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The current challenges facing traditional colleges and universities,

including higher tuition, budget cuts, and course shortages, have
caused many students to search for alternatives. With nearly three

million students currently enrolled in fully online degree programs and

six million taking at least one online course as part of their degree
program, online education has clearly become one of the most
popular higher education alternatives

1. Variety of programs and courses: From traditional fouryear universities to completely online career colleges,
higher education today offers a variety of options for
students. This means that no matter what students wish to
study, from nursing to neuroscience, they can find online the
courses or degree programs they need. They can also earn
every academic degree online, all the way from a career
certificate to a doctorate.
2. Lower total costs: Online programs can be a more
affordable option than traditional colleges. Though not all
online degrees have less expensive net tuition prices than
traditional colleges (link to OEDB article I wrote about
college costs), associated costs are almost always less
expensive. For example, there are no commuting costs, and
sometimes there is also not any required course materials
such as textbooks because those are often available for free
online. In addition, many colleges and universities have
begun to accept creditsearned via free massive open online
courses (MOOCs), the most recent advance in online
education. Free online courses such as these can help
students fulfill general education requirements at little to no

The advantages of online education can become the disadvantages if you are not the right
candidate for online education. The flexibility of planning your own schedule in online
education could be the disadvantages for you if you are a type of person that can't manage
your time probably between your work, family and study. If you are this kind of person, a

pre-plan schedule may fit you well, letting yourself to study at your own pace with your own
schedule may causes you fail to complete your degree program.

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