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Mr. E. J.

Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine




TAKE NOTICE that, pursuant to Rule 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms (anyone

whose rights, as guaranteed by The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, is infringed OR DENIED, may

apply to the “court of competent jurisdiction” in order to obtain the sole appropriate and JUST

REMEDY in the circumstances), established April 17, 1982, the constitutional [questions] realities

and their consequential Peremptory Orders, established by the system’s BAD FAITH/outright refusal

to apply The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God in the administration

of Canada and continued denial/suspension of acceptance of The Truth (consequentially), are

attached to this form. The Primary Peremptory Order establishes the long suppressed Petition to the

Court Due Legal Process and the need for it to replace interlocutory proceedings and the

unconscionable judicial review across Canada.

AND TAKE NOTICE that sections 7, 11 (d), 52 (1) and 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and

Freedoms put in place The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process which takes precedence over any

further attorney generals’ notifications: all arguments concerning the running and decision making

of the administrators across Canada are found in their enactments and historical decisions based

upon the corrupt laws.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process is very succinct and only allows jurists the right

to review the Exhibits “G” through “Z” and establish that the Petitioner is honest making his

words fully supported by the objective Truth - ultra vires - because all that he, just like all those in

the long term job injured class, has encountered by the system is dishonesty in contravention of The

Principles of Fundamental Justice.

S. 40 of the Supreme Court Act and the Constitutional Questions Acts have been shown to

be invalid, corrupt, not saved and contravening s. 7, s. 24 (1) and s. 52 (1) of The Charter of

Rights and Freedoms along with The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals. This objective Truth

has been presented in The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm Act.

Dated at Westbank, British Columbia this 1st day of June, 2010.

SIGNED BY E. J. Krass, Petitioner, on behalf of the disenfranchised long term job injured class and

all workers who will be injured from work due to the elimination of injury prevention through the


(signed copy with the SCC)

E. J. Krass
Applicant/Petitioner to the Constitutional Realities motion
PO Box 1041 STN MAIN

(250) 768-5150 email:


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

ORIGINALS TO: Supreme Court of Canada

301 Wellington Street

Telephone: (613) 996-9277

Fax: (613) 996-9138




SOR/2006-203, s. 47.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

List of Documents/Submissions
(Relating to the Primary Petition to the Court and
its Initiating The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process)

In the blue box: Exhibits “G” through “Z” on file no. 81581 with Kelowna Court Registry
and fully applicable to File No. PO-00001 with the Supreme Court of Canada - the
court of sole jurisdiction to honour the Initiation of The Petition to the Court Due
Legal Process over interlocutory process
These Exhibits must be read and kept for research concerning the Peremptory
The 4 part MANDAMUS EVIDENCE PACKAGE is the research material whose
Truth forced the Petitioner to continue on in his search for Fundamental Justice for
the disenfranchised injured working class and the JUST REMEDY not just for the
WCB across Canada but also now for the correction of the administration of
Canada and its justice system.

1. Notice of Proclamation Reading Hearing/Proclamation:

Attached evidence package consisting of copies of:

Exhibit “K”;
Exhibits “I” and “J”;
Exhibit “Q”;
Exhibits “S” through “V”;
the struck down Constitutional Questions Act

2. The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm Act and attached to it:

the struck down Constitutional Questions Act;

annotated copy of the SCC’s July 5, 2007 correspondence;
Legal Truth annotation document;
The Dissolutionment of Rulership Fund Act;
copy of the supporting newspaper article for s. 63 of
The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm Act

3. Peremptory Order


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

4. Affidavit R+

5. Copy of the May 18, 2010 Order that was refused at the Kelowna Court Registry

6. 3 Addendum Peremptory Orders to The Initiation of The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process

7. April 22, 2010 Notice of Motion that resulted in the May 3, 2010 disclosure of the Constitutional
Questions Acts across Canada

8. Treatise on The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process/Originating Due Process (British Law)
Part II

9. Treatise on The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process/Originating Due Process (British Law)
Part I

10. Affidavits for The Treatise on The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process/Originating Due
Process (British Law) Part II

11. Affidavits for The Treatise on The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process/Originating Due
Process (British Law) Part I

NOTE: the documents are in descending order, time wise, because I believe that it is more
beneficial for the readers to go back through time and reading the documents from today
backwards in their initial reading. It is also beneficial for all readers then to keep the
Exhibits separate and start reading from the front to get a feel for the experience that I
lived through and I am still living with today as my job injuries are ongoing but the system
does not “need to accept” nor recognize this highly relevant Truth because then the WCB
would be responsible to provide the cure for the ongoing job injuries in Los Angeles.

12. March 4, 2009 Notice of Motion filed with the Kelowna Court Registry

13. March 4, 2009 Affidavit (the original copy remains on file with the Kelowna Court Registry -
file no. 81581 - as they refused to return any documents so that they could be sent to the
Supreme Court of Canada even though the matters and issues are the exact same AND only
the Supreme Court of Canada CURRENTLY has the authority to apply The Principles
of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God in the matters.

There is no Fundamental Justice dispensed in the court system of today except at the Supreme Court
of Canada and, as a consequence, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms was never accepted and


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

implemented contrary to what everyone believes. So, NOBODY currently has any rights in Canada
EXCEPT to initiate The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process at the Supreme Court and throw
out all lower courts and replace them with the Superior Court of Canada (stipulated at the top of
Exhibit “M” on FILE NO . PO-00001) as an initial judicial step attached to the Supreme Court of
Canada but with the same obligation to uphold The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God - new evidence.

Exhibits A through F are no longer material nor germane to the Peremptory Order PO-00001 issues
as they only confirm that the persons/organizations named in the January 9, 2009 Writ of Summons
received a copy of the proceedings via either email or fax and establish that, from their lack of
action, they were incapable of participating in the proceedings which was already known because
defending a lie is perjury whilst allowing this perjury in any courtroom would constitute suborning
perjury and affirm that the entire judicial system is corrupt/disreputable.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

May 31, 2010

RE: The consequences of interfering with objectively supported Truth across time

Final Note:
1. To understand how you interfere with objectively supported Truth across time, let’s look at
how it was done. In the Petitioner’s particular case, the initial diagnosis and physical examination
showed significant damage to the lateral epicondyle and forearm and its nerves under the legitimate
diagnosis of overuse syndrome.
2. The appeals commission excluded and forced this fact to be withheld from all decision
making, hence, this commission described the actions of the WCB and itself (judicial review) as

“adverse” to the Truth - Exhibit “K”. Now, to understand how this very relevant initial point

interconnects with the new evidence of 1999, it should be apparent to all that, without the initial
diagnosis being used, nobody within Alberta can then connect the new evidence with the initial
injury without “discrediting” the appeals commission for the WCB alberta as well as the current
Workers’ Compensation Act alberta and the alberta government because the initial injury to the
lateral epicondylar of my right elbow “did not occur” as ORDERED by the appeals commission for
the WCB alberta.
3. Thus, by excluding one point to connect with the other, there can be no direct relationship
between the MRI results and the initial injuries because there “are no initial injuries” that directly
relate to the results of the MRI.
4. All the “due process” results sound good except that the “adverse to Truth” wording by the
appeals commission, itself, exposes that objectively supported Truth across time was abolished
because the appeals commission “denied” acceptance of The Truth in the circumstances and not
because of the Petitioner but mainly because all overuse syndrome job injuries in Alberta and Canada
are being denied so that the WCB’s Accident Fund, illegitimately, does not have to cover the cost
of these countless cases until the job injuries are resolved entirely.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

5. On a far more insidious note, lawyers at the request of the governments went through the
policies and letters of the laws pertaining to the WCB across Canada even though the WCB was
supposed to be wholly independent and impartial (neutral) as the Workers’ Compensation Act was
a treaty between employers and workers and the society of its era - 1910 through 1913 - which was
meant to be binding going forward.
6. Since 1918, with confederation and provinces running everyone’s lives within their
boundaries through the letters of the laws, i.e. the rule of law, the land of Canada and being Canadian
or part of the natural order was abolished which took WWII and its consequences to divert
everyone’s attention from Truth and honesty in decision making thereby allowing the provinces to
entrench their illegitimate godly authority.
7. Proof that the administration of all provinces and Canada are corrupt and truly beyond repair
simply look at the “superior court” term from the top line of Exhibit “M” on FILE NO . PO-00001
from neutral citation 2003 SCC 54. The real superior court of Canada was taken over by the
provinces to insure that their letters of the laws were to be applied just as their situational “justice”
was to be dispensed. In the Consent Section of the Addendum Peremptory Orders to The Initiation
of The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process, I exposed exactly why the current courts below the
Supreme Court of Canada will never administer Fundamental Justice as all the proceedings in the
current court system are solely interlocutory making the lower courts into a conflict of opinion
resolution body where the rule of law reigns even though the entire issue has no basis relative to the
reality of THE FREE Society of Equals.
8. Charles Smith, the discredited Ontario pathologist, is the consequence of using interlocutory
proceedings without any new evidence. But, Charles Smith isn’t the problem as it was the law and
the functioning of the administration of Canada with opinions being weighed as “equivalent to the
facts” rather than the facts dictating the appropriate and JUST REMEDY when whole classes of
disenfranchised persons are being created so that the economic scheme appears “good” from the
economists’ metrics.


Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

9. Basically, the administration of Canada is depending upon academics to connect the dots of
objective facts when we, the people, are just as capable as the academics are. Today, though, the

enacted legislation like those in Exhibit “Q” make the outcome already determined because all

senior government agents, just like the Supreme Court of Canada, WRONGLY have the right to
reverse their previous decisions based upon The Principles of Fundamental Justice and new
evidence. That’s corruption because the new evidence, like DNA or the results of a Gadolinium
enhanced MRI at the site of the initial job injuries exposed or those that should have been exposed
from a proper physical examination at not just at the site of pain but also at all joints along the
affected extremity because bones are solid objects (e. g. nails) and dyskinetic forces applied at one
end automatically are applied at the other, makes self evident Truth known and this alone defines the
appropriate and JUST REMEDY in the circumstances.
10. Prior to 1982 (1988 in Alberta), all WCB decisions could be appealed to a review body
within the WCB that accepted not just wholly new evidence but evidence that correlated back to
unused or previously excluded factual evidence. Currently, there is no ready acceptance of the
objective Truth within any government bureau because of the existence of s. 24 (1) of The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the acknowledgment that denied Legal Rights are grounds
for the striking down of most schemes which the people were not informed of properly by the
mass media or anyone.
11. Thus, the correction to the corrupt administration of Canada and its judiciary was waiting
for someone with enough where-with-all to see through the lies, deceit and duplicity that
governments have presented since WWII but only since 1982 was the supremacy of The Petition to
the Court Due Legal Process contended in The Charter of Rights and Freedoms but in a very
convoluted way.
12. The Petitioner, E. J. Krass, on Peremptory Order FILE NO . PO-00001 with the Supreme
Court of Canada is the discoverer not only of The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process but also
its tremendous and omnipotent power - always and going forward.


Rule 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms

FILE NO . PO-00001
OTTAWA registry



NOT a Constitutional “Question” as the decisions
were always contrary to Truth in all matters dealing with
long term job injured as per the words of the governments and its agents

TO [respondents, if any]:

Exhibit “X” affirms that all attorney generals were notified of the matter on file no. 81581 with
the Kelowna Court Registry and these matters needing to be transferred to the Supreme Court of

According to perjury, subornation of perjury and bringing the administration of justice in to

disrepute, no attorney general could respond in defence of a known lie.

S. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms along with the long suppressed Petitions to the
Court Due Legal Process exist because governments don’t know Right nor wrong so none of their
enacted laws have any validity on account that we, the people - unified and indivisible - under God,
have the authority, under The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process, to correct the corruption that
naturally arises as the state takes over and moves everyone away from our God-given INALIENABLE
Right to life, liberty, security of person and ABSOLUTE honesty in decision making and in to

It is patently obvious with the terms “adverse” - Exhibit “K” - and “denied” throughout every
WCB Claim file that BAD FAITH was used and still is being used, by the establishment, to deny The
Truth and Its FREE Society Realm along with The Principle behind Neutral Citations used in The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well as the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act: a lie,
known to all parties, cannot be defended in any court of law because that would be perjury - the
administrators of Canada - and subornation of perjury on the part of the administrators of justice.

TAKE NOTICE that the application of E. J. Krass on behalf of the all job injured CLASS
dated June 3, 2010 for the enacting of The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm
Act and The Dissolutionment of Rulership Act (originally dated April 22, 2010 at the Kelowna Court
Registry (for Summary Motions of March 4, 2009, August 20, 2009 and April 22, 2010 along with
the Writ of Summons of January 9, 2009 - the original Petition to the Court) will be PROCLAIMED
at the Supreme Court of Canada no later than September 16, 2010.
This matter is unopposed (due to BAD FAITH and the suspension of the acceptance of
objectively supported Truth and refusal to allow the invocation of Neutral Citations in court
proceedings), by consent (again due to BAD FAITH and the refusal to allow invocation of
Neutral Citations from The Charter of Rights and Freedoms in court proceedings) and without
notice (due to BAD FAITH meant to forestall the use of s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms by the people, for the people and for the elimination of classes across Canada).

All governments, political parties, political scientists and the court system know full well that
governance can only exist through the elimination of The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals
and Its Realm while also being maintained through deceptive due process that is completely corrupt:
i.e. the administration of Canada and all nation states is a game/scheme to see how long before God
sends His chosen to use the Truth to wipe away all the lies and institute The Petition to the Court
Due Legal Process (originating due legal process) where the courts only have the right to read the
provided Exhibits and then accept that the dishonesty of the decision makers automatically makes
the words of the disenfranchised or their agents beyond reproach and leaving the courts with no other
alternative but to sign off on all Petitions to the Court. The reason for the summary signing off on
the Petition to the Court documents is because courts really are agents of the governments not the
people and their INALIENABLE Rights.

All that has been done with any service in this matter or any Petition to the Court by the
disenfranchised invoking a LEGITIMATE Neutral Citations from The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms was/is to inform the people in the seats of power that their lies, deceit and treachery have
been caught and is about to be exposed to the general populace - incorrect decisions are the norm
in government circles - as democracy can only exist through the suspension of acceptance of The
Truth and “new evidence” from the Realm of THE FREE Society of Equals plus The Petition to the
Court Due Legal Process is the sole means for correcting the rules of law, in general, and where
Fundamental Justice will unify the divided people.

There is no need for the parties to agree as to the length of the reading of The Proclamation
because BAD FAITH makes the hearing ceremonial but necessary for the general populace so that
the people will hear of the corruption that is taking place against them (and all job injured) since
April 17, 1982: the repatriation of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - the governments’ formal
declaration of War on Everyone’s Legal Rights and The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals
where The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process uses the government’s BAD FAITH to expose
hidden Truth that brings in to focus The Realm of THE FREE Society of Equals like a mosaic.

(a) the time estimate of the applicant is enough time to state, “the Supreme Court of Canada, on
behalf of The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God, accepts the BAD
FAITH of governance in the Exhibits that is patently obvious and hereby proclaims (read the
provided Proclamation now)” (far less than 30 minutes) and, then, signing off on the provided
Petitions to the Court plus declare, that “due to the BAD FAITH that is patently obvious in the
Exhibits, the requirements of s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms have been met
determining that The Petitions to the Court on the constitutional matters are hereby signed
in to law.” This due process will announce The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process to the
world - the EXTENSIVE BAD FAITH determines that nobody can state otherwise, and the
courts are prohibited from reviewing all but The Proclamation and the Exhibits to find the BAD
FAITH as well as prohibited from providing another corrupt decision - upholding the letters of the

In The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process, the reading of the affidavits and all other evidence
belong solely with the general populace as part of their educational processes because, in all Petitions
to the Court, the state has lied and the Petitioner is, therefore, standing up for Truth over the
wrongdoing by the administrators.

(b) There are no respondents nor defence nor grounds for appeal due to BAD FAITH and the proper
invocation of Everyone’s Legal Rights (Neutral Citation) so the respondent [no respondents] has
not given a time estimate - No Lo Contendo.

This matter demands that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court deliver the Proclamation from this
Petition to the Court because:

Exhibits “K”, “I” and “J” as well as “Q” (attached to this Notice of Hearing) and the struck
down Constitutional Questions Act (attached to The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its
Realm Act) present absolute proof that the governments are fully aware that the current and corrupt
administration of Canada is being maintained through the application of BAD FAITH: nobody was
informed in 1982 that Everyone’s INALIENABLE Right to Security of Person and its relation to
health - life and liberty - was to be entrenched in all laws and invoked as a neutral citation arising
from s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, when these simple Rights were DENIED to arrive
at the unjust outcome/incorrect decision. This lie of omission constitutes BAD FAITH, which
automatically fulfils the words of s. 24 (2) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, creates a false
reality in everyone’s lives and this comes in to existence when governments and their agents
contravene The Principles of Fundamental Justice which then exonerates the actions of the
disenfranchised from then on, consequently, erasing all that has gone across all time since the
europeans arrived in the Americas.

Furthermore, the ramifications of this litigation will result in The Initiation of The Petition to the
Court (originating) Due Legal Process and strike down (invalidate) summarily all laws across
Canada enacted by elected bodies which will allow the disenfranchised to establish the corollary of
laws that extend from Everyone’s Legal Rights - S. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

In short, these matters will facilitate the reformation of the administration of Canada, which is
completely corrupt, just as is the administration of justice due to jurisprudence being a debate system
while its replacement, the long suppressed Petition to the Court Due Legal Process, is based upon
the objective Truth where there are no opinions just The Supremacy of God and new evidence of His

All that will truly be acknowledged at the Proclamation Reading hearing is the betrayal of the
administrators of Canada towards the Legal Realm established by laws and schemes with
Fundamental Justice Dictates that insure the Legal Realm is based upon Everyone’s Legal Rights
and not the whims and corrupt agendas of mankind.

First, the Petitioner, E. J. Krass, had to overcome the BAD FAITH of the College of Physicians and
Surgeons acting as agents of the government with objective proof of ongoing unhealed job injuries
to his right elbow and arm - strike 1 against the corrupt administrators of Canada.

Then, the Petitioner, E. J. Krass, had to overcome the BAD FAITH within the letters of the laws and
governments across Canada because the neutral citation was removed from the Workers’
Compensation Act across Canada which exposed that the system had removed the new evidence
standard and its dispensing of Fundamental Justice within the administration of the WCB. Doing
so, though, through the changing of the word in The Workers’ Compensation Act also defied The
Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s. 7 and 52 (1) of The Charter (strike 2 against the corrupt
administration of Canada).

Now, the Petitioner, E. J. Krass, had to overcome the BAD FAITH within the judiciary and the court
registry because he has repetitively been DENIED his right to apply to the court of competent
jurisdiction to obtain the appropriate and JUST REMEDY in the circumstances, so as to re-instate
not just the neutral citation of the Workers’ Compensation Act but also s. 7 of the legitimate neutral
citations of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, while initiating the long suppressed Petition to the
Court Due Legal Process demanded by s. 24 (1) of The Charter and the simple
correctness/incorrectness in decisions standard (strike 3 against the corrupt administration of

The Petitioner, E. J. Krass, though, really had to overcome the system’s collective collusion against
the objectively supported Truth, Everyone’s Legal Rights and The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of
Equals and Its Realm because the system knew that its corruption across all time is correctable with
s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the resulting Petition to the Court Due Legal

Therefore, the Peremptory Orders produced by the Petitioner, E. J. Krass, on behalf of

Everyone and their Legal Rights are unopposable by far more than consent but by The
Supremacy of God and His Realm - ultra vires in legal terms!

