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Choose properly the new member of the family

The dinning table is one of the basic parts of our home, a

place of talks, meals, work, plays, decisions and all activities
that join us as a family.
However, choosing one that fits correctly on the space and the
needs of your home used to be a rather difficult task.
So that's why today we share you the keys you need for
choosing the perfect dinning table your your space.
You must have in mind two major factors before buying your
new dinning table, the first one are the real needs for your
family members and the second but not less important the
space you have in your home. After you define that you can
continue with the following steps.
Quantity of people.
If you have a numerous family logically you will need a bigger
dinning table where everybody could sit and share, however
when you live alone or with your significant other you could
either choose between something medium or small. In both
cases the main advice is that you don't let go for the number
of people that live in the house, instead by the use you will
give to the space, because it's not the same to have a great
social life that not having one at all.
Let's talk about measurements.
First thing you must consider is the length and width of the
space, an ideal measure for fitting a person is 60 centimeters
length (about 23 inches) by 40 centimeter width (about 16
inches), that's why you should multiply this measures for the
number of people who really will habitate the space.
E.G.: a square dinning table for four people would have a

measurement of 120 cm by 80cm

What if is rounded?
If your tastes goes for rounded-shaped tables you must have
in mind that despite the versatility and practicality allows to
have a better distribution of space you should also consider
the measures so there is a correct placement of the guests.
For example a round table for four people must have 90
centimeters of diameter (approximately), if you want
something bigger you need to add about 15 to 20 cms for
each member.
A very practical idea that will get you out of trouble is having
two small tables that you can place in differents home
environments and by uniting them may become a single
dinning table. This will help you when you have unexpected
By last don't you forget to add small details like a striking
tablecloth, natural or dried flowers, candles and a remarkable
illumination in the center that helps to give prominence to
such a valuable furniture.

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