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Scientists working on anti-aging chocolate

Guilt-free chocolates that reduce the emergence of wrinkles and sagging

skin seem too good to be true, but they are actually being developed by
Esthechoc, the brainchild of a Cambridge University spin-off lab, is
claimed to be the fountain of youth and can be incorporated into
everyones favorite sweet treat.
According to The Telegraph, this chocolate boosts antioxidant levels and
increases circulation to prevent lines and keep skin looking youthful and
After multiple testing, scientists discovered that a small 7.5-gram bar of
the anti-aging chocolate contains the same amount of the antioxidant
astaxanthin as a fillet of Alaskan salmon. The same amount also equals
the levels of free-radical fighting cocoa polyphenols as 100 grams of dark
chocolate, the report said.
Aside from getting rid of unwanted lines, the chocolate could also alter the
underlying skin of a 50- to 60-year-olds into that of someone in their 20s
or 30s.
Tests showed that after four weeks of eating the anti-aging chocolate
every day, volunteers had less evidence of inflammation in their blood
and increased blood supply to skin tissue.
In clinical trials we saw that inflammation in the skin started to go down
and the tissues began to benefit, creator Dr. Ivan Petyaev said.
People using it claimed that their skin was better and we can see that the
product is working to slow down aging, he added.
Each bar only contains just 38 kcal, making it safe for diabetics. Despite
its progressive claims, health experts warned the general public to be
cautious about the product.
There may be biological reasons to think some of the compounds may
benefit some processes linked to aging and disease, but on the other
hand, eating too much chocolate means more calories, which means
obesity so the net effect is never clear cut, Naveed Sattar, professor of
metabolic medicine at Glasgow University, said, adding that further
validation is needed to support the ridiculously strong claims made by
the company.

These food claims need to be backed up with trials to have any genuine
credibility. Such trials are glaring by their absence so all such health
claims are unfounded, he added.
Esthechoc is expected to make its way to stores in London next month,
just in time for the annual Global Food Innovation Summit. Its makers
have remained unwilling to reveal the cost, though earlier reports indicate
that it could come with a hefty price tag.

Underweight people at elevated risk of heart diseases:

Many people assume that cardiovascular or heart diseases and blood
vessel diseases only threaten people who are overweight. As a matter of
fact, cardiovascular disease is influenced by a lot of factors other than
excessive weight.
A person is classified as underweight if his or her Body Mass Index (BMI)
value is less than 18.5. A lack of weight can be caused by malnutrition,
infection or genetics.
Keep in mind that overweight and obesity are not the only conditions that
can cause cardiovascular disease, which is in fact generally caused by an
unhealthy lifestyle characterized by smoking, a lack of physical activity, or
a high intake of fat or salt, which give rise to high blood pressure and fat
deposition around the veins and heart.
Skinny people at risk
Many recent studies show that underweight people also suffer from
cardiovascular diseases, and that they are at greater risk than those with
a normal BMI value. A study from Bali shows that underweight people are
3.6 times more likely to experience coronary heart disease than those of
normal weight. If the coronary artery is affected, underweight individuals
are at greater risk of an early death than those who are either of normal
weight or overweight.
Research from 2013 shows that women with coronary artery disease are
twice as likely as their healthy counterparts to die early. It also shows that
for overweight individuals who are not in the process of gaining weight,
the risk of death related to the coronary artery drops by 64
percent. Meanwhile, underweight people who are still loosing weight are
at an increased risk of death.
Causes of cardiovascular disease in underweight people
The following are the many causes that may lead to cardiovascular
diseases in people who are underweight:
Congenital heart disease
Congenital heart disease is indicated by a low heart function due to a
disorder of the valves wall, or/and the hearts arteries. Based on research,
people with congenital heart disease and low body weight are 12 times
more at risk of cardiovascular disease.

