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We are a students Autonomous University of Hidalgo State, in escuela

Superior Actopan, we are in the academic program of law on sixth semester.

We will comment about: The new criminal justice system


First, the enactment of the reform of the criminal justice system and public
security in Mexico, 2008, the country began an intense process of transition
from a written inquisitorial system to one oral and adversarial.
Therefore, the first step in the new criminal justice system is called
"investigation phase" and is intended to establish that there has been a fact
that the law qualifies as a crime and there is someone who committed it.
In addition, the investigative bodies are responsible for checking the
existence of the fact and realize who seek to initiate the criminal
proceedings as such.
Second, another stage is called "intermediate stage", which is intended
offering and admission of evidence.
However, this stage consists in two phases, one written and oral.
Therefore, the phase written procedure starts with the indictment which is
formulated by the public prosecutor; and the second phase will begin with
the celebration of the intermediate audience and culminates with the judicial
decree opening.
Finally, the judgment is the decision stage of the process by decision issues.
In includes from the judicial decree opening judgment oral is received until
the sentence of the trial court.
Moreover judge control should listen to the victim or offended as well as
accused and evaluate evidence to can dictate sentence that determine
innocence or guilt of the accused.
As a result, the judge issued the ruling and in case of damning the audience
for the individualization of penalties is set.
In conclusion, the main objective of the new system of criminal justice it is
that a process carried out with respect for human rights and individual rights
of all involved, under the principles of publicity, contradiction, concentration,
continuity and immediacy.

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