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Praise Allah SWT is worth, we say, because thanks to the help and guidance of Allah we
can finish this paper. For that to various parties who have helped us in completing this paper we
thank you profusely.
We make this paper with concisely-sum and clear language to be easily understood.
Because we are aware of the limitations that we have, we expect criticism and suggestions from
the readers, in order to manufacture our paper the next one could be better.
Final word I hope this paper can be useful to readers.
Mataram, september 2015


1.1 Background...........................................................................................
1.2 Formulation of Problem........................................................................
1.3 Purpose.................................................................................................


2.1 Basic Concepts of respiratory diseases.................................................
2.1.1 definition......................................................................................


2.1.2 etiology........................................................................................

2.1.3 manifestations..............................................................................

2.1.4 pathophysiology...........................................................................

2.1.5 management of respiratory diseases............................................

2.1.6 example of respyratory diseases..................................................

2.2 Basic Concepts of ginecology diseases................................................
2.2.1 definition......................................................................................


2.2.2 etiology........................................................................................


2.2.3 managemen of ginecology diseases.............................................


2.2.4 example of gynecological diseases..............................................


3.1 Conclusions.........................................................................................
3.2 Suggestions..........................................................................................



1.1 Background
Respiratory disease is a common and significant cause of illness and death worldwide. In
the US, approximately 1 billion "colds" occur every year. A study found that in 2010, there
were approximately 6.8 million emergency room visits for respiratory distress in the US for
patients under the age of 18. In 2012, the respiratory condition is the reason most often stay
at a children's hospital.
Lung function is non-respiratory mechanics, biochemistry, and physiology. The lungs
provide a defense against bacterial infectious agents, viruses and others; remove a variety of
metabolic waste products; controlling the flow of water, ions, and large proteins in cellular
structures; and producing a variety of important hormones and chemical agents that have
important biological roles. The respiratory system plays a critical role in delivering oxygen to
the body - the fuel for all body functions. It also removes waste carbon dioxide, removing
toxic wastes, regulate temperature, and stabilize blood acid-base balance (pH). Women are
creatures most vulnerable to various diseases, especially diseases of the reproductive organs.
Increasing number of women affected by the disease or problems with their reproductive
organs make us more cautious and maintain personal hygiene, especially the reproductive us.
Because one of the causes of diseases or disorders that are due to a fungal infection or virus.
Content of gynecology is the science of disease, the science of female sex. Gynecology is
a document part of medical science concerning with less functions and diseases peculiar to
women. Gynecology is the branch of medicine that treat diseases of the genital tract in

women. The field of gynecology including: congenital abnormalities, infection, tumor,

menstrual abnormalities, infertility and so forth.
1.2 Formulation problem
1. What is meant by respiratory disorders and gynecological diseases?
2. How did the symptoms that arise in respiratory disorders and gynecological diseases?
3. how to cope with respiratory disorders and gynecological diseases?

1.3 Purpose
To find out what is meant by respiratory disorders and gynecological diseases and how to
overcome them.

2.1 Basic Concepts of respiratory diseases

Respiratory disease is a medical term that includes pathological conditions that
affect the organs and tissues that make gas exchange possible in higher organisms, and
include the conditions of the upper respiratory tract, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles,
alveoli, pleura and the pleural cavity, and the nerves and muscles respiratory muscles.
Respiratory disease range from mild and self-limiting, such as runny nose, to lifethreatening entities such as bacterial pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, and lung
cancer. Diseases of the respiratory system can affect the structure and organs that have
to do with breathing, including nasal cavity, pharynx (or throat), larynx, trachea (or
throat), bronchi and bronchioles, the tissues of the lungs and respiratory muscles cage


Respiratory diseases can arise from a number of causes, including inhalation of
toxic agents, accidents, and dangerous lifestyle, such as smoking. Infection, genetic
factors, and other things that affect lung development, either directly or indirectly, may



cause respiratory symptoms.

