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Did you know that an estimated 50% of refugees are under the age of 18 years of age?

The refugees that we chose for this project are from Somalia. Somalia is located on the
northeastern tip of Africa. The most logical way to relocate 1 million refugees from overseas is
by boat, it is the most convenient and inexpensive way to travel. They can take buses to get to
the port and from there, travel to the land of the free and the home of the brave. The Houston
population including the Woodlands, and the Sugar Land area, is an estimated 7 million people
from a 2015 census of the Texas Population. I am sure Houston can support another 1 million
people based on its coverage of land.
The native societies before contact were primitive but still had a system that they use to
tend their lands, hunt, and fish. When the Europeans came from Europe, they went for gold,
conquest, and conversion for the Indians to convert them to Christianity. The way they treated
the Indians was anything but nice. Based on our reading of the Las Casas account, the Europeans
treated them less than beast. The Europeans forced their culture on them whether they liked it or
not and if the Indians rebelled, the Europeans would treat them worse. The history of Lake
Anahauc begins in the early 1900s when it became a synthetic lake that feeds from the Trinity
River. The name Anahuac derbies from Aztec origin. In the late 1900s it was closed off so
that no salt water would flow into the lake. From then on, it was known as a fresh water lake.
Based on these facts, we can predict that refugees coming to Houston will be able to
accommodate to their new surroundings. Houston has be known to be very open with accepting
new people. According to the U.S Census Bureau, Houston added more people than any other
U.S city last year with a combined number of over 300,000 residents. One of the main issues that
may arise from the population growth would be traffic.

The place we chose to relocate our refugees was Lake Anahuac. This place is located on the
outskirts of Houston. A strong government system would be in place so that the environment
created on the refugee grounds is a stable one. Additionally, with a stable government in place,
education can be provided and when education becomes available, the birth to death rate of our
population will move toward a more stable rate increasing the change toward a post-transitional
economy based on the annotated bibliography of Fertility in Post Transitional Countries by
Rodrigo Soars. He explains how fertility and morality rates are connected to the change in a
demographic transition of a country.
The theory of demographic transition is based on the annotated bibliography research that
was collected. This annotated bib. Was The Child is Father of the Man: Implications for the
Demographic Transition by D. De La Croix & O. Licando. Their theory on demographic
transition is that a sustained improvement in physical development is the determining factor for
the basis of demographic transition. Our refugee camp would be based on sustaining a physical
development in the camp. This would also help to lead from a preindustrial transitional country
to a postindustrial country.
The exponential and sigmoidal growth of our camp would be something of a successful
magnitude. Since S-shaped curves can be used to predict response curves, what we will do is
calculate and measure the s-shaped curves so that we will be able to predict the response curves
of our Somali camp. This data comes from the annotate bibliographies called Using S-shaped
curves to predict response rates.
In conclusion, the general idea of this project was to move 1 million refugees to a safe sanitary
place that they can call home for a while. Picture yourself in the place of a refugee. How would
you feel if you constantly moved from place to place and the culture was unknown to you? You

would want someone to treat you like you a person and not just a refugee. That is what are goal

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