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A Species Divided

By Anthony Pellino

Our species is divided. By divided I do not mean by way of Territorial lines or Arbitrary land borders
meant to define or label a particular geographical area as Yours, Ours, Theirs or otherwise. By Divided
I mean in the purest sense of what defines the term as we know it.
Divided: To be separated into parts. To disagree or cause to disagree.
The operative words within this definition is what I am getting at here. To be Separated. To cause to
The very definition of the word Divided seems to imply that division is something that has to be
produced. Manufactured. Facilitated. From a social standpoint, one can reasonably imply that the word
Divided is defined as such because We, as Human Beings are not inherently inclined to be divided from
one another, rather we are built from our very core, our Human genetic disposition, to Gravitate
towards one another. To seek each other out for the purposes of comfort, friendship, identification and
gratification through Cohabitation and Coexistence. For Peace. For Purpose. For Love.
As a social species we are hard wired to Unify and Congregate so its no wonder why the process of
division or being divided goes against the very nature of our being. That being said, its easy to imagine
what a Monumental task it would be to endeavor to take on the Challenge of beginning to divide our
species and keep us divided.
As Intelligent beings we all share the common trait of possessing an unquenchable thirst for
information. The information that we receive is the predominant factor in what shapes our Belief
system and what opinions we hold and positions we take based on those beliefs. Although we are
inherently a Herd species that share common Behavior patterns, we all possess certain Emotional
characteristics and behavior patterns that are singular- i.e. I like 4 sugar packets with my coffee I
always put on my left sock and shoe before my right, or the fact that I cant write more than a paragraph
unless theres an emotional driver of some sort. These singular behaviors, coupled with our personal
belief system is what gives constitutes our Individuality. This is not to say that many of us dont share
the same belief system to a certain degree or share in some of the same emotional characteristics and
individual behavior patterns- we do, but you would be hard pressed to find 2 individuals who share the
exact same emotional and behavioral patterns with the exact same belief system anywhere on the
planet. Doing so would be the equivalent of finding 2 people with the exact same DNA structure or
finding 2 tigers with the exact same pattern of stripes. This diverse contradiction is the complexity that
makes us a truly unique species.
Basically, as a species we possess a contrasting Duality that attributes us an inherent Herd mentality
accompanied by a learned or cultivated individualism. To create a divide within the ranks of such a
species, naturally, one would have to choose to target and appeal to the Individual side to have any
effect on creating a Fracture amongst the Herd, otherwise known as The Masses. This can be created by
controlling the information that the Masses are privy to and Disseminating that information accordingly.

