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Modern research has confirmed the beneficial uses of cannabis in treating
and alleviating the pain, nausea and other symptoms associated with a
variety of debilitating medical conditions including cancer, multiple sclerosis,
and HIV-AIDS as found by the National Institute of Medicine of the US in
March, 1999.
Cannabis has many currently accepted medical uses and had been legalized
in some various states.
With regard to this, a bill was refiled in the lower chamber of congress by
Rep. Albano III, to wit: HB180 (Philippine Compassionate Medical Cannabis
Act). The lawmaker cited both existing international and national laws
provide for the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes. This is to comply with
the constitutional mandates and international obligations of promoting the
right to health.
The 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs as amended by the 1972
Protocol provides that "recognizing that the medical use of narcotic drugs
continues to be indispensable for the relief of pain and suffering and that
adequate provisions must be made to ensure the availability of narcotic
drugs for such purposes."
Moreover, Section 11 of the Philippine Constitution states that it is the
policy of the state to adopt an integrated and comprehensive approach to
health development which shall endeavor to make essential goods, health
and other social services available to all the people at affordable cost. In
line with this, its purpose is to provide accessible, affordable, safe medical
cannabis to qualifying patients with debilitating medical condition as
certified by medical doctors and approved by the Medical Cannabis
Regulatory Authority. But, we should distinguish between the ill and
the criminals in order to achieve its noble purpose.
In addition, the Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 recognized the medical use
of drugs classified as dangerous drugs including marijuana when it said in
Section 2: The government shall, however aim to achieve a balance in the
national drug control program so that people with legitimate medical needs
are not prevented from being treated with adequate amounts of appropriate
medications, which include the use of dangerous drugs. It went further in
Section 16 when it provided that in the case of medical laboratories and

medical research centers which cultivate or culture marijuana, opium poppy

and other plants, or materials of such dangerous drugs for medical
experiments and research purposes or the creation of new types of medicine,
the Board shall prescribe the necessary implementing guidelines for the
proper cultivation, culture, handling, experimentation and disposal of such
plants and materials.
In view of the foregoing, the legalization of medical marijuana in the
Philippines will give more benefits to the state and its citizens who need
medical treatment.


Marijuana is illegal in our country, Philippines. It contradicts the war
campaign of our president Duterte against illegal drugs. There is no
necessity for us to legalize the same, in fact, according to the study
conducted by the National Institute of Medicine of the US in March, 1999., it
might damage our health. Why?
"[S]moked marijuana, however, is a crude THC delivery system that also
delivers harmful substances."

Numerous studies suggest that marijuana smoke is an important risk factor

in the development of respiratory disease."
"Chronic marijuana smoking might lead to acute and chronic bronchitis and
extensive microscopic abnormalities in the cell lining the bronchial
These respiratory symptoms are similar to those of tobacco smokers, and
the combination of marijuana and tobacco smoking augments these effects."

"The most compelling concerns regarding marijuana smoking in HIV/AIDS

patients are the possible effects of marijuana on immunity.
Reports of opportunistic fungal and bacterial pneumonia in AIDS patients
who used marijuana suggest that marijuana smoking either suppresses the
immune system or exposes patients to an added burden of pathogens.
In summary, patients with preexisting immune deficits due to AIDS should be
expected to be vulnerable to serious harm caused by smoking marijuana."
Moreover, it Endangers Public Safety; Jeopardize Young People; Marijuana
Legalization Will Become the New "Big Tobacco"; Use of Marijuana Will
Increase After Legalization; Marijuana Can Affect Your Sex Life.
Meaning, medical marijuana should not be legalized because at present, its
detriments outweigh its benefits because of its side effects and possible
abuse. I assume that this measure will not be scheduled for hearing. Why?
Because if theres a quorum of business, then the congress will be in pot
session..I mean session for debate purposes.

The Philippines shall not adopt a measure that will endanger public policy,
health, and morals. Instead, the State shall promote the welfare of the
people in some other ways, because we are not yet done with our fight
against illegal drugs. In other words, how can we assure that medical
marijuana will not be abused by the consumers? As mentioned by the
negative, medical marijuana is of no use because it is, in fact, not a cure
itself but an aggravating factor to the illness. Meaning, It brings more
disadvantages rather than advantages.

Therefore, there is no necessity for the state to legalize the use of marijuana.

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