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Expert Advice You Can Trustfrom Mens Health!

Mens Health is committed to offering responsible, practical advice for the intelligent man, supported by professionals and legitimate scientific research. We
believe that an active and healthy sex life, based on mutual consent and respect
between partners, is an important component of physical and mental well-being.
Still, we respect that sex is a private matter and that each person has a different
opinion of what sexual practices or levels of discourse are appropriate. Our goal
for sex and all other topicsis to provide information that empowers mens lives.

4 Muscle

2014 by Rodale Inc.

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14 Abs
19 Weight Loss

The material here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not
intended as a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you
suspect that you have a medical problem, please seek competent medical care.

22 Nutrition

Before you undertake a new health program or fitness regimen, we encourage you to discuss your
plans with your health care professional, especially if you have not exercised for several years, are
over 35, or are overweight.

42 Health

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organizations, or authorities.

50 Career

Internet addresses and telephone numbers were accurate at the time this was posted.

54 Wealth

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58 Style
60 Grooming
66 Sex

2 | Best Advice (Ever!)

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Best Advice (Ever!) | 3


How to build the body you want

Secrets of the Superfit

Theres no way around it: To gain muscle and lose flab, you have sweat buckets. And
rethink your grocery list. But the ultimate cost (in time, especially) depends on what
you know. In our never-ending quest to help you get in the best shape of your life, we
tapped the countrys top fitness minds and combed through cutting-edge research to
find the 25 most effective ways to reveal the stronger, leaner man inside you. In short,
were about to fast-track your fitness.

Upgrade Your
Eating Plan

Rethink Your
Nutrient Intake

The ordinary food pyramidwhich the White

House unveiled as a plateshaped chart in 2011is
heavy on refined carbs
and light on protein and
fats, so it doesnt meet the
nutritional needs of active
men who want to build
muscle and burn fat, says
Mens Health nutrition
advisor Alan Aragon, MS.
Thats why he created the
food tower at rightit
provides the ideal balance
of muscle-building foods
and flab-defying nutrients.
Use it as the basis for your
daily diet.

A / Nuts, avocado: 1 to 2 servings (1 serving = cup nuts,
2 Tbsp nut butter, avocado)
B / F
 ats, oils: 2 to 4 servings (1 serving = 1 tsp olive oil or other
oil, 1 pat butter)
C / D
 airy: 2 to 4 servings (1 serving = 1 cup milk, 6 oz yogurt,
1 oz hard cheese, cup cottage cheese)
D / Fruit: 2 to 4 servings (1 serving = 1 medium whole fruit,
cup dried fruit, 1 cups fresh fruit)
E / Starchy foods: 2 to 4 servings (1 serving = 2 bread slices;
1 cup rice, pasta, beans, or corn; 1 cup cereal; 1 small potato).
Guys who are extremely active or struggling to add muscle
can double up on these.
F / Low-starch vegetables: 3+ servings (1 serving =
1 cup, raw, of any vegetable besides potato or corn)
G / H
 igh-protein foods: 4 to 8 servings (1 serving = 3oz meat,
1 scoop protein powder, 3 eggs)

4 | Best Advice (Ever!)

2 Load Up on
Green Energy
When athletes start eating more vegetables, they
dont fatigue as easily,
says Tony Gentilcore,
CSCS, cofounder of
Cressey Performance in
Massachusetts. Its common to see them setting
personal records in the
weight room within a few
weeks. His favorite trick:
Throw a handful of spinach
into a blender and combine
with 2 cups almond milk,
some frozen berries,
rolled oats, chia seeds or
flaxseeds, and a scoop of
protein powder. You wont
even taste the greens.

3 Get More
Vitamin D

A dearth of D can lead to

impaired athletic performance, according to a
review published in the
journal Nutrients. Other
research shows that men
with higher levels of
vitamin D tend to have
stronger muscles than
those with low levels. Odds
are that you fall into the
latter group; in fact, no less
than 77% of people in the
United States are deficient
in vitamin D, according to
a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
Your goal: 600 IU a day

4 Spread Out
Your Protein

This much is obvious from

the food tower: To build
muscle, you need more
protein. But men who

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divide their daily protein

among six smaller meals
instead of three larger
ones build muscle faster,
say scientists at Skidmore
College. Try to eat 100
grams (more than half
of your recommended
intake) by lunch, says
Alwyn Cosgrove, CSCS,
owner of Results Fitness
in California. Three eggs
for breakfast, a midmorning shake, and grilled
chicken and Greek yogurt
for lunch will do the trick.

5 Find Your Whey

Different types of protein

work better at different
times. In the morning,
go with whey, which can
help control cravings
all day, report scientists
in the Journal of Nutrition. Whey is also best
preworkout because it
digests quickly, says
Nick Tumminello, CPT,
owner of Performance
University. Postworkout,
use casein, which burns
slowly to provide a steady
stream of protein. Forty
grams before bed can also
boost overnight muscle
growth by 23%, say Dutch

Build More
6 Work Your
Entire Body,
Every Time
When it comes to building
strength, how often you
work a muscle is just as

important as how hard

you work it, according to
research in the Journal of
Strength and Conditioning
Research. You need about
10 to 15 sets per muscle
group per week to see
results, Tumminello says.
Shoot for three total-body
workouts a week; during
each one, complete 3 to
5 sets per muscle group.

7 Lift Something

Most of the objects you lift

in everyday lifeshopping
bags, overstuffed suitcases,
toddlersarent as conveniently sized as dumbbells
and barbells. To build
strength that translates
beyond the gym, incorporate sandbags, kettlebells,
fat-grip barbells, and other
odd-shaped training tools
into your workouts, says
Anthony DiLuglio, founder of
Cant find such oddities
in your gym? Wrap towels
around a chinup bar to
make it tougher to grip.

8 Master
the Pullup

The pullup targets more

muscles than any other
upper-body exercise,
says MMA strength coach
Chad Waterbury, MS. And
because its typically done
with body weight, its also
an indicator of relative
strength (how strong you
are for your height and
weight). The benchmark
is 15 in a row, Waterbury
says. If you cant do that

Best Advice (Ever!) | 5

many, work your way up.

Do 1 set of max pullups
each morning and evening
for 3 days; take the fourth
day off, he says. Repeat
the sequence until you hit
15 reps.

your left hand. Do 10 reps

per side. Too easy? Do a
pushup between reps.

9 Move More
(Right Now)

11 Run Like
You Lift

Bend the Bar

When you bench-press,

try to bend the ends of
the bar away from you as
you press it up. Youll fire
more muscles in your upper back, creating a more
stable platform on the
bench, says Wil Fleming,
CSCS, owner of Force Fitness and Performance.
Spread the Floor

As you squat, press

outward against the floor
with your feet (but dont
actually move them).
Youll feel your glutes
activate, which will boost
your power, says Fleming.

10 Train Your Core

the Right Way

Ditch crunches and situps.

Moves like those create
motion around your
spineprecisely what
your core is designed to
resist, says Waterbury. To
build a chiseled, functional six-pack, do anti-rotation exercises like the single-arm wall push. Assume
a pushup position facing a
wall with your hands
2 feet from the baseboard.
Place your right hand on
the wall and push for a
slow 3-count. Repeat with

Crank Up
Your Cardio
Dont do the same thing
every day, says Dave
Dellanave, owner of the
Movement Minneapolis
gym. Vary your training
stimulus to avoid plateaus. That might mean
tempo runs one day, hills
the next, and finishing the
week with intervals.

12 Fine-Tune
the Treadmill

Spinning your wheels indoors requires about 16%

less energy than moving
at the same pace outside,
report researchers in the
Journal of Strength and
Conditioning Research.
When you hit the treadmill, set the incline to 3%
to mimic outdoor running.

13 Trade Long
Runs for

Take your pick: Log in

5 hours of steady-state
cardio or 90 minutes of
intervals (alternating
sprints with active rest)
per week. Both produce
similar gains in aerobic capacity (your bodys ability
to deliver oxygen to working muscles), according to
a review in the Journal of

6 | Best Advice (Ever!)

14 Combine
Strength and
End strength workouts
with finishersquick
metabolic drills that boost
your heart rate and calorie
burn. Try this one: Do a
single kettlebell swing,
then 10 goblet squats. Next,
do 2 swings and 9 squats.
Keep going until you hit 10
swings and 1 squat.

15 Run a Mile
in Under
6 Minutes

Being able to run a sub-6

mile is a sign that all
systems are goyou have
a strong heart, healthy
bones and joints, and
powerful muscles, says
sports medicine physician
Jordan Metzl, MD.

Lose More
16 Scale Up Your
H2O Intake
Youll burn more calories.
Drinking 16 ounces of
chilled waterthe volume
in a typical consumer
bottlecan raise your
metabolism by 30%, say
scientists in Germany and
Canada. Better still, the
metabolic boost can last
up to 90 minutes.

17 Make Small

Most diets fail because

they ask too much, says
Brian Wansink, PhD, the
author of Mindless Eating:

Why We Eat More Than

We Think. Make three
100-calorie changes each
day: Take your coffee
black, order salad instead
of chips at lunch, and cut
prepackaged snacks.

18 Dial Back
the Running

Its not that it doesnt

work; its just not as
effective as some other
weight loss strategies,
says Cosgrove. Instead, do

high-intensity strength circuits, which will keep your

metabolism revving long
after you leave the gym.

19 Never Stop

To lose pounds, you also

need to increase nonexercise physical activity,
according to scientists in
Scotland. That can range
from washing dishes to
having walk-and-talk
meetings. The payoff is

considerable: as many
as 2,000 extra calories
burned a day.

20 Sleep More,
Eat Less

Just 5 days of insufficient

sleep (less than 5 hours a
night) can lead to chronic
overeating, according to a
study in the Proceedings
of the National Academy
of Sciences. Fortunately,
recovery sleep (9 hours)
can reverse the trend.

Boost Your
ove like
21Ma Spider

Think of the exercise at

rightthe high-knee walk
to spiderman with hip lift
and overhead reachas
your one-move warmup.
In just a few reps, youll
improve blood flow and
range of motion and fire
up your nervous system.
Youll prime almost
every muscle for action,
enhancing your power and
performance, says Eric
Cressey, CSCS, president
of Cressey Performance.
I dont know of any other
exercise that accomplishes
so much. Do it at the start
of every workout.

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A. Stand with your feet

shoulder-width apart, lift your
left leg off the floor, and hug
your left knee to your chest.

B. Release your knee, take a

long step forward, and lunge
deeply with your back leg
close to horizontal, placing the
fingertips of both hands on
the floor inside your left foot.

C. Straighten your right leg as

much as you can to feel your
right hamstring stretch.

D. Return to the lunge. Keep

your left fingertips planted as
you rotate and reach up with
your right hand. Then bring
that hand to the floor and
stand back up. Switch sides
and repeat. Do 5 reps per side.

Best Advice (Ever!) | 7

22 B
 uild More
Many guys confuse
strength and power, says
Mike Robertson, CSCS,
co-owner of Indianapolis
Fitness and Sports Training. Power is the ability to
express strength quickly.
To increase yoursand
to jump higher, throw
farther, and sprint faster
begin your workouts with
a few explosive moves like
vertical jumps, Olympic-style lifts (cleans, push
presses), or medicine ball
slams. Youll soon notice
that your workouts carry
over into sport and life,
says Robertson.

23 P
 lace a Priority
on Recovery

Giving your body a day

of rest between intense
workouts is a start, but
youll enjoy even greater
gains if you treat recovery
as an actual goal, says
Todd Durkin, CSCS, author of The Impact! Body
Plan. Dedicate an hour
each week to recovery activities, such as foam-rolling, massage, or yoga, all
of which can ease tight
muscles and break up scar
tissue, accelerating repair
and growth.

24 M
 ake Rest
More Active

Between sets, do fillerslow-intensity

exercises that enhance
mobility and reduce injury
risk, says Greg Robins,
CSCS, a trainer at Cressey

Performance. Focus
on problem areas with
moves that hit different
muscles than the primary
exercise. Do body-weight
squats between sets of
bench presses, for example, or mountain climbers
between sets of chinups.
Youll fire up sleeping
muscles, loosen tight ones,
and move more smoothly,
says Robins.

25 Increase
Your Agility

Most workouts focus on

strength, says Ben Bruno,

a trainer at Mike Boyle

Strength and Conditioning. But to perform at
your best, you also need
speed, agility, and a quick
reaction time. Build all
three with the ball drop:
Have a partner hold a tennis ball out in front of his
chest, and face him from
6 yards away. When he
drops the ball, try to grab
it before it bounces twice.
If you do, repeat from
7 yards away. Continue
until you miss. Then its
his turn. Whoever gets
farthest away wins.

The 4-Week

Many guys approach strength and cardio like matters of

church and state: separately. But by combining them,
you can make every workout pull double duty, says BJ
Gaddour, CSCS, who created the ones at right based on
Speed Shred from Mens Health DeltaFIT (SpeedShred The result: two fat-frying routines that
will set your lungs on fire.

Do three workouts a week, alternating between A and B
with a day of rest in between. Perform the workouts as
circuits, doing each exercise for 60 seconds and moving
from one to the next with 30 seconds of rest. Do up to
six circuits per workout, resting 1 minute between them.
For an even greater challenge, combine both workouts
into one big circuit, says Gaddour. Follow the same
work-to-rest ratio, doing up to three megacircuits per
workout, three times a week.

8 | Best Advice (Ever!)

Workout A

1 Dumbbell Good Morning to

Close-Stance Front Squat

Make it easier
Squat onto a bench.

Hold a dumbbell in front of your chest with your feet hip-width

apart and knees slightly bent [A]. Push your butt back and
hinge at your hips, lowering your torso until its nearly parallel
to the floor [B]. Hold for 2 seconds and return to the starting
position. Keeping your torso upright, squat down until your
thighs are at least parallel to the floor [C]. Hold for 2 seconds
and return to the starting position.

2 Dumbbell Hip Raise and Floor Press

Lie on your back with your feet flat and a dumbbell in each
hand [A]. Drive through your heels as you raise your hips and
extend your arms up [B]. Hold for 2 seconds and slowly return
to the starting position.

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Make it harder
Increase the weight, hold a
dumbbell in each hand, or
squat deeper.

Make it easier
Decrease the weight.
Make it harder
Lift one leg off the floor.
Switch legs after 30 seconds.

Best Advice (Ever!) | 9

Workout B

3 Neutral-Grip Dumbbell Row to Clean

Stand with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing each other.

Lower your torso and let the weights hang at arms length [A].
Row the weights to your sides [B], hold for 2 seconds, lower
them, and repeat. Drive your hips forward, raise your torso, and
curl the weights [C].

Make it easier
Decrease the weight.
Make it harder
Increase the weight.

1 Dumbbell Suitcase Deadlift

to Sumo Deadlift

4 Dumbbell Forward Hinge

to Side Lunge

Hold a dumbbell in your right hand [A]. Step forward with your
left leg and lower the weight to your left foot [B]. Stand back
up. Step out to your left and lower the weight to your left foot
[C]. Switch legs after 30 seconds.

Hold a pair of dumbbells next to your sides and stand with

your feet close enough that the weights dont touch your body
[A]. Keeping your chest up, bend at your hips and knees and
lower the weights as far as you can without rounding your back
[B]. Pause for 2 seconds, then stand up. Now step to your left
so your feet are twice shoulder width, and lower the weights
between your legs [C]. Stand up. Switch the direction you step
into the sumo deadlift with each rep.

Make it harder
Increase the weight.

2 Dumbbell Staggered Push Press

Assume a pushup position and lower your chest until its a few
inches off the floor. Move your right hand forward a few inches
[A], then your left [B], and continue crawling forward for the
allotted time.

10 | Best Advice (Ever!)

Make it harder
Increase the weight.

Make it easier
Decrease the weight.

5 Mud Run Pushup Crawl

Make it easier
Use only your body weight.

Make it easier
Keep your chest farther off
the floor.

Hold a pair of dumbbells at shoulder level and assume a staggered stance, left foot forward [A]. Lower into a quarter squat
[B] and explosively stand, pressing the weights overhead [C].
Switch legs after 30 seconds.

Make it harder
Alternate crawling forward,
backward, and side to side.

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Make it easier
Decrease the weight or assume a parallel stance.
Make it harder
Increase the weight or drop
into a full squat.

Best Advice (Ever!) | 11

the Move

3 Dumbbell Row to High Pull

Hold a pair of dumbbells at arms length, palms back, and hinge

at your hips to lower your torso [A]. Pull the weights to your
chest [B], hold for 2 seconds, lower them, and repeat. Stand up
explosively, pulling the weights as high as you can [C].

Make it easier
Decrease the weight.
Make it harder
Increase the weight.

4 Dumbbell Hand-to-Hand
Staggered Hip-Hinge

Hold a dumbbell in your left hand, left foot forward [A]. Bend
at your hips and pass the weight to your right hand [B]. Raise
your torso and repeat, passing the weight to your left hand.
Switch legs after 30 seconds.

Make it easier
Decrease the weight or assume a parallel stance.

Many men have shoulder

imbalances and tight lats,
especially if they do lots
of chinups and pullups.
The key to offsetting such
imbalances is to incorporate opposing movement
patterns into your workout.
The modified handstand
shoulder tap, #5 in
Workout B, lengthens your
lats and boosts shoulder
mobility as well as overall
strength. Follow these tips
from BJ Gaddour, CSCS,
to do it right.
Grip the Ground
Splaying your fingers and
grasping the floor will
take pressure off your
wrists and increase your
base of support. Pressing
down with your palms,
meanwhile, will activate
the muscles around your

armpits, securing your

shoulders and preventing
an impingement.
Brace Your Core Once
youre upside down, tighten every muscle in your
body, especially your core
muscles and glutes. That
will lock you into position,
making you less likely to
fall over. While youre at
it, keep your torso straight
from your hips to your
head to minimize the
stress on your spine.
Lift Your Hips
Assuming a pike position
allows the exercise to
work its magic. Lifting
your hips shifts the

workload from your chest

to your shoulders and upper back. It also gives you
that all-important stretch
in your lats. That, in turn,
boosts shoulder mobility
and range of motion.
Pace Yourself Slowly
touch one shoulder at a
time, holding each tap for
a count of 2. That brief
pause will increase the
time your muscles are
under tensionand the
harder they work, the more
theyll grow and the stronger youll become.

