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TUB LONDON, EDINBURGIE avo DUBLIN PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND. JOURNAL OF SOLENCE. [FOURTH SERIES.) MARCH 1861. XXV. On Physical Lines of Force. By J.C. Maxwaxn, Pro fessor of Naturat Philosophy én King's Catlege, London®, Pane L—The Theory of Muleculer Vortices anplied to Magnetic Phenomena. TS at pepo involving attractions or cepulsions, or any forece depending on the relative positionaf bodies, we hare to determine the magnitude and direction of the force which ‘would act on a given body, if placed in a given position. In the ease of a body acted on by the gravitation of a sphere, this force is inversely 2s the square of the distanee, and in a straight line to the centre of the sphere, In the case of two attracting spheres, or of a body not sphovieal, the magnitude and dizection of the force vary aceording to more eomplieated Tas. Io eleetrie and magnetic phenomenn, the magnitude and direction of the resultant force at any point is the main subject, of investigation. Suppose that the divection of the force at any ia known, then, if we draw a line so that in every part of Its eaurse it esincides in direction with the force at that point, this line may bo called a Fine of foree, sineo it indicates the direction of the force in every part of ita course, By drawing « sufficient number of lines of force, we may indicate the direction of the furce in every part of the space in which it acts, Thus if we strow iron filings on paper near a magnet, each filing will be magnetized by induction, and the consceutive filings will unite by their opposite pales, so as to form fibres, and these fibres will indicate the divection af the lines of force. The beautiful illustration of the presesiee of magnetic force afforded by this expeciment, naturally tends to make us think of 162 Prof. Maxwell on the Theory of Molecular Vortces the lines of foree es something real, and as indicating something ‘more than the mere resultant of twu forces, whose eeat of rection nat a dintance, and #bich do not exist there at all uatil » mag- ‘net is placed in that part of the field. We are dissatisfied wit! the explanation founded on the hypothesis of attractive and repellent forces directed towards the magnetic poles, even though wemay have satisfied ourselves that the phenomenon is in strict neoordance with that hypothesis, and we cannot help thinking that in every place where we find these lines of foree, some phy- sical atate or action rust exist in sufficient energy to produce the actual phenomena. ‘My object in this paper is to clear the way for specul this direction, by investigating the mechanical resulta of eertain states of tension and motion io a medium, and comparing these ‘ith the observed phenomena of maguetiam end eleetrieity. By pointing out the mechanical consequences of such hypothe, 1 hope to be of some wae to those who consider the phenomena ax uve to the ection of a medium, but arc in doubt as to the relation of this hypothesis to the experimental laws already established, which have generally been expressed in the language of other hypotheses. T have in a former paper* endeavoured to lay before the mind ‘of the geometer a clear conception of the relation of the lines of force to the space in which they are traced. By making use of the eoneeption of eurrenta in a fluid, Ishowed bow to draw lines of oreo, which shonld indicate by their number the smount of force, 60 that each line may be ealled a unit-line of force (sce Parnas “Researches,” 122) ; and I have investigated the path of the lines where they pasa from one medium to another. Tn the eane paper I have found the geometrical significance of the “ Blectrotonie State,” and have shown how to deduce the mathematical rlations between the elestrotonie stale, anagnetism, clectrie currents, and the electromotive force, using mechanical illustrations to assist the imagination, but not to account for the phenomena. T prupose now to exentine magnetic phenomena from a mecha- nical point of view, aad to determine what tensions in, or motions fof, e medium are capable of producing the mechanical pheno- tuena observed. If, by the same hypothesis, we can connect the phenomena of maguetic attraction with electromagnetic phe- ‘nomena and with thove of induced currents, we shall have found a theory whieh, if not teue, can only be proved to be erroneous bj expetimente which will greatly enlarge our knowledge of this part of physics. © Seen paper“ On Famay’s Lines of Force,” Cambridge Philosophical ‘Traosaetions, vol. x. part 1. applied to Magnetic Phenomena. 1408 The mechanical conditions of m inedium wnder magnetic in- Aucnes have been variously conceived of, as eurrents, unduls- tions, or states of displacement or strain, or of presaure or atreas, Currents, issuing from the north pole and entering the south pole of a ngnt, or cironlating round an electric current, hare the advantage of representing corrcetly tue geometrical arcange- ‘ment of the lines of force, if we could account on mechanical principles for the phenomena of attraction, or for the currents themselves, or explain their continued existence, Undulations issuing from a eentve would, according to the cal- culations of Professor Challis, produce an effect similar to attrac- tion in the diteetion of the centve; but admicting this to be true, vwe lmow that two series of undulstions traversing the eatne space do not combine into one resultant as two attractions do, but pro- duce an effeet depending on relations of phase as well as intensity, and if allowed to proceed, they diverge from exch other without any mutual action, In fact the mathematical luws of attractions fare not analogous in any respect in those of undulations, while they have remarkable analogies with those of eurrents, of the conduetion of beat and cleetricity, and of elastic bodies. In the Cambridge aud Wublin Mathematical Journal for January 1847, Professor Willians Thorason. hes given a “ Mecba- nical Repretcatation of Eleetie, Magnetic, and Galvanic Forves,” by means of the displacements of the particles of an elastie solid int a state of atraip, In this representation we must make the angular displacement at every point of the aolid proportional to the magnetie force at the corspouding point of the magnetic field, the direction of the axis of rotation of the displacement covresponding to the direction of the magnetic force. "The abso- lute displacement of any particle will then correspond in magni- tude and direction to that which I have identified with the elee- trotonic alate; and the relative displacement of any particle, considered with reference to the particle in its imrvediste neigh- Rourhoud, will correspond in ringnitude und direction to the quantity af eletric current passing Uaough the coreqponding point of the magaeto-clectrie field. ‘The author of thia meth ‘of representation does not attempt to explain the origin of the observed forces by the effects dux: to these strains in the clastic avlid, but makes tse of the mathernaticnl analogies of the two problems to assivt the imagination in the study of both. Wercoue iow to wnsider the magnetic inihence existing in the fort of some kind of prussure or tension, or, more ene rally, of strese in the ruedium, ‘Stress is netion and reaction between the ediisecutive parts of 1 body, and consists in gencval of pressures or tensions different in different directions at the: ximir nine af Hho sadn 16% Prof. Maxwell a the Theory af Molecular Vortices The necessary relations among theve forces have been in vestigated: Oy mathematicians; and it has been shown that the ‘general type of a stress conaisis of a combination of three Brincipal presuzes or tensions in dieetiona at right angles to each other. When two of the principal pressures are equal, the third he comes an axis of symmetry, either of greatest or Icaat pressure, the preatures at right angles to this axis being all equal, ‘When the three prineipal pressures are equal, the pressure is equal in every direction, and there results a stress having no determinate exia of direction, of which we have an example in simple hydrostatic pressure. The general type of a stress is not suitable asa representation af w magucti foree, beens line of rugnetc fee bs dies tion and intensity, hut hax no third quality indicating any dif- ference between the sties of the line, which would be analogous to that observed in the case of polarized light™, ‘We must therefore represent the magnetic force at « point by a stress a single axis of greatest or least pressure, and all the pressures at right anglex to this axis equal, It’ may be objected that itis inconsistent to represent 2 line af force, which is caumbially dipolar, by an axia of stress, which ia necessarily isotropic 5 but we know Usat every phenierion of wction and ro- action is isotropic in its reséls, because the effects of the force om the bodies between which’ it aera are equal ane opposite, while the nature and origin of the force may be dipolar, as in the attraction between « north and # south pole. Let us next consider the mechanical effect of a state of atrens symmetrical about an axis. We may resolve it, in all eases, into a simple hydrostatic pressure, combined with a simple pressure or tension along the axis, When the axis is that of greatest pressure, the foree along the axis will be a preveure. When the axis is that of least pressure, the force aloug the axis will be» tension. Af we observe the lines of foree between two magnets, ax in- dicated by iron filings, we shall see that whenever the lines of force pass from oue pole to another, there is aléraction between those poles; and where the lines of force from the poles avoid each other and are dispersed into space, the poles repel each cther, a0 that in both cates they ave draven in the direction of the resultaut of the lines of foree, It appears therefore that the stress in the axis of a line of magnetic force is a fension, like that of a rope. Ii we caleulate the lines of force in the neighbourhood of two gravitating bodies, we shall find them the eame in direction ns + Sue Hardav'a * Resestees, 252. onplied tn Magnetic Phenomena. 165 those near two magnetic poles of the same name; but we know that the mechanical effect iv that of attraction instead of re pulsion, The lines of force in thia cane do not run between the bodies, but avoid each oll, and are dispersed over space. Ia order to produce the effvct of utteaction, the stress along the Jines of gravitating force must be a pressure, Let us now suppese that the phenomena of magnetism depend ‘on the existence of a tension in te direction of the linen af foxec, combined with a hydrostatic pressure ; or in ather words, a pros” sure greater in the equatoriai than in the axial direction the next qnestion is, wirt mechanical explanation can we give of this inequality of pressures in e fuid or mobile medium ? ‘The explanation whick most roadily ceeurs to the mind is that the excess of pressure in the equi direction arises from the force of vortices or odulies in the medium having their axes in directions parallel to the lines of foree. This explanation of the cautse of the inequality of pressures at once suggests the means of representing the dipolar character of the line of force, Every voriex is essentially dipolar, the two extromities of its axis being distinguished by the dircction of its evatution as observed framn those paintn, We also know that when electricity circulates in a eonductor, it produces lines of magnetic force passing through the eireuit, the direction of the lines depending en the direction of the cir- culation. Lot us suppose tnt the ditection of revolution of our vortices ie that in which vitrcous electricity must revolve in order to produce lines of forey: whose direction within the circuit is the suine a5 that of the given lines of furee, We shall suppose at present that all the vortices in any one part of the field are revolving iv the same direction about axes early parallel, but that in passing from one part of the field to antler, the direction of the exes, the velocity of rotation, and the density of the substance of the vortices are aubject to change. We shall investigate: the resultant mechanical effect upon an element of the tucdium, and from the mathematical expression of this resultant we shall deduce the physical character of its different com pament parte, Prop. L—It in two fluid systems geometrically similar the velocities and densities at corresponding points are proportional, then the differences of pressure at eorrexpending poitite due to the motion will vary in the duplteate ratio of the velocities and the simple ratio of the densities. Let be the ratio of the linear dimensions, 2x thnt of the velo cities, n that of the densities, and ji that cf the pressures due to the motion. ‘Then the ralic of the masses of eorrespondmg por. ions voll Ihe 8m aud the eatin af the velasins acanived be 166 Prof, Maxwell un the Theory of Molecular Vortices ‘traversing similay parts of the systems will be m; so that [an is the ratio of the momenta acquired by similar portions in traversing similor parts of theix paths, The ratio of the surfaces ia /, that of the forces acting on them ia Zp, and that of the times during which they act ia A 0 that the ratio of the impulee of the forces in ®2, and we Bre now oma £2, on wnsp ; tat is, the ratio of the pressures due to the motion (z) is com- ‘pounded of the ratio of the densities (a) and the duplicate ratio of the velocities (m*), and dors not depend on the linear dimen- sions of the moving systems. In a cirenlar vortex, revolving with uniform angular velocity, if tho preasure at the axis is 7, that at the circumference will Pi=Pothor", where p is the density and v the velocity at the siroumference, The mean pressure parallel to the axie will be Pot se =Py ‘Ta mamber of auch vortices were placed together side by side with their axes parallel, they would form a mediuin in which there would be a pressure p puraltel to the axes, and a pressive py in any porpendicnlar direction, If the vurtices are circular, and have uniform angular velocity and density throughout, then Pim re=tpe If the vortices are not circular, and if the angular velocity and the density are not nniform, but vary accovding to the same law for all the vortices, Pi—Pa=Cov%, where p is the mean density, and C is a numerical quantity de- pending on the distribution of angular selocity and densily in ‘the vortex, In future we shall write & instead of Cp, 20 that 1 ee er) where wiv a quantity bearings constant ratio to the density, and ein the linear velocity at the cireumference of each vortex. A medium of this kind, filled with molecalar vortices having theit axes parallel, differs from an ordinary fluid in having dif- ferent pressures in diferent directions, If not preventaat by properly arranged pressurcs, it would tend to expand Interally In so doing, it would allow the: diameter of cach vortex to expand applied to Magnetic Phenomena. 