How many times did a fruit or branch from a tree fall down or a rock get pulled down a hillside over
the course of this planet’s existence before we even came to understand God’s force that we have
labeled gravity? And, how many more times will this same process occur after mankind has killed
the planet’s means to support us?

Also, how many billions of years did planets exist and be round before mankind made this inevitable
discovery to the detriment of the theory that “the planet is flat” theory of mankind?

These facts affirm the existence of God because they portray the universe as unified with hidden
Truth from us. Due to a lack of looking for The Holy Spirit and the high society of england killing
off the expansion of knowledge, injustice was done on everyone across time because elitism
emerged: based upon the few having the “moral right” to do wrong in the name of whatever. In
Truth, “God” - new evidence, has since been replaced by democracy and governance (two sides to
a coin making them intrinsic to each other) both of which made what exists and is illegitimate as
having to be “beyond reproach” once again: the beast that was and is, yet, is not or, as my writings
describe civilization, the illusion made real because what everyone is living with exists from corrupt
laws that produces an unnatural order which people accept due to indoctrination.

When anybody casts off God (“new evidence”), they automatically declare themselves and their
creations to be “divine”, “beyond reproach” and infallible going forward. That is exactly what
happened in Canada as the civilization that was created in the 1960's and 1970's was effectively
etched in stone when The Charter of Rights and Freedoms was repatriated because governments
illegitimately gave themselves the right to override all other INALIENABLE AND LEGITIMATE
Rights of the individual that start from the individual and his providing informed consent.

Unbeknownst to everyone, though, a means for striking down laws, the governments’ corrupt
schemes and duplicity was established long ago - The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process which
arises from the invocation of the legitimate Neutral Citations - and is presented in Exhibit “O” on
file with the Supreme Court with the Peremptory Orders and these standards were put to reasonable
use in the August 20, 2009 Summary Motion while both the March 4 and August 20, 2009 Summary
Orders constitute The Treatise on the long suppressed Petition to the Court (originating) Due Legal

What few understand is that an endorsement by a court after lies, not reflective of the Truthful
facts, were argued in favour of by illegitimate institutions like governments, institutions, etc. only
results in more lies and corruption determining that the court’s endorsement has no validity: 2
wrongs don’t make a right as all that has been done by the jurisprudence court process is it made
the distance to the Truth that much greater and that much more difficult to get to but only after
having been forced to destroy the illusion made real by the duplicity of the court system.

Currently, everybody in the general populace is looking for some form of manmade
endorsement to believe the Truth when the Truth is the Truth and cannot be attacked but only
accepted. Such unnecessary endorsements can come in the form of a judicial signature, a degree,
a plaque on the wall, years of “education”, etc. Really, though, all that the people need to do is read
or review the objective evidence and arrive at the sole conclusion so long as they are educated to
know what “a duck” or centripetal mechanics, etc. is and how to apply these designations!

Based on this understanding, which is 100% accurate, the BAD FAITH on the part of the government
made the acceptance of the Truth, presented by the Petitioner, E. J. Krass, on behalf of the absolute
Truth that is blessed by God, unacceptable because the establishment erased God through the letters
of the laws where “new evidence” no longer has the authority to make moot any and all
decisions made by government agents, the scientific community, the medical community, the
courts, etc.

When anybody casts off God (“new evidence”), they automatically declare themselves and their
creations to be “divine”, “beyond reproach” and infallible going forward - see Exhibit “Q”.
The consequential BAD FAITH evidence, though, then, compels all courts, the Superior Court and
the Supreme Court of Canada as a wholly independent and impartial unified national agency, to
accept as TRULY “beyond reproach” the words of the Petitioner while leaving the burden to read
the affidavits and conclusions on all persons around the globe going forward.

The neutral citation of s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - Everyone’s Legal Rights - and
the demand for complete honesty in institutional decision making make it patently obvious that
Canada is and always has been administered corruptly due to the lack of complete devotion to
Everyone’s Legal Rights.

Through the invocation of the neutral citation and the evidence of the defendants already having
been presented historically, how can anyone, including all judges, claim to have the right to provide
a contradictory opinion where the defendants have already established in their own words that they
knowingly acted unjustly towards not just the Petitioner, E. J. Krass, but always had and is
continuing to do so against the job injured CLASS merely to protect the WCB’s Accident Fund - i.e.
the system placed financial considerations ahead of the Neutral Citation of The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms along with that of the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act?

If everyone had not been educated to seek an endorsement for Truth, the Petitioner, E. J. Krass, and
all job injured would not need to seek the courts endorsement on any of the Peremptory Orders and
their disenfranchising matters. But, the illusion made real and the corruption of education has left
the job injured with no other option but to seek out the Supreme Court of Canada’s signature as well
as establish The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process as the sole legitimate due process and with
no other consequential option but to eliminate the current grounds for rulership - democracy - that
replaced the monarchy as agents of God without the authority to do so.

Clearly, the matters presented by the Petitioner on Peremptory Order 00001 pertain to the
implementation and lack thereof for The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. So, the request that the
Petitioner, E. J. Krass, on File No. PO-00001 be present at the public proclamation is waived.
The road to restore E. J. Krass’ mature, healthy and kinetic human body will be long and
arduous and is far more pressing now than attending a hearing where the Supreme Court
pronounces his discovery that The Charter of Rights and Freedoms was purposely
circumvented so that s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms would be invoked by
someone sooner or later thereby initiating the long suppressed Petition to the Court Due Legal

However, all job injured have the right to be present at the Proclamation Reading Hearing or watch
it on televisions or over internet and the mass media is obligated to make the time and date of the
hearing known to everyone in advance and making all Proclamation Reading Hearings prime
coverage for the day! (There are far greater consequences for the collusion and BAD FAITH used
against E. J. Krass but those are matters best left to be discussed for a time after the recovery his
mature, healthy and kinetic human body has been completed.)





1. The matters contained within File No. PO-00001 with the Supreme Court of Canada are profound beyond
compare but simple. The Petitioner, E. J. Krass, who is acting on behalf of the irresponsibly replaced neutral
citation of the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act as well as the Truth and s. 7, 52 (1) and 24 (1) of
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms because the establishment, by removing illegitimately the self evident
Truth that work inherently is flawed as it injures, maims and prematurely kills the workers, eventually,
usurped the role of God in everyone’s lives and abolished self evident Truth in all decisions.

2. The implementation of BAD FAITH and “reverse onus” by the democracies across Canada (false nation
states called provinces) in defiance of the invocation of s. 7 and s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms - neutral citation - determines that the litigation initiated on January 9, 2009 is not for the purposes
of “suing the federal government” as alleged wrongly by the court registry or those immersed in
jurisprudence due process. Rather, the Petitioner, E. J. Krass, according to The Principles of Fundamental
Justice and The Supremacy of God, has all along demanded legitimately the appropriate and just REMEDY
in the circumstances finally be recognized concerning the corruption of the administration of Canada
imposed through democracy and jurisprudence and the court system owned by the elected bodies.

(1) BAD FAITH means presenting a lie as legitimate in an administrative capacity which always then
“reverses onus” on the wronged rather than having neutral citations/self evident Truth/simpliciter.

3. The REAL purposes of The Petition to the Court (litigating and invoking a legitimate neutral citation)
is to re-instate Truth in decision making, The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God
where God represents objectively supported Truth, as yet undiscovered or hidden. Re-instatement of The
Truth can only be done by exposing the corruption of the existence of nation states - the suspension of its
acceptance of Truth imposed through the laws and schemes as well as demonstrating how corrupt laws and
schemes, that have divided people (the nation), can be either struck down forevermore as they “deny”
Everyone’s Legal Rights or salvaged because an older version of the law actually had a Fundamental Justice
Dictate that upheld Everyone’s Legal Rights, The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm and
peremptorily ordering the legitimate law’s re-instatement regardless of all other considerations.

4. The most fundamental matter, that was presented peremptorily in the January 9, 2009 Writ of Summons
and the legal documents generated since then, which were truly unnecessary and whose evidence forbids any
interference by the judiciary and limits their actions to accepting and signing off on the Summary Orders
contained within the Summary Motions, is the elimination of a lie contained within The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms that has been used to continue governance although it is illegitimate and always has been and
therefore cannot be maintained going forward. This lie made real is contained in s. 3 of The Charter of
Rights and Freedoms as well as ruling through the letter of the law on the paper, aka the rule of law

5. For universal discovery purposes, it must be acknowledged that democracy is a machination of

mankind solely for insuring that THE MAJORITY rules until the objectively supported Truth is made
known either from inevitable discovery or from the system lining up against those whose objective evidence
is known to be repudiating the establishment as a whole, i.e. the system argues that the system cannot be
wrong even though it really is and the term used to hide the suspension of its acceptance of The Truth is
“administratively fair” when encountered in government files which means the letter of the law was upheld
but the fact that the law is corrupt is another matter all together.

6. To make everything succinct according to the irreconcilable conflict between the Constitutional Questions
Act - new evidence since May 3, 2010 - and The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Petitioner, E. J. Krass,
formulated numerous indictments against the administration of Canada from his Truth and the self evident
Truth that Canada has become a class based civilization since 1982. With the Petitioner being presented with
the Constitutional Questions Act in the Supreme Court of British Columbia hearing on May 3, 2010 by the
judge and upon subsequent review of the enactment, it became fully apparent to E. J. Krass that all his
indictments were NOW fully supported just as the demand for complete reformation of the judiciary across
Canada was supported fully which then demanded that the matter be immediately reformatted and presented
to the Supreme Court of Canada to sign off on all the consequential Peremptory Orders, 2 Acts to replace
the corrupt Constitutional Questions Act and initiate The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process - all at the
same time.
7. The perfect example of the cover-up in the suspension of the system’s ready acceptance of The Truth is
the current Workers’ Compensation system with the suspension of its original neutral citation. For decades,
the WCB across Canada has been running up a multi-billion dollar underfunded debts/liabilities as the
people, whose job injuries are not being resolved to the newer objective standards, have been illegitimately
and administratively kicked off of the WCB’s Accident Fund’s books in defiance of the mandate of the
original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act that is completely consistent with s. 7 of The Charter of Rights
and Freedoms.

