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Names: Maxh Angulo Meza Monago

Teacher: Mr Flores Mitma
Course: Ingls Bsico Intensivo

I.-Write examples with the grammar structures and the vocabulary used in
Units 7 an 8, you have to write 10 examples per every grammar structure on a
piece of paper and give it to me the day of the final exam.

A.-Grammar: Verbs with direct and indirect objects

1.- I sent Gustavo an wattsapp.
2.-My father bought me a computer.
3. My ancle wrote a text messenger.
4.-My girlfriend donated her clothes
5.-My sister agreed to marry tomorrow.
6.-I sent Luciana a fax.
7.-David cocked chicken crisp for days a go
8.-Maria foxed his moto in the workshop.
9.-My brother transferred money to my mom
10.-Luisa scans the percentages box

B.-Grammar: Linking verbs

1.- The dinner smells delicious.
2.-The cup cake smells sweet
3.-It feels salty food

4.-Their snacks are nice

5.-Your motorcycle sound strange
6.-The music sound noisy
7.-The Pisco Sour is sweet and bitter
8.-The Vodka smells delicious
9- The caf smells exquisite
10.The perfume it feels soft

C- Grammer: Be going to
1.-Im going to buy a new cellphone
2.-Im going to clean the house weekend
3.-She going to cinema to see Los mgnificos
4.- He going to walk with my dog.
5.-Im going to play handball.
6.-You are going to play basketball.
7.-Im not going to play football soccer.
8.- Marcela going to write.
9.-Im going to sleep to my house.
10.-Im going to study to the library.

D.- Grammer: Will for predictions

1.-Its not going to rain today in Madrid
2.-Today its going to be sunny in London.
3.-Tomorrow its going to cold in Paris.
4.- The weather today in Lima is cloudy and rainy.
5.-It will be cloudy tomorrow in Barcelona.

6.- Will be sunny next week in the capital .

7.- Its going to be sunny and hot in Bogota.
8.-Its going to be breezy in South Orlando.
9.-You should wear a coat because its cold.
10.-We have a hot day in Brazil

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