Signs and symptoms
The main symptoms of respiratory disease
a. hard to breathe
b. chest pain
c. wheezing
d. cough
e. sputum production

Diseases that can cause coughing and shortness of breath very much at all from
infection, allergies, inflammation and even malignancy.
1. Cough This is caused by:
a. cough reflex stimulation by foreign objects that enter into larink,
b. Accumulation of secretions in the respiratory tract below. Chronic bronchitis,
asthma, tuberculosis, and pneumonia is a disease with symptoms of cough
striking (Chandrasoma, 2006). Chronic bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, and
pneumonia is a disease with symptoms of cough striking (Chandrasoma, 2006)
2. dyspnea, or shortness of breath
This sensation, if complex, may result in acute, such as when a foreign object is
inhaled into the trachea, or the onset of a severe asthma attack. What is recorded is
a slowly progressive difficulty in completing some tasks, such as walking up stairs,
play golf, or walking uphill.
Dyspnea was also an early symptom of congestion of the lungs as a result of
the malfunctioning of the left ventricle of the heart. When this happens, if the right
ventricle pumps blood through the lungs to function normally, the lung capillaries
become dilated, and fluid can accumulate in the alveoli and small airways. It is
usually the first dyspnea causes patients to seek medical advice, but in the absence
of symptoms does not mean that the serious lung disease is not present, because,
for example, lung cancer is small does not obstruct the airway does not produce

shortness of breath.dyspnea, atau sesak napas

Management of the respiratory disorder
a. airway management

Airway assessment carried out jointly with the breathing technique L (look), L
(listen) and F (feel) is done in one movement within a short time.
a. Open the airway with the method:
- Head Tilt
- Chin Lift Manuver

- Jaw Thrust Manuver

In patients with suspected neck injury and head Jaw Thrust only be done with
care and prevent the movement of the neck.
b. Clear the airway
- Finger Sweep

Done if the airway is clogged due to foreign bodies in the back of the oral
cavity or hypopharynx (a blood clot, vomitus, or other foreign objects) and the
breath is gone.
- Abdominal Thrust
- Chest Thrust

- Back Blow
By Tool:
1. Piping (Tube)
Installed the artificial airway (pipe oropharynx, nasopharynx pipe).
Oropharynx pipe used to maintain the airway and hold the base of the

tongue to keep from falling backwards which can close the airway,
especially in patients unconscious.

When the installation of the respiratory airway has not been too good, do
plumbing endotrakhea (ETT / endotracheal tube). Endotrakhea pipe
installation will ensure the airway open, avoiding aspiration and facilitate
breathing assistance measures.

1. Sucking Liquids (Suctioning)

When there is a blockage of the airway due to suction liquid then performed
(suctioning). Exploitation is done by using a suction tool (portable manual
suction, suction with a power source).

Cleaning of solid foreign bodies in the airways: If the patient is

unconscious and there is a blockage in the hypopharynx solid objects which
may not be taken with the sweep of a finger, then use the tool support in the
form of a laryngoscope, vacuum (suction) and forceps (forceps).
2. Open Airway With krikotirotomi

When endotrakhea pipe installation is not possible, then the chosen action
krikotirotomi with a needle. For medical personnel who are trained and
skilled, can be done with a knife krikotirotomi
a. Management of respiratory function (breathing management)
Fix the ventilation function by cleaning artificial respiration to ensure the
needs of oxygen and carbon dioxide expenditure.
Disorders of respiratory function assessed by looking at the signs of
respiratory disorders with methods of LLF and has done airway management but
still no breathing.
Without tool:
Give artificial respiration from mouth to mouth or mouth to nose two (2) times
interspersed with puffs and exhalation.
By Tool:
a. Give artificial respiration with the tool "Ambu Bag" (self inflating bag). On the
tool can also be added oxygen. CPR can also be assigned using a mechanical
b. Provide breathing assistance and oxygen therapy with the use of masks, winged
pipes, balloons automatic (self inflating bag and valve device) or a mechanical

respiratory disorders in ARI (acute respiratory tract infection)