(1) This corrupt action by the elected bodies that allowed the WCB’s Accident Funds underfunded
liabilities to be hidden in the books did not resolve the resulting health problems for the job injured.
Instead, the burgeoning budgets of universal health care across Canada resulted from the suspension
of Truth in the WCB as well as people now being encouraged to play sports even though the system
knows that the sports players will get injured - “risk injuries” as the orthopaedic surgical community
now refers to these injuries.

8. The Self Evident Truth is that there is a mature, healthy and kinetic human body that nobody wants
because it eliminates choice especially since all ginglymus joints across all time employ load bearing lateral
ligaments to maintain a singular flexion and extension plane in the extremity in which they exists: if there
is rotation of the extremity like the arm and legs, the ginglymus joints also function as universal joints in rear
drive train vehicles.

9. In reality, the mature, healthy and kinetic human body arises around the mid-20's for everyone and the
death blow to this marvel is abnormal contraction of the mislabeled pronator teres muscle as it destroys the
lateral load bearing soft tissue complex of the radiocapitellar joint. This is a Self Evident Truth but its
consequence is that the current human anatomy model is corrupt beyond repair as it stands, ergo, it must be
wholly replaced with the new physics of the space race incorporated in to it.

10. A powerful tool for building the mature, healthy and kinetic human body model is the hidden ergonomic
labour divisions of the WCB across Canada where the work injuries have already been correlated to the
offending activity unbeknownst to the general populace.

11. As indicated in the Affidavits and compiled objective evidence, the Petitioner, E. J. Krass, attended the
job site in good health on June 1, 1989 in Gordondale, Alberta where the job duties were known, to the WCB
and medical professionals, to cause significant injuries to the upper extremities especially on those who
attended the job site with mature, healthy and properly kinetic elbows. The labouring duties of the
worker/Petitioner on FILE NO . PO-00001 naturally then caused the loss of the proper use of his dominant arm
as well as carpal tunnel injuries that go away but the insufficiency of the lateral load bearing soft tissue
complex of the radiocapitellar joint, that does not get diagnosed and fixed, remains ongoing and slowly
allows the abnormal laxity in the arm to go throughout the person over years also affecting the subsystem
like the nerves, brain discharge patterns, the blood flow, the health of the bones, the back and hips and across
the sagittal plane to the opposing arm due to muscles, tendons and ligaments across the shoulders acting like
an elastic band that stretches from finger tip to finger tip while the head and neck are instantly effected from

12. The Petitioner knows of the correlation of the medical “conditions” that are really complications of the
insufficiency of the lateral load bearing soft tissue complex at the radiocapitellar joint due to his having lived
with his unresolved improper use of his right arm since June 1989.

13. Had the neutral citation of the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act not been removed prior to the
job injury, which was done in defiance of Everyone’s Legal Rights and The Charter of Rights and Freedoms,
the person of the Petitioner and those he represents would never had been injured because the offending jobs
would no longer have existed: injury prevention of all workers’ persons was also removed with the neutral
citation of the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act. But, the provincial legislatures failed their charge
and actually took up the corrupt approach to government and forced everyone to pursue wealth whether as
a worker or as a ruler (leader) seeking to expand commerce across the globe in utter contravention of The
Pursuit of THE FREE Society and Its Realm.

14. From the functioning of governments since 1982, NOBODY currently has any INALIENABLE Rights
because the Legal Realm is no longer being reconciled with The Mandate of Heaven/objective Truth/The
Supremacy of God - new evidence, therefore, democracy must be viewed as the means to this corrupt end
and cannot be maintain but struck down forevermore.

15. The Self Evident Proof of the invalidity of democracy as it conflicts with The Pursuit of THE FREE
Society of Equals and Its Realm is The Principles of Fundamental Justice and the resulting sole Fundamental
Justice that is omnipotent and omnipresent and, besides unifying everyone and making the nation of the
people indivisible and unified under objectively supported Truth, it also dismisses democracy.
16. The objectively supported Truth is a powerful sword that not only supports one set of words but
also repudiates all other words showing the authors of these wrong words to be either dishonest -
corrupt - or ignorant. Canadians and the industrial world no longer know this fact about Truth
because it was replaced with argument and debate - jurisprudence/interlocutory proceedings - rather
than The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm.

17. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms was a double-cross by the elected bodies that grew from the british
north america act - no capitals because the act is no longer valid and is without merit concerning The Pursuit
of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm and, therefore, the BNA is struck down in its entirety
especially since it delivered everyone in to the hands of the false gods of democracy.

18. The wisdom of Jesus Christ speaks to all concerning duplicity:

No servant can have 2 masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he
will be devoted to the one and despise the other...

To paraphrase this wisdom to Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms: No Person can serve
democracy and The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm.

(1) The elected bodies, designated in s. 3 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, knew this fact
well when writing Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. But, it was too convenient to take
over and create another civilization with taxes and the economy as the pillars of the civilization
regardless of the neutral citation of the original 1913 Workers’ Compensation Act.

19. The duplicity of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms created the role of The Son of Heaven:
someone to shatter the lie of civilization by speaking the Truth without any other consideration.

20. Consequently, this same duplicity left the Petitioner no other choice but to strike down democracy in
its entirety because it was no longer accepting new evidence which anyone can apply to strike down laws and
schemes in their entirety if no Fundamental Justice Dictate can be found across the history of the scheme.

21. The courts and the british monarchy are unwilling to take action concerning the duplicity of The Charter
of Rights and Freedoms mainly because the perceived legitimacy of the monarchy died at the end of WWI
plus the courts are agents of the government as they uphold the letter of the law over Fundamental Justice.

(1) The monarchy and its grounds for rulership was disproven almost a century ago for
everyone. The replacement for this form of rulership was democracy and its current
judiciary where opinions are considered to be “equivalents to” objectively supported Truth
and they are used as grounds for excluding all Truthful objective evidence from the records
so that The Truth became lost as the standard for dispensing Fundamental Justice and the
judiciary, just as in Galileo’s era, Sir Thomas More’s era, Sir Isaac Newton’s era, Einstein’s
era, and today, merely upholds the letter of the laws in accordance with the false standard
where a preponderance of “academic” opinions in favour of one side of an issue means that
it is accepted and unilaterally declared infallible even concerning the arrival of objectively
established facts and Truth which repudiates the whole standard and court system based
upon it until the Supreme Court of Canada is forced to step in and correct the BAD FAITH.

(2) The argument provided by democratic leaders concerning its refusal to accept the
Fundamental Justice outcome when the governmental decisions are simply outright wrong,
according to the objective Truth and The Principles of Fundamental Justice and The
Supremacy of God - new evidence that repudiates everything that has been going on under
democracy, is that the laws simply can’t enshrine injustice and make correction of the
injustice and the unjust laws and schemes nearly improbable, consequently, the decision and
resulting action by governments/courts simply can’t be wrong. This argument then keeps
The Truth out of the corrective process while democracy and rulership through the letter
of the laws continue producing injustice repetitively making it utterly wrong, which then
demands that democracy be replaced just as happened with the monarchy. The next
questions are with what and how?

22. The most powerful reason for the inaction of the british monarchy and the courts is the fact that, once
struck down, democracy must be summarily replaced with something so that the rule of law can be quickly
reconciled by the disenfranchised whose experience nobody within the legal system can relate to due to their
own personal experience which is that of complying with a known wrong.

23. The replacement to the corrupt democracy is defined as The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process
and it will deliver the corollary - single set - of laws that extend from The Pursuit of THE FREE Society
as well as insure Its Realm’s arrival where everyone will be equals and the only outcome is Doing Right as
defined by the objectively supported Truth which has already started to bring forth the mosaic that can be
seen and defined as THE FREE Society of Equals Realm over what exists illegitimately today and has for
many decades but only through corruption (defined as knowingly doing wrong/leaving no room for change
to this system) has the illusion been made real.

24. As it has been discovered that s. 7, 11 (d), 24 (1) and s. 52 (1) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
demand the current court system be completely thrown out and replaced with a wholly independent, impartial
and national agency comprised of the Superior Court of Canada and the Supreme Court of Canada where The
Principles of Fundamental Justice and The Supremacy of God dictate the outcome in all matters and, when
Fundamental Justice is shown NOT be accepted by the scheme, the disenfranchised or their agents have the
right to apply to either of these courts to obtain the appropriate and JUST REMEDY in the circumstances.
Upon receipt of the documents, the court receiving the documentation and Exhibits will review the Exhibits
and, when the evidence shows that the actions of the agencies and bureaucrats were inconsistent with The
Fundamental Justice outcome and Everyone’s Legal Rights, then, the court has no other option but sign off
on the Peremptory Order, assign it the next sequential number in the PO-00??? file numbering system and
proclaim the findings at a date specified by the disenfranchised or immediately if one is not specified.

(1) When there is BAD FAITH involved, the sole process is The Petition to the Court singular step
Due Process because an incorrect decision has been rendered and the words of the governments can
be used in court to insure that the sole appropriate and JUST REMEDY in the circumstances is
imposed through The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process.

(2) To define the look of a Petition to the Court document, just access the page 1 of the initial
Petitions to the Court for the starting lines from line 1 - Rule 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms - through to the line - THIS COURT, ACCORDING TO THE PRINCIPLES OF

(3) After this Peremptory Order’s introduction, place the words to which you or your agent are privy
that the objective Truth supports and, because the system dealt with you, your class of persons and
The Truth dishonestly, your words will be accepted as honest as they will have to uphold
universality of being and The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm. To defeat
dishonesty, the person will be blessed by honesty and devotion to The Truth that will carry all who
remain loyal to it.

