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If a Japanese person says they can complete the job, it is best to

take them on face value. in Japan, if business doesnt go according to plan,
it becomes the problem of the individual undertaking the task. Whats more,
the Japanese deliver a service that goes far beyond what was originally
requested, leaving many customers very satisfied. The fact they carry out the
job with consistency means they are easy to work with.
2. From a Japanese perspective, the customer is God. , in Japan customer
service is paramount, which also has the benefit of keeping the customer
happy and maintaining healthy mutual relations.
3. For the Japanese, the company conference room is not a place for
discussion but rather somewhere to report progress. This is all part of
Japans product efficiency and when you think about it, contacting the parties
involved and reaching a decision before the meeting can actually have the
benefit of making everything go more smoothly in the meeting room
itself.On a negative note, he commented that due to the nature of the
Japanese meeting room, even when asked their opinion, few people ever feel
inclined to respond honestly.
4. A delay in reaching a decision is a not a reflection of a Japanese
persons inefficiency.
5. Alcohol allows many Japanese to reveal their true thoughts;
however drinking with business colleagues is also regarded as work.

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