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Masthead This is conventionally placed at the top of the contents page

of my page; a common practice of magazines. I do think the design

challenges conventions as it uses a box in the design and various
Subheading The subheading displays issue number, month of
publication and web address. This is conventionally below the headline
but is different to my other design as it doesnt have a background.

Cover lines Each

cover line is the same
typeface and same size;
this looks more
professional. However,
theyre placed at different

Folios Every folio is

the same; same design
and colour this is
conventional of many
cover pages. The colour
is quite brash but its

Flannel panel This is

typical of a magazine; a
promotional offer makes
the magazine more
attractive to readers. The
design is quite
unconventional but isnt
intended to challenge.

Descriptions The
descriptions of each
cover lines article are
pretty brief; a common
feature. This doesnt
challenge any
conventions, in my
Colours I used the
colleges colour scheme;
purple, yellow and
orange. This shows
school spirit and is
recognisable for my
target audience.

Social media box By

having a social media
box, Im promoting
readers to follow us for
more information. This is
typical of magazines, but
the design is

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