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=== Strawberry Perl (64-bit) PDL 5.24.0.

1-64bit README ===

What is Strawberry Perl PDL?
--------------------------------* 'Perl' is a programming language suitable for writing simple scripts as well
as complex applications. See
* 'Strawberry Perl' is a perl environment for Microsoft Windows containing all
you need to run and develop perl applications. It is designed to be as close
as possible to perl environment on UNIX systems. See
* 'Strawberry Perl PDL' is Strawberry Perl with pre-installed Perl Data Language
related modules and libraries - see
How to use Strawberry Perl PDL?
-----------------------------------* Extract strawberry portable ZIP into e.g. c:\sw\pdl\
Note: choose a directory name without spaces and non us-ascii characters
* Launch c:\sw\pdl\PDL-console.bat - it should open a console window with 2 tabs
- tab "Command prompt"
- tab "PDL console"
* Or launch c:\sw\pdl\portableshell.bat - it should open a command prompt
* More info at (start with FAQ)

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