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Elena and Stefan

The relationship between Elena Gilbert and Stefan Salvatore

has been romantic yet complicated due to the fact that Stefan is
a vampire and the fact that his older brother is also in love with
Elena. This couple is referred to as "Stelena" by fans.
Early History

Put the verbs from the brackets into


While visiting his nephew, Stefan _________ (hear) a car crash near Wickery Bridge and __ ____
( see) a car submerged in the water. He _________(dive) in after it and ____ (be) able to get to
the car. A man _____ (is) still conscious and __________ (tell) him to help his daughter who ____
(is) unconscious. Stefan __________ (do) as he ______ (ask) and _______________ (take) her
to the surface. When he _________(see) her face he _____ (be) shocked to see she __________
(resemble) an old flame of his, Katherine Pierce. He________(go) back to the car but ______(be)
too late to save her parents. Due to his curiosity about Elena,
Stefan ___________ (remain) in Mystic Falls and
___________(keep) an eye on her from a distance. When
school ___________ (start), he ____________ (decide) to
become a student to get to know her better.
Season One the beginnging
After the death of her parents, Elena Gilbert ______________ (promise) herself that she would be
fine on the first day of school. She __________(be) with her best friend Bonnie Bennett when she
__________ (see) a new guy register to be a student. She ___________(see) her brother
__________(be) high on drugs and __________ (scold) him in the men's room. As she
_________ (exit), she accidentally __________ (bump) into the new guy, Stefan Salvatore and
____________ (leave) awkwardly afterwards. At the Mystic Falls Cemetery, Elena ________(be)
spooked by a sudden fog and a crow. She _________(hurry) away and _____ (get) herself
injured. She ___________(run) into Stefan again; Stefan __________ (tell) her he was visiting
some of his deceased family. After seeing the blood from her injury, Stefan mysteriously
________________(disappear), but he __________(come) back the following evening to return
Elena's journal which she had forgotten at the cemetery. She___________( invite) him to come
join her at the Mystic Grill with her friends Bonnie, Caroline Forbes and Matt Donovan. Caroline

______________(invite) him to a Back to school party which Stefan __________(accept), seeing

as Elena was going as well.

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