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FOG A Shawl Recipe~ “Fog: a Shawl recipe” was designed with those impulse buy, hand-painted, lace weight, forever in your stash, squishy, gorgeous skeins in mind. Finally, a pattern to justify the the irresistible call of indulgence which regardless of attention span, will yield a beautiful, wearable handknit shawl. Ingredients and Supplies: Size 8 US needles, or size to obtain gauge 4 stitch markers Yarn A: 4 skeins Berroco Folio, 219y per skein fingering weight Yarn B: | skein Plymouth Yarn Revel, 275y per skein lace weight Gauge: 12 stitches over 4 inches in stockinette with yarns held double fog shawl © Ravelry ID: CandiedGinger Abbreviations nit s @’ CO: Cast On BO: Bind Off P: Purl ie PM: Place Marker YO: Yarn Over joret pie _ SM: Slip Marker yHe K2tog tbl: Knit Two Together Through Back Loop. This, instead of simply knitting two together, creates the diagonal ook in the lattice stitch. My guidelines are simply suggestions. If anything is vital to the end result of the patter, it will be underlined Even that is subject to change as you may have an even better solution than what I’m presenting. Setup: Lattice Setup: Drop Yarn B, making sure to leave enough tail to weave in CO 4 stitches in Yarn A and knit 14 rows in garter stitch, prior to blocking. which will create your garter tab. Knit 2 rows in garter, using Yarn A, being sure to maintain the YO increases and center spine stitch as a stockinette stitch, and then begin lattice lace pattern: Pick up stitches around garter tab, until total number of stitches on needle equals 11, You may pick up as many stitches as you feel is appropriate, but the number of stitches must be an odd number, in order to accommodate the lattice stitch later in the shawl. Row I (right side): K2, SM, *YO, K2tog tbl* repeat ** until last stitch before center stitch markers. YO, K1, YO, SM, K1, SM, YO, KI, YO *K2tog tbl, YO* repeat until Soames last stitch marker, SM, K2. Pick up and hold together, Yarns A & B, before continuing Row 2 (wrong side): K2, SM, P across to last stitch Row I (right side): K2, PM, YO, K3, YO, PM, K1, PM, "Ker. SM, K2. YO, K3, YO, PM, K2 Continue repeating those two rows until you have knit as Row 2 (wrong side): K2, SM, PS, SM, P1, SM, PS, K2 ere ie eer much lattice as you want, ending with a wrong side row. Continue your increases in this manner keeping up with your stockinette stitch, and making sure to maintain the 2 stitch garter edge, until you find it to be a visually pleasing place to stop. End this section after finishing a wrong side row. Knit 2 more rows in garter stitch while maintaining the increase pattem from the stockinette section and the center spine stitch in stockinette. Then, pick up Yarn B, alongside Yarn A, and start a new stockinette section. At this point, you can switch back and forth between lattice and stockinette until: A: you just can’t stomach it anymore OR B: you've run out of your lace weight, Bind-off and Finishing Detail: While maintaining the same increase and center spine stockinette, drop yarn B and knit 6 rows in garter stitch. Knit the lattice pattern until you have achieved the size you desire, and add another 6 rows garter. BO on the right side of the pattern using Jenny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind Off or your preferred extremely stretchy bind off method to accommodate the fluidity of the overall shawl ‘Weave in all ends, soak, and block You can choose to use pins or blocking wires but I just smacked mine around a bit after soaking in the bathtub and finger pressed it out on the living room carpet. Tused almost every scrap of my lace weight yarn and then 3 and a quarter 50 gram skeins of the fingering weight, fog shawl ° Ravelry ID: CandiedGinger

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