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Ed Soto

We are free from the chains of all gods over our lives

Dedicated to my ideological hero

Stefan Molyneux

North America and Europe are under attack from both inside and out. The mainstream
parties of both the right and (primarily) the left have betrayed their respective peoples.
Irresponsible immigration policies and reckless foreign policy threaten these realms from the
outside as well. The cancers of religion from the right in addition to the militant Marxism pushed
by the left have metastasized and are destroying the mighty behemoths of North America and
Europe. Each enemy that we face will be identified in this writing and ideologically destroyed
through polemics.
Many atheists have swallowed the bait of the controlled system. The ideology promoted
in this work, National Secularism, is intended to be an alternative to the mainstream left and right
free from the influence of religion. Humanity has not spent millions of years evolving only to be
set back by superstition and political correctness. Progressivism in its purest form should be
purged of these toxic entities.

Introduction to National Secularism
You may be asking yourself what is National Secularism? On its surface, it is a blend
of conservatism, libertarianism, objectivism, and nationalism with neo-reactionary influences
thrown in. Ultimately, it is a reaction against liberalism and progressivism at its deepest levels.
National Secularism has conservative views in regards to national security, crime, and
immigration. It has libertarian views on issues such as the size and scope of government and on
economics. Nationalism is a critical component of this set of beliefs largely due to the fact that
pride in ones nation is a noble cause and should be encouraged whether this be ethnonationalism or civic nationalism.
The Dark Enlightenment influences this ideology as a template for race and gender
relations as well as the moral makeup of society. National Secularism is anti-egalitarian and antidemocratic. National Secularism is also a proponent of race and gender realism. Liberalism has
destroyed much of the moral framework of society and the Dark Enlightenment makes an ideal
foundation for an ideological opposition to modern liberalism.

The mainstream right-wing parties of North America and Europe are traitorous idiots. In
spite of this, there is some merit in their stances. Approaching issues such as national security,
crime, and related issues from a mentality of firmness and strength is one strong point that the
mainstream right has. The conclusion arrived to from this mentality is detrimental unfortunately.
Becoming entangled in countless military engagements throughout the world is asinine and is a
major underlying cause of the fall of many great civilizations throughout history.
In contrast, all nations must take responsibility for their own self-defense and multitudes
of conservatives agree. A Swiss model would be advisable for a majority of nation-states.
However, the United States is in a unique situation since Americas armed forces is made up of
volunteers and is the most effective in the world. An American military model is unique to the
United States and more than likely cannot be achieved in most other countries. Militaries must be
large and effective, but this should be done within reason.
Regrettably, mainstream conservatives have called for expanding the state through the
enlarging of the states security apparatus. All this has done is brand paranoia onto the publics
collective psyche and violate the civil liberties of innocent people. Upholding the national
security of the nation must be done with legal limits.
The conservative approach to drugs and crime is a perfect example of the adage the road
to Hell is paved with good intentions. No sane person would disagree with the idea that drugs
harm society, but this is not a matter that can be approached in a punitive fashion. Nearly half of
those incarcerated in the United States are incarcerated for drug-related offenses. The strong
arm of the law must be reserved for those who commit crimes threatening the safety and
property of others. Drugs and other vice require a libertarian approach.
Immigration is another area where mainstream conservatives are in the right, especially
in terms of illegal immigration. Illegal immigration must be met with strength and stopped by
any means necessary (using legal means, of course). Immigration must be tightly restricted in
order to preserve the ethnic and political balance of nation-states.
The defense of the civil liberties of the people cannot be overemphasized. Free peoples
all throughout history have flourished. Government is a necessary evil. However, due to the
nature of the previous statement, evil will kill society if it is allowed to grow. Government must
reward good, punish evil, and do very little apart from that.
It is said that the government that governs best governs least. This is true from an
economic standpoint at least. One could look at Singapore or Japan in the 1960s as an example
of the effectiveness of minimal government and laissez-faire economics. Ultimately, ambitious
people want to achieve their goals with little interference. Ambition and innovation is what
drives economies and societies.

