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to Assassinate Fe \ 2 ‘S07 wr. 69, publihed Novembar/Decomber 178 ‘The Magazine of Conflict Simulation ecinondX Senso to Ti ove ove 2 Ue {We PLOT To ASSASSINATE HITLER me f isin Mahan 7 EN sett: Sie'PLOT To assassinate MILER wort | eo po mes ueigan edmond A Simoncen THE RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR Sieg Ha ouTaome man Te tos 5 ‘nierwes 7 Fon voun eves ony a FEEDBACK Vox Popul, Vox Oe Fetal ita ving ces sayy gee Form @: Sposa One eedbeck Forme ‘SIMULATIONS PUBLICATIONS. INC. Meet aie Siraot Mawr ¥ede RDI, Tlephona 212) 67-416 Outgoing Mail coum m mn Daapicthe oe te et Seber Shecuneue names Osnetnertee: {yeu tron your nm of SET 80 bY ieee myaeee ane aos Sees SS oaraitonsicen whan oat, Ard, {he oar up we be, ae oscar ine ‘Blone ears mate pe gre, Srnecnar ere Bch San Oaa Ot on Salt nm 2, ity oe wan ba ere ey ot potent wese goas enampeof ts wes an ‘utr og pager ttn fu nod at si order 0 sauece ta fou Fewer pages. (pra Mot dt make ino Fence bt Fete ot yeu, Fe te ume n $87 ge omen ‘mirinadfcetoe ep y ‘Grortunataly dirs make in Sh au sions Fy ne THENEWFOR YOUREVESOMLY The for Your Eyes Ony fetus has toon {atiwarveom annie casos oe eter aig winded wm sry ar hon on 2 oh The Plot to Assassinate bey Virginia Mulholland — “"Westof the Dvina, strong Russian forces are dhiving northwards. Their spearheads ‘are already southwest of Dvinsk. Unless at long last, the Army Group is withdrawn ‘from Lake Peipus, acatastrophe...”" Those words, spoken by General Adolf Heusinger ot a briefing session on the ‘military situation, were punctuated by a shattering explosion. The time: 1242 PM; the place: @ wooden hut at the East Prussian headquarters of the Fuehrer at Rastenburg. The date: 20 July 1944, ‘The foreof the bar uted he root cope and Sopa tm wht erated of he enfowcs se ‘The Wai Rea 18-80 pod th con IitayN, PEs © oot 9 sr ec tama IBV oINVa AAO [cect su sug jo wsuvon exp IG 98 pas osany fo sev Oa Yes 4] enous yu pazeanon Pip jen vOHN HHO to pou 9g od feu 3 pe un ef sor FnPoMaN W “PEs "payer wage 39 auozou sey pan pawns yt 5 oma TAY ANaHESSVAVHL ITCH ca 59219 somwopoey oun Woy paid sup yo soguinu = 5 ae 4 Aq requopuny 242 wo poy yp yo qm = y es fs us us as as cs 9 + Gis os ols os Iss cermin on eee ay 6 By 8 Owe ny oo omy ay aver Eo ee ca eee samy-5009) aia IML WAZWWOANYH L129, aw D a =u ons pass ely MAA ABAYIT SIAVR wSAVR STAVE NSS 9 Sh si sea ae os MARGE AGIs SISO SIGS SYSs/t asia 8 soit eur aos nos | gS MOD a Sisto wanes Gra | asrayrt TaaV/E M/AVie SOmWA GWAVZ TWSSIT Sano lee ST GMa dita take St Doutlsy hin uray |) TS/SS72TWsSie Harssie SSeS anise Mave Sart eet ecto, pul aw ui moe evn | YAW ONAW/L SAAN WBA LARVI NEST ¢ evo fe wus | G1 Yop) a ay ath umes Od 2 | Ay/SS/t) “BNISSHE-AA/SS/E amISS/T Wav) 39/SS/T os sae: eo on, | eae s r £ © 1a rst ps wu STIMVE INAMNDISSY (9) Led aad sthaspors 8 peop oe sangeensecacpeey aoa ad xog SupploH 44D SS eed sneer nh ely le 8 OA ‘uy se esr yopony sas fesop | eoeas son a0 yo 9 ne 2 xy ant ob ad 10 fe sue or omer ose ros sss sean ci jonas sa a) Sproles ape cae sass ro Seatees tes ia aa os os 58 & idee 10 TIA NAMES Madrid [MD]n 2 a Prussia [PU]8 HEADQUARTERS CD) CO Fs Tuy Oceie by iin Naci HQ Name of Area m + A A si WV eben ie ot al | peers fies an Bens] Bic OKW Sette, Common Sep ASNT Cinta Sep Abwehr Set-Up Naa Sep SS SaUp fected (7.6) ASSIGNMENT TABLE. 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