thank you for letting us play with it, thank you for saying, once and once again, the key word in all these 11 issues: “fun”. Hope you had fun, guys. That was the idea David Baldeon August 2016 Couldn't have said myself, guys. For all of you Spider-Fans Wondering when you can find the Web-Warriors next, look no further than the summer spider-epic DEAD NO MORE: THE CLONE CONSPIRACY. Until then, keep your eyes peeled. You never know where these webbed wonders will tum up next! it better Over and out! The World's DEADLIEST FIGHTING SECRETS Can Be Yours

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