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Juan Carlos I, 12

Murcia, 30100
Friday 12th May, 2012
Consumer Complaint Division
Ronda de Garay, 8
Murcia, 30003

Dear Consumers Association Manager:

On January 6, 2011 I rented a flat at 5 Paseo Martimo, Street 5B. My husband and I
have been owner of this for over two years. During the first one we did not have any
issues and the landlord was so attentive to us in everything related to the flat.
Unfortunately, since the beginning of this year the situation has changed considerably.
On the one hand, after the heavy storms we have had on the coast this winter, we had a
problem of seepage in the whole building. As a result, in several flats of this block, Nos.
4, 5 and 6, have appeared deep leaks on the wall. In our particular case, bedrooms have
some of them just above the beds. Quickly we contacted our landlord in order to call
someone to fix it, and so he did. Nevertheless, a week late leaks emerged again, but this
was not the worst thing, the landlord refused to address the issues and left it in our care.
Moreover, we also get much noise coming from upstairs neighbours, a couple which
hold parties till all hours of the morning. At first we tried to be patient, but as we saw
that they continue with that we decided to get their attention. They never heeded us.
All these problems, along with other light damages we are having, which have to do
with the poor condition of the installation, do not matter anymore to our landlord. He
always makes excuses for not coming or he simply just does not answer calls.
Therefore, if you would please contact the owner or assist in any way possible, we
would be most appreciative. We looked forward to your reply and a resolution to my

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