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my name is felix hoffman and i am the creator of aspirin.

In the first day of research i took a

lot of acids wich i mixed. The days were passing and i didnt have any result. After a lot of
experimental tries i discovered something that make me feel accomplished.
After a period of time i replaced functional groups hydroxyl from salicilic acid with a group
of acetyl wich significantly reduces negativ effects. This was the first drug and was also the
begining of farmaceutic industry.
Was an very emotional moment for me when my drug was used on people from all the
world. I hope that the results to be psitive.
In present my descovery is acetisakicykic acid is an antiiflamator drug wich is used in general
like an minor analgezic, like antyparetic or like an antiinflamator. Furthermore aspirin in
small doses has an aticoagulant effect and i tis used on a long period top revent heart atack

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