Make it harder
Increase the weight or perform on one leg at a time.

5 Modified Handstand Shoulder Tap

Place your feet on a bench and pike your hips [A]. Slowly raise
your left hand and touch your right shoulder [B]. Repeat with
your right hand and left shoulder. Keep alternating sides. (See
Master the Move, at right.)

12 | Best Advice (Ever!)

Make it easier
Assume a standard pushup
Make it harder
Perform with your legs fully
extended against a wall.

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Best Advice (Ever!) | 13


How to sculpt a six-pack in 30 days or less

Do each workout once a week, resting a day in between. Warm up with a 5- to 10-minute run and 20 hip swings (swing each leg side to side in front of you 10 times). Do the
metabolic phase in each workout as a circuit, moving from one exercise to the next
without rest. Do 3 circuits for Workout A and 4 circuits for Workouts B and C. Then
rest 3 minutes and finish with the strength phase.

Workout A

Metabolic Phase

1 Dumbbell Single-Arm Clean and Press

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in your right hand in front of your
hips [A]. Push your hips back, bend your knees [B], and raise up explosively, pulling the weight
up your body. When it reaches your chest, dip under it and catch it at your shoulder [C]. Press
it above your shoulder [D]. Do 5 reps. Add 5 pounds each week.

The Six-Pack
Fat Blaster

Whether youre a seasoned lifter or a

strength-training rookie, the following workouts will kick your ass. Were also willing to bet
theyll succeed where others have failed you.
Each one is divided into two phasesmetabolic and strengthto help you tackle two
goals at once, says Todd Durkin, CSCS, owner
of Fitness Quest 10 in California. And as you
sizzle and chisel, youll also build power, erase
muscle imbalances, and boost mobility. The
result: a more athletic body in 30 days or less.

14 | Best Advice (Ever!)

2 Burpee to Broad Jump

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides [A]. Push your hips back
and lower your body into a deep squat, placing your hands on the floor [B]. Kick your legs back
into a pushup position and do a pushup [C]. Return to a squat and then jump forward as far as
you can [D]. Do 10 reps. Add 2 reps each week.

3 Pullup

Grab a pullup bar with an overhand grip thats

slightly beyond shoulder width and hang at arms
length with your knees bent and ankles crossed
behind you (a position known as a dead hang)
[A]. Pull your chest to the bar, squeezing your
shoulder blades together [B]. Pause, and then
slowly lower yourself back to a dead hang. Do as
many reps as you can.

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Best Advice (Ever!) | 15

Workout A

Workout b

Strength Phase

Metabolic Phase

4 Front Squat

Grab a barbell with an overhand grip thats just beyond shoulder width and raise your upper arms until
theyre parallel to the floor. Let the bar roll back so
its resting on just your fingertips and the front of your
shoulders [A]. Squat until your thighs are parallel to
the floor [B]. (See Squat Right, below, for the finer
points.) Do 4 sets of 5 reps. Rest 1 to 2 minutes
between sets. Add 5 pounds each week.

1 Medicine Ball Elevated Pushup

Assume a pushup position with your hands on two medium-size medicine balls and your feet on
a bench or step thats about 12 inches high. Your body should be straight from head to ankles
[A]. Brace your core and lower your chest until its even with the balls [B]. Push back up to the
starting position and repeat. Do 10 reps. Add 2 reps each week.


Most guys avoid the front

squat. Holding a bar across
the front of your shoulders is
more difficult than holding it
across your upper back, says
Todd Durkin, CSCS. Heres why
you should do it anyway: Youll
put less stress on your spine
and more emphasis on your
quads. And since its harder
than a regular barbell squat,
you can achieve the same
muscle-building results with
less weight. Here are four key
steps to mastering it.

Dont Grip
the Bar
The bar should
rest on just three
fingers of each
hand. Your shoulders should support the weight,
not your hands,
says Durkin.

Raise Your
Keep your upper
arms parallel to
the floor, elbows
slightly inward.
This will keep the
bar in place and
reduce stress on
your wrists.

16 | Best Advice (Ever!)

2 Inverted Towel Row

Set a bar to waist height and drape two towels over it so theyre about shoulder-width apart.
Grab the towels close to the bar and hang at arms length with your shoulders directly below your
hands. Bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor [A]. Lift your chest to the bar, squeezing
your shoulder blades together [B]. Do 10 reps. Add 5 reps each week.

3 Jump Rope

Hold the handles of a jump rope and stand with

your arms at your sides and the rope resting on
the floor behind you. Swing it in an arc over your
head [A] and then down toward your feet, jumping over it by pushing off the floor with the balls of
your feet [B]. Land softly, never letting your heels
touch down. Do 50 reps. Add 25 reps each week.

Sit into
the Move
Push your hips
back and squat
between your
knees. Bending
or shifting your
weight forward will
stress your knees.

Point Your
Toes Out
Keep your knees
in line with your
toes as you lower
your bodythis
will keep your
knees from
rotating inward,
increasing risk of

Workout b

Strength Phase

4 Dumbbell Alternating Incline Bench Press

Set an adjustable bench to 45 degrees and lie on your back, holding two dumbbells above your
shoulders [A]. Lower the left dumbbell to the side of your chest [B]. Press it up to the starting
position and repeat with the right dumbbell. Continue alternating. Do 4 sets of 8 reps per arm.
Rest 1 to 2 minutes between sets. Add 5 pounds per dumbbell each week.

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Best Advice (Ever!) | 17

Workout C

Weight Loss

Metabolic Phase

How to drop pounds fastand keep them off for good

1 Kettlebell Single-Arm Snatch

Hold a kettlebell in your right hand between your thighs, feet just beyond shoulder width [A].
Swing the bell between your legs [B] and then raise up explosively, pulling the weight up your
body [C]. When it reaches chest level, punch your palm toward the ceiling so the bell flips over
your forearm [D]. Do 10 reps, switch arms, and repeat. Add 5 pounds each week.

2 Pullup

Grab a pullup bar with an overhand grip thats

slightly beyond shoulder width and assume
a dead hang, with your knees bent and your
ankles crossed behind you [A]. Pull your chest
to the bar, squeezing your shoulder blades
together [B]. Pause, and then slowly lower
yourself back to a dead hang. Do as many reps
as you can.

Workout C

Strength Phase

3 Sumo Deadlift

Load a barbell and roll it against your shins

with your feet twice shoulder-width apart and
toes pointing out. Grab it with an overhand
grip, hands 6 inches apart [A]. Pull your
torso up, thrust your hips forward, and raise
your upper body [B]. Do 4 sets of 5 reps.
After each set, perform a jump complex (see
below), then rest 1 to 2 minutes. Add 10
pounds each week.

4 Jump Complex

Standing with your feet hip-width apart,

push your hips back, bend your knees
[A], and then jump as high as you can
[B]. Land as softly as you can on the
balls of your feet, then lower your heels
to the floor. Repeat 3 times and then
jump forward as far as you can 3 times
[C]. Add one vertical and one forward
jump each week.
18 | Best Advice (Ever!)

Zap Fat Fast

When most obesity
researchers look at a plate
of food, they see macronutrientscarbs, proteins, and fats. Not Randy
Seeley, PhD, a professor
of endocrinology at the
University of Cincinnati
and the director of the
Cincinnati Diabetes and
Obesity Center. Seeley
sees something else:
cocktails of hormones.
Food is more than just
calories, Seeley says. It
can also act like hormones,
activating genetic switches that trigger body-wide
reactions. These reactions, in turn, can lead to
metabolic upshifts and
downshifts that affect fat
burning and fat storage.
As an example of the
hormone-like power of
food, Seeley points to
omega-3s. They are antiinflammatory because
they activate a cellular
receptor called GPR120.
Reduced GPR120 signaling is associated with
inflammation, weight
gain, and impaired blood
sugar control. Its another
reasonalong with the
heart and brain benefits
to eat cold-water fish, such
as salmon, twice a week

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or take a daily omega-3

Scientists dont have all
the genetic responses to
different foods mapped
out, but thats no reason
to wait. Its time to start
hacking your metabolism.
Youll drop more pounds
and keep them offfor

Make Protein
Your Appetizer

Protein is well known for

its muscle-building role,
but its greatest benefit
may lie in its impact
on the hormones that
regulate weight loss. In
a study in the journal
Nutrition & Metabolism,
people who consumed
a 10-gram whey protein
shake before breakfast and
dinner over 12 weeks shed
more fat than those who
drank a control beverage
with similar calories but
less protein. And not just
a little lard: They lost
73% more fat. Hows that
work? The premeal hit of
protein moves the dial on
the hormones that affect
fullness before you even
start eating. Plus, the extra
essential amino acids ensure that protein synthesis

is maximized at each meal.

This helps you retain musclewhich burns more
calories than fatthereby
aiding weight loss.
Try It

Each day, mix 10 grams

of whey protein isolate in
water and drink it before
two meals.

Have Fun with


Scientists cant yet

prescribe a diet based
on your DNA, but they
do know enough to help
you match your food
choices to your biochemistry. This could mean
the difference between a
3-pound and a 12-pound
loss over 6 months. In
a study from Stanford
University School of
Medicine, researcher
Arianna McClain, PhD,
MPH, found that people
with insulin resistance (an
impaired ability to process
carbohydrates that likely
affects the estimated 78
million Americans with
prediabetes) couldnt stick
to a high-carb, low-fat diet
as well as they adhered
to a very low-carb diet.
At some level, there is a
physiological disconnect

Best Advice (Ever!) | 19

in people who are insulin

resistant to the high-carb,
low-fat diets, says McClain. They just stopped
following the diet. And
sticking to a diet is the
crucial factor in weight
loss success.
Try It

Dig out your last lipid

profile. If the ratio of
your triglycerides to your
HDL (good) cholesterol is
greater than 3 (a surrogate
marker of insulin resistance), then place a greater
emphasis on restricting
carbs and eating more protein and fat. If the ratio is
less than 3, then feel free to
eat more carbs and less fat,
as long as youre meeting
your weight loss goals.

Build Muscle
While You Sleep

Common lore is that

eating late at night makes
you fat. Wrong, says Luc
van Loon, PhD, a professor
of exercise physiology at
Maastricht University in
the Netherlands. His research shows that protein
digestion and absorption
function properly even
during sleep. In a study
in Medicine & Science in
Sports & Exercise, van
Loon gave people a latenight casein-rich protein
drink and observed a 22%
increase in their protein
synthesis in the wee hours,
even during sleep. He also
observed a more positive whole-body protein
balance (indicating that
your muscles have the

If the ratio of your

triglycerides to your
HDL cholesterol is
greater than 3, cut
back on carbs and
eat more protein
and fat.

eat certain foods. For

instance, one effect of
exercise is that it helps
your body shuttle sugar to
your muscles rather than
into fat storage, says Chris
Mohr, PhD, RD, founder of
Mohr Results, a company that helps people hit
weight loss goals. Imagine that your muscles
are like a house with all
the windows and doors
locked. Glucose receptors
represent the locks in your
muscles, he says. Exercise acts as keys to unlock
those receptors.
Try It

raw materials needed for

building). This suggests
that sleep is actually an
optimal physiological state
for muscle growth.
Try It

Researchers usually use

casein protein, but van
Loon notes that whey or a
combination of whey and
casein works just as well.
Scarfing down 30 to
40 grams of protein before
bed optimizes the benefits,
ensuring youll wake up
rested and more ripped.
Try this power snack: Mix
cup of cottage cheese
with 1 tablespoon of
natural peanut butter and
half a scoop of chocolate
protein powder.

Outsmart Cravings
Repressing certain food
urges is crucial to eating
less, and you can help
yourself by choosing the
right carbs. In a study in

20 | Best Advice (Ever!)

the American Journal

of Clinical Nutrition,
Harvard Medical School
researchers compared
high- and low-glycemic
meals. They found that a
meal with a high glycemic
index (that is, one that
included refined carbs
that spike blood sugar)
resulted in increased
blood flow to and greater
activation of the nucleus
accumbens, an area of
the brain responsible for
cravings and rewarddriven behavior.
Try It

Replace dinner rolls and

white rice with low-glycemic carbs like green
vegetables, beans, and
high-fiber whole grains.

Time Your Carbs

Just as certain types

of calories can impact
your belly differently, so
can the times when you

Eat the majority of the

carbs in your diet in the
hours following exercise,
says Mohr. On days that
you dont work out, even
a 10-minute walk can help
you process carbs more

Curate Your
Gut Bacteria

You know how people who

quit smoking tend to gain
weight? A Swiss study
found one likely reason:
a change in their gut bacteria. Your digestive tract
is home to more than 100
trillion microorganisms,
mostly bacteria, that can
influence your metabolic
rate. The more good bacteria that you can nurture,
the more you crowd out
the bad ones. There are
two ways to promote

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the good guys: First, you

can consume probiotics,
beneficial bacteria found
in yogurt, certain kinds of
cottage cheese, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir.
Second, you can eat
prebiotics, specific fibers
that good bacteria in your
colon feast on. Naturally
occurring in Jerusalem
artichokes, leeks, legumes,
onions, and garlic, these
fibers are also becoming
common additions to
yogurts and protein bars.
When good bacteria break
them down, a variety of
compounds are produced,
one of which is acetate,
a short-chain fatty acid.

It activates cell-surface
receptors in your intestines, which eventually
results in a greater release
of a fat-burning, appetite-quashing hormone
called leptin.
Try It

Aim for 5 to 10 grams of

prebiotic fiber a day from
the whole foods mentioned
above and from processed
foods containing prebiotic
fiber. Look on labels for
inulin and isomalto-oligosaccharides; Quest protein
bars are a good choice. Also
eat one daily serving of a
fermented food, such as
a glass of kefir or a cup of

A New Way to Cut Carbs

By eating fewer carbs (and more protein), you can
lower your calorie intake and optimize hormones
that regulate fat burning. Cut out the first two
categories of carbs listed below right away. After
3 weeks, if fat loss slows, remove the next group.
(If fat loss continues, you dont need to change
anything.) Keep going, removing no more than one
carb group every 3 weeks.
1 Foods with added sugar
2 Refined grains (e.g., white bread)
3 Whole grains and starches
4 Fruit (cut out tropical first)
5 Nongreen vegetables
6 Green vegetables

Best Advice (Ever!) | 21

7 Best Bread


La Brea Bakery Whole Grain Loaf

Treat your sandwich fillings to these slightly sweet,

artisan-style slices.

How to fortify your body by picking the right foods

Per loaf: 160 calories, 5 g protein, 32 g carbs (3 g fiber), 1.5 g fat

8 Best Flour
King Arthur Organic White Whole Wheat Flour

The 125 Best Foods for Men

Mild-tasting, with all the nutrition of whole wheat.

Per cup: 100 calories, 4 g protein, 22 g carbs (4 g fiber), 0.5 g fat

In your quest for good health and a great body, the supermarket can be a powerful
allyor an insidious enemy. We analyzed more than 1,000 supermarket foods and
awarded points for products that are low in calories, high in protein and fiber, and
made with whole ingredients. Then we pared down our selections and held taste tests
to determine the final winners. In the case of a tie, the item with the shortest ingredient list won.

9 Best Rice
Uncle Bens Ready Rice Whole Grain Brown

A simple side dish in one microwavable pouch.

Per cup: 190 calories, 5 g protein, 39 g carbs (3 g fiber), 3 g fat

10 Best Pasta
Bionaturae Organic Whole Wheat Gobbetti

Bread and Grains

Pesto or tomato sauce clings to the spirals. Either way,

top with plenty of grated #26.

1 Best Instant Oatmeal

Per 2 oz: 180 calories, 7 g protein, 35 g carbs (6 g fiber), 1.5 g fat

Quaker Organic Regular Instant Oatmeal

11 Best Cereal

Use it as a fast foundation to support your favorite toppings,

such as fruit, nuts, and spices.

Health Valley Organic Fiber 7 Flakes

Whole grains ratchet up the fiber count. Layer with #20 and #80.

Per packet: 100 calories, 4 g protein, 19 g carbs (3 g fiber), 2 g fat

Per cup: 170 calories, 6 g protein, 37 g carbs (7 g fiber), 2.5 g fat

2 Best Steel-Cut Oats

12 Best Granola

Arrowhead Mills Organic Steel Cut Oats

Bakery on Main Fiber Power Cinnamon Raisin Granola

Chewy, filling, and heartythis isnt your grandmothers

mushy oatmeal.

It tastes better than its rivalswith less sugar.

Per cup: 230 calories, 7 g protein, 41 g carbs (9 g fiber), 6 g fat

Per cup: 150 calories, 5 g protein, 29 g carbs (4 g fiber), 2.5 g fat

13 Best Bagel

3 Best English Muffin

Thomas 100% Whole Wheat Bagels

Thomas Light Multi-Grain English Muffins

They contain a good hit of fiber and protein. Top with #19 and
smoked salmon.

Top with a fried #23 and some #60.