Nationalism is an important tenet of this system of ideals. Even an amateur student of

international relations will acknowledge that the world we live in is one of anarchy. The world is
a prison and countries are prison gangs. This is a reality and one that will likely continue as long
as the tribal nature of humans is a factor in world affairs. As a result, loyalty to one gang goes a
long way.
Sadly, race relations have become a volatile subject. This is especially true in the United
States. Conservatives and liberals alike have formulated different solutions to bridge the gap of
racial inequality, but National Secularism wishes to take the situation in a different direction.
There are biological reasons and other reasons as to why various races in America and around the
world have achieved different levels of success. All races should have equal opportunity and
protection under the law, but effort should not be wasted trying to even up the finish line. This
should also apply to gender relations. The male and female genders are distinctly different in so
many ways and these differences are to be accepted. Once again, everyone should have equal
opportunity and legal protection wherever possible, but different outcomes under these
conditions are normal.
Every element of this system of beliefs will be described more in depth later in this work.
It is important for the reader to at least have a cursory understanding of the ideology in the
beginning. This cursory understanding will plant the seeds for a greater enlightening later on.
Since this has been provided, we shall continue.

Internal and External Strength
Law and order is essential for any civilization. Idiomatically speaking, you cannot
negotiate with terrorists. The two primary elements of law and order are strong-armed policing
and potent national defense forces. As mentioned before, the world is one of anarchy and being
in a position of strength is beneficial.
From an internal standpoint, police and other security agencies must be reasonably-sized
and effective. They must also be allowed to operate (within the limits of the law) uninhibited. An
example of said inhibitions is the Ferguson effect. Heather MacDonald says that the Ferguson
effect is the deadly combination of reduced policing and the spike of crime resulting from this
reduced policing. Much of this is the logical outcome of the current state of race relations in the
United States (especially anti-police rhetoric from various sectors of American society), but that
will be touched on later.
Violent crimes in the United States had gone up in the latter half of 2014. Arrests and
pedestrian stops, meanwhile, had gone down. The total amount of homicides increased by
seventeen percent in fifty-six of the United States largest cities in 2015. 2015 also saw the percapita murder rate of Baltimore reach the highest in the citys history.

Robberies had increased in eighty-one American cities in the year following Michael
Browns death at the hands of Darren Wilson. Homicides had gone up by nine percent and nonfatal shootings had increased twenty-one percent in sixty-three large cities in the United States in
the first quarter of 2016.
No city has witnessed the manifestation of the Ferguson effect as much as Chicago.
Shootings in Chicago have skyrocketed. Needless to say, tying the hands of police officers and
other security agencies unnecessarily has negatively impacted public safety. Simply put, security
forces must be allowed to do carry out their duties.
Externally, countries must have robust national defense forces. Switzerland provides the
best and most practical example of national defense. Even though the United States military is
the most effective in the world, it will not be discussed due to the aforementioned uniqueness of
Americas situation. The American model is a perfect model for this country, but would not work
for other countries which dont have the population of the United States or various other
Switzerland has a very strong military tradition dating back nearly a millennium. Several
European nations such as France and the Netherlands employed Swiss mercenaries in their
armies. The Swiss were excellent fighters. Tacitus stated "The Helvetians are a nation of men of
war and its soldiers are well known for their fighting qualities. In fact, the Vatican still employs
Swiss soldiers to this day.
In Switzerland, males between the ages of nineteen and twenty-six must serve in the
armed forces. At eighteen, males and females can voluntary join the armed forces. Swiss males
must serve in Switzerlands military for at least 260 days. Conscripted service members undergo
eighteen weeks of compulsory training. After this, there are seven three-week recalls for military
training during the following decade.
Switzerland also has a deep gun culture. The country has one of the highest levels of gun
ownership in the world. Business Insider says Switzerland has a very small standing army, and
citizens are expected to act as militiamen should the country be invaded. Every 18-30 years old
Swiss male between has to do three months' military training, and many more regular refresher
courses. The majority of guns are army-issued, though rules on private gun ownership are very
lax compared to other European countries.
The military tradition of Switzerland combined with Swiss gun culture is a match made
in Heaven for nation-states in terms of national defense matters. The best part of the Swiss
military model is the anti-interventionism in Swiss foreign policy. This anti-interventionism is
one is reason why Swiss civilization is still prospering in spite of the current global situation. In
conclusion, a nation-state must be strong both internally and externally. Police and other security
bodies must be allowed to carry out their legal duties unfettered and robust national defense
forces have to be formed.