167 and its velocity to diminish in the same proportion. In order thet a medium having these inequalities of pressare in different directions should be in equilibrium, certain conditions mast be faliled, which we must investigate, Prop. IL_—Mf the diceetion-cosines of the axce of the vortices vith respect to the ores of 2, y, and be J, m,and n, to find the normal and tangential atresses on the coordinate planes. ‘The actual ‘stress may be resolved into a sitmple hydrostatic pressure p, acting io ull directions, and a eimple tension 2, —Pa, or wot, acting slong the axis of wtcexs. Fence if pars Por» 84 Pu be the rormal stresses parallel to the three axes, considered positive when they tend fo inerease those axes; and if Pye, Pes, ad Pry be the tangential stresses in the three coordinate planes, considered positive when they tend to inerease simultaneously the mymbols subscribed, then by the resolution of stresses*, 1 Pa Temp, Lett Pa gna p 1 Pam eto, i Pon em 1 Peo je wotnd Emtin, . It we wiite a=vl, B=vm, and y=on, then 1 1 Pur jeep, P= qceby | 1 1 I= GeO P= Germ @ Line 1 Pam GeeTP Pay ghee Prop. TIL. —To find the regultant force on an element of the ‘medium, arising from the variation of internal atress, * Rankine’s ‘ Applied Meclanies! art, 106. 168 Prof, Maxwell on the Theory of Molecular Vortices We have in genera}, for the foros in the direction of z per unit, of yolume by the law of equilibrium of stresses, a a a Xn lat GPa? gle - wee ee ee In this eave the expression ou bbe written feared tall 4 Bla ale ‘ ident ew Remembering tht a Ze + BSS yl a 3-Z (at A499), thin beeomes i aa E (Ende Lol So) + get Ee BA 1 (4B _ dey (da _ dy dy ~ a8 a(S Gtr ae) ‘The expresso for the forces parallel tothe axes of y and may be written down from analogy. ‘We have now to interpret the meaning of each term of this ression, fe suppose «, 8,7 to be the eomponents of the foree which would act upon that end of a unit magnetic bar which points to the north. sd fe ach ia represents the magnetic inductive capacity of the medium se foy pinrcened tara xsnded ae orepteent fuantity of magnetic induetion through unit of aren parpen- ‘tear tothe thes aaen of = 9,5 cespouely. + ‘The total amount of magnetic induction through a closed sur- face surrounding tlie pole of « magnet, depends entirely on the strength of that pole; so that if dzly dz be on element, then (Goer Goes ge de dy do saderm dx dys, . (8) which represents the total amount of magnetic induetion out. wards through the surface of the clement ds dy de, represents the amount of “imaginary magnetic matter” within the element, of the kind which points north. The first term of the value of X, therefore, 1 *E @ may be written . om... ae 2 to. # Raakine's*Ayplied Meehan” wt. 6. enplied to Magnetic Phenomena. 169 where « is the intensity of the magnetic force, and m in the ‘amount of magnetic matter pointing north in unit of volume, The physical interpretation of this torm is, that the force urging a north pole in the positive direetion of « is the product of the intensity of the magnetic foree resolved in that direction, and the strength of the north pole of the magnet. Tt the parallel lines from left to right in fig. 1 represent a field of magnetic force auch as that of the earth, en being the direction from south to north. The vortices, according to ‘our hypothesis, will be in the dizection shown by the arrowe in fig. 3, that is, in @ plane perpendicular to the lines of force, and revoly- ing in the direction of the hands of x watch when observed from looking towarde n. The parts of the vartiess above the plane of the paper will be moving towards e, and the parts below that plane towards 1. ‘We shall always mark by am arrow-head the direction in which we must look in order tn see the vortices rotating in the diree- tion of the hands of « watch. The arrow-head will then indicate the nortverd direction in the magnetic field, that is, the direc ton iu which that enil of a magnet which points to the north would et itself in the field, Now let A be the end 4 of a magnet which points Fig. 1. north, Since it repels the 8 north ends of other mag- nets, the lines of foree will be dirested from A out- wards in all directions On the north side the line AD will be in the same direction with the lines of ‘the moguetie field, and the relocity of the vorticen will be fncrensed. On the south sidethe line A C will be in the opposite direction, and the velocity of the vortices will be diminished, so that the Tines of foree are more: powerful on the north side ofAthan ou the eouthside. We have secn that the mechanical effect of the vortices is to produce a tension along their axes, so thnt the resultant effect 270 Prof. Maxwell on the Theory of Molecular Vortices on A will be to pull it more powerfully towards D than towards Gy that is, A. will tend to more to the north, ‘Let B in fig. 2 represent a south pole. ‘The lines of force belonging to B will tend fowarde B, and we shall find that the lines of force aro rendered stronger towards E than towards F, 0 that the effeot in this eave is to urge B towards the eouth. Tt appears therefore that, on the hypothesis of molecular vor- ties;-our fret term gives # racchanical explanation of the force acting on a north or south polo in the maguetic field. We now proceed to examine the eccond term, dud tate. Here at + 6¥-+ 9" is the square of the intensity at any part of the field, and sis the magnetic inductive eapacity at the same place. “Any body thexefore placed. in the field will be urged fowerds places of stronger megnetia intensity with a force depend ing partly on ita own eapacity for magnetic induction, and partly ‘on the rate at which the equare of the intensity increases. Hf the body be placed in a fluid medium, then the medium, as well as the body, will be urged towards places of greater intensity, to that ite hyilrostatic preseure will be inezeased in that direc. tion. ‘The resultant effect on a body placed in the medium will be the difference of the actions on the body and on the portion of the medium which it displaces, so thnt the body will tend to ‘or from places of greatest maguetic intensity, according as it has 4 greater or less capacity for magnetic indaction than the sur- rounding medium, In fig. 4 the lines of force are represented ag converging and ‘becoming more powerful towarda the right, so that the magnetic tension at Bi stronger than at A, and the body A.B will be urged to the right, If the eapacity for magnetic induction is sgevater in the body than in the surrounding medium, it will move to the right, but if lems it will move to the left. Fig. 4. Fig. 6. aS ‘We may suppose in this case that the lines of foree are cons ‘verging to a magnetic pole, either north or south, on the right hand, In fig. 6 the lines of foreo arc represented as vertical, and be- e applied fo Magnetic Phenomena, im coming more numerous towards the right, It may be shown that ifthe force increases towards the right, the lines of foree will be carved towards the right. The efact of the magnetic tensions wil then be to draw any ody towards the right with a force depending on the excess ofits induetive capacity over that of the surroming medium. We my suppoce that ia this figure the linen of foree are those eurrounding an electric current perpendicular to the plane tft paper and on the eight band ofthe figure. ‘These two illustrations wil sbow the mechanical effect on a paramagnetic or diamagnetic body placed in a field of varying magnetic force, whether the inetcase of force takes place along the Bnes or travsvers: to them. ‘The form of the second term of oxr equation indicates the gencral law, which ia quite inde- pendeat of the dicection of the lines of force, and depends solely tn the manner in which the force vurier from one part of the field to another. ‘We come now tothe thied term of the value of X, 8 _ ie nate al ere 8's, ns before, Uwe quantity of nagnetie induction throngh tit of urea perpendicular to the axis of y, and £-§ isa quantity which would disappear if ade-t Ady-+-ydz were a com- plete differential, that is, it the force acting on a unit north pole wore subject to the condition that no work can be done upon, the pole in passing round any clored eneve, ‘The quantity repre- sents the work done on a north pole in travelling round unit of arca in the divection from +2 to +y parallel to the plane of ay. ‘Now if an electric current wise strength ie r is traversing the axis of z, whieh, we may suppose, points vertically upwards, then, if the axis of @ is cast and that of y north, a unit north pole will Ve urged round the axis of 2 in the direction from z to y, #0 that in one revolution the work done will be = 4x, ence dS da’ ade & parallel to 2 through wait of azea ; and if we write 1 (dy _dB\_ 1 (ta_dy\_ 1 (a8 _ de z(Z-2) Gi =o ae Go" @ then p, q, 7 will he the quantity’of electric current per unit of ‘rea perpendicular to the axes of z, y, amd # respectively. ‘The physical interpretation of the third term of X, —pAr, is that if jf isthe quantity of magnetic induction parallel to y, and +r the quantity of cleetrieity flowing in the direction of 2, the ') represents the strength of an electri. current 172 Prof. Maxwell on the Theory of Maleenlar Vortices element will be urged in the direetion of 2, transversely to the rection of the current and of the lines of force; that is, an atcending carrent in a feld of force magnetized towards the north would tend to move west. To illustrate the action of the molecular vor- Fig. 6. tices, let en he the direction of magnetic force * ‘in the fieki, and let C he the section of an ascending magnetic eurrent perpendicular to the paper. The linea of force due to this current will be circles drawn in_ the opposite direction from that of thehandsof « watch ; that is, in the direction nwse. At e the lines of force will be ‘the sum of those of the field and of the current, s and at w 1 be the difference of the two sets of lines ;'s0 that the vortices on the east side of the current will be more powerful than those on the west side. Toth ects of vortices have their equatorial parts turned towards C, 50 that they tend to expand towards C, but those on the eas? side have the greatest effect, o that the resultant edfect on the eurreut is to urge it towards the west. ‘he fourth term, . L (de _ ay rb(-2) ‘may bé interpreted in the same way, and indicates that a current qin the direction of y, that ia, to the north, placed in a magnetic field in which the lines are vertically upwards in the direction of 4, Will be urged towards the east. ‘The fifth term, or tag, «+ (10) Be ay merely implies that the element will be urged in the diceetion ia which the hydrostatic protsure 7 diminishes, ‘We may now write down the expressions for the componente ‘of the resultant force on an element of the medium per unit of ‘volume, thus: Keamt goa ge (—mBrt we — 2, . (1g) Yofnt seh mae par - 3) Baymt ants (8 — nay + wp — ®, - + (4) ‘The first terin of each expression refers to the foree acting on maguetie poles, amped to Magnetic Phenomena. 173 ‘The second term to the action on bodies eapable of magnetism luction. ‘The third and fourth terms to the foree acting on electric currents. ‘And the fifth to the effect of simple pressure. Before going further in the generat investigation, we shall consider equations (12, 13, L4,) in particular eases, corresponding, tothose simpliticd cascs of the actual phenomena which we scok to obtain in order to determine their laws by experiment. $¥e have found that the quantities p, g, andl r cepresent the tesolved parts of an clectrie current in, the three coordinate directions. Let ne suppose in the first infstance that there in no leetiie current, or that p, y, and r vanish. We have then by (9), #y_ Big, 47g, Bt ag, by dy ds= Gam ee +8) whenec we learn that ais tBdytydendp oe OH is an exact differential of g, so that . ye. ay 4 is proportional to the density of the vortices, and represents the ‘ capaeity for magnetic induetion ” in the medinm. — [tis equal to Lin air, or in whatever medinm the experiments were male hich determined the powers of the magnets, the strengths of nrtents, &e. sappase pe constant, then EElued+ § 8+ E00) = Logs See) 08) wesents the amount of imaginary magnetic matter in unit of roluine, ‘That there may be 20 resultant foree on that unit of volume avising from the action represented by the first term of equations (12, 13, 14), we must have m=0, or FS poe (19) Now it mnay be shown that equation (19), if true within a given space, impliew that the forees acting within that space are such ss would result from « distribution of eentres of foree beyond inversely an the square of the 174 Prof, Maxwell om the Theury of Molecular Vertices Hence the lines of foree in a part of space whece pis uniform, and where there are no eleetric currents, must be such as would yesnlt from the theory of “imaginary matter” acting at a di- lance. The assumptions of that theory are uulike those of ours, but the results are identical. Let us first take the case of a single magnetic pole, that is, one end of a long rangnet, a0 long that ite other exit is too far off to haye a perceptible influence on the part of the field we wre considering, The conditions then are, that equation (18) must. be fulfilled at the magnetic pole, and (19) everywhere else. ‘The aly solution under thgse conditions is gam ey bere ris the distance from the pole, and m the strength of the The repulsion at any point on a unit polo of he seme kind is Him eee ARN oe In the standard medium j1=1 ; #0 that the repulsion is simply = in that medium, as has been shown by Coulomb. Ina medium having a greater value of » (auch as oxygen, solutions of salts of iron, ie.) the attraction, on our theory, ought to be dete than in air, and in diamagnetic media (such aa wates, melted bismuth, &.) the attraction between the same magnetic poles ought to be greater than in air. The experiments neccesary to demonstrate the difference of attraction of two inagnets according to the mmgnetic or din- agaetie character of the medium im which they sre placed, would require great precision, on account of the limited range of magnetic capacity in the fluid media known to us, and the smal] amount of the difference sought for as compared with the whole attraction. Let us next take the ease