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A tale into Carpathians

104 A.D year in ancient Dacia. The war is coming and is heard that the Roman Emperor, Trajan is
decided to end and win the war against Dacian King Decebal. Three years earlier Trajan has its first war
against Decebal and ended a year later with a threaty between the two rulers. Trajan intentions were to
create a roman colony of Dacia but Decebal and dacians stood up against those intentions and a new
war is iminent. The priest and the elders knew that this war will be the end of Dacia if they do not come
up with something to stand against the mighty roman army. The legends say that the warriors of Dacia
could transform into wolves but this tehnique was kinda forgoten, or is simply a myth. These all being
said, King Decebal decided to send some of his best men to search and aquire knowldege about
transforming his army into an army of wolves.

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