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[27/8 07:02 a.m.

] inritavarez: From Captain Walton's log

24th April 1825, 14.00 hours, on the edge of the frozen
north, 9 degrees latitude, 81 longitude.
A very strange thing has just happened. I was on deck
looking out across the endless.field of ice,
when an
enormous being, the shape of a man, but almost 8 feet
tall, ddenl appeared out of the mist. For a moment I
thoughtI had made a mistake. "How could any creature be
alive in this place?" said to avself. Then, about 500 yards
behind him, a man of average size appeared and, by the
way he was a beating the dogs which pulled his sledge, he
seemed determined to catch the giant. Then they both
disappeared into the mist as suddenly as they had
appeared out of it. 25th April 1825, 10.00 hours During the
night a storm came from the south and broke the ice up into
pieces. I was certain that the two beings I had seen must
have died in the cold. However, when the storm finally
ended, I went out on deck, ing that I might see them
again. All around the ship great pieces ofice were moving
up and down on the angry waves. Then saw him, the
smaller of the two men. He n the broken sledge in the
centre of a large piece ofice, about 20 yards from the side
ofthe ship His dogs were lying dead around him.
[27/8 07:05 a.m.] inritavarez: l called some of my men and
told hem to get a small boat and bring the dead man on
board. I felt I had to try to find out who he was and bury
him properly. My men finally managed to climb onto the
ice. Then, one of them began waving his arms and
shouting. He's still alive! Prepare hot water and a bed!" By
some miracle the man is not dead, but it is impossible to
communicate with him. He is so weak that he is hardly
breathing at all. 28th April 1825, 12.00 hours. Three days
have gone by since we rescued the unknown man. We not know who he is. We have not seen the giant

since then although l think he must be dead. The man we

saved is very thin, He hasn't eaten for days. Will he live?
At times, we are sure he is dead. At others, he seems to
have unbelievable strength. He often sits up and cries out
in his sleep One night he stood up with his eyes full of fear
and anger and started screaming, You won't escape me!
I've got you now!" l am very curious to know what brought
him to the frozen north. Was it because of great madness
or great hate, or both? 29th April 1825, 10.00 hours. The
man with no name spoke for the first time today. He could
only say short sentences. His name is Frankenstein Victor
Frankenstein. He was c omeone, most probably the giant I
saw on the 24th. He calls him'the murderer'. But why was
he ghasing him? And why did he risk his life to catch this
criminal? Many questions still remain unanswered. I hope
[27/8 07:06 a.m.] inritavarez: to hear the whole storylin
next few days. I am afraid, though, that it will be
weeksbcfore can even get ofbed. He is lucky to be alive.
Most men would not have survived the cold. Only a deep
and mysterious passion keeps him alive.

[27/8 7:02 am] inritavarez: Del libro de registro del capitn

24 de 1825 abril de las 14.00 horas, en el borde del norte
helado, 9 grados de latitud, longitud 81.
Una cosa muy extraa que acaba de ocurrir. Yo estaba en
la cubierta mirando a travs del endless.field de hielo,
cuando un enorme ser, la forma de un hombre, pero casi 8
pies de alto, ddenl aparecieron entre la niebla. Por un
momento me thoughtI haba cometido un error. "Cmo

puede cualquier criatura viva en este lugar?" dicho avself.

Luego, alrededor de 500 yardas detrs de l, un hombre de
tamao medio aparecieron y, por la forma en que fue un
duro golpe a los perros, que tiraban de su trineo, que
pareca decidido a coger el gigante. Luego, los dos
desaparecieron en la niebla tan repentinamente como
haban aparecido fuera de l. 25 de de abril de 1825, 10.00
horas durante la noche una tormenta vena del sur y se
rompi el hielo en trozos. Estaba seguro de que los dos
seres que haba visto deben haber muerto en el fro. Sin
embargo, cuando la tormenta finalmente termin, fui a
cubierta, ing que podra verlos otra vez. En todo el ofice
buques grandes piezas se movan arriba y abajo en las olas
de ira. Entonces lo vio, el menor de los dos hombres. l n el
trineo roto en el centro de un gran trozo ofice, cerca de 20
yardas desde el lado Ofthe nave Sus perros yacan muertos
a su alrededor.
[27/8 7:05 am] inritavarez: l llam a algunos de mis
hombres y les dijo dobladillo para obtener un pequeo
barco y llevar el muerto a bordo. Me sent que tena que
tratar de averiguar quin era y enterrarlo adecuadamente.
Mis hombres finalmente lograron subir al hielo. Entonces,
uno de ellos comenz agitando los brazos y gritando. Que
an est vivo! Preparar agua caliente y una cama! "Por
algn milagro que el hombre no est muerto, pero es
imposible comunicarse con l. l es tan dbil que apenas se
respiraba en absoluto. 28 de 1825 abril de las 12.00 horas.
Tres das han pasado ya que rescatamos el desconocido.
nos no sabemos quin es. no hemos visto el gigante
desde entonces, aunque creo que debe estar muerto. el
hombre que salvamos es muy delgada, l no ha comido
durante das. ser vive? a veces, estamos seguros de que
est muerto. en otros, parece que tiene una fuerza
increble. a menudo se sienta y grita en su sueo de una
noche se puso de pie con los ojos llenos de miedo y de ira y
comenz a gritar, usted no va a escapar de m! te tengo
ahora! " l soy muy curioso saber lo que le llev al norte
helado. Fue porque de gran locura o gran odio, o ambos? 29
de abril de 1825, 10.00 horas. El hombre sin nombre habl

por primera vez en el da. Slo poda decir frases cortas. Su

nombre es Vctor Frankenstein Frankenstein. Era lguien c,
muy probablemente el gigante vi el da 24. l llama him'the
asesino '. Pero por qu se le ghasing? Y por qu arriesgar
su vida para capturar a este criminal? Todava quedan
muchas preguntas sin respuesta. espero
[27/8 7:06 am] inritavarez: escuchar toda la storylin
prximos das. Me temo, sin embargo, que ser
weeksbcfore puede incluso conseguir ofbed. Tiene suerte
de estar vivo. La mayora de los hombres no habran
sobrevivido al fro. Slo una pasin profunda y misteriosa lo
mantiene vivo.

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