of sn clectrie current whose quan- tity is C, flowing through a cylindries! conductor whose radius in R, and whose length is infinite as compared with the size of the field of foree considered. ‘Let the axis of the cylinder be that of z, and the direction of the current positive, then within the eonduetor the quantity of current per unit of area is c 1 (d8 _de) = itt elie — sy bee (22) applied to Magnetic Phenomena 75 wo that within the conductor (23) - & 5) ‘a¥ 7 is the perpendicular distance of any point fror the asis of the conductor, unit novth pole will experience a 2c force = dircetion of the hands of a watch, if the observer view it in the direction of the current, Tet us now consider a exrvent running parallel to the axis of in the plane of az at a distance p. ict the quantity of the nerent be e and Tet the leigth of the part oonsidered be 4 amd , tending to move it round the conductor in the Ci i . its section «, 0 that £ js its strength per unit of seetion, Put ting this quantity for p in equations (12, 18, 14), we find 2 X= —K8> per unit of volume; and mul conductor considered, we find X= padi Cet Sc) showing that the second conductor will be attracted towards the first with a force inverscly as the distance, ‘We find iu this case also that the amount of attraction depends om the value of 2, but that ic varies directly instead of inversely ts 14; 20 that the attraction between two conducting wires will be ateater in oxygen tlan in air, and greater in air then in water ‘We shall next consider the nature of electric eurrents and cleetsomotive forees in connexion with the theory of molecular vortices, ng by té, the volume of the 982 Prof. Maxwell on tht Theory of Molecular Vorticen position that the aurrounding medium in put into auch a state ‘that et every point the pressures are different in different direc tions, the direction of leest pressure being that of the observed lines of force, and the difference of greatest and least pressures being proportional to the square of the intensity of the force at that poizt. Such a state of stress, if atsumed to exist in the medium, and to be arranged according to the known laws regulating lines of foree, will act upon the magnets, currents, &. an the Held with precively the same’ resultant forces x thore calcalated on the ‘ordinary hypothesis of direct aotion at a distance. This ix true Independently of any particular theory ss to tho cause of this state of stress, or the mode in which it ean be eustained in the medium. We have therefore & astifactory answer to the ques- tion, “Tathere any mechanies! hypothesis as to the condition of the medium indicated by lines of force, by which the observed resultant forces may be sovounted for?” ‘The answer is, the Tinea of force indicate the dizection of minimum preerure at every point of the medium, ‘The second question must be, « What ia the moohani¢al cause of this difference of pressure in different directions?” We have ‘ppoved, in the first part of this paper, that this diference of Pressures is enused Ly molecular vortices, having their axcs parallel to the lines of forec. ‘We alo xesumed, perfecly arbitrarily, that the dicection of these vortices is such that, on looking along a line of force from south to north, we should see the vorticen revolving in the direc- tion of the hands of a watch, ‘We found that the velocity of the ejreumnference of each vortex must be proportional to the intensity of the magnetic foree, aud that the density of the substance of the vortex must be propor- tional to the capacity of the medium for magnetic induction. ‘We have as yet given no answers to the questions, “Ilow are these vortices set in rotation” and “Why are they arranged secarding t0 the known Ixws of lines of foree about magnets and currents” ‘These questions aro certainly of « higher onder of difficulty than either of tho former; and I wish to separate the 0 L may offer by. f provisional answer to them, fees tho mechanal delaclone which realy the frst question, aad the byotbei of vorce mich gave 8 probable never the seeon “We have, in fact, now come to inguire into the physiesl con- sition of theae vorlies with electric current, while we ere ail in doubt an to the nature of electricity, whether it is one suh- stance, two substances, or not a eubstance stall, or iu what way it differs from matter, and how it is comnected with it, ‘applied ta Electric Currents, 283 We know that the linos of force are affected by electric enr- rents, and we know the distribution of thore Jines about a cur- rent; so that from the foree we can determine the amount of the current, Assuming that our explanation of the lincs of force by molecular vortices is correct, why does a particular diatribus Gon of vortices indieate am electric current? A aati snewer to this question would lead us a long way towards thet of a very important one, What in an electrie curront 2” Thave found great difficulty in conceiving of the existence of vortiecs in a medium, side by aide, revolving in the same dirce~ tion about parallel exes, ‘The eontiguows portions of coneceu- tive vortices must be moving in opposite direstions; and it ix dificult to understand how the motion of one part of the medium gn coexist with, and even produce, an apposite motion of a part in contact with i The only conception which has xt all sided me in conceiving of this kind of motion is that of the vortices being separated by 8 layer of particles, revolving each on its own axiv itr the site diroclion to that of the vortices, ao that the contiguous su- faces of the particles and of the vortices huve the same motion. In mechanism, when two wheels are intended to revolve in the nue direction, a whcel ie placed betweey thems 0 a8 to be in gear with both, and this whee! ix called an “idle whecl.” ‘The hypothesis about the vortices which I have to suggest ix that a layer of pacticles, acting os idie wheels, in interposed be- tween eaeh vortex and the next, so that cach vortex has a ten- dency to make the neighbouring vortices revolve in the same direction with ise In mechanism, the idle wheel in generally made to rotate shout a eed sale; butineynyoictraingand other contivances, 4 for instance, in Siemens’ kovernor for steam-ongincs™, w find idle wheels whose centres are capable of motion. Tn al ‘these eases the motion of the centre is the helfaum of the motions of the circumferences of the wheels between which it is placed. Let us cxamine the relations which must subsist between the rwotions of our vortices and those of the layor of particles iter. pored as idle wheels between them. Prop, 1V,—To determine the motion of a layer of particles separating two vortices, Tet the cireumferential velocity of a vortex, multiplied by the three direetion-cosines of ita axia respectively, be a 8, y, as in Prop. IL, Let J, m, n be the direetion-cosines of the normal to any part of the surface of this vortex, the outside of the surface being regarded positive. Then the components of the velooity of the particles of the vortex at this part of its surface will be * Bee Goodere's * Elements of Mechaninm,’p. 118, 284 Prof, Mexwell on the Theory of Molecular Verlices nf—my parallel to 2, ly—na_ parallel toy, ma—1B parallel to 3. If this portion of the surface be in contact with another vortex ‘Whore velocities are a At, -/, then a layer of very small particles placed between them will have velocity which ‘ill be the mean 2f the superficial velocities of the vortices which they scparate, 80 that if w is the velocity of the particles inthe direction of =, u=dn(7—7)— 3's OD since the normel to the second vortex is in the opposite direction, to that of the frst. Prop. V.—To determine the whole amount of particles tronsferred seross unit of area in the direction of = in unit of time, ‘Tet 21, vis #; be the coordinates of the eentre of the first vor~ ten, To po fe those of the second, and so on, Let Vy Va, Ses be the volumes of the first, socond, Se. vortices, and V the sum of their volumes, Let d8'be an element of the surface separa- 1g the first and eccond vortices, and , 9, # its coordinates, Let p he the quantity of particles on every unit of surface. Then ip be he whole quantity of perils tanafered seross nit of area in unit of time in the direction of x, the whole mo- mentum parallel to 2 of the parlicles within the space whose volume is V will be Vp, snd we shall have Vatu, oe es BB) the summation being extended to every surface separating any ‘two vortices within the volume V. “Let us consider the surfice separating the first and second. vortices, Let an element of this surface be dS, and Tet its Birection-cosines be 4, m, %, with respect to the first vortex, and Je, My My with reepect to the second ; then we know that htk=0, mma, mtm=O. . . (29) The values of a, 8, y vary with the position of the centre of the vortex; wo that we may write aset erat wwt Eben + 00 with similar eqaations fr #8 wa 9 ‘The value of u may be written: — applied fo Electric Currente, 285 J 2 (mens) 4mle—x)) 1G (mena tmeumaad) 439 mle ad teed) “HE (ue—nd ented) - 3 (n—1d +mtyv0) AB ag-aenteea)) OD In effecting the summation of Eupd8, we must remember tha round any closed surface Sd and all similar terms vanish ; also that terme of the form Zlyd8, where fand y are mexsured ia Gifferent directions, also vanish; bnt that terms of the form ‘Ead8, wher dand z refer to the same axis of coordinates, do not vanish, but are equal to the volume enclosed by the surface, ‘The result is w: 1 fay _ a8 we wake PE ee ee OH then equation (88) will he identical with the firat of equations (9), which give the relation between the quantity of an eleetrie eur rent and the intensity of the lines of force surrounding it. Jt appears therefore that, according to our hypothesis, am dlectrie current is represented by the transference of the move- ~ able particles interposed between the neighbouring vortices. We may conceive that these pacticles ave very sunall compared with the site of a vortes, and that the mass of all tho particles together is inapprociable compared with that of the vortiees, and that w great many vortices, with their surrounding particles, are coutsined in a single complete molceule of the inedium, “The particles must be conceived to roll without sliding between the Yortiess which they separate, and not to touch each other, 50 that, aa long as they remain within the same complete molecute, thers is no lose of ehengy by vesstane, Whea, however, th ina general transference of particles in ono direction, they must pasa from one moleeule to another, and in doing 80, may ex- 286 Prof. Maxwoll on the Theory of Molecular Vortices perister resister, so as to wate lest enengy and generate 3. ‘Now let us suppose the vortices arranged in a median in any acbitrary manner, The auentin $B &. will then in general have values, #0 that there will at first be electrical eur- Jenfs in the medium. ‘These will be opposed by the electrical resistance of the medium ; so that, unless they are kept up by a eontingous supply of force, they will quickly disappear, and we shall then hove 91 — $F 0, he; that in, ade+ Bay + yds il ‘be 2 complete differential (ace equations (16) and (16) ; so that our bypothenisacoumnts for the dstbution ofthe Tine of foro. In Plate V. fig. 1, let the vertical circle BE reprosent an elee- tric current flowing from copper C to rine Z through the con- ductor BEY, as shown by the arrows. ‘et the horizontal circle MM! represent a line of m: force embracing the electric circuit, the north and south diroc- tions being indicated by the Hines SN and NS. ‘Tat the vertical circles V and V' represent the moleeutar vor- tices of which the line of ietie force isthe axis, V revolves aa the hands of a wateh, end V’ the apposite way. It will appear from this diagram, that if V and V! were conti- sgosan vortca, particles placed between themn wonld rove down wards; and that if tht particles were forced do rds exate, they would make the vortices revolve aa in the figure, ‘We hive thus obtained a point of view from which we may regerd the telatlod of an elsetrie cirrent to its lines of fores aa anlogous tothe relation of « tothe wheel or rck to wheels which it ven. In the fire part of the paper we investigated the relations of the stoticsl forces of the system. We have now considered the connerion ofthe motion of the pects eomadered asa system of mechanism. It remains that we should investigate the dynamics: of the system, and determine the forces necessary to produce given changes in the rmotons of the dierent Tats ‘ Prop. VI.—To determine the sctoal e & portion of a rmédinas doe to the motion ofthe varices within it. Tek 8, 7b the components ofthe creumferntel velo, ms in Prop. IL, then the actual energy of the vortices in unit of volume will be: proportional to the density and to the square of the velocity. As we do not know the distribution of denaity and locity in each vorter, we cannot determine the numerical value of he energy tet; Dut shoe paleo beara constant though ‘unknown ratio ta the mean density, let us assume that the energy applied to Electric Gurrents. in anit of volume is where C Tet us let and let B=Cula'+ +79), is constant to be determined. take the ease in which dp a of o-$ oF $= b14b0 - + (5) + + (86) EES SB) net Se Boe then $y the potenti ysand da that due tothe disttbution of magnetimn by my. 1 aetual energy vf all the vortices is BaECu(ats ayv, 2. the integration being performed over all space. his may be shown by integration Uy part (se, Groen’s ocwrcity,? p. “Baaay on 0) to be equal fo at any point due to the magnetic eystem represented + + (8) Ba —4n€X (him; + fete hime tham)qV. - (89) Or since it hes been proved (Green's “Essay, p, 10) that EdimelV = Spm eV, Ex — dO (ym + dyry+ 2pim)qV. ++ @) Now let the magnetic system m, remain at reat, and let: moved parallel to itself in the direction of 2 through n space Be; thea, since g depends on 1 that $m, wi H the distri bution of $e only, it will remain an before, #0 il be constant ; and since ¢, dopends on my only, bout my will remain the same, #0 that ‘will be the same as before the change. The only part of EP be above is that depending Ge 2giee bees é becomes y+ “bt és on account of the dinplacement. The vate tion of actual energy due to the displacement is therefore at by a= 4x02 (281m) a¥ Be on my during the motion is Bad (Pima )be; « (al) equation (12), the work done by the mechanical forces + (4) snd since our hypothesis is a purely mechanical one, we mat en 288 Prof. Maxwell on the Theory of Molecular Portices have by the conservation of force, BEPSWaO; oe 48) ‘that is, the loss of energy of the vortices must be made up by work done in moving magnets, #0 that 4x05 (2 nav 8048 (Limav)ie=0, er 0 that the energy of the vortices in unit of volume is ues eens « se ee BD and that of a vortex whove volume is V is Reta. ee In order to produce or destroy this energy, wotk must be ex- ended om, or received from, the vorter, either by the tangential Action of the layer of parties in contact with it, or by change of form in the vortex. We shall first investigate tbe tangential action between the voetiees and the layer of particles in contact when VIL —To fd th f .