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Opening Presentation 10 %

Assalamu alaikum wr.wb and Good morning, All

Firstly, Thank you for the chance that youre given to me.
Before I want to introduce my self.
My name is Fadly Umadji. Im the second semester. Im from Pharmacy
Today I would like to present about my paper.
The title is about English Vocabulary
And now I start from the definition of the definition of Vocabulary.
..(Explain more depend on your topic)
Opening discussion (20 %)
I think its enough my paper presentation.
Now I open discussion class.
Are there any questions?
Ok, please..
Closing Presentation (10 %)
Thats all my presentation this morning.
I can conclude that.. (Buat Kesimpulan masing2)
Thank you for your attention especially your time.
See you again
And wassalamu alaikum wr.wb

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