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Education is Politics: Ira Shor

Education is not reducible to a mechanical method of instruction this is

the phrase that caught my attention at first sight. Liberating education is
one where the learning process is not mechanical, is not a set of steps or
procedures, is a journey in which students and teachers learn from each
other. There is a continual dialogue and knowledge is built and it is rich
and tangible. Students are challenged to get out of their comfort zone,
they learn by doing and they know they can because teachers give them

In this kind of pedagogy students come out empowered,

invested with security and tools to grow as an individual in society.

Teacher are learners as well, they do not monopolize knowledge as if it
were exclusive for them.
When a teacher sees himself as a politician he must do politics. He must
create an environment of trust. For that reason he must empower his
student to trust themselves, to believe they can. He must encourage
dialogue, critical thinking. He must use his authority with wisdom and
most of all with love, not being a tyrant but a leader and teaching the
students to become leaders themselves. He must treat his students with
justice as individuals with feelings, thoughts and different familiar,
religious and cultural backgrounds. Teachers must know he doesnt have
to fight neither for power nor for knowledge with his students.

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