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1. cmo diras a un Ingls No sigas al delincuente?

a. You, dont follow that criminal

b. You, dont follow the criminal
c. You, doesnt follow the criminal
2. cmo le diras sigamos a ese hombre?
a. We follow that man
b. Lets follow that man
c. Lets follow this man
3. Elige la opcin correcta:
- The lawyer never __________ a bus
a. Is taking
b. take
c. takes

The bomb squad _________ for a car bomb at this moment

a. Is looking
b. are looking
c. was looking
Look! That man __________ a car
a. Steals
b. steal
c. is stealing

The judge_____________ the statement now

aDont read b. doesnt read
c. isnt reading
You, Now ___________ of the car
A get up
b. come here c. come out
Dont, move so fast, move more_____
a. Faster
b. slowly
c. quickly

4. Elige la opcin correcta:

Zebra crossing
Trac lights
Blind alley
Bus sta on
Tourist informa on
Pedestrian street
Railway sta on

Ejercicios repaso 1

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