1. definition
ARI is a respiratory infection that lasts up to 14 days. What is meant by the
respiratory tract is the start of a bubble nose to the lungs, as well as surrounding
organs such as the sinuses, middle ear space and the lining of the lung (Rasmaliah,
ARI is a disease that most suffered by children, both in developing countries and
in developed countries and has been able, and many of them need to be hospitalized

because of the disease is quite serious. Respiratory diseases in infancy and children
can also give disability until adulthood (Ngastiyah, 2009).
ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection) is an infectious disease of the respiratory tract
that come suddenly and cause gravity or death. ISPA will be more dangerous if
suffered by children. Over the years ARI is the health problems of children and the
largest contributor to the cause of death of children under five (Junaidi, 2007)
2. Etiology
Respiratory tract infection is a disease that has a fairly high incidence. The cause
of this disease is infectious agent / germs. Besides, there are several factors that
influence the age group of infants / neonates, the size of the respiratory tract, the
child's immune system against diseases as well as weather conditions. (Ngastiyah,
The infectious agent is a virus or bacteria which are the cause of the occurrence of
respiratory tract infections. There are several types of bacteria are a major cause of
the class A-hemolityc B streptococcus, staphylococcus, heamophylus influenzea,
clamyadia trachomatis, mycoplasam and pneumococcal. In children who received
breast milk in the incidence rate of under 3 months of age is low because getting
immunity from mother's milk. (Arief, 2007).
The size of the wide cross-section of the respiratory tract also affects the degree of
severity of the disease. Because the hole is getting narrower then the presence of
edematous it will be closed the whole of the airway. General clinical condition also
affects the process of infection include malnutrition, anemia, fatigue. The
circumstances directly affect the respiratory tract, namely allergy, asthma and
pulmonary congestion. Respiratory tract infections usually occur when there is a
change of the season, but also common in winter. (Louse, 2005).
3. Treatment and Management
The main goal of therapy is to remove the obstruction and the presence of nasal
congestion, use a hose in doing suction mucus through the nose or through the
mouth. The treatment of choice is a decongestant with pseudoephedrine
hydrochloride drops in the nostrils, as well as other drugs such as analgesics and

antipyretics. Antibiotics are not recommended unless there are complications in the
purulent secretions. (Ngastiyah, 2009).
Management of the child with a cold should be treated in the prone position,
thus secretions can flow smoothly so that drainage of secretions would be easier to
get out. (Ngastiyah, 2009).
4. Signs and Symptoms Appear
a. Fever, in neonates may be rare, but symptoms of fever arise if the child has
reached the age of 6 months to 3 years. Often fever appears as the first sign of
infection. The body temperature can reach 39,5C-40,5C.
b. Meningism, is a sign of meningeal without an infection of the meninges, usually
occurs during periodic baby has fever, the symptoms are headache, stiffness and
pain in the back and neck, the presence of signs Kernig and Brudzinski.
c. Anoresxia, is common in all infants experience pain. The baby will be difficult
to drink and do not even want to drink.
d. vomiting, usually appear within a period of a moment but also for the baby is ill.
e. Diarrhea (mild transient diarrhea), often accompany a respiratory tract infection
due to virus infection.
f. Abdominal pain, abdominal pain may be due to mesenteric lymhadenitis.
g. Obstruction on roads / nasal airways that narrow more easily be clogged
because of the secretions.
h. Cough, is a common sign of the occurrence of respiratory tract infections, may
be a sign is a sign of the occurrence of acute respiratory tract infections.
i. The sound of breath, wheezing are common, stridor, crackles, and the absence
of breath sounds. (Muttaqin, 2008).
5. Disease Prevention ARI
In his article Rasmaliah (2009) describes several ways of prevention of
respiratory diseases that can be done is:
1. Maintaining good nutritional status in order to remain
Someone will suffer if circumstances ISPA body resistance decreases, then
the things that need concern us is how to improve the immune system of a
person or child, one way to increase the durability of children through nutrition.