Law and Vice
What is vice? Merriam-Webster defines vice as bad or immoral behavior or habits.
Colloquially, we know vice as things such as pornography, drugs, and prostitution. The right tries
to use religion as a tool to legislate morality. The left tries to impose licentiousness on everyone.
As one can see, neither approach works well.
Prohibition in the United States during the 1920s is an ideal illustration of what happens
when government tries to influence morality through legislation. Ohio State University says
Prohibition in the United States was a measure designed to reduce drinking by eliminating the
businesses that manufactured, distributed, and sold alcoholic beverages. The Eighteenth
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution took away license to do business from the brewers,
distillers, vintners, and the wholesale and retail sellers of alcoholic beverages. The leaders of the
prohibition movement were alarmed at the drinking behavior of Americans, and they were
concerned that there was a culture of drink among some sectors of the population that, with
continuing immigration from Europe, was spreading.
Unfortunately, crime increased during Prohibition. The Cato Institute had this to say
about crime rates during Prohibition: America had experienced a gradual decline in the rate of
serious crimes over much of the 19th and early 20th centuries. That trend was unintentionally
reversed by the efforts of the Prohibition movement. The homicide rate in large cities increased
from 5.6 per 100,000 population during the first decade of the century to 8.4 during the second

decade when the Harrison Narcotics Act, a wave of state alcohol prohibitions, and World War I
alcohol restrictions were enacted. The homicide rate increased to 10 per 100,000 population
during the 1920s, a 78 percent increase over the pre-Prohibition period.
One of the most imprudent decisions ever made in American history was to launch the
War on Drugs. The War on Drugs has failed to curtail the proliferation of drugs. The Global
Commission on Drug Policy stated that in the period between 1998 and 2008, opiate use
increased worldwide by 34.5 percent while cocaine use increased by twenty-seven percent and
cannabis use increased by 8.5 percent. American prisons are overcrowded and underfunded as a
result of this disastrous policy.
In an international sense, the trade of illegal drugs is the biggest illegal activity. A 2011
Global Financial Integrity report says that drugs accounted for nearly half of the $650 billion
made from illegal activities. Drug prices have decreased as well while purity of said drugs has
increased because of the War on Drugs.
A variety of people, especially liberals and libertarians, have also looked into the positive
effects of drug legalization. Portugal, for example, decriminalized all drugs in 2001. Drug
overdose deaths in Portugal are much lower than the EU average. Legal highs are less
prevalent in Portugal than in other countries where sound information on the subject is available.
In America, marijuana has been legalized in Colorado and the state of Washington. In
Colorado, legalization of marijuana has introduced thousands of jobs to the economy and
brought in $135 million of revenue. Most voters in the state of Colorado feel that marijuana
legalization has been good for their state.
Drug use is degenerate in most cases. In spite of this, it is not the governments job to be
a parent so to speak. As long as there are legal drugs that are arguably more dangerous than
illegal drugs, drug criminalization is a farce. The individual citizens must be responsible for their
own bodies, which leads to the next point.
Prostitution is another area that the state has no business regulating. It is ironic that
prostitution is illegal, but sexual activities performed in front of a camera for money (the adult
film industry) is entirely legal. There is not much else to this argument than that. The
criminalization of prostitution under these circumstances is ridiculous.
From a statistical viewpoint, the legalization of prostitution would reduce violence
toward women. Sex workers would also be healthier if prostitution was legal. In addition,
prostitution could increase tax revenue like marijuana in certain areas. Lastly, prostitution
legalization would free up the resources of law enforcement agencies for other purposes.
To wrap things up, the purpose of government is to reward good, punish evil, and not
much else. It is up to the individual to police themselves and control their own bodies. There are

countless historical examples demonstrating against the nanny state and big government. The
state is not the universal parent and does not know what is best for the individual.