Per muffin: 100 calories, 5 g protein, 26 g carbs (8 g fiber), 1 g fat

Per bagel: 250 calories, 12 g protein, 49 g carbs (7 g fiber), 2 g fat

4 Best Burger Bun

14 Best Hot Dog Roll

Pepperidge Farm 100% Whole Wheat Hamburger Buns

Natures Own 100% Whole Wheat

A sturdy partner for any topped-to-the-max burger.

Pair with #102, #67, and #63 for a 245-calorie dog that beats out
a ballpark frank in flavor.

Per bun: 130 calories, 7 g protein, 22 g carbs (3 g fiber), 1.5 g fat

5 Best Pita

Per roll: 110 calories, 5 g protein, 21 g carbs (3 g fiber), 2 g fat

Food for Life Ezekiel 4:9 Whole Grain Pocket Bread

15 Best Pizza Crust

Stuff with #58 and fresh vegetables.

Rustic Crust Organic Great Grains

Per pita: 100 calories, 7 g protein, 21 g carbs (4 g fiber), 0.5 g fat

A hearty base for ricotta, roasted broccoli, and #112.

6 Best Grain

Per crust (approx.): 140 calories, 5 g protein, 28 g carbs (5 g fiber), 2 g fat

Bobs Red Mill Organic Farro

16 Best Tortilla

This nutty Mediterranean grain boasts a belly-filling

1:1 ratio of fiber to protein.

La Tortilla Factory Smart & Delicious Fiber & Flax

Corn Tortilla

Per cup: 200 calories, 7 g protein, 37 g carbs (7 g fiber), 1.5 g fat

Boost your fajitas with these fiber-enhanced wraps.

Per 2 tortillas: 90 calories, 2 g protein, 21 g carbs (5 g fiber), 1.5 g fat

22 | Best Advice (Ever!)

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Best Advice (Ever!) | 23

27 Best Snacking Cheese

Dairy and Deli

Sartori Espresso BellaVitano

A coating of real ground coffee adds a robust flavor to this cheese.

17 Best Chocolate Milk

Per oz: 120 calories, 7 g protein, 10 g fat

Horizon Organic Lowfat Chocolate Milk

Plus DHA Omega-3

28 Best Cottage Cheese

Breakstones 2% Milkfat Lowfat Small Curd

Blend with #106 for a protein-packed shake.

This brands creamy texture won us over.

Per cup: 190 calories, 11 g protein, 30 g carbs, 2.5 g fat

Per cup: 90 calories, 10 g protein, 5 g carbs, 2.5 g fat

18 Best Plain Milk

Organic Valley Grassmilk Reduced Fat 2%

Antibiotic-free and grass-fed, with a clean taste.

Per cup: 130 calories, 8 g protein, 12 g carbs, 5 g fat

Frozen Foods
29 Best Beef Entre

19 Best Cream Cheese

Artisan Bistro Grass-Fed Beef with Mushroom Sauce

Philadelphia Whipped

Once youve eaten grass-fed beef, its hard to go back.

Light, luscious, and low in calories.

Per container: 350 calories, 23 g protein, 32 g carbs (4 g fiber), 13 g fat

Per 2 Tbsp: 60 calories, 1 g protein, 2 g carbs, 5 g fat

30 Best Fish Entre

20 Best Plain Yogurt

Artisan Bistro Alaskan Salmon Cake

Fage Total 2%

It comes with vegetables and rice pilaf.

The fat in this Greek yogurt helps you absorb nutrients.

Per container: 370 calories, 22 g protein, 31 g carbs (8 g fiber), 16 g fat

Per 7 oz: 150 calories, 20 g protein, 8 g carbs, 4 g fat

31 Best Burrito

21 Best Probiotic Yogurt

Evol Cilantro Lime Chicken Burrito

Activia Fiber Pineapple & Cereal

Its way tastier than fast-food fare.

A tasty way to improve your digestion.

Per burrito: 340 calories, 15 g protein, 49 g carbs (4 g fiber), 11 g fat

Per 4 oz: 120 calories, 4 g protein, 22 g carbs (3 g fiber), 2 g fat

32 Best Fish Sticks

22 Best Flavored Yogurt

Dr. Praegers Potato Crusted

Fage Total 2% with Peach

Potato flakes make for a tasty coating.

Its easy on the sugar and super creamy.

Per 3 pieces: 120 calories, 6 g protein, 7 g carbs (<1 g fiber), 6 g fat

Per container: 140 calories, 12 g protein, 17 g carbs, 2.5 g fat

33 Best French Fries

23 Best Eggs

Cascadian Farm Straight Cut

Organic Valley Omega-3 Large Eggs

Light and nongreasy, but still crisp.

Cage-free eggs with buttery flavor and heart-healthy fats.

Per 3 oz: 100 calories, 2 g protein, 17 g carbs (2 g fiber), 3.5 g fat

Per egg: 60 calories, 6 g protein, <1 g carbs, 4 g fat

34 Best Waffle

24 Best Butter

Kashi 7 Grain Waffles

Plugr European Style Unsalted Butter

Protein, fiber, and fat balance the carbs.

Its richer and creamier than most brands.

Per 2 waffles: 150 calories, 4 g protein, 25 g carbs (7 g fiber), 5 g fat

Per Tbsp: 100 calories, 11 g fat

35 Best Fruit

25 Best Buttery Spread

Cascadian Farm Premium Organic Red Raspberries

Earth Balance Organic Whipped

Big, sweet and exceptionally juicy.

This silky spread upgrades boring toast and steamed vegetables.

Per 1 cups: 70 calories, 1 g protein, 16 g carbs (3 g fiber)

Per Tbsp: 80 calories, 9 g fat

36 Best Vegetable

26 Best All-Purpose Cheese

Earthbound Farm Organic Kale

Sartori SarVecchio Parmesan

Its rich in vitamin A and great in smoothies and stir-fries.

Shave some fresh and youll never buy another green canister.

Per cup: 25 calories, 2 g protein, 4 g carbs (2 g fiber)

Per oz: 102 calories, 9 g protein, 1 g carbs, 7 g fat

24 | Best Advice (Ever!)

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Best Advice (Ever!) | 25

37 Best Appetizer
Bumble Bee SuperFresh Spicy Shrimp Romesco

Canned and Jarred Goods

Just throw it in a skillet, saut, and serve.

Per pouch: 170 calories, 17 g protein, 6 g carbs (1 g fiber), 9 g fat

47 Best Refried Beans

38 Best Veggie Burger

Unlike many competitors, Eden keeps sodium to a minimum.

Eden Organic Refried Pinto Beans

Dr. Praegers Tex Mex

Per cup: 90 calories, 6 g protein, 19 g carbs (7 g fiber), 1 g fat

Vegan patties without the starchy fillers.

Per patty: 130 calories, 6 g protein, 16 g carbs (4 g fiber), 5 g fat

48 Best Olives

39 Best Frozen Treat

Stuffed with robust garlic for extra flavor.

Mediterranean Organic Garlic Stuffed Green Olives

Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt Bars, Coconut

Per 3 pieces: 25 calories, 1 g carbs, 2 g fat

Creamy and surprisingly low in sugar.

Per bar: 80 calories, 6 g protein, 14 g carbs, 0.5 g fat

49 Best Pickle

40 Best Ice Cream

Fresh-tasting, tangy, and crunchy.

Woodstock Organic Kosher Dill Pickles

Breyers Natural Vanilla

Per large pickle: 5 calories, 1 g carbs

A short ingredient list, a modest calorie count, and true vanilla


50 Best Canned Salmon

Wild Planet Wild Alaska Pink Salmon

Per cup: 130 calories, 3 g protein, 14 g carbs, 7 g fat

Mix with #70 and a hit of #118.

41 Best Breakfast

Per 2 oz: 70 calories, 12 g protein, 2 g fat

Kelloggs Special K Ham, Egg & Pepper

Jack Cheese Flatbread

51 Best Soup
Amys Organic Light in Sodium Split Pea

Dont be fooled by the nametheres no cereal in this breakfast


Comfort food in a can.

42 Best Chicken Entre

52 Best Canned Beans

Per cup: 100 calories, 7 g protein, 19 g carbs (6 g fiber)

Per sandwich: 200 calories, 12 g protein, 20 g carbs (3 g fiber), 8 g fat

Eden Organic Garbanzo Beans

Lean Cuisine Honestly Good Roasted Red Pepper Chicken

Add to soup for an instant fiber boost.

The sauce comes in a separate pouch so you decide

how much to use.

Per cup: 130 calories, 7 g protein, 21 g carbs (5 g fiber), 1 g fat

53 Best Canned Tomatoes

Per container: 270 calories, 25 g protein, 29 g carbs (5 g fiber), 7 g fat

Cento San Marzano Organic Peeled Tomatoes

43 Best Pasta Entre

Perfect for making homemade sauces.

Healthy Choice Baked Taste Lasagna with Meat Sauce

Per cup: 25 calories, 1 g protein, 5 g carbs (2 g fiber)

Everything you love about lasagna except the time it usually

requires to make it.

54 Best Canned Tuna

Per container: 270 calories, 18 g protein, 37 g carbs (6 g fiber), 4.5 g fat

Wild Planet Wild Albacore Tuna

Its low in mercury and high in heart-healthy omega-3 fats.

44 Best Vegetarian Entre

Per 2 oz: 120 calories, 16 g protein, 6 g fat

Evol Bean & Cheddar Enchilada

Try with a side of sauted spinach.

55 Best Chili

45 Best Plain Pizza

Great chili in minutes.

Per container: 430 calories, 16 g protein, 57 g carbs (9 g fiber), 16 g fat

Kashi Thin Crust Four Cheese

This pie packs in more fiber than most.

Per pie: 260 calories, 15 g protein, 36 g carbs (6 g fiber), 8 g fat

Eden Chili with Organic Black Beans, Quinoa & Spices

Per cup: 190 calories, 10 g protein, 35 g carbs (6 g fiber), 1.5 g fat

Spread, Dips, and Toppings

46 Best Pizza with Toppings

56 Best Dip

Kashi Thin Crust BBQ Chicken

Guiltless Gourmet All Natural Spicy Black Bean Dip

A healthy take on a new-school favorite.

The onion, garlic, peppers, and spices really turn the heat up.

Per pie: 240 calories, 15 g protein, 33 g carbs (5 g fiber), 7 g fat

26 | Best Advice (Ever!)

Per 2 Tbsp: 40 calories, 2 g protein, 7 g carbs (2 g fiber)

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Best Advice (Ever!) | 27

57 Best Guacamole

68 Best Steak Sauce

Sabra Guacamole, Spicy

Daves Gourmet Steak Sauce

Avocado is the first ingredient.

This well-balanced sauce enhances beef without overwhelming it.

58 Best Hummus

69 Best BBQ Sauce

Eat Well Enjoy Life Black Bean Hummus

with Corn Relish

Its sweetwith heat!

Per 2 Tbsp: 45 calories, 1 g protein, 3 g carbs (2 g fiber), 4 g fat

Per Tbsp: 20 calories, 5 g carbs

Frontera Original Sweet & Smoky Barbecue Sauce

Per 2 Tbsp: 35 calories, 8 g carbs

A tasty change from the chickpea variety.

Per 2 Tbsp: 40 calories, 2 g protein, 6 g carbs (2 g fiber), 1.5 g fat

70 Best Mayonnaise

59 Best Spread

Hellmanns Mayonnaise Dressing with Olive Oil

Healthier fats, better flavor.

Inglehoffer Cream Style Horseradish

Per Tbsp: 60 calories, <1 g carbs, 6 g fat

A low-calorie, high-impact spread.

Per tsp: 10 calories, 1 g carbs, 0.5 g fat

60 Best Salsa
Frontera Tomatillo Salsa


Break the tomato salsa habit. This one adds a smoky, peppery kick.

71 Best Pretzel

61 Best Jam

The protein boost comes from yellow pea flour.

Per 2 Tbsp: 10 calories, 2 g carbs

Newmans Own Organics High Protein Pretzels

Per 30 g (18 pretzels): 120 calories, 5 g protein, 22 g carbs (4 g fiber), 1.5 g fat

Crofters Just Fruit Spread, Organic Raspberry

No added sugar, plenty of flavor.

72 Best Cracker

62 Best Syrup

A nutty and light base for cheese.

Per Tbsp: 30 calories, 8 g carbs

Kashi Original 7 Grain Snack

Per 30 g (15 crackers): 120 calories, 4 g protein, 19 g carbs (3 g fiber), 3.5 g fat

Shady Maple Farms Certified Organic Pure Maple Syrup

All you need on #34 is a drizzle.

73 Best Popcorn

63 Best Ketchup

Tasty and guilt-free.

Per cup: 210 calories, 53 g carbs

Orville Redenbachers SmartPop! Butter

Per 8 cups popped: 120 calories, 4 g protein, 25 g carbs (4 g fiber), 2 g fat

Cucina Antica Organic Tomato Ketchup

It wont clobber you with sugar.

74 Best Jerky

64 Best Marinade

Low in sodium, high in flavor.

Per Tbsp: 15 calories, 3 g carbs

Wild Ride Gallopin Pepper Beef Jerky

Per oz: 60 calories, 14 g protein, 4 g carbs, 0.5 g fat

World Harbors Mont St. Michel Honey Dijon Marinade

Partner it with salmon or chicken.

75 Best Nut Alternative

65 Best Peanut Butter

A high-protein snack equally suited to the ballpark and the office.

Per Tbsp: 15 calories, 3 g carbs

Eden Organic Spicy Pumpkin Dry Roasted Seeds

Per cup: 200 calories, 11 g protein, 5 g carbs (5 g fiber), 16 g fat

MaraNatha Organic No Stir Peanut Butter, Creamy

Ready to eat right out of the jar.

76 Best Trail Mix

66 Best Salad Dressing

A nice balance of sweet, tart, and salty flavors.

Per 2 Tbsp: 180 calories, 8 g protein, 6 g carbs (2 g fiber), 16 g fat

Eden Selected All Mixed Up Nuts & Dried Fruit

Per 3 Tbsp: 160 calories, 8 g protein, 7 g carbs (4 g fiber), 12 g fat

OPA Blue Cheese

A yogurt base adds creamy texture.

77 Best Cookie

67 Best Mustard

A tasty blend of rich chocolate and toasted almonds.

Per 2 Tbsp: 60 calories, 2 g protein, 2 g carbs, 5 g fat

Kashi Chocolate Almond Butter Soft-Baked Cookies

Per cookie: 130 calories, 3 g protein, 19 g carbs (4 g fiber), 5 g fat

Maille Dijon Originale

Add bite to salads and sandwiches.

Per tsp: 10 calories, <1 g protein, <1 g carbs, 0.5 g fat

28 | Best Advice (Ever!)

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Best Advice (Ever!) | 29

78 Best Nut

88 Best Sports Drink

Planters Mens Health NUT-rition Mix

Skratch Labs Exercise Hydration Mix

Our own custom blend! Try it, youll like it.

You blend it with water to your taste.

79 Best Spicy Snack Mix

89 Best Recovery Drink

Per oz: 170 calories, 6 g protein, 5 g carbs (3 g fiber), 15 g fat

Per scoop: 40 calories, 10 g carbs

Sheffa Spicy Snack Mix

Nuun Active Hydration Tri-Berry

Indian spices make this crave-worthy.

Loaded with minerals to help your body rebound fast.

80 Best Dried Fruit

90 Best Caffeinated Tea Bags

Per oz: 118 calories, 6 g protein, 13 g carbs (2 g fiber), 5 g fat

Per tablet: 6 calories, <1 g carbs

Sun-Maid California Mission Figs

Lipton Pure Green Tea

Add to arugula salad with blue cheese.

This scored high in antioxidants in a test.

81 Best Snack Bar

91 Best Beer

Per cup: 110 calories, 1 g protein, 26 g carbs (5 g fiber)

0 calories

Zing Almond Blueberry Nutrition

Samuel Adams Noble Pils

Almonds and whey pack in the protein.

In our test of 30 brews, this bottle balanced calories and antioxidants best.

Per bar: 220 calories, 11 g protein, 23 g carbs (6 g fiber), 9 g fat

Per 12 oz: 169 calories, 11 g carbs

82 Best Snack Chips

Beanitos Chipotle BBQ Black Bean Chips

92 Best Lower-Calorie Beer

Per oz (about 12 chips): 140 calories, 4 g protein, 15 g carbs (5 g fiber), 7 g fat

This crisp, mellow brew is as full-flavored a light beer as youll find.

Try them with #57.

Amstel Light

Per 12 oz: 95 calories, 6 g carbs

83 Best Chocolate Bar

Newmans Own Organics Espresso Dark Chocolate

93 Best Craft Beer

Per 3.25 oz bar: 470 calories, 4 g protein, 53 g carbs (6 g fiber), 31 g fat

A highly hopped powerhouse thats bitter, yes, but also balanced.

Exceptional chocolate with a creamy, smooth texture.

Troegs Perpetual IPA

Per 12 oz: 226 calories, 15 g carbs

84 Best Potato Chip

Cape Cod 40% Less Fat Sea Salt & Vinegar

94 Best White Wine

Per oz (18 chips): 130 calories, 2 g protein, 18 g carbs (2 g fiber), 6 g fat

This fruit-forward white pairs well with seafood and Asian cuisine.

The great combination of salty and sour on a robust chip.

J Pinot Gris, California 2011

Per 5 oz: about 122 calories


95 Best Red Wine

Las Rocas Garnacha 2009

This deliciously dry bottle is superb with seared steak.

85 Best Fruit Juice

Per 5 oz: about 126 calories

Lakewood Organic Fruit & Garden Summer Gold

Contains 10 fruits, plus 8 vegetables.

96 Best Bottled Tea

86 Best Vegetable Juice ranked this bottle highest in

EGCG antioxidant content.

