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Guan Eng confident Sabah DAP will resolve cause of resignations
By Opalyn Mok
Monday October 3, 2016
02:32 PM GMT+8
October 03, 2016
03:31 PM GMT+8
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Lim said he is awaiting a full report from Sabah DAP chief Jimmy Wong Sze Phin,
but expressed confidence in the latter's ability to handle the problem.
by K.E. OoiLim said he is awaiting a full report from Sabah DAP chief Jimmy Wong
Sze Phin, but expressed confidence in the latter's ability to handle the proble
m. Picture by K.E. OoiSEBERANG PERAI, Oct 3
The Sabah chapter of DAP will be abl
e to address the issues that led to the mass resignations last week, said party
secretary-general Lim Guan Eng.
Lim said he is awaiting a full report from Sabah DAP chief Stephen Wong, but exp
ressed confidence in the latter's ability to handle the problem.
"I will leave this to the Sabah DAP chairman. He will issue a statement later so
I will leave it to him," he said when met by reporters after he launched a comm

unity hall at Jawi.

The Penang lawmaker was commenting on the mass resignations of PKR and DAP membe
rs including three lawmakers and other party leaders yesterday.
The three lawmakers are DAP's Likas assemblyman Junz Wong as well as PKR's Klias
assemblyman Datuk Lajim Ukin and Moyog representative Terrence Siambun.
Other DAP leaders who left are its deputy chairman Joan Goh, vice-chairman Georg
e Hiew and treasurer David William.
Yesterday, Lajim told a press conference that 70 per cent of its 35-members stat
e PKR committee would also quit the party while claiming that he had the backing
of 10 Sabah PKR divisions.
They are believed to have quit to join former Umno leader and former minister Da
tuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal's yet-to-be-formed new party.
* An earlier version of this article erronously referred to Sabah DAP chief Step
hen Wong as Jimmy Wong Sze Phin and has since been rectified. We apologise for a
ny inconvenience caused.
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Bajau's avatar - Go to profile
-61p 2 days ago
Better concentrate on your court case... maybe buy a small terrace house and bac
k to kapcai...
clancywong's avatar - Go to profile
104p 2 days ago
East Malaysian politicians are like prostitutes. They jump ship when they are of
fered more money or positions. Absolutely no morals,no ethics.
day-jar Woo's avatar - Go to profile
day-jar Woo
133p 2 days ago
sabah will be sabah! LGE, get smart... the federal opposition's target should be
putrajaya. please let go of sabah and sarawak. play your cards well. in fact, b
e a gentleman, offer to close DAP branches in East Malaysia. in return get local
opposition parties to work towards a bigger federal opposition front.
PH and bersatu staying out of sabah and sarawak, the ooposition parties in the 2
states to back PH and bersatu to take down umnoBN in the federal contest.
may umnoBN be buried!
but one word of caution, sabah and sarawak parties are well known frogs, please
be prepared.
without this grand plan, it will be uphill to wrest putrajaya from umnoBN. this

plan at least will give you a chance.

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