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I was born in Africa. I am the 9th among 12 siblings of our family. I went to one of the nearby
primary schools in the early 80s.
The first misery that struck the family was when our dad was exiled by the volatile political
atmosphere in our country. He was in exile from 1980 to 1985, which years I can describe as
dark days. He was a rich man, and that alone put him in trouble because they suspected him
to have used his money and influence to support rebels. However, as a young boy I didnt
know what was happening.
There was excitement when our dad came back from exile shortly before the change of
governments in 1986.

Rejected among the many:

However, misery began manifesting in my life as I discovered to be rejected among the
family members. I was always the victim of domestic violence, called a fool and empty
headed etc. But I will not go into all details.
Making matters worse, I was rejected at school as well. I was tortured in one of the schools I
went to but I think it was God who came to my rescue. In this school (name withheld) in
primary four, our teacher (name withheld) would come to class and ask a very hard question
to answer and then point me out to answer it. After failing to give a correct answer, she
would call me out of my seat and tell me to make a cross on the blackboard (facing it). She
would then flog me on the back and head. My head was struck so much that I thought I was
going to die. She did not do it once, not twice, but so many times. This teacher would always
point me out.
However, in the mid of the third term, that teacher developed certain health problems and
could hardly walk. She became bedridden for several years before dying. To my side, this
was a relief from the daily torture and ridicule in class.
Nevertheless, my conditions did not change. When I joined primary five in the same school, I
met another teacher who turned out to do what the other teacher was doing to me. Making
matters worse, my brothers and I would go to school without breakfast and spend the
whole day without lunch. We would then have lunch in the evening back home. This was
surprising because our dad was well off. After some time (I cant remember when), we
started going with bananas to school for lunch. We were always ridiculed at school because
of the bananas. Our home was distant from the school (like 3km), so we could not go back
to have lunch as did the rest of the students at school.

However, despite all this I completed my primary leaving examinations at the end of my
primary seven. I was lucky to pass with a first grade.
I joined my secondary school at a seminary in a certain district. I didnt join the seminary to
become a priest, but because of the continued torture in school, my friends and I would
leave school and go to one of the nearest parishes and take refuge there. At this parish,
students who wanted to become priests would go there for some initiation lessons. So, I
ended up registering as well.
Still, my problems were still biting and I was always in need. After three years at the
seminary, I was expelled and left for another school for my senior four. Life was hard for me
due to the fact that I had changed school in a candidate class. As a senior four student, I was
supposed to seat for my ordinary level exams at the end of the year. The method of
teaching in this school was different from the school I had come from. So, my fellow
students were far ahead of me in all lessons.
Towards the period of exams, my classmates (senior four) made a strike. They refused to
attend class and life was so hard that side. The police was called in and we did our exams in
their presence. Whoever finished his exams would be escorted to the bus park back home.
Inside me, were voices that were speaking to me saying that I would not go far. The strikes
affected the performance of the entire school, but thank God that I passed with a first
When I received my results, I joined another school for my advanced level in another
district, close to the capital city. By then I had forgotten all my misery and concentrated on
my books. I was offering science subjects and had dreams of becoming an engineer. At the
end of two years, we sat for our advanced level exams and by the time we left the
examination room, the entire class was in jubilation for having passed the exams. For
science based subjects, it can be vivid to someone that he/she has passed or not even
before results are out. I can proudly say that I was one of the people jumping up and down
having excelled.
However, disaster befell the entire class that one of the students went to the examination
board and said students of our class had cheated in the exams. Reasons for such an act were
best known to that student, because we did not cheat. So, we were treated harshly during
the marking and things never turned out as the class thought. A few made it to the
government sponsorship and the others on private sponsorship. I was a victim of
circumstances, having read my books but only to be frustrated although the grades were
still good. The voice I heard before said to me that I would never go far. However, I went for
private sponsorship for the course of Civil engineering and concentrated to finish the

In the due course, the same voice started saying to me that I was going to die after
completing my degree. I did not know what this voice was. It frustrated me so much that at
one time I wanted to stop studying because I knew I was to die after. Lucky enough I
completed my studies with an Upper second class degree.

