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Assignment 1 :

Q 1 ) Write short notes on :

1) OpenGL
2) Half toning and dithering techniques
3) Explain the following 3D representation methods :

Sweep representation

Q 2 ) Explain Gouraud and Phong Shading alongwith their advantages and

Q 3 ) Define Koch curve and explain its construction
Q 4 ) Explain parallel and perspective projection and derive matrix for perspective
Q 5 ) Explain the steps used in rotation of 3D object about an arbitrary axis and
derive the matrices for the same

Assignment 2 :
Q 1 ) Explain Bresenhams line drawing algorithm . Plot a line using Bresenhams line
drawing algorithm from (1,1) to (5,3)
Q 2 ) Specify mid point circle algorithm . Using the same plot circle whose radius is
10 units
Q 3 ) Derive matrix for 2D rotation about arbitrary point
Q 4 ) Write notes on :
i) Depth buffer algorithm

ii) Shading algorithm

iii) Warnocks algorithm iv)

v) Back face removal

Q 5 ) What is meant by Bezier curve. State its properties and explain how Bezier
surface can be generated from Bezier curve .

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