Per 8 oz: 100 calories, 2 g protein, 25 g carbs (2 g fiber)

Honest Tea Honey Green Tea

Lakewood Organic Super Veggie

Per 16.9 oz: 70 calories, 18 g carbs

Just 80 mg of sodium per serving.

Per 8 oz: 60 calories, 3 g protein, 13 g carbs (4 g fiber)

97 Best Bottled Water


87 Best Bottled Smoothie

The bright fizz adds interest to plain old water. Try it with sliced
cucumber too.

Bolthouse Farms Berry Boost

The low calorie count makes it a go-to.

0 calories

Per 8 oz: 130 calories, 1 g protein, 30 g carbs (2 g fiber)

30 | Best Advice (Ever!)

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Best Advice (Ever!) | 31

98 Best Flavored Water

108 Best Chicken

Hint Honeydew-Hibiscus Essence Water

Bell & Evans Organic Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts

Low-key fruitiness is all you need.

Roast a batch for salads all week long.

99 Best Herbal Tea Bags

109 Best Steak

0 calories

Per 4 oz: 120 calories, 27 g protein, 1.5 g fat

Yogi DeTox

Blackwing Organic New York Strip Steak

Our taste testers favored this refreshing, fruit-forward blend.

Coat with #121 before searing.

100 Best Instant Coffee

110 Best Ground Beef

0 calories

Per 4 oz: 180 calories, 24 g protein, 8 g fat

Starbucks VIA Ready Brew Colombia

Lauras Lean Beef 92% Lean Ground Beef

Its pretty damn close to barista brew.

Just enough fat for excellent flavor.

101 Best Coffee Beans

111 Best Pork Chop

0 calories

Per 4 oz: 160 calories, 21 g protein, 9 g fat

Starbucks Medium House Blend

Organic Prairie Center Cut Boneless Pork Chops

A medium-bodied blend thats balanced and rich.

The most well-marbled cut in its class.

0 calories

Per chop: 280 calories, 26 g protein, 18 g fat

112 Best Cured Meat


Citterio All Natural Prosciutto

Just a couple of slices lends smokiness to soups, sandwiches,

pastas, and more.

102 Best Hot Dog

Per 2 slices: 60 calories, 7 g protein, 3.5 g fat

Applegate The Great Organic Uncured Beef Hot Dog

Filler-free, with no added nitrates.

Per dog: 110 calories, 7 g protein, 8 g fat

103 Best Ground Turkey

Cooking Staples

Organic Prairie Organic Ground Turkey

113 Best Bread Crumbs

Per 4 oz: 180 calories, 23 g protein, 9 g fat

Whole wheat creates crunchier coatings.

Try it in chili, or form into burgers and grill.

Ians Whole Wheat Panko

Per cup: 70 calories, 3 g protein, 14 g carbs (2 g fiber), 0.5 g fat

104 Best Exotic Meat

Great Range All Natural Bison Sirloin Steaks

114 Best Low-Sodium Broth

Per 6 oz: 180 calories, 40 g protein, 3 g fat

Tastes like chickennot salt.

Go ahead, pile on the lean protein.

Pacific Organic Free Range Low Sodium Chicken Broth

Per cup: 10 calories, 2 g protein, 1 g carbs

105 Best Bacon

Niman Ranch Uncured Applewood Smoked Bacon

115 Best Tomato Sauce

Per slice: 70 calories, 2 g protein, 7 g fat

Bright-tasting, with a brief ingredient list.

Thick, smoky-sweet strips.

Cucina Antica Tomato Basil

Per cup: 35 calories, 1 g protein, 6 g carbs (2 g fiber), 1.5 g fat

106 Best Protein Powder

ON Platinum Hydro Whey, Turbo Chocolate

116 Best Umami Booster

Per rounded scoop: 140 calories, 30 g protein, 2 g carbs, 1 g fat

This Southeast Asian condiment adds salty depth to stir-fries, marinades, and dressings.

A fast-acting whey protein.

Red Boat Fish Sauce

107 Best Sausage

Per Tbsp: 15 calories, 4 g protein

Al Fresco Country Style Chicken Sausage

Breakfast Patties

117 Best Olive Oil

These patties rival pork for tastiness.

California Olive Ranch Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Per patty: 80 calories, 9 g protein, 1 g carbs, 4.5 g fat

Fruity and affordable enough to use daily.

Per Tbsp: 120 calories, 14 g fat

32 | Best Advice (Ever!)

Back to Contents

Best Advice (Ever!) | 33

118 Best Hot Sauce

Huy Fong Foods, Inc. Chili Garlic Sauce

Meet srirachas lesser-known brother: bolder, funkier, and

good and garlicky.
0 calories

119 Best Salt

Maldon Sea Salt Flakes

Finish any dish the way chefs dowith a sprinkle of these delicate,
salty flakes.
0 calories

120 Best Balsamic

Newmans Own Organics Organic Balsamic Vinegar of

Slightly sweet with the right amount of tang.

Per Tbsp: 20 calories, 5 g carbs

121 Best All-Purpose Spice

McCormick Gourmet Collection Smoked Paprika

This Spanish variety tastes robust.

0 calories

122 Best Teriyaki Sauce

Annie Chuns Teriyaki

This thick, flavor-loaded sauce nicely coats meats and vegetables.

Per Tbsp: 25 calories, 2 g protein, 6 g carbs

123 Best Canola Oil

Spectrum Organic Canola Oil, Refined

Neutral flavor and a high smoke point make this oil great for
Per Tbsp: 120 calories, 14 g fat

124 Best Pepper

McCormick Gourmet Collection 100% Organic
Tellicherry Black Peppercorns

Skip the preground stuff.

Home Plate Heroes

Most men believe that if they find the right recipe, dinner will turn out great. But the
truth is, with the right foods, you dont even need a recipe. Stock your kitchen with
these 25 meal makers and youll always know whats for dinner.

0 calories

125 Best Soy Sauce

Kikkoman Less Sodium Soy Sauce

All the savory richness, with about 40% less sodium.

Per Tbsp: 10 calories, 1 g protein, 1 g carbs

Potent Produce
1 Frozen Kale

Why These leafy greens dont

turn to mush when frozen, and
they defrost with a quick rinse
in a colander. (See #36 in The
125 Best Foods for Men, page 25.)
Use It Add kale to scrambled eggs; stirfry with shrimp and carrots; saut with
sausage, mushrooms, and white wine; or
blend into smoothies.
34 | Best Advice (Ever!)

Back to Contents

2 Canned Tomatoes

Why Bright-tasting, luscious, and sweet,

canned tomatoes beat fresh ones 10
months out of the year. (See #53 in The
125 Best Foods for Men, page 27.)
Use Them Make a simple tomato sauce
by crushing them by hand into a saucepan with a hunk of butter and some salt
before simmering.

3 Canned Chickpeas

Why Chickpeas (also called garbanzo

beans) are firm and tasty straight from
Best Advice (Ever!) | 35

the can and equally delicious whole,

mashed, or pureed. (See #52 in The 125
Best Foods for Men, page 27.)
Use Them Drizzle them with olive oil
and roast with curry-seasoned cauliflower, or mash them with crisp, chopped
bacon for a simple side.

4 Frozen Raspberries

Why These tart but sweet berries are

more flavorful (and more affordable)
than most out-of-season fruit. (See #35
in The 125 Best Foods for Men, page 25.)
Use Them Simmer the berries with a
spoonful of sugar to make a topping for
oatmeal, yogurt, or ice cream. Or blend
them frozen into shakes.

5 Pickles

Why Theyre a sandwichs best friend,

but you can also employ their crunch and
sour acidity in a range of meals. (See #49
in The 125 Best Foods for Men, page 27.)
Use Them

Stir chopped pickles into mac and cheese

before baking, or mix them with mayo,
parsley, pepper, and lemon juice for
superior tartar sauce.

Sultans of Salty
6 Fish Sauce

Why Made from fermented

wild anchovies (no, wait,

hear us out), fish sauce adds
richness to foods. (See #116 in The 125
Best Foods for Men, page 33.)
Use It Add a dash to shrimp stir-fry, turkey
burgers, or Bloody Marys. Or add a dash to
Caesar salad dressing to make it pop.

7 Prosciutto

Why Think of this nutty-tasting cured

meat as high-class salami. (See #112 in

The 125 Best Foods for Men, page 33.)
Use It Layer it on a hoagie; toss a couple
of slices into pasta; wrap it around melon,
dried dates, or pear wedges for an instant
appetizer; or, hell, eat it out of the package.
36 | Best Advice (Ever!)

8 Coarse Sea Salt

15 Greek Yogurt

Why Just a sprinkle of these big, bold

Why Tangier than sour cream or mayo,

Greek yogurt is also richer and more versatile than regular varieties. (See #20 in
The 125 Best Foods for Men, page 24.)
Use It Mix yogurt with parsley and lemon juice for a healthy chicken wing dip, or
combine it with Tabasco and cilantro for
a taco or chili topping.

salt crystals lends chef-caliber polish

and an amazing crunchy texture to any
dish. (See #119 in The 125 Best Foods for
Men, page 34.)
Use It Sprinkle it over seared steak,
roasted chicken, or pasta dishes. And try
it on chocolate ice cream.

Super Standbys

9 Soy Sauce

Why Its another fermented brew that

16 Tortillas

adds a wallop of earthy umami to a surprising range of dishes. (See #125 in The
125 Best Foods for Men, page 34.)
Use It Add a shot to sauted mushrooms,
caramelized onions, steak marinade, or
your next batch of chili.

Why Saut meat and vegetables and all you have is a

pile of food. Wrap them in
tortillas? You have a feast. (See #16 in The
125 Best Foods for Men, page 23.)
Use Them For enchiladas, arrange filled,
rolled tortillas in a baking dish, top with
salsa and grated Monterey Jack, and bake
until bubbling.

10 Cheese

Why A wedge of Parmesan stays fresh

longer than the pregrated stuff. Tastes
better, too. (See #26 in The 125 Best Foods
for Men, page 24.)
Use It Grate it into a vinaigrette or
mashed potatoes; shave it onto pizza or
pasta; or sprinkle it over sauted squash
and broil until golden.

Fat Foundations
11 Extra Virgin
Olive Oil

Why Its easy to find an

affordable bottle of extra virgin, so use the same one for cooking and
drizzling. (See #117 in The 125 Best Foods
for Men, page 33.)
Use It Mix a glug with sea salt, pepper,
and chopped fresh herbs for dipping
bread. Add minced garlic to this for a
simple sauce for all kinds of dishes.

12 Bacon

Why Any savory meal can benefit from

bacons smoky richness. (See #105 in The

125 Best Foods for Men, page 32.)
Use It Chop and fry a few strips to stir
into sauted spinach, frittatas, or mashed

17 Farro

sweet potatoes, or combine it with sauted onions and bread crumbs to stuff

13 Butter

Why Butters mild creaminess makes it

an ideal seasoning carrier. (See #24 in
The 125 Best Foods for Men, page 24.)
Use It Combine cup softened butter
with chopped fresh herbs, a clove of
minced garlic, and a dash of Tabasco.
Store it in the fridge, ready to top eggs,
steak, or broiled salmon.

14 Peanut Butter

Why Its surprisingly useful in a range of

Asian-style dishes. (See #65 in The 125
Best Foods for Men, page 28.)
Use It Blend cup PB with 2 Tbsp water, 1 Tbsp honey, 1 Tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp
rice-wine vinegar, the juice from lime,
and crushed red-pepper flakes. Use it as a

Back to Contents

Why This hearty Italian grain stays

chewy and firm, so its great for makeahead dishes. (See #6 in The 125 Best
Foods for Men, page 22.)
Use It Add it to minestrone or chili;
make a grain salad with roasted mushrooms, kale, and winter squash; or serve
alongside beef stew.

18 Whole Wheat Pasta

Why The earthy taste of whole wheat

pasta stands up to robust sauces even
better than the white stuff does. (See #10
in The 125 Best Foods for Men, page 23.)
Use It Sizzle chopped canned anchovies
and minced garlic in olive oil, and toss with
whole wheat pasta and bread crumbs.

19 Chicken Broth

Why Because it beats MSG-packed bouillon, which is a salt lick, cubed. (See #114
in The 125 Best Foods for Men, page 33.)
Use It Simmer noodles, rice, or beans
in broth with vegetables for a fast soup,
or use broth in stews or as a flavorful
Best Advice (Ever!) | 37

liquid for braising. Its great for basting

poultry too.

How to
Any Meal

20 Country-Style Bread

Why Well, because sliced, its just the

greatest thing. (See #7 in The 125 Best
Foods for Men, page 23.)
Use It Make an eggy, bourbon-spiked
French toast breakfast; crusty,
tomato-topped bruschetta; or gooey
grilled prosciutto-and-Jarlsbergcheese sandwiches.

The difference between a good meal and

a superb one is a strong finish. The following sauces dont require labor-intensive stocks, fussy emulsions, or copious
quantities of calorie-heavy cream. Heck,
you dont even need a pantry stocked
with obscure ingredients.
Here, five celebrated chefs share the
secrets of their favorite simple sauces.

Flavor Saviors
21 Smoked Paprika

Why Ground from smokedried Spanish peppers, this

potent powder delivers a serious dose of earthiness. (See #121 in The
125 Best Foods for Men, page 34.)
Use It Add it to chicken or nuts before
roasting; sprinkle on broiled fish, sauted
potatoes, and popcorn; or use it to add
depth to chili.

22 Chile-Garlic Sauce

Why Sriracha steals all the attention,

but this well-balanced sauce blends the
bite of garlic with the kick of ground red
jalapeos. (See #118 in The 125 Best Foods
for Men, page 34.)
Use It Its balanced heat is awesome atop
eggs or in a marinade for pork or chicken

23 Dijon Mustard

Why Dijon packs acidity to cut through

rich, dense dishes. (See #67 in The 125
Best Foods for Men, page 28.)
Use It Add a spoonful to homemade mac
and cheese; toss with carrots and a bit of
honey prior to roasting; or spread it on
toasted bread as part of a killer corned
beef sandwich.

38 | Best Advice (Ever!)

24 Salsa

Why Loaded with heat and fresh flavor,

salsa is a ready-to-go sauce. (See #60 in
The 125 Best Foods for Men, page 28.)
Use It Cook eggs in a simmering pan of
salsa; stir a jarful into chicken soup and
top with tortilla chips for a simple Mexican soup; stir-fry shrimp with salsa and
serve over rice and beans.

25 BBQ Sauce

Why Spicy, sweet, tangy, smokybarbecue sauce boasts a range of flavors few
condiments can beat. (See #69 in The 125
Best Foods for Men, page 29.)
Use It Spike vinaigrette with it and dress
a salad of romaine, Cotija cheese, pico de
gallo, beans, and grilled chicken.

The Herb

Despite their modest appearance, fresh herbs can

provide a sturdy backbone
for sauces. Just make sure
you use enough of them to stand up to
hearty red meat and robust fish. April
Bloomfield, chef and owner of the Spotted Pig in New York City, showcases
herbs in her chimichurri, an Argentine
sauce made with parsley, olive oil, garlic, oregano, and vinegar. Her version
swaps oregano for fresh mint and adds
lemon juice.
Mince 2 medium shallots and 1 garlic
clove and toss them together in a
large bowl with cup extra virgin olive
oil. Finely chop 2 cups each flat-leaf
parsley and mint. Add the herbs to the
olive oil mixture, along with 1 teaspoon seeded and minced habanero
chile. Stir, season with sea salt, and
let the sauce sit so the flavors meld, a
few minutes or up to 2 hours. Before
serving, stir in 2 tablespoons freshly
squeezed lemon juice.
Makes 1 cup

Back to Contents

Best Advice (Ever!) | 39

The Tart

Think of premade condiments as sauce starters.

This 5-minute fusion from
Paul Berglund, head chef at the Bachelor
Farmer in Minneapolis, doctors up a duo
of mustards with vinegar and dill for a result thats equally at home on sandwiches,
soft pretzels, or gravlax. Apply the concept to other condiments: Puree chipotle
chiles into BBQ sauce, add wasabi powder
(carefully) to mayo, or mix some curry
powder into your ketchup.
Mustard Dill Sauce
In a small bowl, mix 3/4 cup grainy mustard, 1/2 cup grapeseed oil, 1/4 cup Dijon
mustard, 1 tablespoon cider vinegar,
1 tablespoon sugar, and 1/3 cup finely
chopped dill.
Makes 13/4 cups

The Buttery

Butter makes a beautiful

sauce base because its
creamy and absorbs the
flavors of other ingredients. But heres a
secret: If you cook it to create a browned
butter, youll unlock roasted, sweet,
caramel flavors within the butter itself.
This sauce, from Stuart Brioza, chef and
co-owner of State Bird Provisions in San
Francisco, throws in fresh, Asian-inspired
flavors to liven up the taste. Resist the
urge to eat it straight off the spoon.
Brown-Butter Lime Fish Sauce
Place 1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter
into a medium saut pan and turn the
heat to medium. Keep stirring until the
butter melts and then turns light brown,
about 5 minutes. In a medium bowl,
combine the browned butter, 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger, 11/2 tablespoons fish sauce, 2 tablespoons lime

40 | Best Advice (Ever!)

juice, 2 tablespoons orange juice, and

1 tablespoon each thinly sliced scallions,
chopped mint, and chopped cilantro
leaves. Serve this sauce warm.
Makes 1 cup

The Smokin
Hot Sauce

What bottled hot sauces

lack in freshness they often
make up for in vinegar.
Thats fine if you want to turn dinner into
a pickle, but for a hot sauce that wont
overpower the meal, turn to real produce.
This smoky-spicy sauce comes from Tim
Byres, executive chef of Smoke in Dallas.
Byres leverages the acidity of tomatillos
to balance the burn of guajillo chiles.
You can marinate chicken in it or just
use it as a dipping sauce, Byres says.
Tejano Red Sauce
In a dry skillet over medium heat, toast
8 guajillo chiles until aromatic, 3 to
5 minutes. Let them cool, then remove
the stems and seeds. Dehusk, rinse, and
quarter 1 pound tomatillos. In a large
saucepan on medium-high heat, saut
8 peeled garlic cloves in 2 teaspoons
vegetable oil until golden brown, about
2 minutes. Add the tomatillos along with
2 cups water and 11/4 teaspoons salt.
Turn the heat to high and cook until the
tomatillos are tender, 3 to 5 minutes.
Add the chiles and cook until soft, 5 to
10 minutes. Remove from heat and allow
to cool. Puree the sauce in a blender or
food processor, and then strain it.
Makes 2 cups

The Big,
Bold Sauce

Brands like A.1. and Heinz

make bank by developing master sauces loaded
with steak-flattering flavors. Sure, you
could slather the bottled stuff over your
T-bone, but it will always taste, well,
from the bottle. So build your own bold
stuff, says Chris Hastings, the executive
chef and owner of Hot and Hot Fish Club
in Birmingham, AL. Use half the batch to
baste your protein, he says, and save the
other half to spoon over your meal. Its
that good.

