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CVE 361 Hydraulic Engineering - HW1 (100) Due: Fri, Sep 16, 2016 Chapter 1 G 2s E; = energy needed to vaporize the water E, = (300 L(1000 g/L)(597 cal/g) 2 E1=1.79x10% cal ‘The energy remaining (E2) is: E2=Erml~ Et a= 2.00x108 cal ~ 1.79x108 cal 2 E2=2.10x10 cal ‘The temperature change possible with the remaining energy is’ 13s 5 2.10x10” cal = (300 LX1000 p/L)(1 cal/g°CKAT) ‘The force exerted on the tank bottom is equal to the weight of the water body (Eq’n 1.2) F = W= mg = [p(Vol)] (g): p found in Table 1.2 AT = 70°C, making the temperature T =90°C when it evaporates, Therefore, based on Table 1.1, |920 ths = [1.94 stngs/f (x “(1.25 A)? + d)] (32.2 fiisec?) 22.P= 0.692 atm a=3.00ft (Note: 1 slug = 1 Ib-sec"/ft) Ss 13.7 Density is expressed as p = m/Vol, and even though | volume changes with temperature, mass does not. Thus, (p1)(Voh) = (p2)(Vol:) = constant; oF Vok = (pi(Voh)(p2) 138 2 ‘Vol; = (999 kg/m?}(100 m?)/(996 kp/m*) (1 Nem)[(3.281 fY(1 m)][(0.2248 Ib¥(1N))] Vok = 100.3 m! (or a 0.3% change in volume) | = 7.376 x 107 ft-lb ie we CVE 361 Hydraulic Engineering - HW1 (100) Due: Fri, Sep 16, 2016 4s 5 144 3 From Eq’a (1.2): t= w(Av/Ay) = ‘Using Newton's law of viscosity (Eq’n 1.2): (0.0065 Ib-sec/f*)[(1.5 fi/s)(0.25/12 ft} H(dv/dy) = wavy) = 0.468 Ib/f? = (1.00 x 10° N-sec/m’)[ (4.8 - 2.4)m/sec}/(0.02 m)]) f= (yA) = (2 sides)(0.468 IW/R[(O.S AY(1.5 A] t= 0.12 Nim? 154 6 _ Condition 1: bi = [(4(ox)(sin®:)] / [¢/(D)] F=0.702 Ib ‘bi = [(4Xo1)(in30°)] / [70.8 mm)]} 16. § Condition 2: hy = [(4Xo2)(sin®2)] / {(D)] P= 1 atm= 14.7 psi. and Py= 220 psi ‘From Equation (1.4): AVoV/Vol = -AP/Ey Dp WA AVol/Vol = -(14.7 psi — 220 psi)((3.2x10° psi) ‘he = [(4)(0.880)(sin50°)] / [(7)(0.8 mm)} hny/in = [(0.88Ysin50°)]/ (sin30°)= 1.35 altematively, b= 1.35@hu), about a 35% increase! Chapter 2 AVol/Vol = 6.42 x 10 = 0.0642% (volume decrease) Ap/p = -AVol/Vol =+9.0642% (density increase) CVE 361 Hydraulic otkh bers 2 a) The depth of water is determined using the ro iw jo relationship between weight and specific weight. W=y-Vol = y(A-h); where h = water depth 14,700 Ibs = (62.3 Ib/ft?)[m-(5 f)"](a); = 3.00 ft ) Pressure on the tank bottom based on weight: P=F/A=W/A = 14,700/n-(5 ft] = 187 oe +b) Pressure due to depth of water using Eq’n 2.4: P= yh = (62.3 Ib/f)(3 ft) = 187 Mbytt? Vi} Equal pressure surface at Hg-H,0 interface: Thus, G firad) = P+ 2 AY) where yae= (SGueX(1) G £)(13.6)(62.3 Ib/f?) = P+ (2 £)(62.3 Ib/f): P= 2,420 Ib/f? = 16.8 psi Pressure can be expressed as a fluid height: b= Pfyag = (2420 Ib/ft?y[(13.6)(62.3 Ib/ft)] h = 2.86 ft of Hg (or 34.3 inches) Engineering ~ HW1 (100) Due: Fri, Sep 16, 2016 an 6 ‘The mechanical advantage in the lever increases the input force delivered to the hydraulic jack. Thus, Fuge: = (9)(50N) = 450.N; The pressure developed in the system is therefore: Papen = F/A = (450 NY/(25 em®) = 18 Nim? 3 ppten = 180 KN/m? = 180 kPa From Pascal's law, the pressure at the input piston should equal the pressure at the two output pistons. +. The force exerted on each output piston is Pag = Pops equates to: 18 N/cnt? = Fexpa/250 cai? 3 Fentru=(18 Niem?)(250 cm? KN/1000 N) = 4.50 kN 241 & Use the swim-through-technique: Start a the end of the manometer open to the atmosphere (Ppp = 0). Then “swim through” adding pressure when “swimming” down and subtracting when “swimming” up until you reach the pipe (Pye). Remember to jump across the ‘manometer at surfaces of equal pressure (ES). Thus, 0 -(0.66 m) a) * [(0.66+ y+ 058)m](10) — (0.58 m)(you) = Pipe ‘The specific weight of air is negligible when compared to fluids, so that term in the equation can be dropped. Phipe = 0 - (0.66 mXSGui)(7) — (0.58 mY(SGaN(7) 2.85 Ppp = 0- (0.66 miX0.8)(9790 Nien’) — (0.58 m)(0.82) 9790 N/m*) my 1S Ppge =9-08-kNrm'(KPa) Pressure can be converted to hneight (bead) of any liquid through P= yh. Thus, 1B bee = (9,830 Nim?)