—To find the eaergy apent upon a vortex in unit of time the lager of parties whieh ourounds Let P, Q, K be the forees acting on unity of the particles in the threo coordinate directions, these quantities being functions of #,y, and 2, Since each puticle touches two rorticen at the ‘extremities of a diamnoter, the reaction of the particle on the vor- tices will he equally divided, and will be lp _} 1 gh 3% —3k ‘on each vortex for unity of the pavticles ; but since the superficial density ofthe particle is 9 (oe equation (84)), the forces on unit of surface of a yortex wili be 1 1 1 -d», -ba -2r ‘Now let dS be an element of the surface of n vortex, Let the direction-cosines of the normal be J, m, a, Let the coordinates ‘of the clement he 2, y, 2. Let the component velocities of the pied to Blectric Currents. 289 rurdice be w,r, 10. ‘Then the work expended on thet element of surface will be gE Fan yet QW Rayes,. 6. 4 Tet us begin with the first term, Pu dS, P may be wiitten Po eer geys es, rn) and m8 —myy. Reaembering that the surface of the vortex ism clea one, eo that ag RAS =EmsdS=EaydS=Sned8=0, X iS =EasdS=V, we find Roy a, aP spasm (Fe-BY + 9) nd the whole work done on the vortex in unit of time will be a Sa — PeBPut Qe-+ Reus ~2fo( foo 2) o(lt-8)} Prop. VIILL—To find the relations between the alterations of ‘motion of the vortices, and the: forces P, Q, It which they exert on the tnyor of particles between them. Let V'be the volume of a vortex, then by (48) its energy is Ea feat, oe and dE da df Fe gov (eve B ay 2), (62) Comparing thia value with that given in equation (80), we find a aQ aR aa) +8 ah aP fe Ma... 3) ‘This equation being true for all values of «, A, and 4, first let Arand y vanish, and divide by a, We find Phil. Mag. 8, 4. Vol. 21. No, 140, April 1861. U 290 Prof, Maxwell on the Theory of Molecular Vortices @Q dR _ de ae ay Oe Similarly, am_ap_ |... 68 de ae ae sad am Q_ iy Gn ed “From these equations we may determine the relation between the alterations of motion %, te, and the forges exerted on the Jayere of particles between the vortices, or, in the language of cour hypothesis, the relation between changes in the state of the naguetic field and the electromotive forces thereby brought ato play. AY. memoir “On the Dynamical ‘Theory of Difraction”” {Comore Pioophien “Transactions, vol. ix. parti, section 6), rofeseor Btokes has given a method by which we may solve equations (54), and find P, Q, aud B in terms of the quantities fon the right-hend of those equations. Ihave pointed out* the application of this method to questions in electricity and mag- inetinm. ‘Let us then find shrec quantities ¥, G, Ii from the equations ag at ae Mp 8) aF_ a6 ay with the conditions 1(¢ 443,42 A (fues Guts gonjama, (66) waa a0, at aP dG otto 2 ONY Digerentiating (5B) with respect to ¢, and comparing with (54), we find a dt" an Fo 8) fom 4 Cambridge Philosophical Transactions, vol. x= past 1. art. 3, Oa penSETUTAE, Signe! Temstins wok rat 1 ar ‘pplied to Electric Currents, 291 We have thus determined three quantitice, F, G, H, from w we can find FQ, and I by considering these latter quantities as the rates at which the former ones vary. Ta the paper already refered to, I have given reason for eatedering the quantities F, G, H as the resolved parts of that which Faraday has conjete tsed to exist, and bas called the electroton stele Ie thee paper Ihave stated the mathornatical relations between this elees frotonie state end the iines of magnetic force as expressed i ‘equations (55), and aleo between the electratonie state and eleo. Weomotive force as expressed in equations (58). We must now our to interprot them frow a mechanical point of view in conuexion with our hypothosin. We shall in the fit place exsraine the process by which the Tines of foree are produced by an electric current, Let AB, PIV, fg. 2, represcat a current of electricity in the lineation from A to B. ’ Let the large spaces above and below AB represent the vortices, aud let the amma circles aeparath the vortices represent the Inyerw of particle placed between then, ich in our bypothesi reeset electricity. Now Iet an eloctrie current from left to right commence in AB. The row of vortices g 4 sbove AT will be set in motion in the opposite direction to that of watch. (We ball call thie direction , and that of « watch —.) We ball mappose the ror of vortices 47 still nt rest, then the layer of particles between thee roms will be acted ou by the row g on their lower siden, tnd wil beat vert above, If they ave “Tree to mave, They ca rotate in the negative direction, and will at the same time move from right to left, or in the opposite direction ftom the current, tad so form an induced eleetre current, Tf thia current is checked by the electrical resistance of the medium, the rotating perticles will net upon the row of vortices #4, and make them revolve in the postive direction til th at such a velocity that Uae motion of the particles is red of rotation, and theindaced carzent disappears, If nom, the primary current AB be stopped, the voriets in the row gh nile checked, while torecl Ge ron Leta rapid retin, The momentum of the vortices beyond the layer of Proce p g wil tend to more thein from lef to aight, tbat ar tn the direction of the primary current, but if this motion ie fisted by the medinm, the mation of the vortiees beyend pq ill bo gradually destroyed. It appeara therefore that the phenomens of induced curreate tze part of the process of communicating the rotatory velocity of the vortices from one part of the fcld to another. [70 be contianed.] 888 Prof. Maxwell on the Theory of Molecular Vortices Here the near coincidence of the results in the first and third coluums shows thet the relation between & and ‘T may be ape proximately expressed by the formula sales, or T=(T45) 2. e ‘Hastings, April 1, 1861. LL. On Phyvical Lines of Force. By J.C. Maxwni of Natural Philosophy in King's Caifege, London. [With « Plate] Parr IL—The Theory of Molecular Vertices applied to Electria Currents. [Coneloded from p. 291.) “A Spinzanile of the ection of the vores in grodusing in dnceil currents, let us take the following case:—Let B, Pl. ¥, fig. 8 be a circular ting, of uniform section, Iapped uni- formly with covered wire, It may be shown that if an electric current is passed through this wire, a magnet placed within the coil of wie will be strongly affected, bt nu magnetic effect will be produced on ony external point,” ‘The effect will be that of a magnet bent round till its two poles are in contact. TE the coil is properly made, no effect on a magnet placed outs side it can be discovered, whether the current is kept constant or made to vary in strength; but if a conducting wire C be made to embrace the ring any number of times, an electromotive foree will act on that wire whenever the current in the coil is made to vary; and if the cireait be efosed, there will be an actual current in the wire C. This experiment shows that, in order to produce the electro: motive force, its not necessary that the conducting wire should ‘be placed in a field of magnetic force, or that lines of magnetic force should pass through the substance of the wire or neat it. All that ia reqnired is that lines of foree should pass through the cireuit of the conductor, and that these lincs of force should vary in quantity during the experiment, In this ease the vortices, of which we euppose the lines of magnetic force to consist, are all within the hollow of the ring, aud outeide the ring all is at rest. If there ig no conducting cireuit embracing the ring, then, when the primary current in tuade or broken, thera is no setion outside the ring, except an in- stantancous pressure between the particles and the vortices which they separate, If there is n contizuous conducting” circuit em- bracing the ring, then, when the primary eurrent in made, there wil bea euerent in the opposite direction through ©; and whea opplied ta Rlectric Currents, 839 it ia broken, there will be a current through C in the same direc tion as the primary current. ‘We may now jerceive that induced eurrents are produced when the electricity yields to the electromotive force,—this force, however, still oxisting when the formation of a sensible current. in prevented by the resistance of the eireuit. ‘The electromotive force, of which the components are P, Q, Ry aries from the action hetweea the vortices and the interposed perl when the seo of rotation i tered in ny pat of the field. It corresponds to the pressure on the axle of a wheel in amachine when the velocity of the driving wheel in ine creased or diminished. ‘The eleetratonie state, whose components are F, G, Hy is what the electromotive foree would be if the eurrents, &. to which the lines of foree are due, instead of arriving at theiractual, state by degrees, had started instantaneously from rest with their actual Yalues. It corresponds tothe ampudse which would act on the axle of a wheel i a machine if the actual velocity were eud- denly given to the driving whee); the machine being previously aes If the machine were. auddenly stopped by stopping the drivi shee), each whcel woul receiv an ee sree ‘oppaate to that which it received when the machine waa set in motion, This impulse may he calculated for any part of o system of nechavinm, and may he called the reduced momentum of the auchine for that pomt. In the varied motion of the machine, the setual force on any part arising. froin the variation of motion ray be found by diferentiting the reduced momentm with respect to the time, just as we have found thet the electromotive foree may be deduced from the electrotonie state by the same pron Having found the relation between the velocities of the vor. tices and the electromotive forces when the centres of the vortices ave at rest, we must extend our theory to the ease of uid tedium containing vortices, and gubject to all the varieties of flcid motion. If we fix ont attention on any one elementary Portion of a uid, we shall find that it not only travels from one plas tomotier, but ao changes its frm and pation, wo anto 2 elongated in certain directions and compressed in others, and tt the eume time (in the most general enee) turned round by & Alaplscement ‘of rotation. hese changes of form and position produce changes in the locity of the nioleeular vortices, which we must now examine. ‘The alteration of form and position may always be reduced to’ three simple extensions or compressions in the direetion of three rectangular axes, together with three angular rotations about 840 Prof, Macwell on the Theary of Molecular Vortices * qny set of throe axes, We shall firt consider the effect of three simple extensions or compressions. ‘Prop. 1X.—To find the variationa of @, 8, 7 in the parallelo. piped x, y, 2 when = becomes 2:30; y, y-+3y; and £, #432; the volome of the figure remaining the same. ‘By Prop. If, we find for the work done by the vortices against pressure, 8W=p,8(ayz)— Ez (otysha + Blasby + yay); (59) and by Prop. V1. we find for the variation of energy, aH (ate Stabe + + + (00) ‘The wom SW+8E murt be zero by the conservation of energy, and &(cys)=0, since ayz is constant ; 20 that (taal!) +0(a8-a%) ta(br—n¥)—0. Tin order that this should be true independently of any relations between «, A, andy, we must have pene’, gaa, bya, (62) &, % bye Prop. X.—To find the variations of «, 8, y due to. rotation 8, sbout the axis of x from y to =, a rotation @ about the axis of y From 2 to.2, and a rotation @, about the axis of z ftom z toy. "The axis of will move away from the axin of x by an angle Gy; 0 that 2 resolved in the direction of = changes from 0 to ‘The exis of y approaches that of z by an angle 6,; s0 that the resolved part of 7 in dicection 2 changes from 0 to 78y. "The resolved part of «in the direetion of « changes by # quan tity depending on the second power of the rotations may be neglected. The variations of a, 8, y from this cause ore ‘therefore Baxyf,—Bly BBa0,—y0, By= 88-20, (63) ‘The tmost general expressions for the distortion of an clement produced by the displacement of its diferent parts depend on the nine quantities a, ay a, ds dg a BP BB ys GeO Fhe Gees and these may always be expressed in terms of nine other quan- tities, namely, three simple extensions or compressions, oe by eye applied to Electric Currents. 34 slong three axes properly chosen, 2/, , 2, the nine direction ersines of theae axes with their xix connecting equations, which are equivalent to three independent quantitics, and the three stations 64, By) Op about the axcs Let the ‘direetion-corinca of 2 with respect to 2, y, = be wa those of #, fram, and those of 2, Ly May%y5 then sve fin beni! Nye 7 gern Hin Ys hme =O, . + @) A seat,’ 440," tle +80 | wih sins eggs for quantities involving By and 52. Tet a sp be the values of a By solreed to the axes of wey, 25 then eahatme+nih Bate tman no (65) Palyet mB brs. We shall then bave Bethe SID 1B Le ane a 1g"t hte +9060 «(6 By eubstituting the values oe, By, ond comparing with equa- tious (64), we find deme sai detrgte + + (68) an the variation of « due to the change of form und position of the dements The runing off andy have ae expressions, ‘ap. X1.