Dads Special
All-Purpose Sauce
In a medium saucepan placed over
medium-low heat, melt 1 stick (1/2 cup)
unsalted butter. Adjust the heat to low
and then stir in 1/2 cup Worcestershire
sauce, 1/2 cup lemon juice, 4 smashed
and peeled garlic cloves, 1 dried arbol
chile pepper, 2 teaspoons kosher salt,
1 sprig rosemary, and 3 sprigs thyme.
Makes 11/2 cups

Get Sauced

You can pair these sauces with any meal, really (we dont like rules),
but heres what the chefs say.

Dill Sauce

BrownButter Lime
Fish Sauce


Red Sauce




Back to Contents

Dads Special

Best Advice (Ever!) | 41


whole grains, berries, and

fish reduces non-HDL

How to achieve a longer, better life



Numbers to Live By
It doesnt matter if you
flunked algebra and cant
balance your checkbook.
Just track these numbers
and watch the health benefits multiply.

Stop Sabotaging


Fiber Intake

Bran and its buddies are

known as bowel regulators, but theres more.
A study in the American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition found that for
every 10 grams of fiber
men ate daily, their risk of
death from major diseases
dropped by 10% over 13
years. Add fiber-rich foods
like navy beans (19 grams
per cup), lentils (16), and
artichokes (14) to your
diet. Aim for 14 grams of
fiber for every 1,000 calories you take in.

Hours of Sleep

Log fewer than 7 and you

invite illness into your life.
Studies link sleep deficits
with higher risks of obesity and heart disease. If
you dont sleep soundly,
go to bed 15 minutes later

the next night, says Mens

Health sleep medicine
advisor W. Christopher
Winter, MD. If you sleep
great but feel groggy in the
a.m., go to bed 15 minutes
earlier. Repeat to find your
ideal amount.

Steps per Day

Hoof it for health. In a

University of Oklahoma
study, men who logged
at least 10,000 steps a
day slashed their odds
of having cardiovascular
disease risk factors by
69%. Use a pedometer app
like Accupedo (free on
iTunes or Google Play).
An Australian study found
that people who used an
app were 20 times as likely
to exceed their step target.

Dodge Diabetes


Glucose Tolerance

Sometimes its better to be

less tolerant. Your fasting
glucose tolerance testa
predictor of prediabetesshould yield a score
between 60 and 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/
dl). Improve your number
with cardio workouts: A

42 | Best Advice (Ever!)

U.K. study demonstrated

that 6 weeks of treadmill
interval training three or
four times a week reduced
glucose tolerance in men
by 14 mg/dl.


Hemoglobin A1c

This measures how sugar-coated your blood cells

are, says Florence Comite, MD, a New York City
endocrinologist. If yours
isnt well below 5.7%, try
Tai Chi. Researchers in
Australia found that people who did Tai Chi three
times a week for 12 weeks
decreased their hemoglobin A1c levels significantly.
Find a qualified teacher at

Fight the Artery



Non-HDL Cholesterol

Subtract HDL (good)

cholesterol from total
cholesterol for your best
estimate of artery-clogging blood lipids, say Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
scientists. To go below 130
mg/dl, nosh like youre
Nordic: A European study
found that a diet rich in

Your body turns extra calories into these insidious

fats and dumps them into
your blood. Too many (150
mg/dl or more) can team
up with cholesterol to clog
your arteries, which can
lead to a heart attack or
stroke. Scientists in Italy
report that a daily dose
of 3 to 4 grams of the
omega-3s EPA and DHA
can reduce high triglyceride levels by 35%.

Keep Your


This prohormone is like

a trainer for your T. You
need DHEA to make testosterone, says Comite,
author of Keep It Up: The
Power of Precision Medicine to Conquer Low T and
Revitalize Your Life. If
results show your DHEA
has fallen, especially
below 250, your MD may
prescribe supplements.
Here are the healthy
ranges per age group.

DHEA Range


280640 mcg/dl*


120520 mcg/dl


95430 mcg/dl

*micrograms per deciliter

Back to Contents



Low T wont just make you fat and limp. Italian scientists
say it may boost your risk of early death. You need 300
to 1,000 nanograms/deciliter (ng/dl) of total testosterone and 9 to 30 ng/dl of free testosterone. Scientists in
Turkey found that men who exercised daily and supplemented with magnesium increased their T production
in just 4 weeks. To hit your target of magnesium400
milligrams a day if youre a man 30 years old or younger
and 420 milligrams if youre olderload up on the foods
listed below.
Wheat Bran
Almonds, Dry Roasted

Serving Size


1/4 cup


1 oz


1/2 cup


1 oz


White Beans, Canned

1/2 cup


Oatmeal, Instant,
Prepared with Water

1 packet


Baked Potato with Skin

1 medium


1/2 cup


1/2 cup


1 medium


Spinach, Cooked
Cashews, Dry Roasted

Black-Eyed Peas, Cooked

Pinto Beans, Cooked
Banana, Raw


Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

Next to his nads, a mans most important hormone

factory is his thyroid. When this metabolism regulator
falls off track, you can have problems from low libido
to weight gain. Inherited defects and autoimmune
disorders are common causes for low levels of thyroid
hormones. If youre out of range, an endocrinologist can
determine why.

Healthy Range

Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

0.44.0 miu/l*

Free Triiodothyronine (T3)

2.34.2 pg/ml**

Free Thyroxine (T4)

0.81.8 ng/dl***

* milli-international units per liter

**pictograms per milliliter
***nanograms per deciliter

Best Advice (Ever!) | 43

Pay Attention
to Spots and


Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia (BPH)

As you age, your prostate swells, and you may

find yourself urinating
by nightlight. But this
can also be caused by an
infection or even prostate
or bladder cancer, says Al
B. Barqawi, MD, an associate clinical professor of
urology at the University
of Colorado at Denver.
Answer the following
questions on a scale of 0 to
3, 0 being not at all and
3 being almost always.
In the last month,
how often have you
had a sensation of not
emptying your bladder
completely after you finish

1 2 3

found it difficult to postpone urination?


1 2 3

needed to wake up to
urinate between bedtime
and the time you got up in
the morning?

1 2 3

had a weak urine


1 2 3

Now add up your score: It

should be lower than 4. If
its higheror if your score
changessee your doctor.


Theres no ideal number,

but the more moles you
have, the higher your
melanoma risk, a U.K.
study reports. In between
your yearly dermatologist skin screenings, snap
photos of your moles and
log them in an app, like
UMSkinCheck, that sorts
them from head to toe.
A new mole that keeps
growing and comes to
look different from the
rest should be shown to
a doctor, says Julia A.
Newton-Bishop, MD, a
professor of dermatology
at the Leeds Institute of
Cancer and Pathology in
the U.K.

Tamp Down

<1 mg/L

C-Reactive Protein

Watch your hs-CRP and

you may not need CPR.
Your liver produces C-reactive protein in response
to inflammation, which
means that high levels
are the proverbial smoke
where theres firepossibly in your arteries. Your
goal: high-sensitivity CRP
less than 1 milligram per
liter. When someone
scores between 1 and 5, it
usually indicates inflammation in their coronaries, says Comite. In that
case, your doctor may

44 | Best Advice (Ever!)

order a CT scan of your arteries to check for plaque

and blockages.


Uric Acid

Your body produces uric

acid as it metabolizes
compounds called purines,
found in red meat, shellfish, and alcohol, Comite
says. Uric acid overload
can cause gout, a painful
form of arthritis. And men
with the highest levels
had 2.5 times the risk of
coronary heart disease,
researchers in Turkey
found. The likely reason:
Uric acid may contribute
to inflammation and the
disruption of HDL cholesterols artery-clearing
effects. The safe zone is
from 3.7 to 7.0 mg/dl. If
you test high, reduce your
red meat intake.



Your body is a temple, not

the homocysteine chapel.
This amino acid can build
up in your blood from too
much coffee or not enough
B vitamins. High levels
may spur damage to blood
vessels in your heartand
eyes, report Australian
researchers. Excess homocysteine was linked to a
higher risk of age-related
macular degeneration.
You want 13 micromoles/
liter of homocysteine or
less. Lower yours by eating
more folate and B12

vitamins, nutrients that

can break down the amino
acid. Salmon with spinach
has both.

Gauge Your
Fitness and


VO2 Max

This shows how well your

heart and lungs move
oxygen throughout your
body. In a study in the
journal Medicine & Science
in Sports & Exercise, men
with the highest VO2
max scores were half as
likely as guys with the
lowest levels to die from
heart disease within 17
years. Have your VO2
max vetted at a university
human performance lab,
says Jay Penry, PhD, an
exercise and sport science
instructor at Oregon State
University. Or try the Beep
Test app (iTunes), which
estimates your VO2 max
based on your time doing a

shuttle run. See the chart

below for normal ranges.

VO2 Max Score


Higher than 44


Higher than 40


Higher than 37


Higher than 33


Body Fat

See that guy in the mirror? He may be hiding

something. In one study
from Korea, 13% of
normal-weight men had
dangerously high levels of
body fat. We test athletes,
and a lot of them dont
realize how much body fat
theyre carrying until we
show them, says David
Nieman, DrPH, director of
the human performance
lab at Appalachian State
University. He recommends that men climb
into the Bod Pod, a highly
accurate testing device
that uses air displacement
to measure body fat. Find

one in your area at You should score

between 5 and 20%. If
not, its time to cut back
on caloriesand try the
exercise plan in Waist-toHeight Ratio (below) to
blast belly fat.


Waist-to-Height Ratio

Time for a gut check: Wrap

a tape measure around
your waist halfway between your ribs and your
hips. Divide that number
by your height in inches;
the ratio should be 0.5 or
lower. Too high? Do 3 sets
of 10 reps of eight resistance exercises at 70% of
your max for 90 minutes, 4
days a week, and cardio at
30% of your peak oxygen
uptake for 90 minutes a
day. In a French study,
people who did this for
21 days lost 18% of their
visceral fat.

Power Up Your Brain

Thanks to advances in
scanning technology,
doctors now have unprecedented insights into how
a mans brain works. Its
scary, but we can actually
see how cramming for an
exam, hitting the weights,
or partying in Vegas can
expand or destroy your
mental circuitry, says P.
Murali Doraiswamy, MD,

Back to Contents

a neuroscientist with the

Duke Institute for Brain
Sciences. Throughout
your life, your neural
networks are constantly
rewiring themselves in
response to your diet,
exercise, work, and social
habits. By tapping into
this ability of your brain
to change its own structure and function, you

can achieve peak mental


Working out boosts
production of the proteins
that stimulate brain-cell
growth, says John J. Ratey,
MD, author of Spark: The
Revolutionary New Science
of Exercise and the Brain.

Best Advice (Ever!) | 45

It also revs your heart

to pump more blood to
your brain, which brings
glucose and oxygen to
help your neurons work
optimally. A variety of research shows that exercise
may also improve memory, delay neural aging, and
fight depression.

Run a Memory

Forty minutes of aerobic training three times

a week for a year can
increase the size of an
older adults hippocampus
by 2%, which may lead to
improvements in memory,
according to research by
Arthur F. Kramer, PhD, a
psychology professor at

the University of Illinois

at Urbana-Champaign.
It appears that the type
of activity is interchangeable, but were still trying
to figure out the exact
criteria for frequency. In
his study, the participants
walked, but we suggest
moderate-intensity cycling, running, rowing, or

Bench-Press for

Strength-training for
60 minutes, three times
a week, for 6 months can
help improve short- and
long-term memory performance and attention
as you age, according to a
Brazilian study published

in Medicine & Science in

Sports & Exercise. The
need to focus on technique
when doing different
lifts provides a cognitive
challenge you may not get
while doing a repetitive
exercise like running, says
Gary Small, MD, director
of the UCLA longevity
center and coauthor of
The Alzheimers Prevention
According to a report
in the Journal of Aging
and Physical Activity, when older adults
strength-trained using
increasing resistance 3
days a week for 6 months,
their performance on
working-memory tests
jumped 14%.

Redline It to
Renew Neurons

Doing high-intensity intervals or resistance training

heart rate at 80 to 85% of
its maxspikes your levels
of brain-healthy hormones.
In fact, a study in Medicine
& Science in Sports &
Exercise found that levels of
brain-derived neurotrophic
factor (BDNF), a protein
thats like Miracle-Gro for
your brain, increased 13%
after 30 minutes of highintensity exercise but
showed no significant
increase after low-intensity exercise. Aim for two
30-minute sessions a week.
Team sports that demand
interval-like intensitysay,
hoops or socceradd a
social aspect and are even
better for your brain.
46 | Best Advice (Ever!)

Your brain guzzles fuel,
and to keep it from
misfiring, you need to eat
the same foods that keep
your heart healthy. These
include lean protein, good
fats, whole grains, and
plenty of antioxidant-rich
and inflammation-fighting
vegetables and fruits. What
follows is the perfect day of
eating for your brain.

Brain Foods

Eggs and steel-cut oats

Eggs contain choline, an
essential nutrient that
helps brain function;
steel-cut oats are high in
fiber, which helps regulate
blood sugar.
Morning Snack

Handful of blueberries
and 8 almonds
Blueberries are high in epicatechin, which has been
shown to promote blood
flow, improve mood, and
hone focus. The almonds
provide protein and fiber.

6 oz wild Alaskan salmon with 3-bean salad

Salmon is laden with
omega-3 fatty acids, which
appear to promote brain
health. Beans are loaded
with the fiber you need to
keep your blood sugar off
the roller coaster.
Afternoon Snack

2 oz dark chocolate
Dark chocolate (at least

Back to Contents

65% cocoa) is rich in flavanols, antioxidants that

may improve cognitive
function, and it contains a
little caffeine, which may
help concentration.

Vegetable curry stir-fry

with brown rice
Toss eggplant, onions,
broccoli, and yellow and
red peppers into a wok
to unlock the maximum
variety of antioxidants.
Sprinkle on turmeric for
anti-inflammatory protection.
Evening Snack

Handful of cherries and

plain Greek yogurt
Cherries are a good
source of melatonin, a
sleep-regulating hormone. Greek yogurt is
packed with protein and
tryptophan, an amino
acid that relaxes your
nervous system.


Sipping water every 15
minutes throughout the
day may deter feelings of
fatigue caused by dehydration.
Caffeine may protect
memory and improve
focus. Limit yourself to a
single cup 30 minutes before you need to be at your
peak. The effect can last
up to 6 hours, but studies
show that higher dosages
of caffeine (4 to 5 cups of

joe) may hinder cognitive

Green tea
If you need an afternoon
pick-me-up, opt for green
tea. It has about one-third
the caffeine of coffee, so it
wont fry your circuits.

Brain Games
Cognitive performance in
almost every category declines after your mid-20s.
But you may be able to
make your brain more resilient if youre constantly
learning new, mentally
complex things, says Denise Park, PhD, codirector
of the center for vital
longevity at the University
of Texas at Dallas.

Exercise Your

Brain researchers name

their top picks for techniques to grow your gray
Taking dance classes
Power reading (write a
summary of what you read
or join a book club)
Studying a foreign
Taking college courses
Learning a complex skill,
such as woodworking or
Meditating and doing
Learning a musical
Playing chess (and other
challenging board games)

Best Advice (Ever!) | 47

Cancer Culprits
Health threats can come
in many disguises. We pull
the masks off six that are
hiding in plain sight.

French Fries,
Chips, Bread


Acrylamide, a form of a
chemical used to treat
wastewater, lurks in
French fries, chips, bread,
and even doughnuts.
When some carb-rich
foods are cooked at high
temperatures, the amino
acid asparagine reacts
with sugars in the foods,
forming acrylamide, says
Timothy Fennell, PhD,
toxicology director at
RTI International. Your
bodys chemical reactions
to acrylamide can lead to
DNA mutations that may
raise your cancer risk.
Shield your cells
Strategize in the kitchen.

Opt for lower temperatures and shorter cooking

times, says Fennell. If
you do fry, dont make
foods very brown. And
give your spuds a bath:
Soaking potatoes for
2 hours before cooking
cuts acrylamide buildup
by up to half, say U.K.


Your detergent removes
stainsand may leave
behind a toxic chemical.
In 2011, an environmental
group discovered 1,4-dioxane lurking in laundry
detergent. The chemical
isnt a proven cancer causer in humans, but it has
triggered liver and nasal
tumors in rats. Worse, you
wont find 1,4-dioxane on

48 | Best Advice (Ever!)

labels because its an impurity, not an ingredient,

says Sonya Lunder, MPH,
of the Environmental
Working Group.
Shield your cells
Go with a greener cleaner,
like Clorox Green Works
laundry detergent. Or
learn to read between the
label lines: Polyethylene,
polyethylene glycol, PEG,
polyoxyethylene, or words
containing oxynol or
eth are signs dioxane
may be inside.