(4) Of course, the disenfranchised will, in most circumstances, be preparing a double edged
Peremptory Order striking down the corrupt law and scheme while also naming its replacement law,
if possible, or forever eliminating the scheme.
(5) To insure that the either of the forthcoming courts - the Superior and Supreme Courts - are
compelled to complete The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process, a Notice of Hearing will have
to be filed with a Proclamation of the Peremptory Order and the Chief Justice must sign off on the
Order and pronounce the Proclamation after having reviewed the Exhibits supporting the
incorrectness of the decision.

25. The burden for reading the Orders and Affidavits in their entirety lies with the general populace
and no judge, due to the evidence contained with the Exhibits and The Principles of Fundamental Justice
and The Supremacy of God, is permitted to read the Peremptory Orders that are to be signed: by reality,
when the government is dishonest, then, by virtue, the Petitioners to the Court will only be Doing Right and
standing up for The Truth which the people will affirm while reading the Peremptory Orders.

26. Canada’s Legal Rights for the Legal Realm established The Self Evident Truth that everyone is born free
of the civilization - its laws and their schemes which includes confederation where the provinces are the
equivalents of kingdoms in centuries past. S. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms also established that
the sole and self evident consideration for everyone’s INALIENABLE right to life and liberty is health
(security of person).

27. S. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms also made it clear that no government action, i.e. enactment
of legislation and their resulting schemes, were to outright “deny” Everyone’s Legal Rights thereby forcing
everyone to stand up for The Self Evident Truth - reverse onus. The need to stand up for The Truth truly
is impossible as Self Evident Truth is impregnable and all powerful - The Supremacy of God - and self
evident to those with education. Consequently, “reverse onus” was abolished as a standard for all laws and
schemes going forward when The Charter of Rights and Freedoms was repatriated (1982) just as only Doing
Right, according to Everyone’s INALIENABLE right to life, liberty and security of person, was established
for all laws to remain in place going forward and any breach of this Legal standard constitutes BAD FAITH
that is to be the sole focus of all judicial proceedings and immediate summary acceptance of the words of
the Petitioners so long as they have proof that the patently obvious was/is being neglected in government
decision making which extends to the laws as well and even The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

28. Democracy contravenes the sole legitimate standard for existence - The Pursuit of THE FREE Society
of Equals and Its Realm - because democracy prohibited the reconciliation of the historical laws to the sole
standard for all laws going forward - Everyone’s Legal Rights. (Please review The Peremptory Order
Striking Down All Polygamy Laws to get a real education on how things became so corrupt.)

29. Instead of a revolutionary war to correct the fact that disenfranchised people and division of the people
in to classes is occurring, The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process which replaces jurisprudence and
interlocutory due process is hereby proclaimed as the means to correct the wrong (the civilization illusion
made real or the beast that was, and is not, and yet is (Revelations 16:8)) and produce the sole set of laws
that extends from The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm, i.e. reconciliation of the Legal
Realm with The Self Evident Standards laid out in S. 7 of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

30. The world has waited millennia for the sole and proper means to allow THE FREE Society and Its Realm
to come in to existence and remain in place because objectively supported Truth is the most powerful
double edged sword as it not only supports one set of words but also repudiates all other words
showing the authors of untruthful words either to be dishonest - corrupt - or ignorant: democracy and all that
came before were not the singular means to liberate THE FREE Society and Its Realm; all democracy was,
was another means to hide The Truth from everyone while pulling the civilization “wool” over everybody’s
eyes once again.

31. So that everyone understands, your actions are not your own and never have been especially since April
17, 1982 - 1918 in Truth - because governments took over and are ruling your lives and thoughts through
the letters of the laws which governments own (rules of the civilization game) while self evident Truth does
not compel the system to reform its laws without hesitation as is Right. Currently, there are no standards
for the laws in contravention of Everyone’s Legal Rights. Therefore, The Petition to the Court Due Legal
Process places the letter of the laws back in the disenfranchised’s hands with the express purpose of
delivering the single set of laws whose standards are Everyone’s Legal Rights, based upon simple Truth,
which IS the only true method of insuring that Fundamental Justice and simple Truth finally become
everyone’s defining light rather than idols and leaders which cannot exist in THE FREE Society of Equals
and Its Realm.

32. Consequently, democracy - including s. 3 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - and rulership by
fellow human beings and their thoughts/agendas are found to be invalid, disreputable, not saved nor
salvageable because they actually contradict The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals and Its Realm
established by Truth and Doing Right with the self evident reality as the standard going forward.
Permanent Attachments:

Exhibit “K” - the January 31, 2000 Memo from the appeals commission for the WCB to the WCB
admitting BAD FAITH/”reverse onus”, i.e. that the proper outcome including the new
evidence outcome were withheld from E. J. Krass, The Petitioner, and all other similar
overuse syndrome job injuries and have remained withheld simply due to lack of
willingness to accept the Truth in all these cases;

Exhibits “I” and “J” - s. 44 and 45 of the administrative tribunals act - start of judicial review- and its
words refuting the neutral citation - s. 24 (1) of The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms and the government’s words explaining that nobody reverses all corrupt
initial decisions through judicial review/patently unreasonable courts based upon
simple correctness, where the initial job injuries are acknowledged to be still
ongoing especially since that fact has been made redundant;

Exhibit “Q” - absolute evidence of the administration of Canada being maintained through the application
of BAD FAITH in contravention of s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms as Truth, its
outcomes and new evidence are not readily applied anymore across Canada nor at the lowest
court because the appeals commission or WCAT illegitimately own the right to reverse its
previous “adverse” (“reverse onus”) decisions in defiance of The Principles of Fundamental
Justice and The Supremacy of God;

Exhibit “S” - centripetal mechanics wheel exposing circular motion and its pillars - the lateral ligaments;
Exhibit “T” - lateral x-ray film of a mature, healthy and kinetic elbow;
Exhibit “U” - photograph of a hinge with its characteristics and none of these are found in Exhibit “T”;
Exhibit “V” - annotated photocopy of Gray’s Anatomy showing the college of physicians and surgeon’s
reliance on elbows employing hinge mechanics and all ginglymus joints which is wrong
and centripetal mechanics are the replacement to this disreputable standard;

copy of the corrupt and struck down Constitutional Questions Act

By the Supreme Court of Canada

___________________________________ _______________________________________
Chief Justice Registrar

Dated:___________________________ ____________________________________

This Notice of Hearing and Proclamation was prepared by the applicant.

This document can be found online at - look

for the document SCC Notice of Hearing and PROCLAMATION of The Petition to the Court Due Legal


Tffidavit qf
FROM: Jane Ffruphy worn befo
lntake Registrar t the Prcvince aJ'BrWh Coluqbia

TO: Doug Palmer

Case Managsr 7 .for taltt$
n wi
wi w oJ
cs Bntish *
of aTrJun
K=\r-r-<-- =k-'\ \a Sqs
RH,; Hnrst Krass _._J
CIlaim Number 31 s 8735 ffi

your memo of January 26. 2000 is noted. As your letter of the same date to Mr Krass
oxplains, the new medical information was reviewed by the Medical Department, and
based on the opinion received. you made a decision. Your desisisfi ou still
problems to this claim. The fact it is gn't
could not relate the right elbow
mean it is not a nerrv decision.... Clearly, there was new evidence: it was reviewed and
weighed: and a decision rnade.

As such. (and as explained in paragraph 2 of your letter) decisions of the Case

tvlanager are first appealed to the CSRC. The Committee has not had an opportunity to
review tlre new decision that was rendered following the review of the new lnformation,
Mr,Krass would be being denied a cornplete level of appeal ehould the matter come
directly to the Appeals Commisslon, As well, as C$RC has not rendered a decision with
respoct to the recEnt medical information, Appeals Commission would be without
jurisdiction, as AC can ONLY hear appeats of C$RC (or ARC) decisions.

The fite is being returned for your action. I vrould ask that you immediately advise
lvlr.Krass of the slatus, as you letter lells him to contact AC
*r I

BC Administrative Tribunals Act

This act is similar to those across Canada that impose quasi-judicial review
of governmental decisions where the decision by the government is inhered
with divinity until the Supreme Court is forced to impose the Fundamenlal Juslice
decision as the judicial review is shown to be based on bias in favour of the law/
government agents and NOT Fundumental,luslice

Trib unol with o ul j urisdiction over constitutional questions

11 (l) The tribunaldocs nol have jurisdiclion over conslilutionul queslions.

(4 Subsectittn (t) appties to ull upplicutiuts made before, on or after lhe date that the sub.section upplies
to a tribunal.
Tribunal u,ithout jurisdiction over Cemudian ('harler of Rights anel Freedoms issues

15 (I ) The tribunul cloes n<tt huve jurisdiction over constitulional queslions relating to lhe Canudian
Charter oJ'Rights and Freedoms.

(l.l) Sttb.section (l) opplics to all applications mude berttre, on or trfler the date that the subseclion
upplies to u tribunal

(2) If a constitutional question, other thon one relating to the Canudian Charler of Rights ond Freedonts,
is raised by a purty in a tibunulproceeding

(a) on the reque$t oJ'u purl,v* or on ils ou,n initiulive. al any slage of un appliculion lhe trihunal nwy- reJer
lhat queslion to the court in theform of u slated cuse, or

(b) on the request tf'the Attorne.y Generul, the tihunal musl reJbr lhul question to lhe courl in the fornt
of a stated case.

(This entire law violatess. 24(I) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms as constitutional issue
matters belong to the disenfranchised but Fundamental Justice is supposed to have been
inhered in the thoughts leading up to the laws and rejection of those whose order violates s.
7 ond s. I of The Chorler of Rights ond Freecloms!)