—To find the electromotive forces in a moving body. ‘The variation of the velocity of the vortices in a moving ele ment is due to two causcs—the action of the electromotive forees, and the change of fora! and position of theelement. ‘The whole variation of « is therefore | en (Be Pecrad wae dterydte . (6) But sinee « is function of x, y, = and f, the variation of « may be also written tan Bice tre eee Be... 20) $42 Prof. Maxvtell on the Theory of Molecular Vartices Banating the two vase of Bx ond dividing by 2, and remem- bering that in the motion of an incompreanible medium ade day, dds eatan tag ™ ‘and tbat in the absence of free magnetism $48 +30. renee (2) we find Z 4 dd a a * 1(Q_2Y,, & 4a ‘ ad de Bh diy Oy a Wa dy 7 dyde_dade_dady +He o8_& & Gao. (78) Putting (74) and de 1 8G _ att 5) anplaa-yay oo where F, G, and H are the values of theelectratonic components for a fixed point of spacc, our equation becomes a de de dG) od dy_, gdz_ aH) _ Hore g HF = GU man G— Gz) =O. 01 ‘The expressions for the variations of 8. equations which may be written down complete solution of the thece equations is - pi dy ote, aF_ av Pew ag HO G+ at ~ ae dz ar dG av patty SE Qapey — era t a | 7) _ att. dll_ a tanya 4 OE -y give us two other syinmetry. ‘The ‘The firet and secoud termas of cach equation indicate the effect of the motion of any body in the magnetic field, the third term refers to changes in the electrotonie state produced by alterations 6f position of intensity of mayets or currents in the field, and Win a fanction of z, y, 2 and ¢, which ix indeterminate as far fs regards the solution of the originel equations, but which may alwaya be determined in any given case from the circumstances of the problem. ‘The physical interpretation of is, that 3 i the electrie tension at each point of apace, gplied to Electric Currents, 34s ‘The physical meaning of the terms in the expression for the cloctromotive foree depending on the notion of the body, may be made simpler by supposinyy the field of maguetie force uni- formly magnetized with intensity « in the direction of the axia sez. Then if J, m,n be the dircetion-cosines of any portion of wear conductor, and S its length, the electromotive fora resolved in the direction of the eonduetor will be caS(P+Om4 Tn), 2 6. 6. (7B) oa a e=8ne(n ni), es (9) thot in, tho product of xa, the quantity of maagnetie induetion over unit af area aulipid by (m4 —n$2), tho aren enupt ant by the conductor § in unit of time, resolved perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic farce. The electromotive force in any part of « conductor due to ite motion is therofore measured by the number of lines of magnetic foree which it erosscs in unit of time; and the total electromo- tivo fore in a eloeed conductor is meawiced by the ebange ofthe number of lines of force which pass through it; and this ia true tphether the change be produce! by the motion ef the conductor br by any external cause Tnorder to understand the mechanism by which the motion ofa conduelor across lines of magnetic Toree generates an elec- tromotive foree ia that eondvetor, we mast remember that in Prop. X. we have proved that the chunge of form of «portion of the medivun contamning vortices prishuneva change of the velocity of those vortices; end. in_ particular that an extension of the inedinm im the ditection of tho axes of the vortices, combined wrth a contraction in all diections perpendicular to this, pro- laces an increase of velocity of the vortices ; while a shortening of tho axis and bulging of the sides produces a dimination of the teloity a th: vortices: This change of the velocity of the vortices arises from the in« terual efforts of ehango of form, aud is independent of that pro- duced by externalelectromotive forces. If, therefore, the change of velocity be prevented or checked, electromotive forces will ari, booause each vortex will press on the amomnding particles ine ditection in which it tous to alter its motion, Tat A, fig, 4, represent the section of a vertical wire moving in the ditcetion'of the arrow from west to cast, across n ayater af ines of magnetic foree renning worth andsouth, The curved Tues in fg. 4 represent the lines of fiaid motion about the ro cing regarded as elatinary, and the Suid au B44 Prof. Maxwell on the Theory af Molecular Vortices motion relative to it, It is evident that, from this figure, we can trace the variations of form of mn clement of the fiuid, os the form of the clement depends, not on the absolute motion of the whole syste, but on the relative motion of its parts, In front of the wire, that is, on its eaat side, it will be seen that as the wire approsches,ench portion of the medium, that portion is more and more compressed in the direction from east to weet, and extended in the ilirection from north to eouth; and the axes of the vortices lie in the north and south direction, their velocity will continually tend to inereese by Prop. X., ness ‘prevented or checked by electromotive forces acting onthe eit- cumfcrence of exch vortex. ‘We shall consider an eleetromative force as positive when the vortices tend to move the interjacent particles upreards perpendi- ccularly to the plane of the paper. ‘The vortices appear to revave as the hands of watch when vre look at them from south to north ; #0 thet.each vortex moves upwards on its west side, and downwards on ite eaat side. In front of the wire, therefore, where each vortex ix atriving to in- crease its velocity, the electromotive force upwards must_be freer ite weat than on its ent ede, "There will therefore continual increase of upward electromotive furce from the remote east, where it is zero, to the front of the moving wire, where the upward force will be strongest. Behind the wite a different action takes place. As the wire moves avay from each suecessive portion of the medium, that portion is extended from east to west, and compreseed from north ‘to south, 0 as to tend to diminish the velocity of the vortices, and therefore to make the upward electromotive force greater on the east then ou the west side of each vortex. ‘The upward electromaotive force will therefore incresse continually from the remote west, where it is zero, to the back of the moving wire, where it will be atrongest, Tt appears, therefore, that a vertical wire moving castwards will experience an electromotive fore tending to produce in it an upward current. If there is no conducting. cireuit in. eu nexion with the ends of'the wire, no eurrent will be formed, and the maguetic forces will not be altered; but if such a cirenit exists, there will be a current, snd the lines of magnetic force and the velocity of the vortices will be altered from their state previous to the motion of the wire. ‘The change in the lines of force is shown in fig. 5. ‘The vorticesin front of the wire, instead ofmerely producing pressures, actully increase in velocity, while thoee behind have their velocity diminished, end those at the sices of the wire have the direction of their.axes altered ; 20 thut tho final effect is to produce a force acting: on the wire ax a resiat= epplied to Electric Currents. 845 anre to ite motion, We nay now recapitulate the exsumptions vwe have ninde, aud the reeults we lieve obtained, (1} Magneto-ctectric phenomena are due 10 the existence of matter uncier certain conditions of motion or of pressure in every ts of the magnetic field, and not to direct action at a distance tween the magnets or currents, ‘The substance prodacing these effects may be a certain part of ordinary matter, or it may be an wether sssociated with matter. Its density is greatest in irop, and least in diamagnetic substances; bné it must be in all cases, except that of iron, very rare, since no other substance baa ‘ large ratio of magnetic enpacity to whet we all a vacuurn. (2) The condition of any part of the eld, through which lines of magnetic force pass, is one of unequal pressure in different Aiveetions, the direction of the lines of force being that of lesat preanure, S0 that the lines of foree may be considered lines of tension, (8) This incquulity of pressure is produced by the existences in the medium of vortices or eddies, having their axes in the direction of the linea of forco, and having their direction of rota: tion determined by that of the lines of force. ‘We have supposed thnt the direction was that of a watch to a apectator looking from south to north. We might with Propriety have chosen the reverse direction, ws far'as known facts sre concerned, by supposing resinous clectriityinatead of vitreous tobe positive. ‘The effect of theac vortices depends on their density, and on their velocity at the circurnfevence, and is inde- pendent of their diameter, ‘The density snust be proportional to the capacity of the mubstance for magnetic induction, that of the vortices in air being 1. ‘The velocity must be very great, in order to produce eo powerful x0 rave a medium. ‘The sine of the vortices is indeterminate, but is probably very taal as compared with tbat of a complete molecule of onlinnry matter. (4) The vortices are separated! from each other by a ain layer of round particles, go that areystom of cells is formed, the Jatttions being these layers of particles, and the substance of cach cell being capsble of rotating an a vortex, (6) ‘The particles forming the layer are in rolling contact with both the vortices which they separate, but do not rub against cach other. ‘They are perfectly free to roll between the vortices The angular momento verge dttoeter; 40 that of the system of vortices dependa on their dlameter were eensble, we might expect that a magnet would behave eeif it contained arevolving body within it, tnd that the exintenic ofthis rotation might be detected hy experiments ot the free rtat oft magnet, 1 have nasi experinentatoinretigle thin feet, at lave ot 7 fly alte apps me 848 Prof. Maxwell on the Theary of Molecular Vortices and so to change their place, provided they keep within one complete molecule of the substance ; but in pasting from one molecule to another they experience resistance, and generate Frregular motions, which coustitute heat, These particle, in our thearg, play the pert of electricity. ‘Their motion of teanelation conatitates an electric current, their rotation rerves to transmit the motion of the vortices from one part of the field to mnother, andthe tangential pressures thus called into play conatitteels- tromotive force. ‘The conception of a particle having its motion counected with that of « vortex by perfect rolling contact may pear snmewhatawkward. Ido not bring it forward ax «mode Ofuounexion existing in nature, or even as that which I wonld willingly assent to as an electrical hypothesis. It is, however, # mode of connexion which is mechanically eoneeivable, and ensily investigated, and it serves to bring out the actual mechanical eonnexions betsseen the known electro-magnetic phenomena} #0 f that I venture to say that any one who understands the provisional and temporary character of this hypothesis, will find himselE rather helped than hindered by it in hin scarch after the true interpretation of the phenomena, ‘The action between the vortices and the Iayers of particles is in part tangential ; so that if there were sny allpping or différen- tial motion elween the partn in contact, there would be w Jose of the energy belonging to the lines of force, and a gradual trent formation of that energy imto heat. Now we know that the Tiner of forec about & maguet are maintained for sa indefinite time without any expenditure of energy ; #0 that we mnxt con- clade that wherever there is tangential action between sifferent parts of the medi, there is no motion of slipping between how parte. We must therefore aomesive that the vortices and prrticles soll together without slippings and that the interior Mata of each vortex receive their proper velocities from the ex-” terior straturn without slipping, tut is, the angular velocity itst be the same Lhroughout each vortex. ‘The only procas in which Sleelro-magnetic encxgy is lostand transformed into heat, is in the passage of cloctricity from one molecule to another. In all other cases the energy of the vor- tices ean only be diminished when an equivalent quantity of me- ehanical work is dane by magnetic action. (6) The effect of an electsic current upon the surrounding medium ia to make the vortiees in contact with the current evolve so that the parts noxt to the current move in the same direction as the ewrrent, ‘The parts furthest from the enrrent will move in the opposite divection ; and if the medium is a con- Guctor of electricity, #0 that the particles ure free to more in an direction, the particles tonching the outside of these voticeseill ‘mpplied to Electric Currents, a7 be moved in a dizection contrary to that of the current, #0 that there will be an induced current in the opposite direction to the. primary one, If tere were no resistance to the motion of the particles, the jndueed current would be equal and opposite to the primary one, and would continue ar long ns the primary current lasted, 90 that it would prevont all action of the primary eurent at a distance, If there is a resistance to the induced current, its particles act upou the vortices beyond them, and transmit the motion of rota- tion to then, til at fae all the vertices iu the medium ae atin motion with such velocities of rotation that the particles between them have no motion exeept that of rotation, and do not produce eurrente, Tn the transmission of the motion from one vortex to another, there arinen a force between the particles and the vortices, by ‘which the particles are pressed in one direction and the vorti in the opponite direction, We call the force acting on the par- ticles the electromotive force. ‘The resotion on the vortices i equal anil opposite, ao tha: the clectromotive foree cannot move ay pur of the meta a8 o whole, eau only produce currents, en the primary current is stopped, the electromotive forces All act in the opposite direction, (2) When an electric current or a magnet ismoved in pro ter of condustor che velocity of retaion ofthe votios in any part of the field is altered by that motion. The force by ‘hich the proper ammount of rotation in trensmited te each vor, tex, eoustituten in thin case also an electromotive foree, and, if permitted, will produce currente. (8) When a conductor ia moved in a field of mognetie foree, fhe vortices in it and in its neighbourhood are moved out of their places, and are changed in form. The foree arising, from these changes constitutes tho electromotive force on « moving conductor, and is found hy calenlation to correspond with that deiermined by experiment. ‘We have now shown in what way clecteo-magnetie phenomena nay be imitated by an imaginary system of moleenler vortieus, ‘Those who have been already inclined to adopt an hypothesis of this kind, will find here the conditions which must be fulfilled in ‘order to give it mathematies! coherence, and a comparison, s0 fie watisiectory, between its necessary results and known facte, Those who lock in diferent deci for the explanation ofthe facts, may be able to compere this theoty with that of the existe ‘nce ‘of éurzents flowing freely through bodies, aud with that which supposes electricity to act at a distance with a force de- ponding om ita velocity, and therefore not subject to the law of ‘uneervation of energy. naansiemr-onoop qy0q ovenyenTT four yar ‘iSoyren poowsiyd w Jo DouRyeut [sUOLKpPE UY ‘que & Uy aw yoga png 29) Jo sapHsed on ‘0 Sarpuodsatsoo yuan 911703] mM 7) soul og; 58 vay ames ayy 0} Suproooe pokuune are oYOuT ‘Ing 30 sour ays yee ano poymiod sey og yoy ur “OONORE PILL wo syoummayy yor Aq zaded 2 ‘gag soy puns ¥, exug ] fa9yyta wom saded ayy jo ured geay 993 900 ‘aousSuoarp ‘qo aren yojap 07 MoREBAeoANT Yon axmubar feu GoM ‘soupptouide 9eduo azout jo eouet! “eK yo sed s9gaHy og wi ‘pug 0} omega dum oy ‘syoades soyj0 uy wusMONDN Jo F994 043 94g Jo say] ary Jo S9uaRi0a1p a4) dq] pasond oe yee Ano one amy sammy Jo soouapi9ay09 [on woowouay aH a4 Jo wo1ssaadxo ‘9M ay stoy 10 ouonwuaydss am ‘woy punsiopun 9p 04 THe 03 ang ‘ss:01aK yd 07 Ayuo jou ‘Supeas9;11 9q qwour sasoypodsyy juaiogip jesasae £q way jo zaqrana Aue Jo worgmueydaa amp 744) fonornea pus poysorduioy O4 ae urstyauBenl-osq9ap Jo MONG OG, vaio sdokeg, “ap uo eysouang epaancon “EDL BPE “rost Aayg paw pay eye yt “roa yen “Sag THE + svomny 2 &q popruninaiag |, autem jo suet MMOL] O49 Of SapscsE 0a 0} apaat aq Set AKOHTIOA OK Torq q.tustueysou 949 poquomp y Tred puooae oq) uy “aasasqo Om yore WI TPE apap Usem pus Tor q quapr soxos 8 st 4290 yvuy amp yyy how w qons at pornquayE “ap tomnsoud tonpoud gon aay Jo ono) NEES 4) spray ag yo atsod Asan a8 anicy a Jo uonoanp ag yyem Humprouico soxe_ ston ‘2H: quoa ajquiaumunn yy paidnooo Suioq pjey anowlew ayy jo nyodéy app Uo 10} pyitmonde oq Seon uotoNpuE aoe Jo-9]q feo sige puw ‘yuotino oeypopo ‘etouslem uaainen Jaro sootoy ony 0G MaoNs arog [ 4roded wip yo youd yang ay Ny vlapenoaygy panes: oy payrdda eaorsang sopnoojoyy fo haoryy 2¥4L— TT 8d squopuory ‘abeyog Gury vz frydosopeyy posryoy; fo sossafosey “ga amavyy “yr hg “eosag fo sour ponstyd YO “TT szargg o sou parnqunsip 99° ‘applied to Statical Electricity. 