The information we receive from Mainstream sources is controlled by Global systems of Power whose
intention is to Manipulate and Fool us into thinking that we are a Valued part of the System itself. This,
of course is Untrue, as the roles that the Masses are meant to play under the current Agenda of those
power systems are Subservient at best. The information that is disseminated to us is carefully crafted to
invoke or provoke a projected result in terms of our behavior both as a group and as an individual.
Manufacturing the Consent of the Masses so they can be Controlled is a key component of being able to
produce and continue the grand charade, as consent is a vital ingredient that ensures people will act in
the manner necessary that will enable whatever predetermined result is needed for the planned action
or event Du jour.
Given the fact that we as Humans are in part creatures of habit, most of us receive our information
from the same mainstream media sources that are offered to us. These sources are broken up into 2
factions. The Liberal viewpoint and the Conservative viewpoint. This is done by design, so as to
immediately create a divide amongst the Masses and segregate them into two groups right from the
start, depending on what viewpoint resonates with the individual. Put into a political context these two
viewpoints or Labels are also known as Democrat and Republican. These two labels are endlessly
drummed into the minds of the Masses, beating it into their psyche day after day, that they only have
two choices, while at the same time effectively marginalizing the other viable choices that are out there
through media coverage blackouts and the constant drone of multitudinous disinformation campaigns.
So effective in fact, that the majority of the Masses dont even know these other choices exist. Let that
sink in for a moment- Legions of people completely unaware that there are other choices. Unaware that
theyre being manipulated. Played. These two factions work in tandem with each other, each taking
seemingly opposing sides, but all the while expecting and expected to produce the same result. Division.
World renowned Linguist, Author and Political Activist, Noam Chomsky nailed it when he said:
In the US, there is basically one party-The Business Party. It has two factions called Democrats and
Republicans, which are somewhat different but carry out variations on the same policies.
Both of these factions have platforms that help facilitate the divide and they adhere to those platforms
Faithfully. Liberalism, Conservatism, Racism, Sexism and other divisive sub-topics and social constructs
such as Nationalism, Patriotism/Anti Patriotism, Genderism, Political Correctness and Celebrity Culture
gossip are what dominate every major mainstream news story that is broadcast to the Masses. Any
deviation from that by any other media outlet or informational source will be dealt with extreme
Prejudice and their Credibility attacked. Sustained over a few decades and you have a thoroughly
divided People that have been effectively Propagandized to the point of detachment and immobility. A
mass of people that although the problems they are facing are shared by all, have turned on each other
with Accusatory finger pointing, falsely blaming each other while never really focusing on the root
problem the fact that were being deceived on a mass scale and losing our inalienable Rights as human
beings on the Planet Earth.
By not Identifying this as fact and allowing the Disinformation system to Reign unfettered we are
enabling the real Culprits to continue their assault on not only the People of a Nation, but on the whole
of Humanity.
The Motivation behind it all? Profit and Control- plain and simple. Profit from ratings. Profit from over
Consumption. Profit from endless War. Profit from the Breakdown of a society that has become so

enthralled with the grand deception that they have lost their inherent Humanistic tendencies as a
Species. Tendencies that once served as a moral compass that prompted an inexorable call to action
that could not be ignored and would not be denied. Our fabricated detachment from the essence of our
being which is borne from Love and Togetherness has made us easy Prey for the Predators of war and
profit. They control us.
As a People, we are oblivious.
As these systems of power continue to Pervade society with their Manipulation of Information and the
expansion of consolidating everything known to Man on a global level, the divide between us will grow
bigger. The ever rising tides of despair will eventually reach the level of the Comfortable Ones that sit
idly by, watching from a distance and taking no part in the rectification of the carnage that they bear
witness to, as if in denial that there is even a remote chance that they or their descendants could
possibly be affected by this in the near future.
But affect them it will. For the systemic Decline of Society is imminent and is upon us and were all
letting it happen. To quote renowned Author, Poet & Philosopher Suzy Kassem:
Humanity is lost because people have abandoned using their conscience as their compass.
As we continue to Struggle beneath the crushing force that Division weighs upon us, we should Realize
that there is a greater force that lives in us all. A force so Powerful, so awe-inspiring that once unleashed
there is no stopping its affect or effect. No denying its Divine supremacy. No hiding from its revealing
brilliance. No running from its infinite Truth. Another inherent characteristic that we all share and
undoubtedly the greatest of all gifts that have been bestowed upon us as a species- LOVE.
The ability of the human mind to reason by a process of Logic is something that is unique to our species.
This ability enables us to connect to our emotions and identify with what is innate within us all. With
what comes Natural to us. With what we all possess from the very core of our Being.
The ability to LOVE.
As we live our lives peering through the lens of Deception we start to disconnect from what is most
important. A disconnect that is so enveloping that many of us lose these abilities that are our most
redeeming qualities. This inevitably causes our inherent Altruistic values to wither away and die. Like a
once flourishing Bouquet that was denied its life sustaining nourishment. Like an Oasis that succumbs to
the sands of time. And in the end, as we lay bare on the great examining table of Life as Individuals, we
will undoubtedly realize that our Material Conquests were not what was important. That they will offer
us no Solace whatsoever in our final hours. We will realize that we Strayed too far. And we will never
Maybe its time we rediscover our Essence. Maybe its time we Rediscover LOVE

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