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ArrayList of String

Type of objects it will contain : <String>

Private ArrayList <String> files;
ArrayList is a generic class
Add, get, size, etc.


private ArrayList<ClockDisplay>clockList;
private int x;

Constructors stores initials values into the fields

Initializes the object.

Methods implement the behavior of the objects

Public int getPrice()
method name)

(this is the header of the method, getPrice is basically the

String, int, and Boolean - CANNOT BE VOID, these will always return a value, will
contain a return statement to return the value. Return means it finishes the method
and take you out of the method.
Strings represent text

This is used to change an objects state. (use void)
Public void insertMoney (int amount) - amount is a parameter, it goes into the
balance = balance + amount; (balance is being mutated, balance + amount
is the assignment statement)

PSUEDO CODE, just to describe what a code can mean

If (I have enough money left)

go out for a meal; (actions if conditions is true)
Else {
Stay home and watch a movie; (actions if conditions is false)


Allocation of memory for a specific type

public int x;

Field variables

defined at the top of a class

they are accessible throughout the class

Parameter variable

defined in the method header

used to receive values from the outside the method
are short lived

local variables

short lived, like parameters

used for temporary calculations
only accessible from within the method

Binary logical operators

Used in control structures like if statements:
&& = And (if((replacementValue >= 0) && (replacementValue < limit))
|| = Or
! = Not
== Equal to , single = is just assignment (int x = 3)
!= not equal to

Internal method call

external method call
minutes.increment(); ( object. Methodname (parameter list) ; )

index ++;
is index = index + 1;
LOOPS (for and while)

Overriding object methods

Public toString method
Overriding equals

For loops
For (int I =0; i < 10; i++)

System.out.println(I is equal to + i)
While i is less than 10 and increment by 1 every loop.

Example of finding object in an ArrayList

Person findId(int id, ArrayList<Person> al) {
for(Person p : al) {
if(p.getId() == id)
return p;

throw new IllegalStaeException("Id: " + id + " is not in the list");

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