Dress Shirts


Formaldehyde keeps
corpses looking their best;
it also keeps wrinkle-free
shirts spiffy. And while
dead men have no cause
for concern, the living
might. Theres evidence

that formaldehyde causes

nasal and respiratory
cancers in humans, says
Lunder. Any form raises
your risk, and multiple
sources add up.
Shield your cells
Minimize fabric-to-skin
contact by reverting to
shirts that require an iron
and elbow grease. But if
youre hooked on wrinkle-free fabrics, at least
throw shirts in the wash
before you wear them
for the first time. One
cycle can cut formaldehyde emissions by 60%,
according to the California
Environmental Protection

Styrofoam Cups,


Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of New York,

wanted to ban Styrofoam from the Big Apple
because of what it isnt:
biodegradable. Ban it from
your body because of what
its made from: styrene,
which may generate a
chemical that can damage
your DNA. Its reasonably anticipated to be a
human carcinogen, a National Toxicology Program
report notes.

Back to Contents

Shield your cells

Stay away from styrene in
all forms, including coffee
cups and their lids. Avoid
heating food in Styrofoam
or polystyrene containers,
especially fatty foods,
which can leach styrene,
says David Andrews, PhD,
of the Environmental
Working Group. How can
you tell if a plastic container contains polystyrene? Look for a 6 on the

Brown Rice


Arsenic was once in the

arsenal of every selfrespecting medieval assassin. Today, its probably in
your pantry. A Consumer
Reports study found that
some brands of brown rice
contain more of this toxic
metal than white does.
Arsenic may disable your
bodys DNA repair system,
so when cells are damaged,
the DNA cant bounce
back, making it vulnerable to cancer-causing
mutations, says Michael
Hansen, PhD, a Consumers Union senior scientist.
Shield your cells
Rinse rice before cooking
(the water should run
clear). And buy a bigger
pot: Use at least a 6-to-

1 ratio of water to rice

instead of the typical 2:1.
(Strain excess water.)
When you eat out, limit
yourself to two weekly
servings of rice or ricebased foods.



Its amazing how similar e-cigs are to the real

thingsome can even
boost cancer risk. The
FDA found nitrosamines,
a carcinogen in tobacco
products, in some electronic cigarette brands.
Even if youre not a smoker, you still may be taking
them in: They can form
when stomach acid reacts
with nitrates and nitrites
in hot dogs, bacon, and
other cured meats.
Shield your cells
If you smoke any type of
cigarette, its time to quit
cold turkey. In a University of Wisconsin study,
smokers who cut back
before a set quit day were
more likely to relapse than
those who simply quit.
Also trim your intake of
cured meats, or change
the way you cook them.
Boiling or microwaving is
better than frying.

Best Advice (Ever!) | 49


spend an afternoon a week

on for, say, 3 months, says
Casnocha. Then reevaluate it with him or her
later. After all, this is how
Gmail was born.

How to find a job youll love

Find Your Calling

Former lost soul Mike
Marriner toured the country talking to successful
people. Then he cofounded Roadtrip Nation. Heres
how to plot your own

says. Identify them. If

your interest is baseball,
you could be an agent,
front-office manager,
umpire, sportswriter, announcer, stat guy, or even

1/ Block the Noise

4/ Fail Forward

Well-intentioned advice
from other people may
drown out your thoughts.
Escape their rut and discover your own path, says
Marriner. You do this by
hitting the road. It could be
for 4 weeks or 4 days. The
goal is to gain perspective
and hear your voice.

2/ Define Your

Find talents, whether

theyre relevant to your
current job or not, that
come naturally and bring
you joy. Sub Pop Records
cofounder Jonathan
Poneman told Marriner
that it wasnt until he went
back to discovering bands
that he helped save the
label from shutting down.

3/ Think Broadly

There are an infinite

number of jobs within
every field in proximity to
your passion, Marriner

Not one person Roadtrip

Nation interviewed was
failure free, including
movie director Craig
Brewer (Hustle & Flow).
He suggested starting the
failure process pronto.
He said failure helps you
learn and moves you forward, says Marriner.

5/ Hold the Line

Howard Schultz told

Marriner that when he
was shopping the idea
for Starbucks, more than
200 investors turned him
down. He said the difference between winning and
losing is this gray line of
will, passion, and selfbelief. Develop values and
act on them.

Make Your
Pitch Perfect

Got an idea for a

game-changing project at
work? Use this four-step

50 | Best Advice (Ever!)

Live in
Permanent Beta
master plan from Ben
Casnocha, coauthor of The
Start-Up of You.

Build Your

Your power is amplified

when others help you. Before pitching to your boss,
consult people you know
who have expertise in
the area. Listen and then
amend the proposal. Find
allies in the organization
who can support you and
even become part of your
team, says Casnocha.

Go Beyond Casual

When you step into the

bosss office, youll be
nervous, so enter with
somethinga business
plan, a PowerPoint presentation, a prototype
anything that can clarify
the idea and underline
your thoughtfulness about
it. If youre turned down,
ask why and then tweak.

Start It on the Side

Your boss is less likely to
green-light an idea that
red-lights your usual work.
Frame the project as an
experiment that youll

Regardless of whether or
not a project flies or fails,
pitch and pitch again. The
most successful entrepreneurs think of themselves
as intrapreneurs, Casnocha says. So stay agile,
adapt, and reinvent your
job every day, he says.

Your Office
Leverage your contacts,
please your boss, and maybe even learn to like your

Hone Your

Itll keep you competitive

in the job market. Sched-

Fast Break

Hit the gym during

your lunch hour.
Workers who exercised
21 hours during the
week accomplished
more than deskbound
employees, a Swedish
study found.
ule regular lunches with
old coworkers, bosses, and
mentors, says consultant
George Bradt, who writes
The New Leaders Playbook
blog at Forbes. The meetings should be mutually
beneficial, so mention
trends and transitions in
your field, he says. Dont
say youre looking to jump
shipthat makes you
look desperate. Find ways
to help; itll come back

Ditch the
Training Wheels

Its okay to learn from

your boss during your
initial weeks on the job;

its not okay to be asking

how to execute projects 6
months in. Each boss has
his or her preferences,
but try to send updates
only for significant news,
says Bradt. This keeps you
from interrupting your
bosss workflow. You know
youve reached independence when the boss starts
coming to you for advice
and assistance.

Use Gossip
for Good

Gossip can help you strike

up easy conversations with
your colleagues, but it can
also backfire. So change the
tone. Positive gossip (Did
you hear Rick scored an 89
on the course Saturday?)
rather than negative (Did
you hear Rick was hitting
on the interns yesterday?)
can cultivate a sense of
shared success. And when
it comes back to Rick that
you were trumpeting his
success, hell think more
of you.

Overcome Tough Times

at the Office
Show Stage
Fright the Door
You walk up to the podium
and freeze. Youre in no
real danger, yet youre terrified. The reason has little
to do with anxieties about

Back to Contents

being a lousy speaker and

everything to do with
whether people like you.
Social acceptance was
once a matter of life and
death. Our ancestors
needed a social hierarchy
to survive, says Brown

University researcher
Ethan Moitra, PhD. We
had to adapt our behavior
based on our relative position within it. Nervousness ensures that were
respectful to those whose
opinions we value. Prob-

Best Advice (Ever!) | 51

Own Up to
a Mistake

lem is, as you imagine how

others perceive you, you
become conscious of your
own distressand panic
even more.
How to maintain your
mojo? For one thing,
never wing it. Have a plan.
Confidence is powerful
armor against fear, says
Linda Hamilton, PhD, a
psychologist who specializes in stage fright. Then
refocus from your topic to
a secondary gain. Go in
with one or two goals that
mean something to you,
she says. Maybe its that
you want to give something to the audience, or
maybe you just want to enjoy yourself and have fun.
This, she says, will bolster
your bravery.

Handle an
Office Face-Off

For many men, the most

harrowing aspect of pro-

fessional life is initiating

an unpleasant conversation with a colleague,
whether that means
admonishing a subordinate, pushing back against
a peer, or standing up to
a domineering boss. And
trust us, you dont want to
be the office milquetoast:
One study has found that
employees who cant stand
their ground are significantly more likely to wind
up unemployed.
So force yourself into
the scrum. If something
intimidates you, dive
into it, says Christine
Flouton, a consultant
and executive coach with
Insigniam Performance.
Develop a strategy that
benefits both you and the
other person. Ask yourself why youre communicating this and what you
really want the person to
do, says Flouton. Having that persons interests
at heart will defuse your

52 | Best Advice (Ever!)

You screwed up. For now,

nobody knows but you.
Should you fess up and
take your licks or keep
quiet and suffer in agony?
What youre feeling is
dread, an anticipatory
emotion. Its awful,
says Art Markman, PhD,
a professor of psychology at the University of
Texas. Youre miserable
all the time, and it only
gets worse. The thing
of it is, the moment you
come clean, you trade in
your dread for outcome
emotions like shame and
remorse. These are pretty
awful, toobut they fade.
Thats why Markman recommends the Band-Aid
approach. Imagine how
much better youll feel
when you stop hesitating
and just rip that sucker
off. Research by Harvard
psychologist Daniel Gilbert, PhD, shows that no
matter how bad the blow
is, we tend to recover our
equilibrium in due time.
Almost nothing turns out
to be as bad as you feared,
says Markman. We make
mistakesand 3 weeks
later were more or less
just as happy as we were to
begin with.

Ask for a Raise

Feeling squeamish? Heres

why: Many of us tend to
base our relationships
with authority figures on

the relationships we have

with our parents, says
Will Meyerhofer, MSW,
a psychotherapist who
works mainly with lawyers. Dont go in looking

for approval or appreciation. Rely instead on cold,

economic logic. Remind
the boss of what youve
done for the company,
and ask for something in

return. Knowing youre

prepared will soothe your
nervesas will understanding that whats at
stake is not your value as a
human being.

Will You Ever Be the Boss?

The corporate ladder can
be shaky. See if you have
what it takes to climb it.


Earn more responsibility

by proving you can handle
whats already on your
plate. Do the job well and
meet the deadline.
Start with a Better
To-Do List List all your

or her projects or presentations. Or scan the execs social media feeds for shared
interests and drop them
into conversation: Youre
a Packers fan? Theyre
killing me this season.

objectives and use those to

set three to five concrete
goals of your own. If youre
wasting time on superfluous tasks, put them on
a Do Not Do list to stay

Know Your Faults

Inspire Your

You cant improve if you

dont know your shortcomings. Moving up
means surrounding yourself with people whose
strengths offset your

projects and note two details for each: the deadline

and the next concrete action (Send e-mail to Bob
in marketing). As you
check off one action, add
the next. Then, every Friday, do a major review of
your calendar, noting your
top priorities and making
sure youre not neglecting
anything important.

(or a trusted colleague)

to ID your three biggest
strengths and weaknesses
and to suggest ways to improve. After 6 months, do
a follow-up to check your

Let the Boss Get

to Know You

Map Out the


Hirers prefer candidates

they relate to, say researchers at Northwestern
University. When a position opens, you want to be
the first one they think of.
Start with Small
Talk When you catch the

VP in the elevator or break

room, ask about one of his

Back to Contents

Review Your Performance Ask your boss

Being strategic about how

you spend your time and
energy will prepare you
to manage high-stakes
resourceslike multiple
employees and a budget
down the line.
Start with Meaningful Goals Ask your boss

about the departments

You need to prove you

have the personal skills to
manage and delegate in
such a way that your subordinates stay motivated
and productive. If they fall
short, youll take the heat.
Start by Leading a
Nonwork Team Sign up

to teach or coach in your

spare time, and use the
opportunity to develop
communication skills and
empathy. Tutoring, for
instance, can teach you patience and creative ways to
guide others in the office.

Take Charge

But dont kick back just

yet: You still need to
produce results. Set a clear
direction for your team,
determine what each team
member needs from you,
and make sure everyone
has the resources to meet
your expectations.

Best Advice (Ever!) | 53


Supercharge Your Career.

Then they move on by
putting their heads down
and working hard to prove
themselves again.

Money Mantras
of the Filthy Rich

5 Smart Is as
Smart Does.

How to gain the financial edge

The road to riches is

littered with pithy advice
and glib maxims about
wealth and success. Most
of them are patently
obviousBen Franklins
A penny saved is a penny
earned will take you only
so far, after all. But others
can propel you forwardif
you act on them.
We usually assume
that skills, motivation,
and drive are the most
important determinants
of success, says Carol
Dweck, PhD, a psychologist at Stanford University
who studies workplace
dynamics. Now we know
that belief and mindset
are often at the heart of
that drive. The way we interpret events is tremendously influential.
To find the attitude
adjustments that will take
you farthest, read on.

University. People who

take responsibility for
their lives will examine
what they did wrong and
try to improve, rather than
blame others, he says.

2 I Can Do
Anything I Set
My Mind To.

People who believe their

actions have an impact on
the world are more likely
to work hard to change
their circumstances,
Klontz says. Nothing
makes someone with
a victim mindset more
angry than hearing that
this attitude determines
wealth, he says. Dont be
a victim!

1 My Future
Depends on Me.
Men who agree with this
statement tend to have
higher incomes and net
worth, says Brad Klontz,
PsyD, a financial psychologist at Kansas State

54 | Best Advice (Ever!)

3 I Got This.

Research on successful
entrepreneurs reveals that
theyre a tad overconfident,
says John Nofsinger, PhD,
a professor of finance at
Washington State University. People gravitate to
men who hold strong convictions, he says. They have
the cojones to take risks
and reboot after failure.

4 Its a Stumble,
Not a Fall.

Learn to fall gracefully.

The most successful
entrepreneurs and
executives first own up
to their failures, says
Daniel Roberts, author of
Zoom: Surprising Ways to

About 40% of us have a

fixed perspective. People
who see themselves as
stupid, for example, wont
even try to succeed. Try
adopting a growth mentality; youll work harder,
be more open to learning,
and obsess less about your

6 I Regret

Economists call it the

sunk-cost fallacy: We
think the resources weve
put into something should
help determine whether
we keep it going. This sets
us up for major regret
later. The only question
that matters is whether
that next dollar should be
spent elsewhere.

7 I Get Anxious
about Money.

This is another key attitude

that correlates with wealth.
A healthy degree of anxiety
around the availability of
money motivates guys to
strive for it and protect
their earnings. People who
show vigilance about their
money are also less likely
to overspend or gamble.

8 Money
Is Money.

Men take too many risks

Back to Contents

with money that seems

unearned (such as an inheritance or a tax refund),
according to Morningstar.
com. But that money is
the same as any other.
So dont bet your entire
windfall on your cousins
startup. Spend those dollars wisely, as you would
any other cash.

9 Everyone Has
Something to
Teach Me.

Career success often

requires understanding
people who have vastly
different perspectives,
whether theyre clients
or that weird new guy on
your team, says Alan Gregerman, PhD, author of
The Necessity of Strangers.
Theres no one on earth
who doesnt know something valuable, he says.

10 To Understand
Is to Progress.

Most companies are

split into silos with vast
gaps of understanding
in between. To move up,
work to bridge those gaps,
Gregerman says. Dont
just complain about marketing or accounting; try
to understand those divisions by sitting in on their
meetings and showing real

11 What Doesnt
Kill Me

Modern society has made

us less and less tolerant
of discomfort, says Marc
Schoen, PhD, the author

of Your Survival Instinct Is

Killing You. Manage that
fight-or-flight instinct by
remembering that public
speaking or dealing with
a disagreeable colleague
is not a life-or-death

12 This Sewer
Smells like

You can transform an

unpleasant experience
(like dealing with a gruff
boss) by pairing it in your
mind with something
pleasant, Schoen says.
Recall one of your favorite
songs or a special time you
had with your girlfriend.
The meaning you attach
changes the experience,
he says.

13 Competition
Stays on the

In sports, competition
is fun. But competing
with money is a terrible
idea. Trying to beat the
marketor your friends
apparent wealthleads
to short-term thinking
that could wreck your
portfolio, notes Benjamin
Hockema, a certified
financial planner. Focus
on your financial goals
and thats it.

14 What I Know
Can Hurt Me.

Do you have a lot of your

money in company stock
because you believe in
yourself and your colleagues? Thats famil-

Best Advice (Ever!) | 55

iarity bias. Any company

can be brought down by
fraud, disaster, or industry
change. You already rely
heavily on your salary.
Diversify everything else.

15 Money Has

Money is an important
tool for reaching many
of lifes goals, but it wont
buy power, security,
self-respect, or freedom,
says Olivia Mellan, PhD,
a financial psychotherapist. I call these money
myths, she says. Dont
buy into them or youll end
up making rash, emotional

16 Its More
Important to Be
Interested Than
Your firm wants innovators, but you wont be one
if you fall back on existing
methods, says Andrew
Boynton, PhD, of Boston
College. Start working
to understand success in
other industries. Innovation is about adapting
ideas so they apply to your
problem or opportunity,
he says.

17 Stress Can Be
My Friend.
Career problems can
provoke our fear of being

judged and create great

discomfort. But any
activity that builds up
what Schoen calls the
discomfort muscle is
good. Engage in activities
that require public performance under pressure,
such as improv classes or
singing lessons.