Nutrients are essential to the formation of the immune system such as some
vitamins which may be an antioxidant, a protein that is forming and replacement
of damaged cells and many more examples of nutrients that contribute
significantly to our immune system.
2. Immunization
Immunization is an attempt to maintain the immune system, especially in
infants who are still not dapata create their own natural immunity then by
immunization, the child's body will be introduced with pathological
microorganisms so that the microorganisms that have been introduced can not
infect the body of the child, in particular microorganisms that cause respiratory
3. Maintain personal hygiene and environment
Hygienitas environment is very influential with the status of our health both
physically and mentally, in this case the respiratory disease is one of several
diseases caused by the environment (weather) or hygienitas environment.
4. Prevent children associated with sufferers ARI
Respiratory disease infectious agent is a virus or bacteria, as for some types
of bacteria that are the main cause - Hemolitye namely class A streptococcus,
staphylococcus, influenza haemphylus, clamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma and
2.2 Basic Concepts of genekologi diseases

Gynaecology Gynaecology comes from the word that literally means "the science
of the woman" or the science of woman is the branch of medicine devoted to learning
and deal with diseases of the female reproductive system (uterus, vagina and
Limitation of Gynecology Gynecology learn about menstrual disorders, abnormal
uterine bleeding, vaginal discharge, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease,
bartolinitis, uterine myoma, benign neoplastic ovarian tumors, infertility, and



a. Menstrual disorders

Abnormalities in blood amount and duration of menstrual bleeding:

Hipermenorea or menorrhagia, hypomenorrhea

Abnormalities Cycle: Polimenorea, oligomenorrhea, amenorrhoea

Bleeding outside the menstruation: metrorrhagia

Other disorders associated with menstruation:

a. Premenstrual tension (premenstrual tension)
b. Mastodinia
c. Mittelschmerz (pain at ovulation)
d. Dismennorea

b. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

c. Whitish Whitish or Fluor Albus
d. Endometriosis
e. Pelvic inflammatory disease
f. Bartolinitis
g. myoma uteri
h. Ovarian tumors Neoplastic tumor cyst

1. Avoid hot tub and whirlpool spa. Rinse the soap from your outer genital area
after a shower, and dry the area well to prevent irritation. Do not use scented
soaps or rough, as with deodorant or antibacterial.
2. Avoid irritation. This includes perfumed tampons and pads.
3. Wipe from front to back after using the toilet. Avoid the spread of bacteria from
feces into the vagina.
4. Do not use douches. Your vagina does not require cleansing other than ordinary
bath. Repeatedly using the douche disrupt normal organisms that are in the
vagina and can actually increase the risk of vaginal infections. Douche does not
eliminate a vaginal infection.
5. Use a male latex condom. This helps prevent infections that are transmitted
through sexual intercourse.

6. Wear cotton underwear and pantyhose with a bandage on his crotch. If you feel
comfortable without it, immediately dressed in sleepwear. Yeast thrives in moist
Examination and Treatment of Gynecological Diseases
1. A woman who came to gynecologic complaints and propose matters relating to
the tools ang keleminnya gejela tend to show symptoms of anxiety, nervousness,
fear and shame.
In encountering a patient with gynecologic especially in the first
examination of physicians is indispensable pengertiaan, patience and sikp that
engenders trust.
In the anamnesis of patients need to be given the opportunity to express
complaints spontaneously, then ask specific symptoms that moving towards
diagnostic possibilities.
2. For the gynecologic examination known three types of lies:

Location of lithotomy
The location of the most popular, especially in Indonesia. It is necessary
for gynecologic table with support for both legs.
Patients lie ditasnya while folding buffer is placed on the knees and legs in
a relaxed flexion, so the patient lying in a straddle position.