Loyalty to the Gang
People throughout the world have had some exposure to American prisons, whether this
be through media or through first-hand experience in an American prison. In prisons in the
United States, gangs are grouped by race. Prison gangs ensure the survival and well-being of
their respective racial groups in the prison. The world is a giant American prison.
Prison gangs in America and gangs in general are just examples of the innate tribalism
that is built into humans. Humans gravitate toward those that are most like them. This can be
along lines of ethnicity, religion, moral values, or political affiliations. As long as humans are
tribal, nationalism will never disappear from the face of the Earth.
Nationalism is just loyalty to ones respective prison gang. Nationalism manifests itself in
two main forms, ethno-nationalism and civic nationalism. Michigan State University says
According to ethnic nationalists, it is not the state that creates the nation but the nation that
creates the state. The glue that holds the people together is not shared political rights, but preexisting ethnic characteristics. Michigan State University also says A civic nation consists of
all those who subscribe to its political creed regardless of ethnicity or race, color, religion,
gender, or language.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to nationalism. Civic nationalism would be more

practical for countries like Singapore or the United States. Ethnic nationalism would be practical
for more ethnically homogenous countries such as Japan, Norway, or Finland. However, there is
also a third form of nationalism that is not as widely discussed and there is good reason for this.
Pan-nationalism is this third form of nationalism. Louis L. Snyder defined pannationalism as this: Nationalism is enlarged in meaning, influence, and scope to include all
(pan), who by reason of race, geography, religion, or language, or by a combination of any or all
of them, are held to belong to the same category. The we-group sees its unity as including all
those who should belong to the Fatherland or Motherland. The pan-movements grouped
together all those holding a similar national sentiment and who believed that they belonged
A few notable examples of pan-nationalism throughout history include pan-Germanism,
pan-Arabism, and the Dietsland movement in the Benelux countries. Pan-Germanism and the
idea of a Greater Germany has become a taboo subject since the end of the Second World War.
Pan-nationalism is very idealistic and unpractical, especially in the current global situation.
The unpracticality of pan-nationalism is demonstrated through the Dietsland movement.
Currently, there are not many politicians in the Benelux countries even touching the idea. Geert
Wilders is the only politician of note who has even brought up the idea of a Greater Netherlands
(a Flemish union with the Netherlands more specifically). People in the various Benelux
countries and former Dutch colonies are simply not interested in such an idea either. To add
insult to injury, pan-nationalism has failed numerous times.
When the German Empire was formed in 1871, the idea of Austria uniting with the
German Empire was rejected. Adolf Hitler, however, actually went through with this idea in
1938. Anyone with a basic understanding of history knows what became of Hitler and the Third
History repeated itself more than twenty years later in the Middle East. Pan-Arab
nationalism had swept through the region. This same brand of nationalism was a driving force
behind the disastrous Six-Day War that had been so one-sided in Israels favor. The credibility of
Pan-Arab nationalism took a massive blow as a result of the united Arab forces defeat in this
Due to the tribal nature of human beings, the world is a giant prison and loyalty to ones
prison gang (nation-state in this case) will go a long way. There are different forms of
nationalism, but only two are the dominant forms. These are civic nationalism and ethnic
nationalism. Different countries adopt different forms in accordance with the characteristics of
the country. Whatever the form, nationalism should be embraced and encouraged.

The Dark Enlightenment
The Dark Enlightenment has a significant role in shaping the ideology of National
Secularism. This is evident in the anti-democratic and anti-egalitarian views espoused by
National Secularism. As part of these anti-democratic and anti-egalitarian views, advocacy for a
limited electorate, stringent control of immigration, along with race and gender realism is part of
the foundation of the ideology.
Democracy has failed and only a fool would find merit in democracy. The Founding
Fathers of the United States were extremely intelligent men and they were right to limit the
countrys electorate early in its history. Relaxing restrictions on the electorate has been one nail
in Americas coffin.
Any United States citizen who is of age, has registered to vote in time, and meet their
states residency requirements can vote. This is much too open to stupidity and conflicts of
interest. Vast sectors of the American public should not have the right to vote. Liberals,
especially, have taken advantage of this.