18 T eonecived the rotating matier to be the substance of certain eclls, divided from each other by cell-walls composed of particles which are very small compared with the celis, and that it is by the motions of these particles, and’their tangential action on the substance in the cells, that the rotation is eommanicated from one cell to another. have not attempted to explain tangential action, but it in necessary to snppore, in order to account for i of rotation from the exterior to the interior parts of each ell, that the substance in the cells possesses elasticity of figure, similar in kind, though different in degeee, to that observed in aolid bodies. ‘The undulatory theory of light requires us to admit this kind of elasticity’ in the huniniferous medium, in order to account for transverse vibrations, We need not then be surprised if the magneto-electrie medium possesees the same property. Acconling to our theory, the particles which form the partitions hetween the cells constitute the mailer of cleetricity, The motion of these particles constitutes an electrie current; the tangential force with which the paticles are pressed by the anatier of the cells is electromotive force, and the pressute of the particles on each other corresponiis to the tension or poten- tial of the clectricity, . If we cun now explain the condition of a body with respect to the surrounding medium when itis enid to be “charged” with lectricity, nnd account for the forees veting between electrified bodies, we shall have established ® connexion between all the principal phenomena of electrical sci ‘We know by experiment that cleetrie tension in the same thing, whether observed in statiesl or in ewrrent electricity ; #0 that an electromotive force produced by mugnetiam may be made to charge a Leyden jar, an is done by the coil machine, ‘When a difference of teusion exists in different parts of any body, the electricity passes, or tends to pass, from places of greater to places of smaller tension. If the body is aconduetor, a actual pareage of electricity takes place; and if the difference of tensions is kept up, the current continues to flow with @ velocity proportional inversely to the resistance, or directly to the conductivity of the body. The electric resistance has a very wide range of values, that of the metals being the smallest, and that of glass being so sreat that a charge of electricity has been preserved in a glass vessel for years without penetrating the thickness of the glass. Bodies which do not permit a current of electricity to flow throngh them are called insulators. But though electzcity docs . * Ry Profersor W, Thoiuson, 14 Prof, Moxwell ou the Theory of Molecular Vorticos not flow through them, electrics effects are propagated through them, and the amount of these effecta differs according to the nature of the body ; so that equally good insulators may act differently es diclectrice®. Here then we have two independent quolities of bodies, one by which they allow of the passage of electricity through them, ‘and the other by which they allow of electrical notion bei transmitted through them without any electricity being allowes to pass, A conducting body may’ be compared to a porous membrane which opposes more or less resistance to the passage of a fiaid, while a dielectrie is like an elastie membrane which be impervious to the uid, but transmits the pressure of the fluid on one aide to that on the other. ‘As Tong as electromotive force acts on 1 conductor, it produces a current which, en it meets with resistance, Docasions @ continual transformation of electrical energy into heat, which is ineepable of being restored again as electrical energy by any reversion of the process, ‘Blectromotive foree acting an a dicloetric produces a state of polarization of its parts similar in distribution to the polarity of ‘the particles of iron under the influence of a magnet, and, like the magnetic polarization, capable of being described as a state fa which every porticle hes its poles in opposite conditions. In a dielectric under induction, we may conceive that the leetricity in cach melecule is so displaced that one side in re ered positively, and the other negatively electrical, It that the electricity renisine enticely connected with the molecale, and does not pass from one melecule to another, "The efect of this action on the whole dielectric mass is to Produce ‘a general displacement of the electricity in a certain rection. ‘This. displacement does not amount to @ current, Decause when it hes attained a certain value it remains constant, id its variations con- direction, according ‘as the displacement is increasing or diminishing. The amount of the displacement depends on the nature of the body, and on ‘the electromotive force ; so that if A is the displacement, R the electromotive force, and E a cocfficient depending on the nature of the dielectric, Re—4nE*h and if r is the value of the electric currant due to displacement, ah =e ‘© Faraday, ‘Experimental Rexenrches,’ Series X1. + See Prof, Mosotti, “ Diseussione Ansltien,” Memorie delta Sc. Ita« Fiona (Modena), vol. xxiv. part 2p. 49. applied to Statical Electricity. 15 ident of any theory shout the interal but when we find electromotive force producing eleetrie displacement ina dicleetric, and when we find the dielectric recovering from its state of electric displacement. with an equal electrouiotive force, we cannot help regarding the Phenomena as those of an elastio body, yielding to a pressure, and recovering its form when the pressure is removed. According to our lrypothesis, the magnetic medium in divided into cells, separated by partitions formed of a stratum of particles which play the part of clecteicity. When the electric particles are urged in any direction, they will, by their tangential action ‘on the elastic substance of the cells, distort each cell, and call into play an equal and opposite foree arising from the clare ticityof the culls, When the fores ie yemoved, the cell wil recover their form, and the electricity will retuen to ite former ition. Pa flowing investigation T have considered the relation detiveen the displacement and the force producing it, on the a a that the eells arc spherical, The setual form af the cills probably docs not differ from that of 1m sphere sufficiently to make tuich difference in the numeral resuh T have deduced from this result the relation between the statical and dynamical measnros of electricity, and hive shown, ya somparison of the electro-magnetic experiments of MM. ohlauseh anil Weber with the velocity of light a¢ found by M. Pineau, that the elasticity of the magnetic mediuua im air is the sume as that of the Tuminiferous mi these two eoex- istent, eventensive, and equally clastic wie meilisen. It appears also from Prop. XV. that the attraction between 49 electrified bodies depends on the value of KY, and that there- fore it woitld be less in turpentine than in sir, if the quantity of sleotricity in ench body remains the same.” 1f, however, the potentials of the two bodies were given, the sttraction between {hen would vary inveceely aw BY, and wotld be grater in tuepene tine than in air. Prop. XU.—To find the ennditions of equilibrium of an elastic sphece whore surface is expored to normal and tangential force, the tangential forces being proportional to the sine of the distance from a given point om the sphere. Lat the axis of 2 be the axis of spherical cvordlinates, Let &, 9, Ube the displacements of any particle of the aphere in the dircetions of 2 y, and 2. ‘Let Pre) Pons Pee be the stresses norma! to planca perpendicular to the three axes, and let pyay Pens Per he the stresses of distortion. in the planes yz, za, and ay. Let 1 be the eveficient of cubic elasticity, so that if Pra Pyy= Pee = Py pan (Es 043). wee (80) Let m be the coefficient of rigidity, co that pan PaaS -%), ke. ee CL) Then wehave the following equatious of elasticity in an isotropic medium, pam (ute (SE fe +B)anZs . 02) vith similar equations in y and z, and aleo mda, e Bg t aye + 8) Tn the ease of the sphere, let us assume the radine =a, pnd men BO TNE safes y tot E) aH) Pu= pn) (o+ ge tee =P Po Ble falle get mgs, Prem 5 et hy, ses (BB) Pax Fer), Pa =0. ‘The equation of internal equilibrium with respect to = is a a gz Flat Biot GPaao os + (86) which is natified in this case if mle +2f+29) +24 Emyle+g)=0. . (87) © ‘The tangential stress on the surface of the aphere, whose radius is a at an angolar distance @ from the axis in plaae 22, ‘T= {Pex Pax) Sin 6 008 8 + foe (ons O— sin* 0). » (88) =2m(e-tf—plasin B cost O— 2 fe4 2A)xin 8. . (89) In order that T msy be proportional to sin 8 the first term mnst vanish, and therefore gFtth vee + (90) T. — Fete) sin 8, os @ ‘The normal stress on tho surface at any point is Nairn Sit* 8+ yy C08 B+ 2p sith 82088 =Uu— Jm}(e+y}acosd + 2macosA((e+f)sin"d 4+-geos" or by (87) and (90), N= —male-+2/) cosd. ‘The tangential dieplacoment of any point is —(eftaysin® . . . (OA) cos B= ‘The normal displacement naFsind + $003 0=(atie+f)+d)omd. . . (98) Uwe make ee rr) there will be no normal displacement, ancl the displacement will De entirely tangential, and we shall have tedesing. 6 6 oe. ON ‘The whole ssork done by the superficial forces is U=dTH8, the summation being extended over the surface of the sphere. ‘The energy of elasticity in the kubstance of the sphere ia vn1s(E net Bint Poet (Bt Brut (E+ B)- + + Son), the rommation being extended to the whole contents of the sphere. We find, as we ought, that these quantities have the same val “my Vs bratiaelet2f. ose + (98) We may now suppose that the tangential action on the surface aises from a layor of particles in contact with it, the particles tring acted on by theif own mutual presewe, and scting on the surfaces of the two eels with which they ate in contnet. ‘We assume the axis of z to be in the direction of maximum Yavition of the pressuro among the particles, and we have to determine the relation between an cleetromotive fores R acting on the particles in that dixeotion, ond the elcetrie displacement & ‘which accompanies it, Prop. XIIT—To find the relation between electromotive force and electric displacenient when a uniform electromotive force B sola parallel to the axis of z, ‘Take any clement 88 of the surface, covered with a stratum Phil, Blag.'8, 4, Vol. 28, No. 151, Jan, 1862, uc 1B Prof. Maxwell on (he Theory of Molecular Vortices whose density is p, and having ite normal inclined @ to the axen af 23 then te tangential force upon it will be PUSSsin 9=2TES, ws « (99) T being, as before, the tangential force on each ide of the sure face. Putting p= & as in equation (34)%, we find Re—2rmalet 2p. (200) The displacement of electricity due to the distortion of the aphere is EBS} ptein @ taken over the whole surface; . (101) and if & is the cleetric displacement per unit of volume, we shall have grange, 2 (108) or 1 da gees oe (108) 80 that Ratntnt LL a, (14) or wo may write Ro—dnRh ow. as (105) provided we assume wom... (100) Finding ¢ and f from (87) and (90), we get : (07) ‘The ratio of m to w vevies in different substances; but medium whose clasticity depends entirely pon forces neti between prirs of particles, this ratio is that of 6 to 5, and in this “ease . Btamm 2 s+ (108) ‘When the resistance to compression ix infinitely greater than the resistance to distortion, as ina liquid rendered slightly elastic hy gum or jelly, Btsfnm 5 ee es (108) ‘The value of E® must lie hetween these limits. It is probable ‘that the substance of,our cells is of the former kind, and that wo must use the first value of K*, which is that belonging to * Phil, Mag. Apsil 1861, applied to Statical Electricity. 19 a hypothetically “ perfect” solid’, in which Sm=Gy,- ee ee ee (110) 0 that we must use equation (108). Prop. XIV.