Lack of physical activity

Theres a tendency of no physical activity with people who are

underweight. Physical activity is one way to reduce the risk of
cardiovascular disease. A lack of physical activity, on the other hand, can
cause fat deposition in the blood that can lead to cardiovascular diseases.
Low body fat with unhealthy eating habit
It is easy to have low body fat and having unhealthy eating habits.
Underweight people tend to not worry about consuming fast food and
failing to strike a balance. Even though it may not immediately show in
their body, they may still have an elevated blood sugar level.
Abdominal fat
A condition known as central obesity is not uncommon in people with low
body weight. Compared to evenly distributed fat, people who have fat
around the abdomen are more at risk of cardiovascular disease than those
with regular obesity.
Low level of hemoglobin serum
One of the conditions that cause heart disease is a lack of hemoglobin
(Hb) serum. This condition is higher in people who are underweight. 2015
research in Ethiopia showed that the Hb level can significantly affects
heart failure and that a normal level of Hb serum reduces the risk of heart
failure by 23 percent.
Body weight is not the only cause of cardiovascular diseases. Overall body
health, along with your diet and physical activity, are things you need to
pay attention to in order to maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels,
regardless of whether you are underweight, normal weight or overweight.

Obesity vs distended belly. Which one is more

Obesity and central obesity are conditions caused by fat accumulation. However,
both are different concepts with different health risks. Which one is more lethal?
The basic difference between obesity and central obesity.
Obesity is a condition of over-accumulated fat that is not in proportion to ones
body height. The concept of measuring obesity refers to the value of Body Mass
Index (BMI); a result of body weight (kg) divided by body height in square meters
(m2). The Indonesian BMI value standard that indicates obesity is when the BMI
value exceeds 27.0 kg/m2. However, this measurement depends on ones height,
and cannot differentiate between muscle mass and body fat mass.
Central obesity is a condition where fats are accumulated around the abdominal
area (stomach), known as a distended belly. The measurement method for
central obesity is by using the abdominal circumference (measured right under
the last joint of rib and above the belly button).
A person is considered normal when the abdominal circumference is less than 90
cm for males, and 80 cm for females. Central obesity can also be measured by
the abdominal to pelvic circumference ratio. If the abdominal circumference is
wider than the pelvic circumference, it can be ascertained that the individual is
having central obesity, commonly known as 'beer belly.'
Do all individuals who are obese also have central obesity? Not necessarily,
and vice versa. An individual who is overweight may have fat stored evenly all
over the body without accumulating an excess of fat in the abdominal area.
Oppositely, people with distended belly may only have fats stored in the
abdominal area.
Causes of central obesity
Obesity and central obesity are caused by accumulated fats due to overconsumption of carbohydrates, cholesterol and fats followed by minimal to no
physical exercise. Distended belly is usually triggered by alcohol consumption,
and this is where the phrase 'beer belly' originated from.
This is proven by a study by Schroder where people who consumed alcohol have
a 1.8 times higher chance of getting central obesity compared to those who are
non-drinkers. Alcohol can increase unnecessary glucose intake as well.
Central obesity risks compared to regular obesity
The worst case scenario for an overweight individual with obesity includes the
increase of degenerative diseases due to imbalances in blood pressure, insulin
secretion and HDL & LDL cholesterol levels. Of course, these serious symptoms
will not appear directly, but they will slowly progress and worsen as the

individual ages over time. Meanwhile, the effects on individuals who are centrally
obese are likely sooner to appear. (asw)

