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Comparative and Superlative - exercises

Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparativ e or superlativ e).
1 . My house is __________________(big) than y ours.
2. This flower is ______________ (pretty )than that one.
3. Non-smokers usually liv e __________________(long) than smokers.
4. Who is the __________________(rich) woman on earth?
5. He was the __________________(clev er) thief of all.
6. New Y ork is __________________(big) Paris.
7 . English milk is __________________(strong) French milk.
8. An elephant is __________________(heav y ) a fly .
9. A Mini is __________________(cheap) a Jaguar.
1 0. Rugby is __________________(funny ) than football.
1 1 . Mary is the __________________ (pretty ) of all.
1 2. Tom is the __________________ (tall) of class.
1 3. They are the __________________ (ugly ) boy s in the world.
1 4. Susan is __________________ (happy ) than Bob.

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