—To correct the equations (9) + of electric currents for the effect duc to the clasticity of the medium. We have seen that electromotive force and clectrie displace ‘ment. are comiectedl by equation (105). Dilferentiating this equation with reapeet to % we fad er ) showing that when the electromotive force varies, the electric displacement also varies. But a variation of displacement is equivalent to a eurrent, and thin current, must, be taken into account in’ eqtations (9) and added tor. ‘The three equations then become i(#_-#8_ 1m P= aa\dy ae Ba)? (te _dy_ 1 a 2. (la) 'Oaa\de de BE (08 de _ a0) ade ty eae) | where p, g, 7 are the clectrie eurvents in the di and 2; «, 8, 7 are the components of magnetic 2, Q, Rare the electromotive forces. Now if ¢ be the quantity of free electricity in unit of volume, then the equation of eonti= nuity will be ses 18) Differentiating, (112) with ceapect to x, y, ond z rexpeetively, and substituling, we pa (4 whenee + + (ls) the constant being omitted, becanse e=0 when there are no elee- tromotive forecs. lef A¥e—To find tho fore extng between two electrified The energy in tie medium arising from the electric diaplace- + Boe Rankine “On Batcity,”.Cam's, snd Dub. Math, Journ, 1651, 4 i ag. Mace 3861 2 26 Prof, Maxwell on the Theory of Molecular Vurtices ments is Ve SHY Qy RANEY, « . « (116) where P,Q, R are the forces, and f, g, 4 the displacements. Now when there is no motion of the bodies or alteration of forees, it appears from equations (77)* that pa 2, de? and we know by (105) thet ‘imRY, Qa—4rBty, Rede Eh; . (119) I avy avy avy v=ep3(S fo +2 ‘ev. « (20) Integrating by parts throughout all space, and remembering that BF vanishos af nn infinite distance, 1 av dy ity Ua~ gee (Oe + gs) 2) ‘or by (115), USHEBV. es (ORR ‘Now let there he two clectrificd bodies, and Jet e, be tho distri- Sation of dekiity in the fin and , te clic tensa due to it, and let Lah, ehh | ay Faso “it ae ta see (E28) Let eg be the distribution of cleetricity in the seeond body, and ‘YW, the tension dye to it; thea the whole teusion at any point will be ¥, + Y,, and the expansion for U will beeome Usp (P ye, + Vetat Vite t+ Wye}5¥. «+ (124) Let the body whose electriety is ¢, be moved in avy way, ‘the electricity moving wlong with the boi, then since the cise tribution of tension Y,'moves with the boily, the value of Ye, remains the same, Lytlso remains the same; and Green has shown (Essay on Wleetriity, p. 10) that Yye=Vee,, 90 flint the work done by moving the body against electric forces We=bU 55 (¥2)6V. «6 (128) And if ¢, is confined to a small body, Waes¥y ** Phil, Mag. ay 1861, applied to Statical Electricity. aL Ferme, Nar, ee (26) where F is the resistance and dr the motion. Ifthe body e, be emalt, then ifr is the distance from ey, equa tioa (128) gives a ¥,=E" whence eee ee OD 4 the force is a repulsion varying inverscly as the equare of the liatanee, Now let mand yy be the same quantities of electricity mea- sured statically, then we know by defnition of clectrieal quantity a () and this will be satisfied provided ay=Pe, and m= Ee; 6 6 + « (129) 0 that the quantity E previously determined in Prop. XIU the number by which the cleetrodynamie measure of may qui tity of electricity must be multiplied to obtain its electrostatic measure. ‘That electric enrrent which, circulating round a ring whose srea is unity, produces the aame effect on m distant magnet as a magnet would produce whose strength is unity and length unity placed perpendicularly to the plaue of the ring, is a unit current and E units of electricity, measured statically, traverse the section of this current in one aceond,—these units being such that any twa of them, placed at unit of distauce, repel each other with unit of foree, ‘We may suppose either that Ei units of positive electricity move in the positive dircetion through the wite, or that E units of negative electricity move in the negative divection, of, thirdly, that £E unita of positive lectricity move in the positive direction, while JE units of negative cloctricity move in the negative direce tion at the same time. ‘The last is the supposition on which MM, Weber and Kobl- rauseb* proceed, who have found }B==156,370,000,000, . . - . (180) the unit of length being the millimetre, aud that of time being, one second, whence 810,740,000,000. . . . « (181) « abhandbengen der Kénig. Sicheicken Getellechaft voli. (3B57), 22 Prof. Maxwell on the Themy of Molecular Vortices EVL—Tv find the sate of propagation of transverse vibrations through the clastic modinm of which the cells are composed, on the supposition that its clasticity is duc entirely Lo forces acting between pairs of particles. ‘By the ordinary method of investigation we know that where mis the coefficient of transverse elasticity, and p is the Gensity. By referring to the equations of Part I, it will be seen that if pis the density of the maticr of the vortices, and q is the “coefficient of magnetic imluction,” wemps ee + (198) whene oe + G84 and by (108), : 2+ (135) In ai or vacuum = 1, and therefore V=B, 3=310,740,000,000 millimetres per second, | . (136) =199,088 miles per second. ‘The velocity of light in air, a» determined by M. FizeauY is 70,848 leagues per socand (25 leagues to x degree) which sgivex 14,858,000,000 millimetres =195,647 mites per second. . . . . (187) ‘The velocity of transverse undulations in our hypothetical medium, calealated rom the electrosmagnetic experiments of MM. Kubl- faurch end Weber, agrees eo exacily with the velocity of light aleulated from the optical experinients of M. Fizeaw, that we can acarcely avoid the infevence that light consists in the fransverse undulations of the same mcium which is the cause of electric and Prop Be ind the le ny ‘Prop. SY1L—To find the clectrie capacity of a Leyden jar composed of any given diceetrie plneed between two conducting surfaces, ‘Let the electric tensions or potentials of the two surfaces be V, and V,, Let S be the arca of each surface, and 0 the distance between them, and let ¢ and —e be the quantities of electricity © Compter Reads, vol. nae. (188%), p20, Tn Galbraith and Heugh- ton's “Manual of Astronomy,’ M. Fizean’s result is stated at 169,944 geo- rophical miles of 1000 fathowa, which giver 199,118 state miless the Falue deduood from sbecration iv 192,000 rales, auplied to Statical Electricity. 23 ‘on each aurfaco; then the capacity . C= Loe (188) ‘Within the diclertric we have the variation of Y perpendicular to the surface 1d eithor eurfhee this variation is zero. ence by (115) applied at the surfuee, the electricity on unit of ara is we coe ee (188) and ve deduce the whole enpacity af dhe apparatus, — ce ee CM to that the quantity of electricity requiret to bring the one eur face to a given tension varies directly as the surface, inversely as the thickness, and inversely as the sqnare of B. Now the eoeficient of induetion of diclectries is deduoed from the capacity of induction-npparutus forced of ther; #0 that if Ds that cooflcicut, D vuries inversely as BY, and ig unity for air, Hence see GM where Vand ¥, aro the velovities of light it air snd ia the medium. Now if is the index of refraction, x i, and rererene( 40 that the inductive power of # diclechic vaties divcetly aa tho aquare of the index of refraction, wut inversely wx the magnetio inductive power. Tn dense media, however, the optical, electric, and magnetio phenomena may be modified in diferent degrees by the particlen ‘of gross matter; and thei modo of arcangement may influence those plinomena differently in different directions, The axea fata, ces, and magnetic properties wil probably coin: fade; but on acount of thu unknown snd probsely complicated nature of the reactions of tho heavy particles on the setherial medium, it may be impossible to diszver nuy general numerical relations between the optical, electric, ane! msgnerie ratios of then aes, It scons probable, however, that the vulucof K, for any given “oosoy atzaajp Jo sant ayp 0} [a|qoand ommosaq, 67 puoy 114 ('q) Uonanper auzayayp qeoqeadd Jo aya aq) pus sey (ce tqaNt+ ta) & ter) gous ea Lea) & 9q pet asogis orp) usny oy Sarpuey yuemour 249 “couny otnaaya om O} SIX OM JO. Or nt 04.8 FE UO ‘aorgeyor yo oe om ui waxe om Op Si ypaY OOoTaTp Jo Squaioqyooa 29 09 *T pas Fey Jt pus “fo ooagg yates Kaxstsyo9[s y yapuad eankin Jo fs pug yeA20 aatyeou we LoNsanp [uroyeuba aif 205 paw of yeenwand 99 “enguaodl va yorgan cy Jo ones OW, “yeauand iy oanetiow uF PUR prea amp) oq YM Jo anja ere on ‘Bpmpebs> ,,aanmod 5, UY "fer Kzvumpio oq $9 yey to pasdep omy pu ‘tux asampioespse any yo Ayoopan gf JO onpea [ere ay) ‘foto poxsian w Uy sPHU 791G] OF aO[H9 -rpundnd of wong go anal oso 20 ‘as amy ote soma agi jo oops ayy wodn spuadap “axe nung ng fo woxpoacy yj wo yehkoy TaMOTONEY HL HE Te ompoa pete 9g} wo puada | . XIV. On Physical Linee of Foree, By}. C. Maxwaxt, ERS, Professor of Natural Philosyphy in King's Culleye, London™, Pant IV.—-The Theory of Molecular Vertices oyplied to the Action of Magnetism on Polarized Light. 'HE connexion between the distribution of lines of magnetic fofce and that of electric currents may be completely ex- prowed by saying that the work done on a unit of imaginary ‘magnetic inatter, when carried round say closed curve, is pro portional to the qnuantity af electricity which passe ch the elosed curve, The mathematical form of this law may be exe pressed as in equations (0}+, which I here repeat, wheee «, 8, 7 are the reetungular components of magnetic intensity, and p, 9,7 are the rectangular components of steady electric currents, 2 (G-8), mhG-2) fo. _ 1 (dB _ de =a(E-S): ‘The same mathematical connexion is found betiveen other rets of phenomena in physieal science. (1) It a, 8, represent displacements, velocities, or forces, then p, q, * will be rotatory displacements, velecities of rotation, ‘or moments of couples producing rotation, in the elementary por tions of the mass, Se Ifa, 8, 7 represent rotatory displacements in a uniform ‘and continuous substance, then “p, g, 7 represent the relolive ~ Imear displaeement of a particle with respect to thowe in its ime meliate neighbourhood. Sec x paper by Prof. W, ‘Thomson “On a Mechanical Represnutation of Electric, Magnetic, and Grlvenie Forces,” Camb. and Dublin Math. Journ. Jan, 1847, (3) Tf a, By represent the rotatory velocities of vortices ‘howe centres ace fixed, then p, q, > represent the velocities with ‘which Tonge particlea placed hetween them wanld be earzied along, See the second part of this paper (Phil. Mag. April 1861). Tt appears ftom all these instanecs ilit the eonnevion between magnetism and cloctricity hax the same nathemalical form as that between cortain paits of phenomena, of which one has a linear and the other 8 rotatory character, Professor Challies * Communicated hy the Author. + Phil Ming. Barch 1861, Phil Mag, December 1860, January and February 1861. 86 Prof. Maxwell on the Theory of Molecular Vortices ‘conceives magnetism to cousist in currents of « fluid whose direc tion corresponds with that of the Tinea of mageetic foree and electric currents, on this theory, are accompanied by, if not de~ pendent on, a rotatory motion of the fluid about the axes of the Pirrent. Professor Helmholta™ hes investigated the motion of fan incompremsible fluid, and bax eonceived lincs drawn so 98, to correspond at every point with the instantaneous axis of rotation of the fluid there. He has pointed out that the lines of fluid notion sre arranged according to the same laws with respeet to {he lines of rotation, as those by whieh the lines of magnetic force are arranged with respect to eleetric currents, On tho other hhand, in this paper I have regarded magnetism ean phenome non of rotation, and electric currents as consisting of the aetual translation of particles, thus assuming the inveree of the relation between the two sets of phenomena, ‘Now it seems natural to supposc that all the direct effects of any cause which is itself of a longitudinal character, must be them- selves longitudinal, and that the direet effects of a rotatory eause aust be hemaelves retatory. A motion of transation along m axis cannot produce a rotation about that axis unless it mects* ‘with some special mechanism, like that of a screw, which con- neets a motion in a given dircetion along the axis with n rotation jin given direction ronnd it; and a motion of rotation, though it may preduee tention along the axis, eannot of itself produce a ‘current in one direction slong the axis rather than the other. ‘Plectric currents are known to produce effects of transference jn the dicection of the current. They transier the electrics! atate from one body to another, amd tliey transfer the elements of electrolytes in opposite directions, lt they do not eauso the ‘lane of polarization of light to rotate when the Tight traverses The exis of the current. ‘On the other hand, the magnetic state is not characterized any steely Tongitudinal phenomenon. ‘The north aud out poles differ only in their names, and these names imight be Exchanged without allering the etatement of any magnetic pheno anenon; whercas the positive and negative poles of a battery are ‘coupletely distinguished by the diferent elements of water which fre evolved there, The miagnctie state, however is characterized by x well-marked rotatory phenomenon discovered by Paradayi— the rotation of the plane of polarined light when transantted slong the lines of magnetic force fuen n transparent diamagnetic substance has a ray of plane~ polaried light passed. throngh it, and if lines of magnetic force + Grelle, Journal, vol. I, (1858) p. 25, 4+ Faraday, “Fxpesimental Nessarcves, 951-64, and 2216-2220. 3 Mad, Series XIX, applied to the Action of Magnetinn on Polarized Light. 87 ave then prndneed in the substance hy the action of a magnet or ‘of an electric eucrent, the plu of polarization of the tranamitted light is fomud to he changed, and to be tarned through an angle depending on the intensity af the magnetizing force within the eubstance, ‘The ditcetion of this rotation in diamagnotio substances is the same aa that in which positive clectivity mnsé eireulate round ‘the ambstance in order to produce the actual maygnetiing foree within it; or if we suppose the horizontal part of terrestrial rmagnetiom te be the magnetizing foree acting on the substance, the plane of polarization would be turned in the direction of the eurth’s true rotation, that is, from west upwards to ext. Tn paramagnetic substanees, MI. Verdot has found that the plane of polarization js turned in the opposite direetion, that is, Inthe diteetion in which negative vlectrcity would flow if the magnetization were effceted by a helix sueraunding the substances In both eases the absolute dircetion of the rotation is the same, whether the light passcs from north to touth or from south to notth,—afect which distinguishes this phenomenon from the rota- tion produced by quartz, turpentine, &e., in which the absolute direction of rotation is reversed when that of the light isreversed. ‘The rotation in the latter ense, whethcr related tovan axis, as in nartz, or not 60 related, asin fis, inlicates a relation between the ditcction of the ray aud the divection of rotation, which is ilar in its formal expression to that between the longitudinal and rotatory motions of » right-haided or a left-handed screw j aud i indhentes some propesty of the substance the mathematical form of which echibits righ(-hnnded or la-handed relations, such avare known tonppear in the exterastformsoferystals having these prveties. In the magnetic rotation no such relation appears, at. the direet ‘of rotation is direetly connected with that of ‘the magnetic Hines, in a way which scems to indicate that mag- netism is really-a phenomenon of rotation. ‘Tho transference of electrolytes in fixed directions ty the elee- tie enerent, and the rotation of polnrized light in fixed diree- tions by magnetic force, re the fiets the consideration. of which Ing indueed me to regard magnetism 98 a phecomenon of rota. tion, and electric currents an phenomena of translation, instead of following out the analozy pointed out by Helmholtz, or adopt= the theory propounded by Professor Challis, "Phe theory that cleetric currents are linear, and magnetic forces rotatory phenomena agrces so far with that of Ampere and Weber; od the hypotheeis tat the wagnctic rotations exist wherover magnetic fores extends, that the centefugal foree of these sute- tions uecoun's for magnetic attractions, and that the inertia of * Comptes Rendes, ol li 9. 