Firstly, voters on the dole are toxic to society. There is a conflict of interest in terms of
voting. Voters on the dole will support those who uphold the programs that they benefit from.
The only exceptions to this should be those on old age pensions and veterans. These groups have
contributed to society unlike many other groups of people receiving government money.
This first group has contributed by funding the system for such an extended amount of
time. The second group contributed to society through national defense. If beneficiaries of most
government social programs (which should not be in place anyway) are allowed to vote,
degeneracy and inefficiency will only be subsidized, leading to a destructive cycle.
Thankfully, felons are barred from voting in certain areas. Yet again, this is an example of
a conflict of interest. Felons will support political candidates who are sympathetic to them
(sympathetic to criminality) and will once again weaken society and encourage negative
Thirdly, and most importantly, those who have little to no knowledge about the workings
of the political process should clearly not be allowed to vote. All voters must be required to pass
a cursory civics test. We live in an age where information is easily available. Anyone regardless
of race, gender, creed, or socioeconomic status has the ability to educate themselves on the
political system of their country.
Immigration has also impacted the political climate of the United States. The 1965
Immigration and Nationality Act favoring immigrants from outside of Europe resulted in
Americas leftward shift. This was another nail in the United States coffin. We will now segue
into the subject of anti-egalitarianism and race relations.
Not all races are equal. This is not to say that different races should not be treated
differently under the law or should not have equal opportunities to succeed, but races behave in
different ways and flourish in different environments. One area where these differences are
highlighted is in IQ.
Most notably, Ashkenazi Jews have the highest IQs of any ethnic group. East Asians
(Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, etc) have higher IQs than whites. Whites, meanwhile, have higher
IQs than Hispanics and African-Americans. Sub-Saharan Africans and Australian Aboriginals are
at the lowest end of the spectrum.
Global IQ rankings seem to reflect this. Hong Kong, Singapore, North Korea, South
Korea, and Japan make up the top five countries. Right below them are primarily Western
European nations. Gabon, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Saint Lucia, and Equatorial Guinea (all
majority sub-Saharan African countries) make up the bottom five nations. Interestingly,
Mauritius has the highest IQ in Africa and has the highest HDI in Africa.

IQ is one cause of economic prosperity, but it is not the only factor involved. Clearly,
North Korea would be much more prosperous if IQ was the only factor involved in economic
prosperity. Singapore and Hong Kong, meanwhile, are two examples of prosperous city-states in
Asia. One reason for this is the high IQ of the populace.
Many (especially white supremacists and those on the alt-right) ask the Jewish
Question due to the significant influence of Jews in the media, intelligentsia, and other sectors.
The high IQs of Ashkenazi Jews and the barring of Jews from owning land and capital
throughout history forced Jews to switch from focusing on physical capital to focusing on
intellectual capital instead. Those critical of the heavy Jewish influence over world affairs are
no different than black liberals attributing white success to white privilege. IQ and other factors
will produce different outcomes for different groups of people. In an equal opportunity laissezfaire environment, time and effort should not be wasted on trying to bridge gaps in income.
A controversial topic within race relations is colonialism. The Cathedral has led people to
believe that colonialism was a monolithic transgression against Africa, Latin America, and other
regions of the world. On the contrary, colonialism and/or white European rule was one of the
best things to have ever happened to those parts of the world. Two countries that confirm this
statement are pre-1994 South Africa and Rhodesia (now known as Zimbabwe).
While the system of white minority rule in both South Africa and Rhodesia was not the
best system, the modern-day alternatives were much worse. Numerous facts and statistics
support the notion that white rule was beneficial for those two countries. We shall now delve
deeper into these facts and statistics.
Life expectancy in South Africa was about sixty-one years of age in 1994 according to
the World Bank. In 2014, South African life expectancy is at fifty-seven years of age. Speaking
of mortality, South Africa had the worlds ninth-highest murder rate as of 2016. Interpol has
stated that South Africa has one of the highest rape rates in the world. Plus, South Africa has a
higher prevalence of HIV than any other country in the world.
Unemployment has also increased since the end of apartheid in 1994. As of 2015, nearly
one-third of South Africans are out of work. The rand, South Africas currency, has been in a
state of decline as well. Widespread power outages have plagued South Africa since 2007.
Interestingly enough, South Africa is the biggest welfare state in the world and has implemented
an extreme form of affirmative action called Black Economic Empowerment.
Black Economic Empowerment is a contributing factor to the power outages due to the
firing of experienced and skilled white workers and replacement with less skilled and less
experienced black workers at the South African state electric company Eskom. The South
African welfare state has done nothing to alleviate unemployment or poverty or other negative
circumstances that affect South Africans.