18 Every Second

Is all your time at work

spent advancing your
career? If it isnt, youre
wasting opportunities.
Keep a diary to spot
unproductive habits, says
Laura Vanderkam, author
of 168 Hours. Then plan

How to Face Your Financial Fears

Money problems never go away easily, but dwelling on them wont help. The
thing about financial worry is how pervasive it is in your life, says Stanford
psychologist Kelly McGonigal, PhD, author of The Willpower Instinct. It colors everything and is impossible to turn off. But you can make the most of your brains
quirks to outflank the fear.
Take a Baby Step The human brain is surprisingly stupid, McGonigal says.
It has a kind of internal checklist, and whenever you make any step toward a
goal, it relaxes. Take advantage of this by setting a laser focus on one thing you
can do. Even just viewing your accounts and tallying up your debt to fully grasp
the problem will help. Any progress at all will free you up, she says. If you start
to see yourself as heading down the right road, your determination will rise.

Take a Risk Men are programmed to hold on to things they already possess.
We feel more pain from losing something we have than pleasure from acquiring
an equivalent that weve never had. In one demonstration of the effect, study
participants were given coffee mugs and then offered cash to give the mugs up.
They demanded a much higher amount than a separate group was willing to pay
to acquire a mug in the first place. If youre clever, you can twist this predisposition to help ratchet up your nerve to try something risky. Take advantage of your
brains loss aversion by being very clear about the reward youre chasing, advises
McGonigal. Imagine that the reward is already yours. Savor the payoff as if its
already happened. Your brain will shift its focus: Now it doesnt want to lose that
reward, so its more willing to take risks.

56 | Best Advice (Ever!)

your days by activity and

priorities. Youll be more
likely to spend time on
your task list than on

19 I Dont Trust
My Instincts.

Studies show that young

men are the most overconfident investors, says Meir
Statman, PhD, a professor
of finance at Santa Clara
University. The worst
results occur when you
invest a big chunk of your
portfolio on gut instinct. If
youre wrong, it can cripple your wealth-building.

20 My Cash Is
Cold and So Am I.
Whether youre into
stocks or real estate, your
instinct will be to run
with the herd. Dont. Go
against it, buying when the
market is down and selling
when its up. Consider
your goals, the markets
long-term performance,
and the time you have to

21 I Travel Light.

Moving ahead often

requires just thatmoving. A Pew Center study
found that people whod
relocated from their home
state had higher economic
mobility than those whod
stayed. Also, people who

Back to Contents

lived in certain states

(mostly in the Northeast) were more likely to
advance to higher income
brackets over time. Nine
statesall Southern
had lower-than-average

22 Im a

Once you develop a talent

or skill, use it to barter for
just about anything you
need. Take the guy who
grew up in rural Nebraska,
where neighbors would
gather on weekends to
reshingle a roof or build a
deck. When he moved to
Atlanta, he helped friends
with their cars, decks, and
fences; they helped him
plant shrubs and install
gutters. Join a time bank
( to swap

23 I Spend When
It Matters.

Smart guys never overpay.

But they also know when
its worth paying a premium for quality. Spend
real money on your most
useful gear and real time
preserving it. With luck
itll never wear out. Case
in point: Quality leather
resists water, fire, and a
toss from a bucking bronco. Go for full-grain or topgrain, and shun genuine

or bonded leather, says

Dave Munson, the owner
of Saddleback Leather.

24 My Future Is

You may already know

that an optimistic attitude
is good for your health.
But a Duke University
study found that moderate
optimism is also associated with good financial
decisions, such as saving
more, paying credit card
bills on time, and having
a long financial-planning
horizon. Its also associated with working longer
hours and expecting to
retire later, both of which
help ensure a secure

25 Im Just
Happy to
Have a Job.

An attitude of gratitude
can improve not only job
satisfaction but also your
performance, says W.
Timothy Gallwey, author
of The Inner Game of
Work. Focus less on the
problems with your job
and more on its benefits
to you and your boss,
colleagues, customers, and
the like. Now use your job
to improve your impact
on these people. This adds
dignity and motivation to
your work.

Best Advice (Ever!) | 57


bit at the waist, says stylist

Ilaria Urbinati, who preps
Bradley Cooper for the red
carpet. A test: If you can
throw a football in your
suit, its too big.

Instant Image Upgrades

White Dress Shirts

How to build a wardrobe

A man doesnt need a

truckload of clothes. Looking good should be simple.
But your choices should be
as precise as the stitching
on a custom suit. Spread
collar or straight? Dark
denim or colored khaki?
Use this guide of essential
elements and learn how to
make them work.

Run it gently across the

tangled fibers, he says.

Down Jacket

Finer fabrics are dressier

than thicker ones. Thats
why fine-wale corduroys,
which have more ridges
per inch than wide-wale
cords, will get along just
as easily with a sweater
as with a dress shirt and
sport coat.

Look for fill power, the

number of cubic inches
that 1 ounce of down can
fill, says Eric Rice, lead
designer at Patagonia. You
want at least 700 so it can
be worn alone or layered
under another jacket on
frigid days.

Wool Overcoat

A timeless overcoat fits

snugly in the shoulders
and falls just above the
knee, says Eric Jennings,
mens fashion director at
Saks Fifth Avenue.


Pills shouldnt doom your

favorite sweater to the
Goodwill pile, says ecostylist and author Danny
Seo. Use a natural pumice
stone to remove them.

Cashmere Knit

Do not dry-clean (it can

damage the wool): Handwash it in cold water,
says style blogger Lauren
Farris. Squeeze out excess
water and lay it flat.

Corduroy Pants

Sports Watch

Watches talk. When you

wear a sports watch with a
suit, it says, I do triathlons on weekends. Just
make sure you can back up
the big talk.

Casual Watch

Dont set the date of a mechanical watch between

10 p.m. and 2 a.m., when
the date-advancing gears
are engaged. If you must,
move the hands first.

58 | Best Advice (Ever!)

Dress Watch

Dont wash the car in this

watch. A true dress watch
is defined by where you
would not wear it, says
Durand Guion, mens
fashion director at Macys.
And it should have a clean,
elegant face.

Weekender Bag

Keep your bagleather,

canvas, or nylonsmelling
fresh by stuffing it with
crumpled newspaper, says
Seo. Let it sit for 24 hours
to absorb moisture.


You never know who youll

see between meetingsor
at them. Stock your briefcase with pristine business
cards, a working pen, and
breath mints.


Dont put them on top of

your headtheyll stretch
or break, says Jenn Falik
of the Vision Council. Slip
them in your shirt pocket
with one arm out.

At Work
Dark Suit

The jacket should be

form-fitting and curve in a

Look for soft, comfortable

cotton, and dont focus on
brand, says Guion. Buy
one button-down collar
and one spread collar.

Necktie and
Tie Bar

The widest part of the tie

should match the lapels
widest spot. A tie bar
shouldnt extend beyond
the edge of the tie, and it
looks best between the
third and fourth shirt

and a T-shirt youd wear

under a sport coat. For
the latter, spend more:
If you plan to wear it in
public, it shouldnt come
in a three-pack.

Wing Tips


This advice may seem

contrary, especially on a
stormy morning, but the
smart time to shine your
shoes is before you have
to walk in the rain. The
polish protects leather
against the elements.

At Play
Leather Jacket

The top of the sleeve

should sit squarely on the
shoulder, and the body
should be snug, says
Johnny Pinto of The Denim Guy blog. Find leather
that looks a bit worn in.

White T-Shirt

Theres a difference
between an undershirt

Back to Contents

Chinos are back as the

slim-fit alternative to
denim. And they come
in colors other than tan,
stone, and brown. They
should fit like jeanssnug
in the crotch, with room
for thumbs in the waist.


Brush after every use and

moisturize them regularly with a lanolin-based
conditioner, says John D.
Glover of Brentwood Shoe
Repair in Missouri. Stains
cant penetrate well-kept

At a Party
Navy Blazer

You need one, but it must

fit right to look up to date,

says Guion. That means
snug through the body
and the shoulder. And
no sheen: A matte finish
and a soft, unconstructed
shoulder will help it look

Dark Jeans

Dark denim is flattering

but can stain light-colored
socks, shoes, even chairs.
Prevent dye transfer by
washing new jeans inside
out in hot water, then
cold-wash them, adding
half a cup of white vinegar
to set the color.


Comfort, warmth, and

sophistication in one garment. Fold the neck fabric
over until it reaches the
collar seam, or scrunch it:
Crease a half inch of fabric
inside the neck and adjust
the folds until an inch of
skin shows.

Best Advice (Ever!) | 59


A Perfect Shave

Pretend you dont know anything about shaving. Actually, you probably dont: The
techniques many men bring to the mirror are so crude that it shouldnt be called
shavingits more like scraping. And when you scrape, you invite razor burn and
nicked skin. Before you raise steel to stubble again, read these five rules.

How to look great at any age

Put Your Best Face Forward

In Your 20s:
Your Youth
Your 20s are the sweet spot
of groomingwhen acne
fades and crows-feet are
way off the radar. No wonder 69% of the guys under
30 in a Mens Health survey
said they own just three or
four grooming products.
Your skin and hair have
never been better, and your
hormones are firing at their
optimal levels, says Tony
Nakhla, DO, a California
dermatologist and the author of The Skin Commandments. But its not all good
news: These are also the
years when your collagen
begins to break down, making way for wrinkles. Youll
need more sleep, less
booze, and as little sun
exposure as possible, says
Doris Day, MD, a Manhattan-based dermatologist.
These steps will help keep
you looking fresh.

Start Strong

Here are six ways to make

youth last.


When you have some

skin, which raises the risk of nicks.

Thats why Dutton suggests changing
blades every five to seven shaves.
Hang your razor to drip-dry so bacteria
and film dont build up on the steel.
Swear Off the Sink Shave in the
showerheat softens scruff. Brush on
alcohol-free shave gel. Let it warm.
Then, starting at the outside, shave in
long strokes. Do your chin, then neck,
and lip area last.
Call In the Balm Squad Protect
your skin with moisturizer or balm that
contains age-fighting antioxidants.

Be an Early Adopter

About two-thirds of men

experience some hair loss
by age 35. Since its easier
to maintain what you
have than to regain what
youve lost, take a proactive stance and consult a
dermatologist as soon as
you see signs of recession.
If you launch a prescription or over-the-counter
treatment regimen before
significant loss occurs, you
stand a better chance of
keeping more strands.

scruff, run your index finger vertically down your

face, says Michael Gilman,
founder of The Grooming
Lounge in D.C. You should
be shaving in the direction
the hair naturally grows.
For tips on shaving, see A
Perfect Shave, at right.
Products that contain
alcohol can weaken your

60 | Best Advice (Ever!)

hair, irritate your scalp,

and dry out your skin,
Gilman says. Look for
alternatives with soothing,
moisturizing ingredients,
such as aloe or chamomile.
Take a Risk

If you have straight hair

thats a few inches long,
use pomade to slick it
back into a pompadour
(see above), and have your



barber show you where

to part it, suggests Craig
Whitely, editor-in-chief of

Detox Your Gels

Shave Years Off

Save Your Neck Neck hair grows

at a lower angle than facial hair, so
its tricky to catch. The fix? Alternate
directions, says Buck Dutton, national
education manager at the Art of Shaving. Shave with the grain, relather, and
then shave against the grain.
Order a Brush Job A shaving
brush will lift your hair for a close shave,
says Dutton. Buy a badger-hair brush,
which is soft but dense. Use light pressure and brush in small circles.
Dont Be a Dull Boy As your blade
dulls, you apply more pressure to your



is inherited
from your
mothers side
of the family.

Its fiction. You may blame your

mother for other troubles, but you
cant make her the scapegoat for
your thinning mane. Testosterone
and an enzyme combine to form
dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, which
causes male-pattern baldness by
age 45 in a third of all men. More
than 80% of cases are hereditary,
but a study in Nature Genetics
found that several genes have a
hand in the damageincluding
your fathers. So Mom isnt off
the hook, but shes not the sole

Kenneth Beer, MD, a dermatologist based in West

Palm Beach, FL. Instead,
wash gently using a product with salicylic acid.

Use a Soft Touch

Scrubbing breakouts will

just trigger more oil and
leave your face red, says

Back to Contents

Protect Your Skin

UV light is the biggest

factor in premature aging,

accelerating the loss of

elasticity and the appearance of fine lines. While
skin normally thins with
age, you can keep it strong
and elastic by fighting UV
damage now, says Josh
Zeichner, MD, an assistant
professor of dermatology

Best Advice (Ever!) | 61



R A1T I O N 6 . 2



By 18, your skin

is already ruined
by the sun.

S T2


Its fiction. Its true that sun exposure is cumulative, so

never shrug off sunscreen. But a study by the American Society for Photobiology found that only 23% of sun damage
is accumulated by age 18. Every exposure at any age is
damaging, says Doris Day, MD, a clinical associate professor of dermatology at New York University Langone Medical
Center. As you age, its harder for your skin to recover from
sunburn. Its never too late to start protecting your skin, she
says. You want sunblock with broad-spectrum UVA and UVB
coverageand use a lot. Apply a shot glasss worth; most of
us use only about half that.



at Mt. Sinai Medical Center. Use a sunscreen that

has an SPF of at least 20.



White wine
can also stain
your teeth.


Its a fact. Coffee and red wine top the list of stain-inducing
drinks, but your sauvignon blanc isnt so innocent. Both red
and white wines are acidic and can create an environment for
the teeth to absorb some of the wines color, says Arthur Glosman, DDS, a cosmetic dentist based in Hollywood. The acid in
wine breaks down the enamel surface of teeth, and that makes
it easier for stains to attach. But we know you love a glass
or two of wine with dinner and perhaps a cup of coffee with
dessert. No problem. Have the waiter bring out the cheese tray
(or carve up some cubes at home). The cheeses help create a
barrier against acidic wines by neutralizing the pH on the teeth,
reducing the staining power of the wines, Glosman says.

Put It in Reverse

Hair is usually thicker on

the back of your scalp than
the front, so youll want
to add product at the rear
first. Fine follicles tend to
clump together with excess
putty or paste, revealing
the scalp underneath.

In Your 30s:
Your Peak
Time is a precious
resource during this
decade, and your mirror
may not get enough of
your time. A Mens Health
survey found that most
guys in their 30s spend
just 20 minutes a day
in prep modewhich
could hold them back
professionally. Groomings impact increases in
direct proportion to your
job position, says Dan
Kilgore, a Boston-based
principal with Riviera
Advisors, a recruiting
company for Fortune 500
firms. A lack of it can be
fatal to your career. University of Texas research
even found that the most
attractive men stand to
make 17% more than their


Banish Dandruff

Look for a conditioner

with jojoba oil, which has
compounds identical to
the oils your hair produces.
Pair it with a shampoo that
contains zinc pyrithione,
an antifungal agent that
will prevent any new flakes.
Moisturize Daily

least attractive peers,

which translates to about
$230,000 over a lifetime.
Heres how to spend your
valuable minutes in the

Step It Up

Follows these tips to preserve your prime.

62 | Best Advice (Ever!)

Reduce Shampoo

Daily shampooing robs

hair of moisture. Lather
up 3 days a week to give
natural oils time to replenish, says Jeffrey Yabut,
a stylist at Trumans
Gentlemans Groomers
in NYC. Just rinse on the
other days.

Wrinkles used to be a sign

of wisdom. Now theyre a
sign that you didnt moisturize. With every passing
year, you face more
competition in the dating
scene and workplace.
Choose a moisturizer with
sunscreen. Its price tag is
less important than the
fact that youre applying it
twice a day.

Back to Contents

Layer It On

Apply thinner skin products first, says Zeichner.

A serum is more effective when followed by a
thicker product to lock in
Protect Your Ivories

Coffee, citrus juice, and

sports drinks erode tooth
enamel and leave stains,
says Debra Glassman,
DDS, a New York City dentist. Rinse with water after
drinking any of these to
fight the acids side effects.

In Your 40s+:
Your Look
Strands of gray and crowsfeet are often interpreted
as signs of distinction. But
when a younger guy angles
for your job, they can feel
like signs of vulnerability.
The long hours at work,
the lack of sleep, and the
sunscreen-free weekends
on the back nine can all

catch up to you in a hurryif you dont take action

now. Thankfully, most of
you have already started
fighting back: A whopping
78% of men in their 40s
who we surveyed spend 30
minutes or longer on their
daily grooming routine.
The rules of skin protection wont change very
much this decade, but the
process will require more
vigor, says Beer. Just
follow our plan below.

Groom Smarter

These tips will take skin

and hair care to the next
Watch Your Timing

Apply face serums optimally. Retinol breaks

down in sunlight, so apply
it before bed, says Day.
Vitamins A and E together boost SPF protection
in the a.m. and aid skin
repair at night.
Kickstart Your Cells

Use this: glycolic acid.

Best Advice (Ever!) | 63


Itll buff your skin and improve its tone, Beer says.
A glycolic acid cleanser
or peel will also help clear
your skin of dead cells by
speeding cell turnover, say
researchers in Italy.


Do an About-Face

Skin is thinnest around

your eyes, so be careful
when cleansing it if you
want to prevent wrinkles,
Day says. Wash the skin
gently with the pads of
your fingers, and pat
down if you dry your face
with a towel.


Most bad breath

is born on
your tongue.



Drop the Soap

Soaps contain moisture-depleting sodium hydroxide. Cleansers lack the

harsh chemical and bathe
your skin in hydrating oils.
Look for products labeled
cleanser whenever you
need to lather up.





if youre thinning up there,

try a low buzz cut to give
the illusion of thickness,
says Whitely.



You cant
shrink the size
of your pores.

Keep Blotches at Bay

As fat cells on your face

shrink, the skin thins.