82; vole ali p. 129, 88 Prof. Maxwell on (he Theory of Molecular Vortices the vortices aegounts for induced currents, is supported by the opinion of Professor W. Thomson, In fact the whole theury of molecular vortices developed in this paper hax been suggested to re by observing the direction in which those investigators who study the action of media are looking, for the explanation of clec~ tooanagnetic phenomena. ‘Professor'Thomson as pointed out that the onuse of the mag~ relic aetion on light mux: be 8 real rotation going on in the magnetic field. A right-handed circularly polarized ray of light ja found to travel with a different velocity according us it passes from north to south, or from eouth to north, along a line of mag~ netic foree. Now, whatever theory we alopt about the direction of vibrations in plame-polurized light, the goometrical arrange iment of the parts of the medium ducing the passage of a right- hhanded circulacly polarized ray is exactiy the same whether the my is moving north or touth.” ‘The only difference is, that the particles describe their cicelen in opposite dircetions. "Since, therefore, the configuration is the sume m the two eases, the forees acting between particles must be the same in both, and the mo- tions due to these forces rust be equal in velocity if the medium ‘wos originally at rest; but if che medium be in a state of rota- tion, either aga whole or ia molecular vortices, the eiecular vibra tions of light may differ in velocity according a» their divection fs similar or contrary to that of the vorticos. We have now to investizate whether the hypothesis developed jn this paper—that magnetic force in dun to the eentrifagal force ‘of small vortices, and that these vortices consist of the same matter the vibrations of which constitute light—lrads to any Conclusions as Uy the effect of magnetism on polarized light. ‘We suppose transverse vibrations to be transmitted through anagnetized. medium. How will the propagation of these vibra~ tions be affected by the circumstance that portions of that me~ dlinm arein a state of rotation ? Tn the following iavestigation, I have found that the only effect which the rotation of the vortiees will have on the Hight will be to make the plane of polarization rotate in the same direction ox the vortices, through an angle proportional — (A} to the thickness of the substance, , (B) ta the resolved pact of the magnetic foree parallel to therzy, (C) to the index of refraction of the rey, (D) inversely to the square of the wave-length in air, (B} to the mean radius of the vortices, (F) to the eapneity fur magnetic induetion. + Sen Nichel's Cyelopesa, at. Blgnetism, Dynamical Relations of” Cie Ne Tae ie a Sees Fane 1 and Jane 10 find Phi Mag. 1857. ‘npliad to the Action of Mognetism on Polarized Light. 89 ‘A.and have been fully investigated by M. Verdct, who has shown that the rotation is atrietly proportional to the thiekness and to the magnetizing foree, and that, when the ray is inclined to the magnetizing Juree, the rotation is as the cosine of that clination, D has been suppored to give the truc relation between the rotation of differcat raya; hot it is probable that C must betaken into account in an accurate statement of the phenomena. ‘The rotation varies, not exactly inversely as the square of the wave-length, but a litle fastor; my that for the highly refrangible rays the rotation is greater then that given by this law, but moro nearly as the index of refraction divided by the aquare of the vwayeclength. ‘The relation (E} between the amount of rotation mnd the size of ‘the vortices shows that different substances may differ in rota ting power independently of any obsezvable difference in other respects. We know nothing of the absolute size of the vortices 5 and on our hypothesis the optieal phenomesra are probably the only date for deteriining their relative sl diferent ube stances, On our theory, the direction of the rotation of the plane of polarization depends on that of the anean moment of momenta, vr ongular momentum, of the molecular vortices ; and sinee M, Verdet has discovered that ruagnetic substances. have an effect on light opposite to that of diamagnetic substances, it follows that the molecular rotation must be opposite in the two classes of substances. We can no longer, therefore, consider diamagnetic bodies 26 being thove whone coefficient of magnetic induetion ix ess than that of space emply of gross inatter, We must admit the diamagnetic. atete to be the opposite of the paramagnetic ; and that the var- tices, ov at Teast the ifuentiat ajority of them, in diamagnetic ‘substances, revolve in the direction in which positive electricity revolves in the magnetizing, bobbin, while in paramagnetic sub- stances they revolve in the apposite diveetiow. ‘This result agrees 20 far with that part of the theory of M. Weber} which refers to the paramagnetic and diamagnetic eondi~ tions. M. Weber supposes the electricity ia paramagnetic budien to revolve the me way ae the surrounding hele, while in dis. magnetic bodies it revolves the qpposite way. Now if we regard negative or sesinons electricity aa a substance the absence of thich constitutes positive or vitreous clectreity, the results will be those actually abserved. This will be true independently of any other hypothesis than that of M. Weber about magactism a. Annales de Chimie ot de Physique st. val. sp. 3705 v0 xi + ‘aslor's Seicatife Memotrsy vol. ¥ ps 477. 90 Prof, Maxwell on the Theory of Molecular Vortices and mad does not require us to wimit cither BM. ‘Weber's theory of the mutual action of electric particles in ‘motion, or out theory of cells and cell-walls. 1 am inclined to believe that iron differs from other mibstances in the manner of its action as well an in the intensity of ite mag- netism; and I think its behaviour may he explained on our Dppothei of molecular vores, by eapoving thet che patcee of the iron idsef'are act in-rotation by the tangential action of the vortices, in an opposite direction to their own, ‘These large ‘oarypaccies would thas bo trolving erat awe havo sup- posed the infinitely amuall particles constituting electricity to ro- volee, bat without being free like them to change their place and form currenta, ‘The whole energy of rotation of the magnetized field would thas be greatly incremed, as we know it to be; but the angular mente ofthe ion particles would be opposite to that of tho wtherial cells and immensely greater, #0 that the total angular moment of the substance will be in the direstion of rotation of the iron, or the reverse of that of the vortices, Since, how= ever, the angular momentum depends on the absolute size of the revolving portions of the substance, it may depend on the stato ‘of aggregation or chemical arrangement of tho elements, as well as on the ultimate natare of the components of the substance. ‘Other phenomens in nature seem to lead to the conclusion that all substances are made up of a number of paris, finite im size, the particles composing these parts being themselves expable of internal motion. Prop. XVIIL.—To find the angular momentum of a vortex. ‘The angular momentum of ny material system about an aie isthe sum of the products of the Tass, dm, of each particle mull plied by twice the area it describes about: that axis in unit of time; or if A is the angular momentum about the axis of 2, seta ( fr) An we do not know the distribuifon of demsity within the , vortex, we shall determine the relation between the angular foment and the exergy of the vortex which was found ia Stace the time of rerolation isthe same throughout the vortex, the meen angular velocity will be uniform and =3 where « is the velocity at the ciroumference, and the radius, ‘Thon AaZdwte, epplied to tha Action of Megnetivm on Polarited Light, 92 and the energy B=}dnvtotajAw, = inatY by Prop. VE, whence 1 AapureV ee dey far the axis of 2, with similar expressions for the other axes, ¥ being the volume, and r the radius of the vortex. Prop. XIX. —'To determine the emditions of unduletory mo tion in a medium containing vortices, the vibratious being per pendicular to the direction of propagation, Let the waves be plane-waves propagated in the direstion of , ‘of # ond y be taken in the diceetions of groateat and least elasticity in the plane ay. Let z and y represent the displacement parallel to there axes, which will be the same theoughout the eame wave-surfsce, and therefore we aball have = tnd y funetions of x and ¢ only. Let X be the tangential streas on anit of area parallel 40 29, tending to move the part next the origin in the direction of x Let ¥ be the eovresponding tangential stress in the direction of y. Fy Let hy and: 4, be tho cobfficients of = clasticity with rempect to there tworkinds 4 x. of tmgontial stress; then, ifthe mediam in wt rest, 4 a y_, dy, Keg Youg : Now let us supposp vortices in the medium whose velocities ae roprerented ws usual by the syinbole a, 2, and lt ue nap pote that the value of « is increasing at the rate * ‘on account, of the action of the tangential stremes alone, there being no electromotive force in the feld. ‘The angular momentum it the stratum whose aren is unity, and thickness ds, is therefore in. eating at tho nite gt wr des and if the pat ofthe force Y which produces this effect is Y, thon the moment of Y’ is —Y'de, that Yes 1 ta, otha ae ‘Tho complete value of ¥ when tho vortices are in a state of > Phil. Mag, April 1861. 92. Prof. Maxwell on the Theory of Molecular Vortices varied motion ia Sinilanly, 1d Xai 4 ‘Tho whole force acting upon w atratien whose thickness and seon unity, ie dein th diration of ey and fe resin of ‘Tho man of the wate np 9 that we ase fs the equitions of motion, pt ah ty oh 8 eae = that ene a an) oy Naty 21 . 0a ae Nae ner Now the change of velocity 4 and 2 aro produced by the motion of the medium containing the forces, which dntorts and byists every clement of its mesa; s0 thet we must refer to Prop. K+ to determine these quantities in terms of the motion. We ad shee at eqetion (68), tena http berry, Be. + + (68). Since 8x and Sy are functions of z and ¢ only, we may write this equation von 2 ae Yok, . “6 ae I ee (45) io ds ai de_, Be. ane sod in like manner, ves (147 y, dzdt so that if we now pat y=atp, y= Op, and zt y= 2, womey smrite the equations of motion Be dic, dy ante asa wy _ ade eee (148) aa aa ‘These equations may be sotisfed by the values C08. tee—me toh sin(at—me-ta)f °° * © Phil, Mag, May 1861. + (149) applied to the Action of Magnetiem on Polarized Light. 9% provided (amt A=ntactB, and (nt mtit) Bema. Malsiplying the last two equations together, we find (re mtat}(n?—miit)=mente’, 2. 5 (151) tn equation quadratic with respect to m?, the selation of which is * nk ORE Veer (M158) * These values of m* being put in the equations (150) will each, ive o ratio of A and B, Ades Vai ate B 2 * which heing substituted in equations (149), will satiafy the orie ginal equations (148). ‘The most general undulation of such @ ilium is therefore compounded of twa elliptic undulations of diferent eecentricties travelling with different velocities and ro- tsting in opposite directions, ‘The results may be more easily explained in the ease in which a=; then t= ant 7B. nts aerage and Bo. . (183) Let vs suppose thet the value of A is unity for both vibrations, then we sliall have oo (w= tone (150) ne nt te +e re) ass) : ns ‘a(t 78) ‘The first terms of x and y represent a circular vibration in the negative lireetion, and the second term a circular vibration in the positive ditection, the positive having the greatest velocity of propagation. Combining the terms, we may write exdeo(at-) eats} . © (158) 1222 cos (nf —j ry where y (nt—pa) sin ga, P= aaa i Rv att wd! * * +. (156) TOT tnt at ba These are the equations of an undulation consisting of a plane D4. On the Action of Magnetism on Potarited Light vibration whose periodic time is 2, and ware-length ory, propagated in the'ditection of 2 with a velocity ™ =v, while the plane ofthe viation revolves sbout the axis of sin the postive direction eo'ns to complete a revolution when 2= %. Now Jot us suppose e* small, then we may write . n ate petundya bei ss + + (157) js ait and remembering that t= 37 yy, we find eee « (158) Hore 7 is tho radius of the vortices, an unknown quantity. ein the density of the laminiferous medium in the body, which fa also unknown j but if we adopt the theory of Fresnel, sud make « the density in rpace devoid of gross matter, then pat ee + (159) ‘here i is the index of refraction. - On the theory of MacCullach and Neumann, pee. ee ew (160) in all bodica. joi the coefficient of magnetic induction, which is unity in 6 of in air. mH Ike velonity uf the votives at their cieumnfeence esti mated in the ordinary units. Its value is unknown, but itis onal to the intensity of the magnetic force. he tho magnet intensity ofthe fel, mearned a ‘the ease of terrestria} magnetiam, then the intrinsic enerzy in ir per unit of volume is 1 eae where 6 is the density of the magnetic medium in air, which we have reason to believe the came as that of the luminiferous medium, We therefore put vee + (181) >. is the wave-length of the undulation in the substance. Now igth for the same ray in air, and é the index On the Composition, Structure, and Formation of Beekite, 93 of refenetion of that ray in the body, ae es thee) Also v, the velocity of light in the substance, is related to V, the velocity of light in air, by the equation wep ee (163) Hence if = be the thickness of the substance through which the ray passes, the.anglo through which the plane of polarization. ‘rls torned wil he in deste, wee (168) or, by shat we'have now ealeulated, 1 o=90° see (165) Oe 68) In this expression all the quantities are known hy experiment except, the radius of the vortiecs in the body, ands, the density of the luminiferous medium in air, The experiments of M. Verdet* supply all thpt is wanted vos the determination of Z in absolute measure; and this ‘would ulso be known for all his experiments, if the value of the

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