Location of oblique
Patients are put on the edge of the bed tilted left fence, while the thighs and
knees bent and legs parallel.


Location of sims
This layout is similar to the location of the incline, only the left leg should be
straight, bent towards the right tungki stomach, and placed his knee on the
mat (bed), so that the pelvis makes an oblique angle with the base, the left
arm behind the body and shoulders parallel to such alas.Dengan , the patient
was lying half on her stomach.

b) Special Investigation
1. Examination of the usual laboratory

Not always, but if necessary, examination of blood and urine. Hb levels

checked on a woman who looked pale bleeding, pregnant women, and the
allegation of extra-uterine pregnancy interrupted. Urine can be checked on
every pregnant woman (proteinuria) and the prejudice urinary tract
abnormalities (sediment)
2. Examination of the vulva and vagina sap
Examination is often required dipoliklinik latex examination urethral /
cervical and vaginal sap, especially on complaints leukorea. Urethra sap taken
from the urethra orifice of the cervical lymph eksternum gdan eksternum os.
3. Examination of vaginal cytology
For cytologic examination, the material was taken from the walls of the
vagina or cervix with Ayre spatula (wooden or plastic) .In addition to the
early diagnosis of malignant tumors, this examination can tactic also to
indirectly determine the function of hormonal Due to the influence of
estrogen and progesterone which causes change- typical changes in the cells

of the mucous membrane of the vulva.

Examples of gynecological diseases
1. Bartolinitis
Bartholin gland is a gland that is located around the genital lips (vulva)
precisely in the lower left and right near the fossa navikulare. Bartholin's glands
has a diameter of approximately 1 cm, located under kunni constrictor muscle and
has a small channel length of 1.5 to 2 cm which empties into the vulva. At coitus,
Bartholin's glands secrete mucus sap. Bartholinitis is an infection of
Bartholin's glands (the name taken from a Dutch anatomist) are located bilaterally
on the basis of the labia minora. These glands leads to the 4 o'clock position and
the clock kira2 8. The size of a pea and not exceeding 1 cm, and the examination
under normal circumstances is not palpable. Typically, the swelling is
accompanied by severe pain and even he could not walk. Also can be accompanied
by fever, swelling of the genitals as reddened

Bartolinitis caused by a bacterial infection in the Bartholin gland that is located

inside the vagina rather out. Start of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and so on. The infection
then gagged gland produced a vaginal lubricant fluid.
Signs and symptoms :
a. Vulva color changes, skin, swelling, pus pile in the gland, tenderness.
b. Bartholin gland swollen, painful once when the patient walk or sit down, can also
be accompanied by fever
c. The patients were mostly women to come to a health center with complaints of
vaginal discharge and itching, pain during intercourse with her husband, pain when
urinating, or a lump around the genitals.
d. There is an abscess on the genital area
e. On physical examination found mucoid fluid and mixes with the smell of blood.
The most effective treatment at this time is to:
a. The class of antibiotics cefadroxyl 500 mg, taken 3 1 after meals, for at least 5-7
b. mefenamic acid 500 mg (for example: ponstelax, molasic, etc.), taken 3 1 to
relieve pain and swelling, to deflate the gland,
c. erythromycin 4 x 0.5 grams per day for 5-10 days, 1,000,000 S Depot penicillin
injections daily for 6-7 days, or if there is an allergy to penicillin can be given
chlorampenicol 1 g intravenous (iv) or intramuscularly (im) ,
d. Also conducted laboratory tests to check smear urethra and vulva with blue method
or gram positive when encountered many pus cells and intra and extracellular
diplokokkus. If it had been festering find their own way or be removed by incision
because otherwise it would be a cyst.
2. Kista
Cyst is an abnormal type of tumor in the form of bags containing liquids or objects
such as porridge (Immortals, 2000).
Etiology :