What women should know about orgasms

A study shows that women tend to have difficulties achieving orgasm
during sex compared to men. A recent study from the Journal of Sexual
Medicine found that, from its research participants, women reached
orgasm during sex with their romantic partners at a rate of only 62.9
percent, while men reached it 85.1 percent of the time.
What cause women to have difficulties in achieving orgasm?
Here are some of the reasons.
You don't know the true form of orgasm
Many women have never had an orgasm before, and sometimes there
is fear and dismay that haunts them when encountering the
unknown. Difficulties in orgasms may root from anxieties in the
expectations of the true form of an orgasm. This 'fear may prevent you
from having one.
Orgasms are a personal experience and each woman experiences
a different orgasm from one another. Furthermore, orgasm intensity may
also differ. Sometimes, it may feel so strong that it makes you
overwhelmed. Other times, you may not feel anything other than a minor
sensation in your body -- one that you may not even realize.
You are too busy with yourself
Control is one of the aspects that is valued and upheld by our society. We
have the urge to be responsible for every little detail in our lives,
and we feel dismay when we are faced with something uncertain. There
are so many aspects of life that we cannot control, one of which is
the orgasm.
If you have difficulties in this matter, do understand that to
orgasm does not mean you are completely losing control of your body. At
most, your limbs will be a little shaky, and your vaginal walls will
tighten, but it would not be like you are having a seizure.
You dont feel comfortable with your sex partner
Undergoing an orgasm is a vulnerable experience. Sometimes, we feel
that our body is being blocked due to not fully trusting our sex partner.
Even when you think you are comfortable with that person, the body may
catch some negative energy from them, indicating that you are not ready
to have an orgasm. In some cases, you may need some time to get to

know your partner better. In other cases, he may not be the right person
for you.
Youve experienced some traumatizing sexual conduct

There are many reports of uncomfortable or even sexual experiences

surrounded in hardships. Our body remembers that traumatizing
experience, even when we feel that we have recovered from it. If you
have undergone a negative sexual experience, it can be difficult for you to
focus on the moment and let your mind and body relax to enjoy sex.
You forgot to urinate
When your partner intensively gives you vaginal stimulation, this can
trigger you to feel the need to urinate. The G-spot is surrounded by a
gland called the Skenes gland, which is connected to the bladder. So,
each contact made to the G-spot may urge you to urinate, even when you
don't really have to, resulting in the tightening of your pelvic floor muscles
to resist wetting yourself, therefore disconnecting you from the
orgasm phase. Additionally, some women may excrete ejaculation fluids
and assume that it is urine, so when the fluid starts to excrete, they use
their pelvic muscle to stop the flow, basically eliminating the orgasm.
Before sex, do urinate first. More on, do urinate before and after sex as it
will decrease the risk of STDs.
Ways to know the symptoms of orgasm
According to WebMD, around 10 percent of women have never
experienced an orgasm at all either from penis-vagina penetration or
masturbation. Yet, the womens body is designed in such a way to handle
multiple orgasms, which means that once you have reached the first
climax, the next climb will be easier and not impossible. Women do not
need post-orgasm recovery time like men do. Therefore, you will still get
some stimulation a lot longer and can reach a second, third, or fourth
orgasm, and so on, with minimal effort.
If you are confused as to whether you have experienced an orgasm or not,
one of the techniques you can try is to pay more attention to your body's
reaction when reaching the orgasm phase. Each woman is different, but
the majority will have some kind of physiological response without
knowing it, such as shaky muscles or twitching out of control, a sudden
increase of heart rate, skipped breathing similar to being strangled or a
reddish chest. The key is to find other methods to get to arousal before or

during penetration. For instance, form lust and a pathway to orgasm with
intense foreplay, focus on clitoral stimulation and not only penetration
during sex, stay focused on both of your activities or try to practice yoga
breathing to align your mind and body.
The importance of foreplay
Generally, women need around 20 minutes from the first arousal toward
an orgasm phase, a period in which the clitoris becomes highly sensitive
in preparing the body to welcome an orgasm. Skipping the entire sexual
response cycle will make it difficult to achieve an orgasm. Seeking your
partners assistance to achieve an orgasm even before penetration will
prepare your body to ejaculate and respond to the next vaginal
stimulation during penetration, compared to achieving an orgasm for the
first time. Orgasm during foreplay will increase the chances of reaching
climax during penetration.
If you do not experience an orgasm during foreplay, don't worry. However,
do not just quit what you are doing. When your partner spoils you with
foreplay, he will open up new ways for your orgasm. If you are stimulated
slowly, then youll be stimulated for a long period of time. (kes)

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