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Name ________________________

Date ______________

I. CAPITALIZATION: circle the letter of each group of words which is correctly capitalized. None of the
groups of words come at the beginning of a sentence.
1. a. in the Autumn
b. in the autumn

4. a. Dr. Smith
b. dr. Smith

2. a. my mother
b. my Mother

5. a. Lord of Hosts
b. lord of hosts

3. a. President Obama
b. president Obama

6. a. Easter song
b. easter song

II. CAPITALIZATION AND END MATRKS: (1) circle all words which should be capitalized. (2) Place the
correct end marks at the end of each sentence.
1. Did jerry go to boston
2. sara sang, amazing grace in church last sunday
III. KINDS OF SENTENCES: (1) Write the abbreviation of the kind of sentence (Imp., Dec., Int., exc.) in the
blank. (2) Place the proper punctuation at the end of the sentence.
____________ 1. I have a peach in my lunch today
____________ 2. What a beautiful day
____________ 3. Go to your room
____________ 4. What time is it
PUNCTUATION: Read the following sentences carefully and add the missing punctuation.
1. Sarah you will need to go to the store to buy milk flour and eggs.
2. Raise your hand said the teacher
3. Yes I did my homework
4. Why didnt Sarah come to the game?

*be able to label the parts of a letter*

*be able to write a good thank you note with correct form and content*

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