Rejected by employers:
However, disaster befell me once again. Having completed my course with a good degree, I
could not get a job from any of the many companies in the country. I always wondered why
and at one time I thought maybe it was still so early.
However, I did not mind so much because I was staying with my relatives. But one day a
friend of mine invited to their church. She would always tell me that Jesus loved me. We
went to her church and I liked the way they were worshipping. They had very big choirs and
people were dancing, jumping and shouting as opposed to the type of worship I was used to
in the Catholic Church. I kept on going with her to their churches, not to get saved but to
see choir praising and the preachers jumping on the pulpit. Going to the born again church
annoyed my relatives, so I stopped it. I continued with my job hunt but I would only receive
empty promises.

My journey to salvation:
I started asking myself why that was the case and some of my friends were saying that it
was normal to first walk the streets and then get jobs. However, I did not believe that due to
the fact that our country is a developing country and there are so many civil engineering
works going on.
So, one day, my cousin who was by then working at the ministry of foreign affairs invited me
to his office and said that there was a pastor who would pray for people to get jobs and
promotions. I welcomed his idea and made an appointment with the pastor at their offices
in the capital city. A day before the appointment, I went to my birth place which is about 82
miles from capital city. On my return from home, the omnibus in which we were travelling
almost made a head on collision with bus moving in the opposite direction. People in
omnibus were wailing because we were going to die. But inside me a voice was saying that I
was responsible for that tragedy. By then I was going to meet the pastor to pray for me.
Thank God, we miraculously escaped the accident.
I called my cousin and he said that the pastor was to meet us at 2:00pm that very day. So, I
went to an office of my relative about 200m from the ministry of foreign affairs where my
cousin worked and where we were supposed to meet the pastor. Unlike other days when
the man of God was always on time, this time, he came very late towards 5:00pm.
So, my cousin called me to hurry and meet the man of God because the time was limited. As
I was about to cross one of the roads close to that office, a speeding car almost knocked me

down. It was by Gods mercy that I survived. I narrated to my cousin all this because by then
I knew that there was a spirit of death following me.
When I met the man of God, he prayed for me and said that I had a spirit of rejection caused
by ancestral spirits of our family. He gave me verses to read in the bible and fast as well. I
did not get saved because he did not ask me whether I wanted to. I did what the man of
God said to me. The following Sunday, I wanted to go for a fellowship and I remembered the
fellowship my friend had taken to. So, I started fellowshipping from that place until one day,
during a lunch hour fellowship, my nephew and I stood among the congregation and got
saved. This was August 2003.
I walked in salvation for almost a year and being an infant in the kingdom of God, under the
influence of my friends, I backslid by October 2004. My conditions grew worse and I had no
choice but to go back to salvation.

Encounter with Lucifer (Satan):

When I went back to salvation, I started Bible lessons in 2005. One of the interesting lessons
I remember was the fall of Lucifer (Satan/devil) from Heaven. The lesson was so interesting
that I went home and shared with my fianc and other people home. However, that very
night, Lucifer appeared to me in the dream (it was about 2:00am). I was so shaken that I
failed to sleep till morning. Like the bible says in Ezekiel 28:17. Your heart became proud on
account of your beauty ... indeed Lucifer is so handsome in appearance. His chest was
glittering and he was putting a light blue garment (call it armour) as its written in Ezekiel
28:13 ...every precious stone adorned you ...
He never mentioned any word at me, but was simply looking at me. Lucifer appeared to me
again in May 2008 when he was planning to use a certain false prophet in my country to
take me to serve him; and appeared to me in May 2010 as I was returning home from
overseas and Ive seen him in other times trying to trap me.