(3) The ,stulecl cuse ntust

(a) be preparcd hy the trihunal. Tfris is ExhiOitLryfrrfttl tct in'Ihe

affidavit of
(b) be in u'ritirtg,, iworn belor me at

(c) be.filed u,ilh lhe court regi,slry, qnd

(cI) inclucle u statenrcnt of tha ./crc:ts und relevunt eviclence. ffinkmg.ffidawts

of Bntish Colunon
wirhin the Plvince

H) Subject to the clirection o"l'the courl, the lrihunul must

-3\'-.-o >?\ *E
R:t \A1 -3-
\ ==
?-' ffi
(e to the extent that il is pruclicable in light rtf the stated cuse, proceed lo hear and decide all que'slions
excepl the questions raised in lhe srated case,

(b) suspend the applicatktn us it relotes to the stated cuse and reserve il.s clecision until the opinion oJ'the
courl has heen given, and

(4 decide the applicution irt ucatrdance with lhe <tpinion.

(5) A stated cuse nrusl be brutughl on for hearing as soon tts pruclicuble.

(6) Subject lo subsection (7), the court ,nusl heur and cletermine the stated case and give its decision as
soon as prqcticable.

(7) The court muy reJer the staled case hack to the tribunal.for unrcndntent or clurification, and the
tribunal nrust prontptly amend and return the stuled for the opinion of the court.

S" 21(l) qf The Charter

oJ"Rights und Freedom,t grants the people the right to advise the courts as
to the "altpropriqte and ju,tl" outcomes relative to the order imposed by the law and security tf"
person qs a.ffirmed hy Fundumental ,lustice.

S. 2l ofThe Thoma.s ShuchukJuly 25, 2005 Alberla (lourl

of Queens Bench Decision makes it clear
that the laws are NOT beyond refornration which means that they can be struck down permanently
or struck down and replaced with the laws that were consistent with The Charter of Rights and
Freedoms at the request of those being denied everyone's Legal Rights.

As The Chcrter of'Rights and Freedom.r were never applied to any of the laws across BC and
Canada, my summary and peremptory order based on Fundumenlal Juslice is therefore beyond
repute and must be accepted just as will be applicable to other similar Order proceedings that follow.

It is obvious that not I government has ever been devoted to the 3 standards of The Charter of
Rights nnd Freedoms and that the cunent laws and their order are inconsistent with The Charter and
its demands!

But, this is an after the fact reality that the compiled evidence affirms which forces everyone now
to use s. 21(l) and s. 52(l) ol'The Charter of Rights and Freedozzs to produce the corollary - single
set - ol-law.s that extend.from The (hurter ol'Rights and Freedoms and Fundamental Justice that will
establish THE FREE Society for everyone from pole to pole: being devoted to the 3 standards
would have meant that the single set of laws for all Canadians would have been produced by
now and everlone would be living under this mind set rather than living under the ideolory
of "pursing wealth" which contradicts the pursuit of THE FREE Society.

Canada is returning to Doing Right as it was before the contradictory pursuing wealth ideology took
hold in l9l 8. But. what role is left for the establishment where Doing Right is imbued in everyone?
twilrn belorv me at

fudicial Review
lris gu iclebook contains an overview of the procedure for a
revierv. In judiciat re'iew. rhe supreme Court of BC is ask Gt".*'lJt;9"'=-[["S\.- a\

decision clf ;r f4oven'llnent body, like a triburtal. 4

A judicial review is a cornplex legal process. other guidebooks in this series: Starting a Civil
Several statutes or Acts set out the rules for a Proceeding in Supreme Court and Chambers
judicial review. Two of these are the Applications. You can find much of the
Administrative Tribunals Act, which sets out the inforrnation you neecl to carry on your judicial
time limits for applying for a judicial review, review in those guidebooks.
and the ludicial Review Procedure Act, which
sets out the procedural requirements. If you You should also review the guidebook,
are thinking of applyirrg for a judicial review, Overview of the Supreme Court Civil Process,
you need to read these Acts. to understand the court process and how to get
started on some procedures.
Several Supreme Court Rules also apply to
applications forjudicial review. You will also This guidebook gives you only a general
need to be familiar with them. You can find all introduction to judicial reviews. To apply for a
of the Rules and Acts at any courthouse library judicial review, you will need to do more
or at the websites set out at the beginning of research on the la w, the Rules and the Acts
this guidebook. that apply to your specific case. YCItt shoulel

Judicial reviews are started by filing a

document called a petition. (Petitions are
discussed below.) You should also read two t ^chf1

What is iudicial reYiew? Ti'ibunals are specialized decision makers

because their decisions concern a specific
A judicial review is a legal procedure that
subject area (such as workers' compensation,
takes place in In a judicial
review, a Supreme Court judge reviews a
decision that has been made by an
administrative tribunal or an administrative

.^^$c. rrtJhcr^r frr!cr..3 UXc*pFtrLl lsh

What is an administrative particular subject areas and, because of that,
tribunal or adtninistrative the courts will not easily interfere with a
decision rnaker? ibunal's decision.
-TL,c- Ftx rr ar :

The government of BC creates tribunals to Here are some examples of the situations
interpret and enforce certain laws, such as
residential landlord and terrant issues.
TL truL.ftJ F^sqgt 4;prcr {A^*
;worn hefore me at \A f,1
Page: 4 n the Prcvince a.l British Columbia.
this \7 /g"/Sn* r;oci
the presence of a privative clause
the expertise of the tribunal
the purpose of tlre act as a whole and
the nature of tlre problent in question.
Presence of a privative clause .- lt*-r- }, h"'do +l^2- aa'r'_ 6tgle.y e1n"rl-r"r'{S I

t20l Section l3.l of the Act provides that the Commission has exclusive jurisdiction to examine,
inquire into, henr'alld deterrtrirre nll ntatt .l qu ising under the Act and regulations, and

restraindtr by injunction, prohibition or other process or proceedings in any court or are removable
by certiorori or otherwise into any court. Prior to amendments passed in2002, it was held that the
appropriate standard of review fbr Corntnission decisions was Ramey v.3 Ufr'{04r,ltttS
Alberta (Workers Compensation Board) (1997), 200 A.R. 59 (C.A.); and Sammut v. Alberta
(llorkers Compensation Board Commission),120021A.J. No. 425,2002 ABCA 87.
ItgB-2oz e*4[1. (o.l.-'rr rJ ra-#ieS-g;ltr/r) o+
-ILr Ct'rr t A4XDrQ Mt45
737ri:'" [21] Section 13.4( I ) of the Act, which
z,soz:rlill i rovides that: " The Board and any
riant to ssc,tlorl

1g glltGlEF
the same time as the s. 13.4 appeal pnrvisio was added, the right ot'the-$C.B to request a rehearing
was removed. : re i
T:F. +FriFp.Ffq?nEgE

The courts have considered whether

Compensation Boardv.Appeals Commission (Labounty)332 A.R. 342, 2003 ABQB 233,

Bachmann v. Alberta (l(orkers' Compensation, Appeal Commission) 350 A.R. 14,2003
ARoR s75 have come ro the onnosite conclusion; Akita Dritlins v. Alberta 'jn/.\ &l;

ABQB 856,Alberta(Workerc' mpensation Boar$v.Appeals Com

2005 ABQB 16l. Moen J. lbun in the latter case that the appeal c

l22l Given the right of appeal on questions of law and jurisdiction, it is logical to conclude that
issues of law orjurisdiction enjoy lower protection than questions of pure fact, which are still subject
to the full privative clause. I am persuaded by the reasoning in the cases cited above which concluded
that the real purpose of the amendments was not solely to remove the right of the Board to direct a

Expertise of the tribunal

t23l The Commission generally has expertise with respect to decisions within its statutory and
u J t.
A(Og + LDt,d o+ @wfe^lu*f j ,,.-niq,
h 06
Mr. E. f. Krass,
Just Call Me - Galileo ll/Founder of the UniJied College of Medicine

December 20,2009
This is the new second part of Exhibit 6Qtt referred to in all Mr. E. J. Krass'
documentation pertaining to The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process and others going forward
from this date. There is no need for attesting to its validity because it's already on file no. 81581 with
the superior court (british columbia - kelowna) record as well as filed with The Supreme Court of
Canada - page 4 ofthe Thomas Shuchuk Decision ofthe alberta court ofqueens bench July 25, 2005
- and merely excerpted and filed with the courts pertaining to the Defocto Petition to
the Court Due Legal Process.

Consequently though, NO government decision must ever be inhered with validity

and all governmental decisions are to go direct to the court through The Petition to the Court Due
Lqal Proce,rs for a "simple correctness stqndart'(excerpted from Exhibit "N" on file no. 81581
at the superior court (british colombia - kelowna) which means that both the decision and the law that
provided for the "adverse" to Truth decision can NOT be allowed to remain in existence and also
were never valid from their inception in the minds of the elites.
The correctness standard determines merely and quickly whether the decision took
all pertinent and objective facts properly in to consideration and/or the law, that provided for the
decision, illegitimately indicated that all decisions and laws are inhered with "justness" until proven
otherwise at the Supreme Court of every nation state - "reverse onus" and BAD FAITH in the
administration of all nation states.
Exhibit "K" on file no. 81581 wi
makes it patently obvious that not only is the standing decision from the appeals commission for the
WCB (alberta) in the matter of the ongoing nature of Mr. E. J. Krass's job injuries invalid but the
law facilitating the belief that the governmental decision "has to be valid" contention is morally
repugnant and utterly contemptuous o f Everyone 's Legal Rights and

Even simply presenting a law that unilaterally declares all decisions of governments
and the courts to be valid where "reverse onus" is inhered in the corrective review process is
contempt of tice.
S. 13.4(l) of the CURRENT alberta workers' compensation act and its equivalent
across Canada - provincially, territorially and federally - make the current workers' compensation
acts across Canada invalid because all discontinuation of benefits based upon administrative
technicality fulfill the standard for being disreputable, dishonest and corrupt where the victims ofjob
injuries no longer have the right to have their job injuries reversed and affirmed as such with proper
objective techniques. The corruption arises from the governments declaring that the decision maker
not only owns the decision and its reversal which defies
where the objective evidence makes the whole due process that delivered the incorrect outcomes
lnvalld, on no effect and unsaved in The Pursuit of THE FREE Society of Equals Realm.