(9790 Nims?) =40 m of water, Ao we 1 CVE 361 Hydraulic Engineering ~ HW1 (100) 282 4 F=y-F-A= (9790 Nim(9 m)2}{9 m)(1 m)] Due: Fri, Sep 16, 2016 3g 287 Figs = 7-h- A= (9790 Nim*¥(0.5 m){(1.41m)(3m)} Fiea = 20.7 KN (where A is “wet” surface area) ao, fomyasimy a2 eo P= 75°F ~ [amy aimlo.705m) °° 2 Yp=0.940 m (inclined distance to center of pressure) F=3.96x10°N per meter of length vpn tea ye femom'A2) g m Ay” [Om (m)k4.5m) Yr=6.0m (depth to the center of pressure) In summing moments about the toe of the dam (FM,). the weight acts to stabilize the dam (called a righting moment) and the hydrostatic force tends to tip it over (overtuming moment). EM a= (W1)|(29)4.5 m)] - 9G m) = i 102 Gagho mp1 ap ]2.7899790 Nin} m) - (098x 10°99 0m) [SEETORED) 465 465 SMa=a, 2 dine dam 15 tL ei f Cheele gther paler tio Location of this force from the hinge (moment arm): Y'=2m-141 m+0940m=153m ‘A A= (9790 Nim)(b/2 m)[(h/sin§5*)3m)] Fright 2B Fog = 20.847 EN ypnlBa5e foes 12) 905-4 ay [GX0.41-A)K0-705-4) Yp=(0.940-h)m; Moment arm of force from hinge: ‘Y"=2.m- Qisin 45)m + (0.940-h)m = 2m — (0.474-h)m The force doe to the gate weight W ~<30.0KN > 72 ‘Moment arm of this force from hinge: X = 0.707 m ‘Summing moments about the hinge yields: (20.8:4?)[2m—(0.474-b)] - 20.7(1.53). (0.707) =0 hh = 1.40 m (gate opens when depth exceeds 1.40 m) ae! CVE 361 Hydraulic En; g Obtain the horizontal component of the total che ener tne vertical projection of the curved gate. Fig =f A= (0.82(9790 N/m?\(5m)[(8 m)(2 m)]} 2.6.2 2 Fw 42 x 10° N = 642 KN ‘The vertical component of the hydrostatic force equals the weight of the water column above the curved gate. Fy = -Vol= (0.82X9790N/nn'){(4an)(2m)+x/4(2m)"](8m) 2 Fv=716x10°N=716KN | The total force is A F=[(642 EN + (716 EN)?]!? = 962 KN tan! (Fv/Fa) = 48.1° — Since all hydostatic pressores pass through point A gineering ~ HW1 (100) Due: Fri, Sep 16, 2016 268 § First find the height of the vertical projection of area: (R)(sin 45") = (40 fi)(sin 45°) = 28.3 ft. Now, Fu= 7h - A= (623 B/f28.38/2)[(33 (28.3 8)] 2 Fu =8.23 x 105 Ib ‘The vertical component of the total pressure force is the ‘weight of the water column above the curved gate. The volume of water above the gate is: Vol = (Amsamee ~ Ausmge - Awc)(length) |Vol = [(408)(28.38) - (1/2)(28.38\ 28.381) ~ (x18)(408) (33 ft) = 3,410 IFv= 7-Vol = (62.3 Ib/A)(3410 f) = 2.12% 10° Ib; 2 The total force is F = [(8.23 x 10° iby + (2.12 x 10° by]? 4 F=8.50x 105; =n FyR)=144 AS Since all hydrostatic pressures pass through point O (Le, they are all normal to the surface upon which they ws o° Be ‘When the sphere is lifted off the bottom, equilibrium in the y-direction occurs with W = B. Therefore, ‘W = Yogi [(4/3)n(0.14mn)"] + Poy (0.25m)"(1.Sm)] ‘W =(13.57)[0.0115m'] + (S.G.)y[0.295m*] 2 w=0.155y+0.295(8G)y 2 B= yi(4/3)m(0.14m)"] + y[x(0.25m)(1.33m)] = 0.273y | 2 Equating yields; (S.G.)oeoy = 0.400 (ce., they are all normal to the surface upon which they act), then the resultant must also pass through point A. | act), then the resultant must also pass through point O. —— 236 5 | When the anchor is lifted off the bottom, equilibrium in the y-direction occurs (SF = 0). Therefore, T (sin60")+B=W; — where T= anchor line tension B= (62.3 Ib/A?)x(0.75 (1.2 A) = 132 tb W=($G\(62.3 Ib/t?)a(0.75 AY'(1.2 A) = 132(8G) Substituting: 244(sin60*) + 132 = 132(SG) | Sotving yields: S.G.(concrete) = 2.60

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