Encounter with Jesus Christ:

As I was enjoying my Bible classes in 2005 at one of the churches (name withheld) in my
country, misery struck me once more. My dad got ill for only two days and passed away.
Before his death, I had gone to visit them when he returned ill from his ranch, where he had
heads of cattle. He could not even drive his car. I thought he had over worked, because he
was so hard working. So, we took him to the hospital and he said he would be fine. That
very day, I left home and went back to the capital city (about 82 miles from my Fathers
home) to attend lectures because I had started my Masters degree, which I abandoned
later. He was discharged that very day and my nephew called me and said that dad was fine.
Unfortunately, the following day, he fell ill again and was admitted to hospital. I went back
to my birth place and so did all my brothers and sisters. He was put on drip and we were

supervising him in turns. So, it was my turn and I was holding his arm on which the drip was,
only to breathe his last in my hands.
I went out wailing because I did not expect it. I was always praying for him to get saved as
well. That was September 2005. I kept on grumbling as to why he died before he could
confess salvation since I was praying for him daily.
In January 2006, a man of God came from one of the African countries to our place of
fellowship and said that he had a prophecy for some who had lost his dad. He prophesied
and said the message would be fulfilled in 2yrs time, and I knew the message was mine.
However, despite the good message the man of God had brought for me, still I was hurt and
went on grumbling.
So, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to me and asked me, Have you ever heard me
grumbling before my Father why I had died? In my spirit, I knew he was talking about death
on the cross. I did not answer back and that was the only statement he said to me. I woke
up that night (about 2:00am) and confessed the sin I had committed.
However, the prophecy the man of God was fulfilled in my life exactly after the two years
(that is in 2008).
By then I was no longer interested in job searching. However, a certain government officer
called me to take up a job, which I did for two years. At the end of the two years, I got
another job with another big government parastatal. However, I left for further studies
before I could sit in my office.

Another change in my spiritual life:

At the beginning of the year 2008 before I went for studies overseas, I became a member of
a certain church in our capital city. This is a church that I discovered had the spirit of God
and would train people in spiritual warfare as guided by the Holy Spirit.
It was from this church that I discovered what spirits the churches I had been before were
using. In this church, the Holy Spirit had revealed mysteries not encountered in other
churches in my country. This is when I got revelations of what happened to me and caused
all that misery in my life.
As the Bible says in Exodus 34:6 - 7 ... The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious
God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and
forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he
punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth
Indeed, I discovered by the guidance of the spirit of God that the sins committed by my
fore-fathers were responsible for all this. I learnt how to break these covenants and what

they really did. For sure you cannot break a covenant unless you know what they exactly
did. So, how did I know what happened?
The Bible says in John 14:26 ... the Holy Spirit , whom the Father will send in my name, will
teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. So, the Holy Spirit
showed me all these things. I discovered that also the family name that was given to me had
strong evil powers in it. I had to break the covenants and take on the new name the Holy
Spirit had given me. This was same case with Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, Jacob to
Israel, Saul to Paul...
In addition, other problems were from various areas; the village where I was brought up,
the Schools I went to, the places I had lived. In all this places mentioned above, the Spirit of
God revealed to me a lot witchcraft which was done to me. Compare this with the demon
possessed man in Mark 5:1-. The evil spirit said it was called Legion because they were
many. Likewise, they were also many to my side.
However, what I discovered in the church was the revelation of the use of the CROSS of our
Lord JESUS as a spiritual weapon. The book of Exodus of the bible says that Moses used a
staff to perform miracles in Egypt, to draw water from a rock etc, in the book of 2 nd Kings
Elisha used a piece of stick to get an axe head from water etc. All this represented the Cross
of Jesus. So, I was introduced to this weapon and it did wonders for me. Fellow believer, if
you want to defeat demons, dont even think of binding them, but strike them with the
CROSS of the LORD JESUS. Also, if you have any sickness, attacks by evil people, do the
same. However, when fighting an agent of the devil, strike those spirits that have possessed
him/her, but not the person himself. Also 1st Corinthians 1:18; Bible says: the message of
the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved its the
power of God.
Another revelation I got from this Church is from Exodus 3: 6 where God spoke to Moses
saying ...I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. The revelation
here is that after breaking the covenants my forefathers, I had to pray and become part of
the covenant of the Trinity, that is , God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit;
the covenant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This was because God identifies himself as God
of those people above.