Mr. E. |. Krass,
Just Call Me - Galileo ll/Founder of the Unitied College of Medicine

The entire review process placing godliness standards on governmental and court
decisions without demanding objective support for the actions is unconscionable: either the real
evidence supports the decision or repudiates it and the law facilitates the corruption of the system!
All governments know this Truth and are hiding behind "the principle of the rule of
law" or, for true Christians, "it is easierfor The Mandate of Heaven and earth to pass away thanfor
one stroke of the letter of the law to fail or "mind yozr p's and q's and make sure you dot your i's
and cross your t's" for the british legal system - jurisprudence.
In democracy, governments also hide behind both elections that have no validity and
the court system that is neither independentnor impartial: the courts only apply the letters of the law
rather than Fundamental Justice or correcting the injustice of civilization due to the governmental
decisions being dishonest or "adverse" to the objectively supported Truth.
What everyone, who is bountiful in mankind's creations, aka materialistic, has, had
to have been arrived at from the dishonesty of the system and the people being indoctrinated to
accept it: the Cold War where neither of the systems, capitalism nor communism, had any validity.
In our current civilization, there are winners and losers not based upon objectively supported Truth
and its ultimate realm but upon the system have the "authority" to administer justice based on the
letters of the laws, aka rule of law.
Now you know for a fact that everything in the industrialized world is an absolute
"illusion made real"!
The days of rulership by others were to have faded centuries ago for some and
decades ago for others. Now though, the days of rulers and followers will be over once and for all.

The extreme collusion of the system against and continued oppression of The Truth
in Mr. E. J. Krass' case places him in an elite but unwelcome category:

Galileo was sentenced to house arrest even though he learned that the objective
Truth actually creates a reality or realm that only God created and we are
discovering it and God at the same time when objective Truth is not interpreted as
the elites of mankind desire.
Sir Isaac Newton feared for his life all the while producing his objective findings -
his paper on gravity was withheld for 20 years before being published for fear of its
findings on Sir Isaac Newton's life.
Sir Thomas More was executed because his loyalty was to God first and foremost
rather than the english monarchy.
Martin Luther renounced the Catholic Church based upon the words of Jesus Christ,
the Leader of the Christians. Yet, the people initially refused to cast off organized
Christianity and its illegitimate connection to the monarchs of europe where the
pursuit of wealth exists in direct conflict with the worlds of Jesus Christ. WWI did
the rest except for the british monarchy and its connection to the british


Mr. E. I. Krass,
Just Call Me - Galileo ll/Founder of the Untfied College of Medicine

commonwealth states of today.

Einstein's papers and their objective Truth were not brought out for decades after
they were first produced.
And so on for countless others where their objective discoveries can actually be
declared inevitable exposure of THE FREE Society REALM.
E. J. Krass discovered that the entire system is comrpt and that there is a hidden
objectively determined mature, healthy and kinetic body standard and that
everything can be unified especially the Grand Forces of the Universe.
E. J. Krass also discovered that objective Truth creates and has started to create a
mosaic that repudiates the entire civilization that currently exists and has existed for
. centuries where there are haves with everyone else being have-nots fighting amongst
themselves for the crumbs permitted by the haves.

The personal experience of Mr. E. J. Krass, where all the governments systems have
invoked "reverse onus" to cover-up the BAD FAITH administration of Canada and its judicial
systems, determines that the words of Mr. E. J. Krass and his Defocto Petition to the Court
documents are undeniable due to the Truth supporting them, i.e. they expose the appropriate and
just remedy to the corrupt administration not only of Canada and its justice system but also this same
comrption that is taking place in every other nation state: the term "nation" really means "people"
so"one nation, indivisible, under God" really means "one people, indivisible, while Pursuing THE
FREE Society/Happiness for all equally Reslm" where universality of being exists rather than
In a world WITHOUT The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process to uphold
honesty in government and everyone's right to life, liberty and security of person without any
condition, the experience of E. J. Krass and countless others from the corrupt administration of
Canada and its justice system would be grounds for revolutionary war.
Fortunately, Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees Everyone Legal
Rights, the honest outcome in the circumstances as well as the remedy - s. 24 (I) of The Charter -
insuring everyone the same Fundamental Justice outcome in their circumstances andthe latter 2 arise
from wherc That lllhich Becomes
Known of the objective Truth Realm through inevitable discovery impacts on the entire system of
civilization by either legitimizing or repudiating mankind's systems.
For example, nobody has the right to produce an"odverse" decision nor do these
same people have the right"to reverse" this comrption and give the system credibility. So, when the
illegitimate appeals commission for the WCB (alberta) accepted the radiological report from the 1998
Gadolinium enhanced MRI and the surgical report from Los Angeles as the "new evidence" that they
are, there were to be no further technicalities for the WCB to accept that E. J. Krass' and all person's
suffering from overuse syndrome and its complications job injuries are UNRESOLYED/unhealed


Mr. E. f. Krass,
Just Call Me - Galileo ll/Founder of the UniJied College of Medicine

properly determining that everyone else universally has the right to have these job injuries accepted
as ongoing regardless of when the job injuries started. Plus, E. J. Krass and everyone else were to
have their WCB cases immediately re-opened with all decisions, since the illegitimate administrative
cut off, struck down, i.e. accepted as invalid, of no real effect and repudiated by the objective Truth.
None of this happened summarily because of s. 13.1 of that erq's workers
compensation act (alberta) which was as corrupt as corrupt can be and it came from the alberta
legislature or, more truthfully, the conservative party of alberta.
In short, there was no chance of getting FundamentalJustice for E. J. Krass because
ss. 1, 7, 52(I) and 24(I) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms were and still are out and out being
denied by all provincial governments and the corruptjurisprudence - argumentfor argument's sake -
had been put in place ahead of
Simply put, all job injured across alberta and Canada were and still are being denied
their right to be cured and the obligation of the business community to pay for these cures and WCB
benefits until the objective evidence returns negative indicating that thejob injuries are resolved.
Furthermore, work has once again become a meat grinder where all future workers -
your sons and daughters and their sons and daughters - will suffer the same consequences because
work has never been modified to eliminate the injuring, maiming and premature killing of the
workers on orders from the elites or haves: the stakeholders of the economy and their agents - all
provincial governments !
S. 20 of the July 25,2005 alberta court of queen's bench decision makes it patently
obvious that the government created its own way of circumventing s. 7 and s. 24(I) of The Charter
of Rights and Freedoms and, worse, nobody still can attain Fundsmental Justice because the letter
of the law is not being viewed as being impugnable nor the decisions of the appeals commission for
the WCB (alberta) and its equivalents across Canada being viewed as "adverse" (comrpt) whose
designation is dictated by the objective evidence and Fundamental Justice.
In short, no job injuredacross Canada since 1982 has universally had the
INALIENABLE right to have theirjob injuries objectively defined as having been ongoing in spite
of such evidence being attainable and the interpretations of the x-ray evidence brought in to
alignment with the findings of the MRI's and pure scientific Truth.

For everyone, the unlisted hyperlinks for this documents are as follows:

th e f o I I o w i n g internet cloud ad d r ess ,

eilT itleo/o20bestow ed% 2 0upon% 2 0me.pdf, goes w ith the fo I low in g term : $$;

the f o I I o w i n g internet cloud a d d r e s s,{ANDAMUSo/o20Evidence%20package


Mr. E. f. Krass,
Just Call Me - Galileo ll/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

Yo2OPrlo/o20lVA{ANDAMUS%20Evidenceo/o20packageo/o20pgso/o200628-0646.pdf, goes with the following

tefi: page 4 of the Thomas Shuchuk Decision of the alberta court of queens bench July 25, 2005 ;

the f ollowing internet cloud address,
er/TrueYo20copyo/o20oP/o20Marcho/o207o/o20Principles%20oIDlo20FundamentalYo20lustice.pdf, goes with the

the f ollowing internet cloud address, ll8764278lReorganized-Official-Affidavits-for-August-2009-Defacto-PtotheC-
Order, goes with the following term:

Just enter these links in the URL of your browser and a page icon will appear for some links, If you have
Adobe Acrobat Reader or better on your computer, the page will load through these program when you click
on the icon.
Then, you can save, print or read the document as you wish and at your convenience ifyou save the files.

This document can also be accessed online at the followlng pages:

and look for the document Exhibit "Q"


November 27,2009

This is Exhibit "S" referred henceforth in all Mr. E. J. Krass' legal documents pertaining to
The Petition to the Court Due Legal Process going forward from this date. There is no need
for attesting to its validity because Mr. E. J. Krass is the only honest person and individual
in these matters which is proven by the other Exhibits especially Exhibit "K" on file no. 81581
with the superior court (british columbia - kelowna) and submitted to the Supreme Court
ofCanada on September 15, 2009.

