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Euro C1 Listening

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Task One: Short Conversations Questions 1-6

You will hear a researcher talking to different sets of
parents about the problems their children have had at
various stages of their lives.
You will hear six conversations. For each conversation

 SELECT ONE ITEM FROM LIST A which best describes the childs problem or
 SELECT ONE ITEM FROM LIST B to show what best describes how the
parents solved the problem.
It will not be necessary to use all the items.
Place a X in the appropriate box on your Answer Sheet.
You will hear each conversation twice.

(List A)
childs problem or issue

(List B)
parents solved the problem by

began doing dangerous sports

became physically violent with other


encouraging social involvement with


starting him in karate lessons

became withdrawn and unresponsive

consulting with his teachers

suffered from separation anxiety

initiating family psychotherapy

dropped out of school

starting him at boarding school

became a compulsive liar

disregarding specialized literature

performance in school deteriorated

visiting an optician

developed a substance abuse


withdrawing privileges

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