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Makes sloppy commentary in English about dog food - do you have a dog? yes - what type? Weiner.

Cual es ese? She describes. They end up saying

sausage - she assents. Understanding. Over their conversation radiodrama.

Clerk talking to girl who works with her (perhaps good parallel with two
officers) as cal walks around shopping for things, younger clerk is
sitting next to her.
1)talking about the radio show and also about their own drama- mi
novio de x, etc Cashier booth has low hanging thing with cigarettes
on top- can reach up to get something, windows covered in posters for
money transfer services, (send money back to your fam., etc)Mme
has basket, no cart
2)Girl: a y lechuga se dice lettuce, le-tuce, dilo. Y tomate pues igual,
pero con la o al final to ma te y luego o. tomateo.
Mme. Arrives at counter, Other girl leaves as soon as mme gets there,
presumably to restock shelves, gently scolded by older lady who tries
to create some complicity with mme. Both workers exchange a glance,
younger one somewhat sassier leaves with the mirada of you know
what youre doing to her co-worker/family member
Smiles constantly at mme, looking at her (indeed so much almost
looking past her), when shes doing this mme is looking around,
everywhere but her face bc shes made uncomfortable, picks up
magazine (checkout lady doesnt see it) and thumbs through it, clearly
trying to strike up convo , finds her out with dog food
Clerk: ah you have dog? For dog, you have dog?
Cal: (looking up) Yes, yes I have a dog.
Clerk: ah. Eh
(points to bag with picture of dog on it): this? (glances up super quickly
at girl who is stacking stuff but by this point has come over to see what
shes saying): this dog como, eh.. this dog like you dog?
Cal: looks at her, her face almost expressionless, blank. Takes her time
to answer.
no. I have a weiner dog, you know the breed?

clerk: (looks even more confused by now, looks desperately at other

girl who by now has moved closer to her):
cual es ese, este perro que me dice.
(Looks at cal who repeats )
cal: you know (motions with her hands, something elongated and
thin): small, short, long. Weiner dog.
Girl: ., aaaaaaaaa, si si. Creo que dice perro salcicha. Si, claro. (says
to cal) perro salcicha. Sausage.
Clerk: steps in somewhat proudly (its her conversation after all):
sausage dog.
Cal: (looks forward and finally gives in): yes, sausage dog.
Grabs bags and turns to leave

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