Besides, centripetal mechanics is supposed to be a known fact that is part of natural order and
able to be used to affain Fundamental Justice where necessary.
ircular force containment
within the modified pulley system*
of ALL ginglymus joints

Tangental centrifugal force =

r.elocily away from circle's
circumfereflce when the
string fails or DYSKINESI S
romee in to eristencc whcn
&e load bering ligamenfs
are madc INSUFFfOENT
to curlein these forcee


a.ffidavit of
sworn belore ne at :c\SlS--.tJ-r\-srs^
r,t lhe Province oi Enlish Columbia,
this 2ar4rql&<L-20!g
A Conmissioner .fbr takmg A.ffidavits
u,ithtn the Province oi 3r ttuh Columbia
November 2'7,2009

? is Exhibit "T" referred henceforlh in all Mr. E. J. Krass' legal documents

pertaining to The Petition lo
ipertaining Dtre Legal Process going forward frorl1r:::::::::i:i::ii.,.,::ii.'
to the Court Due
this date. There is no need for attesting to its validity because Mr. E. J. Krass :,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:i::
is the onlv Derson and individual in these matters which is proven bV
only honest person by tffiriliri;i:ii::.:...
other Exhibits especially Exhibit "K'f on fi1e no. 81581 with the superior couutii:'ii'i'iir:

(british columbia - kelowna) and submitted to the Supreme Coufi of Canada :iiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii:i:'.

on September 15,2409
Bcsides, centripetal mechanics is supposed to be a known l'act that is part of nalural order
and able to be used to aftain Fundsmenlal Juslice where necessary.


t hi.; i.s
l:,.rhhit referred ru ut thc
afiulavit E 5 {' c'*s'.
,svorn hefore nle al \-llB\r( EJc,*i* r,
:n lhe Provinu (,1 Liflttsh Cohunhiu,

v ithtn the Prtttncc al lir,itth Colunrhiu

Fronr this image, it is clear that there is no "hinge"' atrd, therefore, centripetal force is used in gnglymus joints
PLUS the pronator teres is mislabeled and CANNOT be contracting through hand pronation2---\
November 27,2009

This is Exhibit "U" referred henceforth in all Mr. E. J. Krass' legal documents pertaining to
The Pelition to the Courl Due Legal Process going forward from this date. There is no need
for attesting to its validity because Mr. E. J. Krass is the only honest person and individual in
these mafters which is proven by the other Exhibits especially Exhibit "K" on file no. 81581
with the superior court (british columbia - kelowna) and submitted to the Supreme Court of
Canada on September 15,2009.

Place the fulcrum in this image at the front of the ulno-humeraljoint and you will notice that
there never will be a gap at the back of the ulno-humeral joint nor any other healthy ginglymus
joints as centripetal mechanics are what is employed in all such joints.


I'his l,ir,[) referred to in the
a.ffidavit o/ F -f, . V c'-s )
,sv,orn hefore nre a/ r-s-S)a-AA-::i*-

A Conmissioner for takine
wirhin the Prcvinie nl Britih
Ee n ls ia ;g: t Ea i EtgEg Ei *'€

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A Comnissioner for takng AIJ'idavits

within the Province o!'Brilish Colunbia

centripetal mechanics in ginglymus joints
was medically disclosed pubtically
but is being held back
as is the modifted palley systent:u!

ilr 014
Biomechanical study of ligernents around the elbow joint

Regan-WD; Korinek-Sl; Morrey-BF; An

The ligamentous contribution to elbow joint stability is a product of

morphologr and biologic parameters of ach of the collaterd, (uEq[glerm)
ligaments. Better understanding of " these characteristlcs" is of
paramount importance for successful ligament r@onstnrction in the

second, the stnrctural propenies of each collateral ligament were

determined by using bone-ligament-bone preparations. The anterlor
medial colhterel and radlal collateral ligament
(RCL) were taut I througtout
mmt of the entire arc of Oerlon. The posteritr collateral
ligamart (PMCL) was taut only when dre elbow was in a flexed position

in strength (357 N).


Unforfunately, the medical community has chosen to cure the ailments brought to its mernbers
and forgotten that its definition of human many of the
physics and engineering especially f centripetal EurDEpceul
So, this major discovery that clearly shows that, in health bodies, the primary joint of
flexion/extension is the contrary to the medical theories went improperly exposed to the general
public for (actually 40 +)years now. The time is now to bring forth the changes!

Mr. E.J. Krass

Founder of the Unified College of Medicine

llg 0
Bionrechanicalsnrdyof ligamentsarudtbelbowjoint-Wheless'Textbookof Orthop... Page I of I

Duke Orthopaedics

[h_eel91s' Textbook of Orthopaedics

grsrnd;ra z tr.Ert$t brwb.d t- E H'(ro COnt*1(.b Myracoml

Blomechanlcal study of llgaments around the elborv lolnt

qt u Cd( r! nn'!4 h 0ra -orr4 0b t|trcrrd ptoprill of -GoD

lg,nrn rurlucdoG mr rfnb h ttuEn (Sf $.

he://www.whcel**d-the-e1... f.rr'*6
Constihilional Qlestion Act l@:// rpw/docrrnentflD/freeside...
rrO aac,r*nsn *r-*r rr-- lile- cDt-* wohsl"_|.

Copyright (c) Queen's Printer,

Vlctorla, Brltbh Columbh, Canada IM PORTA NT IN FORMATIOI{

Contents STR\lcK Dou^cu

Section tt
1 Ueutenant Governor in Council to refer matters to couft
2' Court to certify opinion r*pt*.-oJ t^rf,4^
3 Notice to Attorney General of Canada
T!.- P*rr*.? o€ TltE FREE,
4 Notice of reference
5 Notice to persons interested }.rcJ.ty o{ q,^-,0-t *^^J t{a Kdff,\
6 Appeal h&, fue\reg.rtn.c,GE!
7 Publication in Gazette
8 Notice of questions of validity or applicability
I Action for declaration of validity of Act

rrrvr C,orrstil.r-[nn ra.4

Lieutenant Governor in Gouncil to refer matters to court r.z.{ar) ac tuaeUA,RTER
The Lieutenant €r any matter to the Couft of
Appeal or to the Supreme Court for h and consideration, and the
Couft of Appeal or the Supreme CoSdrt must hear and consider it.
Chr-ola r- arr k ?tLs"r.a L cer^--l- *(-t
Court to ceftify opinion
2 (1) The Court of Appeal or the Supreme Couft must give to the Lieutenant
Governor in Council its opinion on the matter referred, with reasons, in the
manner of a judgment in an ordinary action.
(2) A justice of the Court of Appeal who differs from the opinion of the
majority may give to the Lieutenant Governor in Council the justice's
opinion, with reasons.

Notice to Attorney General of Canada

3 In casethe matter referred relates to the constitutional validity of all or
part of an Act, the Attomey General of Canada must be notified of the

I of4 0310512010 2:01 PM

Corstittrional Question Act hfrp://www.bclaws.calEPlibraries/bclaws_new/docrmetr/ID/freeside...

hearing, and must be heard if the Attorney General of Canada sees fit.

Notice of reference
4 On a reference by the Lieutenant Governor in Council under the
agreement made between the govemment of British Columbia and the
government of Canada under
Act (Canada), the Attomey Gen
any province of Canada that ha
similar agreement must be noti
heard as a party.
,^rog&l oQ
"$ rt-.
Notice to persons interested - c"r^,*r*d..r*r A*.2-'t(\
Z a-ouir{T 5 The Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court may direct that a penson
interested, or, if there is a class of persons interested, any one or more
persons as representatives of that class, must be notified of the hearing,
and those persons are entitled to be heard. 7
,"cr.d s. zr{ cT
(r) -rt- cL--t - ;c*s *r^.-'!
Appeal i.f,e(t),S-t" cu*J<r RuLEs EXHTB\T * N "
. -
6 The opinion of the Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court is a judgment of
the Couft of Appeal or of the Supreme Court, as the case may be, and an
appeal lies from it in the manner of a judgment in an ordinary action.

Publication in Gazette
7 The reasons given by the Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court under this
Act must, as soon as practicable, be published in the Gazette.

Notice of questions of validity or applicability

8 (1) In this section:
"constitutional remedy" means a remedy under section 24 (L) of the
Qnadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms other than a remedy
consisting of the exclusion of evidence or consequential on such

"lalfl" includes an enactment and an enactment within the meaning of the

Interpretation Ad (Canada).
(2) If in a cause, matter or other proceeding
(a) the constitutional validity or constitutional applicability of any
law is challenged, or
(b) an application is made for a constitutional remedy,

2 of 4 0310512010 2:01 PM
Corstitrtrional Question Act hfip://www.bclaws.calEPlibraries/bclaws_new/docurnenUlD/freeside...

the law must not be held to be invalid or inapplicable and the remedy
must not be granted until after notice of the challenge or application has
been served on the Attorney General of Canada and the Attorney General
of British Columbia in accordance with this section.
(3) If in a cause, matter or other proceeding the validity or applicability of
a regulation is challenged on grounds other than the grounds referred to in
subsection (2) (a), the regulation must not be held to be invalid or
inapplicable until after notice of the challenge has been serued on the
Attomey General of British Columbia in accordance with this section.
(4) The notice must
(a) be headed in the cause, matter or other proceeding,
(b) state
(i) the law in question, or
(ii) the right or freedom alleged to be infringed or denied,
(c) state the day on which the challenge or application under
subsection (2) or (3) is to be argued, and
(d) give pafticulars necessary to show the point to be argued.
(5) The notice must be served at least 14 days before the day of argument
unless the court authorizes a shorter notice.
(6) If in a cause, matter or other proceeding to which this section applies
the Attorney General of British Columbia appears, the Attorney General is
a pafty and, for the purpose of an appeal from an adjudication respecting
the validity or applicability of a law, or respecting entitlement to a
constitutional remedy, has the same rights as any other party.
(7) It in a cause, matter or other proceeding to which this section applies
the Attomey General of Canada appears, the Attorney General of Canada
is a pafty and, for the purpose of an appeal from an adjudication
respecting the validity or applicability of a law, or respecting entitlement to
a constitutional remedy, has the same rights as any other pafty.

Action for declaration of validity of Act t Ct^"-A"'. o^,ttr


/e (1) The Supreme Couft has jurisdiction to enteftain an action at the

instance of either the Attorney General of Canada or the Attorney General
of British Columbia for a declaration as to the validity of an Act of the
Legislature, though no further relief is sought.
(2) The action is sufficiently constituted if the 2 Attorneys General are
(3) An appeal lies from the judgment in the manner of a judgment in an

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Constitrfiml Qrrestion Act t@ ://www.bclaws.calEPlibraries/bclaws_rrcw/docrment/ID/freeside. . .

ordinary action.

Copyright (c) Queen's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

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