Engagement in Spiritual warfare:

When the Devil discovered that I got revelations about his snares, he decided to use the
false prophets from the churches where I had fellowshipped before. The Holy Spirit revealed
to me that these people had covenants in which they involved all the believers in their
churches. So, I fought for my life to get out of their covenants. These false prophets have
snakes and cats which they send to their enemies. Yes, enemies because once you leave
their churches you become their enemies.

So, I used the CROSS of my Lord JESUS as a spiritual weapon to crush those creatures and all
covenants inherited from the family.

Encounter with the Holy Spirit:

Dear reader, am proud to tell you that I have seen the form of the Holy Spirit. The Holy
Spirit is not air as many believers think, but he has an appearance. I should say, the Holy
Spirit is a twin brother of Jesus Christ (in appearance), but the difference is in their
hairstyles. The hair of the Holy Spirit appears folded upwards at the rear, as opposed to that
of Jesus. (Also another person wrote her testimony and saw the same)
The Holy Spirit appeared to me in the United Kingdom in 2009 while doing my masters
degree. The bible talks about God the Father as being greater than God the Son; John 14:28
Jesus said, ...If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the
Father is greater than I. So, I was asking myself whether the Holy Spirit was the third in
Trinity or equal to the Son. However, he said to me that the Father was first, the Son is
second and the Holy Spirit was third in the Trinity. They are NOT equal as many believers
think, although they are all GOD, that is, God the Father (John 6:27), God the Son (Romans
9:5) and God the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3 - 4).
When I reached the United Kingdom in September 2008, the devil had already sent his
agent from one of the African countries (name withheld) to face me. This gentleman (name
withheld) was my course mate and a good friend. Little did I know that he was my enemy. I
really dont know what mission the devil had sent him to accomplish, but thanks to the Holy
Spirit who showed me this guy. In my visions I saw this guy with a very big black snake. He
possessed powers that would enable him go through a wall. This situation is likened to what
Jesus did after his resurrection. While his disciples were afraid of the Jews and locked
themselves in door, Jesus passed through the wall and got inside. So, this course mate of
mine came to my room while I was asleep, with the room securely locked, and sucked my
blood. I saw him, woke up and started spiritual warfare. He retaliated the following day by
sending me his black snake. The snake came to my bedroom and I had to fold my feet to
avoid it from harming me.
So, I prayed for 3 days (every after lectures) and the snake disappeared. I also got a
revelation that this guy way trailing me. The agents of the devil have gadgets like TVs,
Videos and Telescopes where they monitor their victims. But, the Holy Spirit taught me how
to deal with such. The Holy Spirit instructed me to strike this snake, gadgets and whatever
evil power he had, using the weapon I talked about; the CROSS of my Lord JESUS.
At the same time, I had attacks from six false prophets from my country, but I stood firm
since I had known that the Holy Spirit was leading me in battle. Eventually I defeated all
these people.
Through payers and guidance by the spirit of God, I discovered the following:

a) Whenever I panicked, grumbled or had fear inside of me, the Holy Spirit would leave
me and another spirit (evil) would take control over me.
b) The spirit of God is so gentle that He does not speak in noisy environments
c) As long as I was still under control by the covenants of my forefathers (including
their gods), the Holy Spirit never came inside of me. In this case, the devil pretended
to be an angel of light and always talked to me.
d) When I was fellowshipping in the churches of the false prophets, the Holy Spirit
would never be in those churches. So, only evil spirits would control me.
e) Whatever direction the spirit of God told me to take, I had to do so. Else risked being
handed over to the devil to become a false prophet/ teacher or apostle.

Healed of incurable diseases (fruits of the CROSS):

I had an infection on the throat for a long time. When talking, I would always clear my
throat to be able to talk properly. This would also happen even if I was not talking. So,
during my prayers using the Cross as a weapon, I would always say, I confront that
infection with the cross of my Lord Jesus Christ ... and during one of my prayer sessions, I
got a revelation that it was cancer of the throat. I continued praying over it and eventually
got healed. Later on, I discovered in the same way that I had heart related diseases. I had
congenital heart defects which caused my feet become pale and heart arrhythmia which
caused me to feel dizzy and have a fast heart beat. In the hospital, nothing much was done.
But through prayer, all these got healed. It appeared to me that these diseases are spiritual
and can only get healed by prayer.

