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Marlayna Verenna

The Character Sketch

Honors English III

Shes young and full of life. Her face is soft, always with a warm expression. She
appears to be shy, even though she is the complete opposite once you get to know her.
Shes the best role model a girl could ask for. Her name is Eryka and she is my sister.
Erykas build is small, yet strong. Every time she smiles her dimples appear and
her eyes get squinty. She always has the biggest smile on her face and is not one to
show her gloomy emotions. Her attire is always stylish and up-to-date on the modern
fashion trends. She just turned twenty-one, in her junior year of college at the University
of Pittsburgh, and is studying actuarial math.
She was born in Pittsburgh, specifically, Magee Hospital. She has three sisters,
two of which are half-sisters. She is the third oldest of all the girls. Her cultural heritage
consists mostly of Italian and Polish. Although she was fairly young, an impacting event
in her life was 9/11.
Eryka is quite the perfectionist. Everything she does has to be to done to her high
standards. Her voice is soft and often quiet; she never screams. She is motivated by
both her friends and her family. She never stands still. She will either sway or stand on
one foot, which she does often. One way to tell when she is bored is when she taps her

fingers on the table. When she engages in relationships, they are special to her. She
only has a few close friends, but is always nice to anyone who talks to her. Overall,
Eryka is a nice, loving, and kind girl who cares a great deal about her family and friends.

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