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Electron Devices and Circuits

Lab Vaiva Questions
1)What is diode.

2)why we use zener diode.

3)Expand PN diode.

4)What is mean by bias.

5)What are the types of bias.

6)What is the pin number of PN diode.

7)What is saturation current.

8)What is minority carrier and majority carrier.

9)Expand BJT.

10)Expand NPN and PNP.

11)What is transfer characteristics.

12)What is voltage gain.
13)What is current gain.

14)What is drain current.

15)What is the use of unijunction transistor.

16)Expand RPS.

17)What is the application of photo diode.

18)What is the principle of thermister.
19)Where we use thermister
20)What is rectifier.

21)What are the types of rectifiers.

22)Why we use differential amplifier.

23)What is filter and types of filter.
24)Expand CRO.

25)Why we use CRO.

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