More advances by the devil:

The devil did not give up, even after defeating his agents. There is a gentleman who hit
headlines in my country by confessing that he was a Satanist but had gotten saved around
2003. However, this gentleman with one of the popular local artists came to me in the
dream and said that the devil wanted me to work with him. They did this several times in
2009 while I was in the UK. So, I had no choice but to face them in a spiritual battle. I
crushed all their plans.

Almost killed by the LORD in the UK

When I had finished my masters degree in the UK in September 2009, I asked for the Holy
Spirit what was next. He instructed me to go to a certain city in the UK where my brother in
the Lord had opened up a church. When I reached that side, life became difficult for me
because I had not got what to do for a living as I had thought. I remembered the good life I
had before going there and regretted why I ever went there. I started grumbling inside of
me on a daily basis. One evening, I went to our church for an evening fellowship. During that
fellowship, I knelt down and repented in these words O Lord I repent of my shortcomings
because I thought the enemy was going to triumph over me. I dont know why I said those

words, but that night I got a dream that I was going to die in a car accident. So, if I had not
repented, I was going to die for my grumbling. I was so scared that I called my wife in the
morning and told her about my dream. So, the Holy Spirit told me that I should not get used
to GOD. That taught me a lesson that I should always be patient. I later discovered the delay
concerning my work to earn a living, was that I was simply being tested for my faith.

A second Test for my Faith (UK)

I left the house I was renting and stayed with one of our brothers in Christ and we would
share the costs (rent and bills) in February 2010. However, my visa expired and I was
stopped from working. I longed to go back home, but the Holy Spirit was saying no. I
depended entirely on my brother for the accommodation and bills for 3 months. I believed
that a miracle would happen. So, I talked to my wife who was in back home to look for a
loan so that I could apply for a visa extension (for students who had finished their degrees
were eligible for a 2 year working visa after studies). However, due to the fact that I applied
late, I was denied the visa. I thought may be the Lord would turn things upside-down. But
the Holy Spirit spoke through my brother with whom we were sharing a flat that I was going
back to home. I never thought I would be back in my country again since I was stopped in
the first place and all my hopes were over. I had to borrow money for an air ticket and went
back. There was excitement when I got back home although indebted. My children were
very excited to see me again, although I was not happy because I was told not to come back
home and so believed. This led me into debts and all the brothers in the UK made fun of me.

My start as a minister of God:

After returning home from my postgraduate studies in the UK, I started a home fellowship
in June 2010 with my wife, our two children and a maid as my followers. It involved
travelling every weekend from my place of work (about 50 miles from home) where I was
employed as an engineer on a road project, to lead the fellowship.

Visions on how God views the actions of Man

Dear reader, have you ever tried to figure out how God knows your actions when you still
have thoughts on what to do? Well, I have an answer for you. One time at the University in
UK, I asked myself how God works or sees my actions. I had a dream and in that dream, I
saw the Holy Spirit seated above where I was. In this vision I noticed that whatever I
thought, I would run and do it there and then. I saw myself running left and right, back and
forth at the speed of lightening. In other words, whatever I thought, the Holy Spirit would
see me doing it. So, whatever comes to your mind, God will see you doing it.

Life experience after those battles:

Rejection is no longer an issue to my side as it has been defeated. I have a lot of peace in the
Holy Spirit. My life never remained the same after salvation. I enjoy reading my bible, any

information concerning God from other books and the internet. I have shared the good
news of the gospel with other people within my country and the UK.