The cause of the cyst is not known with certainty but there is some trigger factors
1. Unhealthy lifestyles.
Among them
a. Consumption of foods high in fat and less fiber
b. Additives in food
c. Lack of exercise
d. Smoking and alcohol consumption
e. Premises exposed to pollution and infectious agents
f. often stress
g. pollutants
2. Genetic factors
In our bodies there is a gene that has the potential to trigger cancer gene, which
is called a protooncogene, for a particular reason, such as foods that are
carcinogens, pollution, or exposure to certain chemicals or due to radiation,
this protooncogene can turn into oncogenes, genes that trigger cancer.
Signs and symptoms
Plumpness ovarian tumors do not show signs and symptoms. Most of the
symptoms are found are due to growth hormone activity or complications of the
In early-stage symptoms may include;
a. Menstrual Disorders
b. If you press the rectum or VU may occur constipation or frequent urination.
c. Can occur pelvic area stretching or pressure that causes spontaneous pain and
stomach ache.
d. Pain during intercourse
At an advanced stage;
a. Ascites
b. The spread to the omentum (abdominal fat) and oran organs in the abdominal
cavity (intestine and liver)
c. bulging stomach, bloating, nausea, appetite disturbance,

d. Disturbance and small bowel.

e. Shortness of breath due to accumulation of fluid in the chest cavity.
1. The non-neoplastic cysts (Ignativicius, Bayne, 1991)
a. Non functional cysts
Serous cyst inclusion, in the cortex in invaginasi arising from the
surface epithelium reduced. Usually single or multiple, variable and
limited-shaped thin cuboidal, endometri or tubal epithelium. Measuring 1
cm to several centimeters.
b. Functional cysts
1. Follicular cysts. Cyst is formed when a mature follicle becomes
ruptured or follicles that do not mature follicular fluid is reabsorbed
between the menstrual cycle. When rupture causing acute pain in the
pelvis. Further evaluation with ultrasound or laparoscopy. Surgery
performed on women before pubertal, after menopause or more than 8
cm cyst.
2. Corpus luteum cyst. Occurs after ovulation due to increased hormone
progesterone. Characterized by a delay menstruation or long periods,
lower abdominal or pelvic pain. If the rupture intraperitoneal bleeding,
treatment is surgery oovorektomi.
3. Tuka lutein cysts. Found in a molar pregnancy, occurring in 50% of all
pregnancies. Formed as a result of the excessive length of slimulasi
ovarian HCG. Actions are raised moles.
4. Stein Laventhal cyst. Due to excessive levels of LH cause
hyperstimulation of the ovaries with cysts production lot. Endometrial
hyperplasia or choriocarcinoma may occur. Treatment with oral
contraceptives to suppress the production of LH and oovorektomi.
c. Kish benign neoplasms (Wiknjosastro, et.all, 1999)
1. Kistoma ovarian simplex. These cysts stemmed and can cause torque
(round rod). In cyst guess this is the kind cystadenomas serosum who

lost the glans due to the pressure of fluid in the cyst. Action is removal
of ovarian cyst resection.
2. Ovarian mucinous cystadenomas. Tumor origin is not certain, but
probably derived from teratoma growth beat one element another
element, or derived from epithelial germ.
3. Kistadenoma ovarian serosum. Derived from the ovarian surface
epithelium (ovarian germ). When cysts are implantation in the
peritoneum with ascites it should be considered a malignant neoplasm,
and 30% to 35% will experience a malignancy.
4. Endometroid cyst. Cysts are usually unilateral with slippery surfaces,
the inner wall there is a layer of cells that resemble the epithelial layer
of the endometrium.
5. Dermoid cyst. Is a benign cystic teratoma where strukturstruktur
ectoderm with epithelial differentiation such perfect skin, hair, teeth and
product resembles a fat white sebaceous glands appear to be more
prominent than the elements of the ectoderm and mesoderm. Tumor
cells derived from eggs through the process of pathogenesis.
a. Appointment of a large ovarian cyst is usually through surgery, such as
laparotomy, cystectomy or laparotomy salpingooforektomi.
b. Oral contraceptives can be used to suppress ovarian activity and remove the
c. Adjuvant treatment after surgery to remove ovarian cysts is similar to the
treatment after abdominal surgery with the exception of a decrease in intraabdominal pressure caused by removal of large cysts usually leads to severe
abdominal distention. This can be prevented by giving octopus abdomen as a
d. The following nursing actions on education to clients about treatment options
and management of pain with analgesic / comfort measures such as warm
compresses on the abdomen or relaxation techniques deep breath, be informed

