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Chaos, orderliness, Dissatisfaction, Laziness, Poverty, Crime, Moral deterioration

and the words with negative connotation have been heard and felt by humans.
Truthfulness, Honesty, Respect, Care, Sacrifice, Modesty, Courteousness, and
Struggle to do something are some of the words which awake a positive sense in
the immaterial and non physical organ of humans i.e. mind. Although some are the
results of other values but in plain words they all are in human consciousness. In
other words, mankind has been shown two ways one is surely a bacon of light,
calmness of hearts, gamut of love and care, and essentially beneficial. Conversely,
the other one is full of trials and tribulations, unfortunate events, self decline, self
destruction and gregariously detrimental which is evidently comprehended as
something harmful for personal and social survival. Once this reality is embossed in
our minds then a person starts opting good moralities. The reason of man lead him
to opt righteous moralities. Hes familiar that if he will opt truthfulness it will give
him respect in the society, people will have trust in him, he will be never face
failures and ultimately he will be successful in his personal life as well as in social
life. Then what all these traits have to do with us? Why do we opt them? What is
reality of humans? What is the ultimate essence of a man.? What are the laws which
govern our lives? Why do we need to stick to them? These are the question that
were very much confusing for me. Ill answer them in this article.
Morality is regarded as one of the important aspect in human life. The importance of
morality is essential to be understood by this social animal as he is endowed with
reasoning and thereby he can answer that what if I dont opt them. In order to
understand the reality of moral aspects, there are numerous manifestations and
their consequences in the natural set up. Even if man doesnt consider the effect of
any of the bad value, he can assess it by looking at his outskirts. Take, for instance,
laziness, the sun and the moon tell us every day that if you will not move you can
never transform into another shape. The light appears only after the continuance
rotation and revolution of sun. If somehow, all this stops, the universe will destroy.
Consider another example, birds fly from their nests every morning without having
any source to get Rizq. But they have only one thing which is tawakal. Due to this
they get home with their full stomach.

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