You might notice brown,

splotchy patches and
uneven areas of pigment.
A University of Michigan
study found that applying
vitamin A can help skin
retain moisture and boost


Get the Mane Idea

Switch to shampoos with

keratin proteins, which
improve hair strength. Or






Its fiction. Enlarged pores catch your eye because they

catch the light. These tiny holes are so clogged with dead
cells and oil that they expand and eventually cast shadows
in the oiliest areas on your face, such as the T zone that
runs across your forehead and down your nose to your
chin. But you can banish the shadows. Try a combination of
physical and chemical exfoliation. At the end of your shower,
after your pores have been steamed open, take a granular
cleanser and gently massage it into the affected areas for 10
to 15 seconds, says Neal Schultz, MD, a Manhattan dermatologist. Follow with a gentle chemical exfoliant that contains
either glycolic or salicylic acid. Do this every day, he says,
and your enlarged pores will shrink and appear smaller in
about 2 weeks.

64 | Best Advice (Ever!)





Shaving often
makes facial
hair grow back
faster, darker,
and thicker.



Its a fact. You can blame your dragon breath on a range of

culpritschronic acid reflux, alcohol-based mouthwash, or
that onion-topped cheeseburger. The strongest source of your
funky breath, though, is something you have absolute control
over: your germ-covered tongue, which is a breeding ground
for some 92 different species of bacteria. Popping a breath
mint only masks the funk temporarilyand may just feed
the stinking critters with a sugar feast. Mark Burhenne, DDS,
recommends chewing gum that contains xylitola natural
sweetenerto freshen up your mouth and ward off bacteria
that can lead to tooth decay. And, of course, scrubbing your
tongue daily with your toothbrush might lead to supplemental
morning snuggles.






Its fiction. You spent your teens shaving in hopes of spurring

beard growth. Count that as another teenage fantasy. Shaving more or less frequently has no effect on the quantity or
thickness of the hair that comes in. Unshaven strands have a
naturally tapered, wispy tip, says Neal Schultz, MD, a Manhattan dermatologist. When you shave that hair, the tip is no
longer thin and tapered but rectangular. It feels coarser than
the wispy one you originally had, he says. Shaving will also
keep your mug looking young and fresh. Dead cells
accumulate and absorb light, leaving you with dull skin.
Shaving helps slough off dead skin cells from the surface
of the skin, which keeps your skin looking fresh and bright,
says Joshua Zeichner, MD, director of cosmetic and clinical
research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital.





The smell of
a fragrance
varies over
time on the
same person.

Back to Contents

Fact. Its not your imaginationor hers. Ilias Ermenidis, of the

perfume producer Firmenich, attributes the phenomenon to
variations in humidity and the skins changing chemistry, which
is affected by everything from hormones to diet to mood. So
how is a guy supposed to know which scent is best for him?
At the store, test three or four fragrances, Ermenidis suggests.
If you feel your senses are becoming fatigued during the process, smell the inside of your arm to give them a rest, he says.
When you find one you love, dont commit too quickly. Ask for
a sampleyes, they have themand test it out on your skin for
a few hours or days to make sure its the right one for you.

Best Advice (Ever!) | 65


cy, Cooper says. It will

make her feel closer to you
and reveal what she likes.
In flirty texts the week
before the date, ask her to
describe sensations that
make her feel sexy. Which
fragrances, music, or food?
Youll build her anticipation while also showing
her you want to meet her

How to have bed-shaking success

Beginners Lust
The first time can backfire,
especially if you have skyhigh expectations. You
are trying to make a good
first impression, which
could lead to performance
anxiety, says clinical
psychologist Marianne
Brandon, PhD. The key
is to stay out of your mind
and in your body. That
way, you wont withdraw
into negative thinking
during your first sexual
experience together.
It takes only a little
preparation. When you
finally do end up between
the sheets with her, be

Step 2


Youve been dreaming all

day about that big date,
but at the last minute your
boss springs a giant project on you. Being distracted could cause big trouble
later tonight. The bodys
response to stress can put
the brakes on your sex
drive, says Eric Marlowe
Garrison, MSc, a relationship expert at the College
of William and Mary. You

Step 1

Build the

Youre single and have

been flirting heavily with
a new woman. You need a
releasewe understand.
Solo satisfaction can help
with that, and it can also
teach control, which will
be helpful when your first
encounter with her arrives. When men masturbate, they should be aware
of their level of arousal.
Level 8 is the moment
of inevitability, so they

should take themselves up

to a 6 or 7 and then bring
themselves down to a 2
or 3. This will help them
manage and control their
orgasms when theyre
with a woman, Brandon
Also, while masturbating in the days leading up
to your debut, think about
your soon-to-be partner
instead of using porn.
Keep the fantasies realistic, Brandon says. Think
about why she excites

66 | Best Advice (Ever!)

you. Imagine undressing

her. Prime yourself to
enjoy her, not some porn
But a better way to
ratchet up the anticipation is to bring her in on
the game. Before the
date, find out what turns
her on, suggests Sari
Cooper, LCSW, a certified
sex therapist. If youre
on the phone late one
night, ask her to describe
a movie scene she found
sexy. This builds intima-

could end up lying in bed

with your stunning date as
you mentally compose the
e-mails you need to send.
(Yes, this can happen even
when youre in bed for
the first time with a new
lover.) Your trick: Tune in
to your breathing. Studies show that men who
meditate on a regular basis
have a better time in the
bedroom, says Brandon.
Simply focusing on each
breath going into your
nose and belly will help
keep you in the moment,
she says. She also tells men
to keep their eyes open.
Look at your partner
and have her look at you.
Closing your eyes makes it
easier for you to withdraw
into negative thinking.
If shes the one whos
distracted, then you want
to help her snap out of it
and focus on whats going
on between you. One way
to do that is by asking her

what she might have in

mind in terms of the evenings sexual progression.
This will get her thinking
about what turns her on
instead of her own work
projects that may be stacking up or the groceries she
needs to buy. You can also
do things to help intensify
her physical sensations
like running an ice cube
along her body. Focusing
on the five senses is a
fabulous way to get out of
your head and into the experience, Brandon says.
For more on the topic, see
The 5 Senses of Sex, on
page 71.

Step 3

Mind Control

Its the night of the big

date and youre a little
nervous. (So is she, by the
way.) So of course when
you meet up for drinks,

What Post-Tryst Txt Does She Want?

We asked 1,566 women what text message theyd most want to receive the day after their
first sexual encounter with you. Heres what they said.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I like watching u sleep

Ready for rnd 2?
Youre a good kisser
Was it good 4 u?
Last night was amazing
Cant wait 2 c u again!
Can still smell uhot!
Hey. Hows it going?
Youre beautiful

Back to Contents

Best Advice (Ever!) | 67

you immediately order a

scotch. And then another, and another. Sure,
too much alcohol can
interfere with your ability
to have an erection and
orgasm, but those drinks
are helping you relax and
flirt. Well, not so fast. That
relaxation may be the
result of a self-fulfilling
prophecy rather than the
alcohol itself: Researchers
from the University at
Buffalo have found that
when people are given a
drink and told its alcohol,
they loosen up as if they
actually had booze.
Limit your drinks to
one per hour, says Garrison. You can relax just as
easily without the booze,
so try to think positively
and keep your body loose.
Still having trouble turning down that third beer?
Make sure youre having
a glass of water after every
drink and that youve eaten enough food, Brandon
says. And remember that
women are more responsive and trusting of men
who are genuine. In other
words, she wants to know
the real you, not the boozy,
buzzy you.

Step 4

Make Her

Youve started undressing

each other, but suddenly
she tenses up. You ask
whats wrong, but she can
hardly look you in the
eye. Youre confused, and

rightly so: Moments ago,

she was giving you vixen
eyes. But this isnt about
you; its about her. Shes
nervous. Your goal is to
help her body and heart
open, so you want to create a safe environment,
Brandon says.
Your plan: Start exploring each other through
touch long before youre
anywhere near a bed. Hold
her hand and touch her
shoulders and the small
of her back. You want
to build up your levels of
trust and oxytocinthe
bonding hormoneand
touch helps you do that,
says Garrison. Boosting
both will help bring her
closer to you. But dont
just touch her body; show
verbal appreciation. Offer
sincere compliments, especially about things that
arent overtly sexualher
cute nose, her soft skin.
When theyre genuine,
these actions can also
build trust. Compliments
are like saying, Whatever
flaws you think you have,
Im either aware of them
and dont care or Im so
engaged with you right
now that I dont notice
them, Garrison says.

Step 5

Let Her Lead

Generally, you want to

take it easy your first time
out of the gate with a new
gal. But what if shes quite
comfortable and suddenly
taking charge? You may

68 | Best Advice (Ever!)

start to worry: What if you

bore her? Or cant please
her? Or fall short of her
expectations? That can
lead to an even worse mistakeovercompensation.
As a culture, we put pressure on men to perform
sexually and to last a long
time, Brandon says.
Youre overthinking.
Dont forget to just enjoy
the ride. And you can do
that by playing off her
excitement. Women who
like to take control often
like to have control taken,
says Brandon. Try being
aggressive with her. Grab
her hands and hold them
above her head. Or, if shes
making you a little too excited, you can flip her over
and take charge that way.
These strategies have the
double bonus of diverting
her attention away from
your erection so you can
prolong the experience
with her while also showing her that youre a good
sexual match.

But its not just curiosity

thats making her want to
snuggle and talk. After
orgasms, theres a release
of oxytocin, says Stanley
Althof, PhD, executive
director of the Center for
Marital and Sexual Health
of South Florida. This
makes people feel closer
and more trusting and
want to touch, hold each

Step 6

Over the top? Yes. A sex

stop sign? Probably not.
In our survey, only 7% of
women said this would kill
their sex drive. So if it slips
out in the heat of the moment, just rephrase it, says
Emily Morse, host of the
Sex with Emily radio show.
Say, Sorry if that came out
strong. I just love the way
you make me feel. Then
keep on going, lover boy.

Talk about It

There, you did it. Everyones happyyou think,

anyway. After your bedroom romp, she might feel
compelled to ask if you
loved the experience as
much as she did. We live
in an achievement-driven
society, and people tend
to focus on whether their
partner reached orgasm
or enjoyed their kissing
technique, says Garrison.

other, or cuddle.
That rush may also put
you in a sleepy mood, but
Garrison urges you to
fight through your desire
to snooze. Address the
need for pillow talk by
directing a conversation.
Ask a heartfelt question,
like How do you feel right
now? says Garrison. If
youre too tired for a long

conversation, then check

in briefly with each other.
You can reminisce when
youre both more alert for
a real talk, perhaps over
brunch the next morning
or some other time when
you can both connect
and tee up round two
while youre at it.

6 Bedroom Blunders
Sometimes things go wrong between the sheets. But you can bounce back: We know,
because we asked more than 1,000 women what runs through their minds immediately
after some common sexual screwups. And as it turns out, theyre quite forgiving. With
the right recovery plan, youll be back to business in no time.

crisis meter

You blurt
out, I
love you!

Recovery Plan

Back to Contents

girl keeps
calling you.

Recovery Plan

Shut off your phonethe

sooner the betterand
explain who the woman is.
Women are like private
investigators, says Morse.
We will find out who that
woman is. Its better in the
long run if youre honest
now. Apologize for the
buzzkill and promise to
call the woman tomorrow
to ask her to stop bombarding your cell.

You call
her the
wrong name.

Recovery Plan

Talk fast. During sex,

inhibitions are low, says
Karen Sherman, PhD, the
author of Marriage Magic!
So subconscious thoughts
can slip out. Did you
recently toss some pics
of your ex or watch a film
with an actress by that
name? Explain it, and then
double up on romance
and cuddling. If shes not
ready to forgive you, youll
know it.

Best Advice (Ever!) | 69

You cant
her bra.

Your sheets
could use

You fart
while doing
the deed.

Relax, butterfingers. This

happens so often that she
probably wont be fazed
at all, says Kristen Mark,
PhD, a sex and relationship
researcher at the University of Kentucky. If youre
really struggling, make a
joke about it. (What is
this, a chastity bra?) Then
surrender and ask for help.
She may even enjoy doing
the slow reveal.

If shes already there, pour

her a drink in the living
room and excuse yourself
to change your sheets. If
your whole bedroom is a
mess, cut your losses, says
Mark. Just say you want to
move slow, and ask to pick
her up for brunch in the
morning. Youll look like
a gentleman and prove
that youre still interested
in seeing her. Now start

She heard it, so dont

pretend she didnt. Laugh,
apologize, and carry on,
says Morse. And if youre
still gassy, switch to a
position that puts her on
top, such as cowgirl, Mark
suggests. The less you
thrust, the less likely you
are to let one rip. And if
something does slip out,
the mattress will help
muffle the sound.

Recovery Plan

Recovery Plan

Recovery Plan

Outsmart Your Penis

Dont freak out if you cant perform. In our survey, women ranked equipment failure as a medium-low worry. Ian
Kerner, a sex counselor and coauthor of The Big, Fun, Sexy
Sex Book, explains how to stay in the game. (For persistent
problems, see a doctorthe cause may be physical.)
You Finish Too Fast
If youre about to lose
it, stop thinking about
your penis, pull out, and
play with her breasts or
clitoris. If its too late, just
return the favor.

You Cant Keep It Up

Turn your focus from
your problem to her
body, and then try something different. Switch
from intercourse to oral,
for example.

70 | Best Advice (Ever!)

You Cant Orgasm

Again, stop thinking
about your penis. Go
down on her, and when
youre ready to give it
another go, amp things
up with a new position.

The 5 Senses of Sex

Where does pleasure
start? With a glimpse of
skin or the first touch?
Maybe its the sound of her
key in your door. Lets not
overthink this, and just
feel it. We use our five
senses primarily for purposes other than enjoyment, says Justin Sitron,
PhD, a sexuality researcher at Widener University.
Sex is a chance to use
them to just experience
your body. And hers. And
yours with hers. Employ
all five senses, and sex is
more than a roll in the
sack. Its pure pleasure.

The Peak Sense

Touch is a womans primary trigger for desire,

according to a study in the
Journal of Sex Research.
With the other senses,
youre not necessarily engaged while your
partner experiences it,
says Sitron. But touch is
reciprocal: You can feel me
touching you while I experience touching you.
Take advantage with
a sex therapy technique
called sensate focus.
Have your partner lie flat
on her back with her eyes
closed, and slowly caress
her head and face: hair,
nose, ears, lipscover it
all. Pretend this is your
last chance to savor her

Back to Contents

body, says Sitron. Move

to her torso and legs and
feet, then flip her over and
The point is to chart
new erotic territory. The
genitals, breasts, and inner
thighs have the most nerve
receptors, so theyre most
sensitive, says social psychologist Justin Lehmiller,
PhD. But almost any body
part can become erotic if
you learn to associate it
with sexual pleasure.

The Scent
of a Man

Your gym teacher may

have convinced you to cover up your natural scent,
but it may actually be one
of the most powerful tools
in your arousal arsenal.
There is some evidence
that humans have pheromones, says Alan Hirsch,
MD, founder of the Smell
& Taste Treatment and

Best Advice (Ever!) | 71

Sexual Sound

Your moaning may excite

her, but its probably not
what sends her over the
edge. Sounds cue men
in to whether a woman is
really enjoying sex, but
women can physically see
when a man is aroused,
Lehmiller says. What she
really craves is communication. In the form of
four-letter words.
If whispering explicit
nothings doesnt come
naturally, simply tell her
what you want during sex,
but adjust your sexual
vocab: For example, she
prefers cock to dick
and give head to blow

job, a Journal of Sex Research study found. You

dont want her to feel out
of control, says Sitron.
Start by telling her to do
things you already know
shes comfortable with.
Or let music do the job
for you. Explicit lyrics
can have the same effect
as dirty talk, Sitron says.
Turn it into foreplay:
Scroll through iTunes and
reveal which songs youve
always wanted to have sex
to. Then do it.

You on View

Most women dont want

Weiner-style sexts. But
not because they think
your rod is repulsive; they
just want to see all of you.
Men are often turned on
by body parts, but most
women are turned on by
context and people, says
Sitron. As neuroscientist
J.R. Georgiadis, PhD,
explains, When women
look at sexual pictures,
they look at many things
besides genitalswhats
on the table, the color of
the flowers. Its not that
shes more interested in
the centerpiece than your
penis; women just use
more visual cues to guide
their attraction.
Research suggests that
the most resounding cue
may, in fact, be your face.
Instead of shooting her a
junk pic, send a head shot
with a sexy caption, says
Lehmiller. But in bed, let

72 | Best Advice (Ever!)

her see all the action: Have

her lie on her back, knees
up, and kneel between her
legs. More of your muscles
will be visible and activated, says Sitron. Plus, she
can watch you penetrate.

The Flavor of

Women care more than

men do about a pleasant-tasting mouth, possibly because their sense of
taste is more finely tuned,
reports Evolutionary Psychology. But Hirsch says
the effect is more Pavlovian than primal: If a taste
reminds you of a successful sexual experience, it
will induce arousal.
(This may explain why
you love how she tastes
during oral.)
If she doesnt dig
the taste of semen, you
probably arent going to
change her mind. So take
the more obvious route to
gustatory arousal: food.
Choose a victual she rarely
eats but enjoyssay, chocolate-covered cherries
and feed it to her during
The sex reinforces the
pleasure of food, and the
pleasure of food reinforces the sex, says Hirsch.
Eventually the food alone
may be enough to trigger
her arousal.


Research Foundation.
In one study, when a
potential male pheromone
was placed under chairs,
females clumped in that
So sweat together:
Exercise activates your
apocrine glands, the site
of pheromone release in
primates. Each woman
reacts differently, but his
research shows that musk
can decrease vaginal blood
flow; women may associate the scent with jerks.
Instead, dust your bod in
baby powder, which can
elevate vaginal blood flow;
or for a first date, wear
eucalyptus, camphor, and
menthol. These scents
increase empathy, says

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