Did you know why the Devil (Lucifer) exists and moves freely?
Fellow believer, after spiritual changes in my life, I got more insight into the bible as a
minister of the word of God. One of the insights I got is about the devil as explained below.
First and foremost, Lucifer (devil or Satan) was an angel in Heaven (see Isaiah 14: & Ezekiel
28:). He was cast down to the earth for being proud on account of his beauty. People have
made several theories about his downfall and disobedience.
However, when Israelites had left Egypt, Moses was instructed to make a tabernacle (see
Exodus 26:30, Acts 7:44 & Hebrews 8:5) according to the pattern shown him on the
mountain. This was because it was a shadow of the true tabernacle in Heaven. The setting
out of the Israelites around tabernacle was in form of a CROSS. This was forecasting the
cross of Jesus on earth. It means that before Lucifers fall, God had already made plans for
the CROSS.
So, God created Lucifer with all his beauty and he (God) knew that he was to fall from glory.
God created Lucifer to show his (Gods) mighty power and gain glory through him(Lucifer).
When you look at the book of Exodus (Exodus 9:15 16), it says that Pharaoh was raised up
so that God may show his power and his name be proclaimed in all the earth. Although the
bible says Pharaoh, but the power behind him was that of Lucifer. So, God was actually
talking to Lucifer through Moses. This also seen in the books of Isaiah 14: and Ezekiel 28:.
The bible was talking about the king of Tyre, but in actual sense it was talking about Lucifer.
Therefore, God created Lucifer to gain glory through him. When you look at the book of
Jude 8 -10, the bible says that people slander celestial beings ... and speak abusively against
whatever they dont understand ... This is because, God created this fallen angels to gain
glory through them.
Lucifer (devil or Satan) is here for two reasons namely;

To test believers who are going to share glory with Christ our LORD (see Job:1).
To bring Gods wrath on people who anger him (see Isaiah 10:5 14).

However, Lucifer, at times does things not instructed him to do. Isaiah 10:15 says that
Lucifer intends to destroy and put to an end many nations. It goes also says, ... does the axe
raise itself above him who swings it, or the saw boast against him who uses it?
In conclusion, Lucifer (the devil) was purposely sent to the world for God to gain glory
through him. In brief, Lucifer is Gods hand of wrath.
Dream about the Anti- Christ:

It was Saturday night, 18th February 2012 when I had a dream concerning the anti-Christ. In
that dream, I saw two spirits rise from the abyss and one of them was that of the anti-Christ.
This spirit entered its host body according to my dream. However, I could not understand
the other spirit but I guess, it was the spirit of the False Prophet entering its host body.
Dream about the End Times:
It was Saturday night, 18th March 2012 when I had a dream concerning the end times. In
that dream, I saw the last battle of the end times (Revelations 17:14). The forces of evil (that
is of the Devil) waged war against the Lamb, but were defeated because he is the Lord of
lords and King of kings. I that dream, I saw someone on a white horse that was victorious.

Dream of Jesus Christ as the Almighty

It was Wednesday night, 11th July 2012 at my place of work when I had a dream in which
Jesus Christ appeared to me. I the dream, he told me that he is the Almighty. This is my
fourth dream concerning the Christ.

Battles at my place of work

I experienced a lot of trouble at my place of work. At the place of work, I was an engineer on
the road project working for the contractor (from 2012 to 2014). One of my top bosses was
always against me because I always talked the truth, but not lies. The resistance was so
much for me to the extent that I thought I would be fired any time. I had battles from my
own people (contractor) and from the supervisors (consultant). At one time, I had a dream
in which I saw the Lord Jesus Christ standing in heaven, looking down at me amidst my wars.
However, with prayer and fasting, I overcame the resistance. It was a surprise for me to
spend even a year at the project.

Revelations about the Anti-Christ

It was Thursday night, 6th March 2014 at my place of work in my country when I got a
revelation that the current pope (Pope Francis) was the anti Christ who was talked about in
the bible as the man of lawlessness. He was to appear before the second coming of our Lord
Jesus Christ for the judgement day. This was my second revelation about that anti Christ in
that week.
Dreams about the Tribulation of the end times:
Dear reader, the Lord has shown me the tribulation during the last days. It was made clear
to me that I would see the tribulations with my eyes. What I can say is that the time of
tribulations will be so bad. People will be killed and in short I can say that it will be a
genocide. This is the time which is talked about in the bible that all who do not worship the
beast or his image will be killed (Revelations 13:15). People were being beheaded for
refusing to worship the image of the beast. What I saw is really terrible and I can say that

blessed are the Christians who will leave the world before those days.

Be blessed in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ as we wait his return.

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