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Reported Bugs

1 - Add Allowance>>change to date and then opens from date pop-up>>It should
select current date in "from date" pop-up by default
2 - Add Allowance screen>>User taps on back button from screen to screen then
app crashes
3 - Welcome screen text should be change to "Login to your account"
4 - Add allowance>>Date picker text should be "start date" and "end date"
5 - When user signing in to the app then notification status bar should not be hidden
6 - Budget Screen>>"Master Budget" should be change to "Monthly Budget"
7 - Add allowance screen>> Master Budget" should be change to "Monthly Budget"
8 - Add allowance screen>>When user taps on "+" icon then it should redirects user
to "Add allowance" screen as in iphone
9 - "Master Budget" should be change to "Monthly Budget" in all over the app
10 - When user add expense then alerts should be shown as in iphone at Home
11 - Add Expense>>"Take picture from camera or gallery" option is missing
12 - Home screen>> User taps on "Alerts" tap then "View all" button then it should
redirects user to "Alert" screen as in iphone
13 - Add allowance>>There should be numbers on slider as in iphone
14 - Make budget and set price to "0 $" then on "Home screen" select that budget
from header drop down>>App crashes
15 - Remove app from cell>>Again installing the app>>User login to the app from
previous id then previous information of user should not be removed i.e. it
maintains the session of registered user
16 - Home screen>>"Add Quick Expense" text is missing on camera option
17 - When user get quick response image from camera then image should be
18 - Snap money control screen"Home screen">>User taps on "Last Week" tab and
selects budget from top dropdown then it should change the tab to "This week" as
in iphone

19 - General Settings>>About Screen title should be change to "About" instead of

"About Settings"
20 - "About">>"Term of use" should be change to "Terms of use"
21 - Settings>>"Account Setting" should be change to "Account Settings"
22 - Settings>>"Categories" should be change as in iphone
23 - Snap money control screen"Home screen">>"Setting" should be change to

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