about the changes that will occur as a sign - a sign of infection, incision care
surgical wound. (Lowdermilk.dkk. 2005: 273).
e. Surgery on an ovarian tumor is not malignant neoplastic tumor removal with
resection conduct on the part of the ovary that contains the tumor. However, if
the tumor is large or there are complications, should be removal of the ovaries,
usually accompanied by the removal of the tubes (salpingo-oovorektomi).
(Wiknjosastro, et.all, 1999)
f. Postoperative upbringing is heavy because of circumstances that include the
decision to perform surgery, such as hemorargi or infection. The assessment
was conducted to determine vital signs, intake and output, and incisional pain.
Intravenous therapy, antibiotics and analgesics are usually prescribed.
Interventions include measures to provide safety, attention to the elimination,
reduction in pain and emotional fulfillment mother. (Hlamylton, 1995).
g. The effect of general anesthesia. Affects the general state of the patient,
because of decreased consciousness. It also calls for monitoring of fluid and
electrolyte balance, breath sounds and breathing effort, signs of urinary tract
infection, urinary drainese and bleeding. Nurses also have to teach how the
activity of patients at home after discharge, driving a car is recommended after
one week at home, but should not be riding or driving for 3-4 weeks, avoid
lifting heavy objects because this activity can
h. cause blood congestion in the pelvis, sexual activity should be within 4-6
weeks after surgery, to control post-surgical medical evaluation as
recommended (Long, 1996).
According Manuaba (1998: 417) complications of ovarian cysts are:
a. Intra-tumor hemorrhage : Bleeding cause symptoms of sudden abdominal pain
clinics and require quick action.
b. Turnover stalk : Tumor stemmed cause sudden abdominal pain.
c. Infection of the tumor : Cause symptoms: body heat, pain in the abdomen,
interfere with daily activities.

d. Rips the cyst wall : In the torque rod there may be a tear so the contents spilled
into Rungan abdominal cyst.
e. Malignancy of ovarian cysts : Cysts occur in the age before menarche and at
the age of over 45 years.


3.1 Conclusion
Respiratory disease is a medical term that includes pathological conditions that affect the
organs and tissues that make gas exchange possible in higher organisms, and include the
conditions of the upper respiratory tract, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, pleura and the
pleural cavity, and the nerves and muscles respiratory muscles. Respiratory disease range
from mild and self-limiting, such as runny nose, to life-threatening entities such as bacterial
pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, and lung cancer. Diseases of the respiratory system can
affect the structure and organs that have to do with breathing, including nasal cavity, pharynx
(or throat), larynx, trachea (or throat), bronchi and bronchioles, the tissues of the lungs and
respiratory muscles cage chest. Gynecology is the branch of medicine that treat diseases of
the genital tract in women. Gynaecology Gynaecology which comes from the word literally
means "the science of the woman" or the science of woman is the branch of medicine
devoted to learning and tackle diseases the female reproductive system (uterus, vagina and
3.2 Suggestions
To reduce the incidence of respiratory disorders such as acute respiratory infection, in this
case the authors suggested that all parties, both the family and the health agencies pay more
attention to healthy lifestyles, clean, do not throw away carelessly coughed process food as
possible. And is expected to do early detection, and when the symptoms arise then
immediately follow up. Also expected to familiarize themselves with a healthy lifestyle and
clean and avoid risk factors trigger occurs kinekology disease.


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