South Africas military forces have also been affected. The South African National
Defense Force is understrength and armed with obsolete equipment. The disastrous South
African Arms Deal of 1999 dealt a major blow to the SANDF also. Currently, South Africas
military is hardly able to defend the countrys borders. South Africa also remains the only
country to have relinquished its nuclear arms voluntarily.
Polls have revealed that a significant portion of South Africans believe that life was better
before the ANC took power. Sixty-two percent of South Africans say that things have either
remained the same or have taken a turn for the worse. Optimism about the political system in
South Africa is also on the decline.
South Africas northern neighbor, Zimbabwe, is in a similar state. Famously, Zimbabwe
faced a hyperinflation crisis. Zimbabwe has also been plagued by mass starvation. The country
has been dependent on foreign aid for a significant amount of time. Much of this is the result of
the failed autocratic policies of Robert Mugabe, who was a Marxist early in his political career. It
would be remiss not to point out that Nelson Mandela was also a Marxist in his past.
The moral of the story is that colonialism and white rule was more beneficial for Africa
and other impoverished regions of the world compared to native rule in most cases.
Independence from Europe opened the door to the specter of Marxism. There are still countries
(such as the two aforementioned countries) unable to escape the Marxist pestilence.
Gender realism is another component of National Secularism. Males and females are
different and are not equal in every regard. IQ distribution is different between men and women
for one. More obviously, there are numerous physical differences between the two sexes. The
issue of the gender pay gap, for example, is a complicated matter.
For starters, women have a higher likelihood of interrupting their careers to tend to their
families. Women also work in less lucrative fields than men do. The Bureau of Labor Statistics
says that women tend to work fewer hours than men as well. On top of this, women around the
world spend more time performing unpaid duties compared to men and men have a higher level
of workforce participation.
In terms of sexuality, liberalism has done nothing but pervert sexual activity and thus
pervert society. Liberalism has normalized single parenthood, which is proven to be harmful to
children. Children from single parent households are more likely to have emotional issues and
are more likely to become criminals. This is destructive to any community.
The liberal swill of alternative lifestyles has also wreaked havoc on society. The
neurotic celebration of homosexuality and transgenderism are two major diseases stemming from
liberal interpretations of sexuality. Homosexuality is not something that should be celebrated, nor
should it be condemned. Living life as a homosexual is no different than living life a vegetarian;
it is an insignificant matter. Transgenderism, on the other hand, is a different story. Encouraging

and promoting the degeneracy of transgenderism is simply encouraging a mental disease. If we

respect the wishes of one who wants to identify as the gender opposite the one they were
scientifically assigned, then should we affirm anorexics belief that they are obese?
In short, egalitarianism is nonsense. Societal advancement will be encouraged through
meritocracy and social Darwinism. Humans are tribal and inherently selfish and all religion
accomplishes is the suppression of human nature. Religion contradicts nature as a whole. An
equal-opportunity society with limited state intervention will provide the best environment for
humans and separate the wheat from the chaff.

Weve reached the proverbial so what? point of this work. What is the endgame of
National Secularism? The purpose of this ideology is to usher in a new dawn of secularism fused
with conservatism. National Secularism is determined to succeed where the mainstream right
failed in combatting liberalism and improving the condition of society.
North America and Europe are under siege. The obsolete, ascetic superstition of religion
and the senseless pseudo-egalitarianism of liberalism are the parasites inside of these two bodies.
National Secularism will rout them with ferocity.
National Secularists have a war to win and a world to improve. National Secularists
battle will be a bloody and difficult one, but it will eventually be won. Our enemies have drawn
first blood and now they will drown in an ocean of their own. Victory will be final and our
enemies surrender will be unconditional.

Strke und Ehre!

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