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A diet based on blood groups A,B, AB and O.

A diet of the blood group is the type a diet based on the blood the prep diet and keeping our
diet to stay awake .
Alasan :
A diet based on the blood not torment because we can eat three times a day and eat an
A diet based on blood groups not resort because it can be done gradually
A diet based on the blood was served a menu that easily made the daily and easily obtained
A diet of the blood may be divided into three groups . The main food that is classified as very
good , neutral , and that must be avoided .
Food who could be classified as very well is a healer kinds of food . Neutral food is the type
of foods that are not has a lot of influence if consumed . Food who is avoided constitute the
food of one that was injurious
A blood group recommended to multiply consuming vegetables instead of meat
Blood type b advised to consume fish the sea , milk , and yogurt . And that avoided do not
consume processed aging chickens and ducks
The blood group ab advocated consume milk goats and tuna fish and avoid consuming duck
eggs , crab , bananas and fruit soda .
lood type o advisable consume green vegetables and food with animal protein high example
sea food Avoid consuming eggplant , potatoes , and fungi because containing many laktin.
so a diet based on blood type a, b, ab and o is keeping our diet better and avoid foods that are
harmful to the body. In addition to consuming foods that I described earlier by exercising

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