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Thanks to Almighty Allah for giving me strength and ability to understand, learn and complete
this report. I owe a great many thanks to a many great people who helped and supported me
during my internship. This internship has been a very good experience for me in the way it has
given me a chance to understand the real world outside the classroom. I have learnt a lot about
the office environment and my interpersonal skill and self-confidence have improved

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Dr Mohd Zahari bin Abdullah @ Rafie, head e of
Faculty Applied Science for providing me an opportunity to do my internship and project work
in Universiti Teknologi MARA and also for his endeavor approach and outstanding
supervision by which it has been possible for me to make a good combination of theoretical and
practical knowledge in preparing this report.

I forfeit my respect to Haji Nik Mohd Zamani Bin Nik Ismail under whom I have learnt a lot of
practical knowledge about laboratory. I am also grateful to the other employee of Universiti
Teknologi MARA for their cooperation and direction during my internship.

I sincerely thank to Mr. Fazrul Razman Bin Sulaiman, Coordinator of this program FSG 604, for
giving me this opportunity to learn outside the classroom and it has given me a lot of knowledge
and experience and through this I believe it will help me to improve myself.

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