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Boundary Element Methods for Engineers:

Part I: Potential Problems


Boundary Element Analysis of Potential Problems

Constant Boundary Elements

Figure 2.4 Constant element discretisation of a two-dimensional solution domain boundary

A constant boundary element for a two-dimensional problem takes the form of a straight line representing
a piece of the boundary of the solution domain. The potential and potential gradient are assumed not
to vary along an element, their constant values being assigned to the central nodal point of the element.
Figure 2.4 shows a typical arrangement of constant elements on a boundary. Since the number of nodes
is equal to the number of elements it is convenient to number both nodes and elements in the same
sequence, taken from an arbitrary starting point and keeping the domain to the left of the direction of
numbering. Element number m forming piece Sm of the boundary therefore contains node number j,
where j = m. Equation 2.29 becomes

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