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Week 3

What have I learnt this week

This week I have learnt different skills. I have learnt all the ways of using a green
screen; filming, lighting, editing in footage to replace the green and colour
correction. By doing this I have learnt more about different tools and the uses of
Adobe Premier. I have also learnt how to create a character, a film plot and how
to fully lay out and write a script. The amount of detail needed when making a
character profile.

Importance of character development for a plot- do you feel you have

gained greater understanding about creating a story from doing this?
Character development is key to creating a story because you learn from
creating a character that you can imagine their feelings, emotions and reactions
to specific scenarios. It also gives the audience more of a personal connection to
the characters in hand without any use of dialogue.

Importance of breaking your story down into 5 sections did this help
with creating your story?
Using Todorovs five-part structure helped to create the story a lot. Personally it
was useful because in my mind it was easy to see the plot split up into the
different sections so I could visualise the plot a lot easier. It was also better
because I could tell which bits had to go where, for example, I could see where
the action was meant to be and where the normal calm bits were to go.

What section needs developing that has been done this week?
In my opinion the green screen parts would need improving a lot because the
quality of my creations are poor.

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