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Here for AMI environmental we make environmental problems go away and Im here
with Doug Marshall . whos not just hygienes with AMI enviromental and Were talking
about the fundamentals of industrial hygiene.

: And I obvious question what are the fundamental of industrial

: Well Steve, industrial hygiene is a broad topic, industrial hygiene
Involves the recognition and the antisipation a work place hazards . Industrial hygiene is
science but its also in our and that are becomes developed after you had several years of
experience in the work place and seemed different. Im differ hazards in different settings .
: So the job want when you come in to do an assignment that
certainly there is a science part of that there are surveys there are you know all that stuff but
then youre intution also has a lot to do with it so.
: Is that what Im hearing? yes it is. And also weird theres regulatory
driven requirements but theres also Im autoritatif references Im not everything that is
adviced to us in occupational health and safety is a regulation necessarily. so we have today
can reseach a little bit further to see up what reseach has been done in those areas have a
reserve toxicology to be able to talk to our clients and determine where those hazards exist
whet her theyre inhalation hazards whether theyre dermal expo sure hazards. Im whether
their physical hazards.
: And also Bob what the bottom line is not only Ill making sure the
employes are address to government regulations but also about their protecting their
investment in there their employes as well i mean that a statement on my part right
: Yes it is, an we are part of that team for the employees and in large
part thats when employeers seek is to keep their work place of course free from hazards that
falls under the ocean a general duty claus but they also have a genuine interest in keeping a
healthy work force and keeping a healthy work force helps them in their bottom line is well in
their productivity.
Thanks Doug for free consultation call 4023975001 or go to industrial fundamental of industrial hygiene.

Falahyanti ayunafitrih

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